Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Seth Vaughn Late On Expense Report

As of 3 pm yesterday, election officials were waiting for NorCo Council member Seth Vaughn's annual expense report. He's late, and there will be a small fine. Glenn Geissinger filed his report one day late, too.


  1. If frank Flissar were still there he would have made sure that those reports were filed on time. He always babysat the Council people to keep them out of trouble. Cmon back Frank. We miss you already.

  2. Why is that the responsibility of the clerk of council? Seth is a big boy who should know when to file his freaking expense reports. He acts like a petulant boob on council, so this is no surprise.

  3. Frank Flissar would have never told any councilperson when to do anything campaign related. He know that would be illegal. That is why he stayed around for as long as he did, because he is intelligent!

  4. He is a hack, without regard for the law. Did he ever man up and marry his girlfriend, who is mother to his several kids?

  5. I wasn't invited to the wedding if he did

  6. They are teabaggers, so the rule of law does not apply to them.

  7. and he raised you taxes by 10%. He ran on a platform of the democrats are tax and spend liberals, what does this make him?

  8. Was talking to a Norco Republican the other day, she is very right wing tea party type. I asked her about the 10% tax increase. She told me that since they did it was the right thing to do and if Democrats were in there it would have been twice as much. I stated that their own darling, Phillips wanted 20% and she said that was a liberal lie.

    So this is what you are dealing with these people. They live on bumper sticker slogans and whatever crap they hear on their am radios and Fox. No point in even talking since they are brain dead outside of their own echo chamber.


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