Local Government TV

Friday, February 13, 2015

NorCo DA Morgnelli: Wolf Has No Power to Suspend Death Penalty

Governor Tom Wolf's moratorium on the death penalty has provoked this reaction from Northampton County DA John Morganelli:

The news that Governor Wolf has issued a reprieve for a killer that even the Governor acknowledges is guilty of first degree, premeditated murder is very disappointing. More disappointing, however, is the fact that Governor refused to meet with the district attorneys association or even respond to a letter that was sent to him by PDAA [Pa. District Attorneys Association] that debunks the data he has relied on in coming to his position.

Governors are charged with the duty of enforcing the laws of the state, not with acting as a super legislature or a court in declaring them null and void. In 1994, I successfully sued then Governor Robert Casey to enforce Pennsylvania's Death Penalty. It is likely that there will soon be litigation again against Governor Wolf. Although a governor does have the power to issue individual reprieves for individual death row inmates for a temporary time and for a specific purpose, he does not have the power to use this right to usurp the power of the courts and legislature in determining whether Pennsylvania is or is not a death penalty state and in assuring that the process is fair.

According to The Patriot News, 186 inmates are on death row in Pennsylvania.


  1. Wolf gettin' his preezy Executive Order on.


  2. The guy with the most money makes the rules. Wolf has the most money. He bought the office. He makes the rules. John can argue semantics to his heart's content. But Wolf won't sign any warrants and the death penalty is effectively suspended in PA. That's the power of one guy who's rich enough to buy the office. He gets to negate the opinions of a huge majority of struggling serfs. It's called Progress. Rich dudes know better what's best for all.

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  6. The aboive comments, posted by Mezzacappa under one of her many pseudonyms, is unwelcome her. She can rant all she wants on her own blog.

  7. His order simply states he will wait until the committee that has been examining the death penalty for FOUR YEARS issues its report, and the recommendations are implemented. John's making a political statement here.

    The guy that is being granted a temporary reprieve has been sitting around for almost 30 years. What is another half year? We last executed someone in 1999 - what't the rush now?

  8. "the death penalty is effectively suspended in PA"

    The death penalty HAS been effectively suspended for years. Why have >180 people been sitting on death row, and no executions taking place? You can't blame that on Wolf.

    Here is a thought - if the average person sits on death row for 20 years before meeting their maker, why not save a LOT of money, do away with the death penalty, and just put eligible people in prison for life? It would be much simpler to get a conviction, and all the extra expense involved would be eliminated.

    It is more expensive to invoke the death penalty, and it isn't a deterrent. If you want to see an example of someone not deterred by penalties or consequences, look no further than Mezzacrappa.

  9. Can't we send our murderers to Delaware, where Wolf incorporated his business? We might as well get something for the corporate taxes he refuses to pay to his home state.

    The governor didn't even meet with the DA's association? That's because they'd have blasted him and Wolf's a chicken shit. It's time for Morganelli to switch parties. He wouldn't be leaving the Democrats. They've already left him.

  10. Morgnelli never has sounded like a member of the Democratic Party to me.

  11. What is it about politicians these days? You hand someone the reins of power, and immediately they circumvent the checks and balances process.

  12. What a pussy! Hang em, shoot em or OD'em just fuckin get it over with and save us taxpayers the expense of a worthless life.

  13. Wolf should show some balls and hold a photo op with Corporal Dickson's son. What a disgrace. Morganelli for the Republican nomination for governor in 2018. Do it John.

  14. Yawn< another press release. Maybe tomorrow he will have a Press Conference on the crime rate on Venus. The guy is amazing.

  15. Besides that Bernie, When I had my hernia fixed at Easton Hospital, I went under this stuff they gave me, ,I awoke with no hangover ,I felt great,after going to sleep in 3 min's it was no problem ,staff and Dr.Bloch were wonderful. NOW I gatta think that too much of that stuff is NOT CRUEL to a condemned man!! Personally-- I would have firing squads,comprised of new shooters--get it. You will disagree but if we have three guys that always agree --we don't need the other two.

  16. Anon 7;03 Grow up ? This issue is about the dissemination of drugs to a Death Row convict. How do we do this ? Well the state has people locked up on death row -they costs a fortune.HORSESHIT 7;03 you are most likely a lib. When some asshole breaks into your living space at 0300 Hrs one day you will shit a brick. Me - my dog stays real hungry .GROW-UP you say! You have not a clue.

  17. Sorry John :( Unfortunately for you, the Governor does have some wide ranging discretion and is exercising the same. The people voted in Wolf knowing his position on the Death Penalty. Hoping the DA does not spend County taxpayer money fighting the Governor.

  18. I don't share John's philosophy pn the death penalty, but the last time he fought a Governor on this issue, he won.

  19. They're worried about the lethal injection being cruel....They need to carry out executions mob style. The second the guy turns his head, put one behind his ear. He will never know what hit him, and he'll be dead before he hits the floor.

  20. @11:50 I feel like that was supposed to be funny but I actually agree.

    Our methods of execution are meant to spare the viewers the pain, not the executed.

  21. "but the last time he fought a Governor on this issue, he won."

    Oh really, who was put to death?

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  23. Anon 5'16 You have serious personal issues that my need counseling. I don't say these thing-ever. You can't use your name because.....yet you print mine with your hatred nonsense.

  24. Peter Cochran,

    Two things...

    1) never give a troll the attention they want..

    2) do you speak ANY English at all?

  25. Well a study that takes four years... if nothing else, maybe the Governor's action will put a little fire in the belly to finish it??

    Personally, I have no problem with the death penalty, per se, but agree with 3:10. In the modern era it serves no deterrent factor (decades after the fact and out of public sight), and is solely a societal belief some deserve to die for their actions. Regardless if they deserve it, only 3 executions in PA since 1976, yet 186 on death row. Those 186 would still be where they are without the death penalty, but the tax payers would not be paying for both sides (Pros and Def) for decades upon decades of legal maneuverings. Do away with it. Save us some money. Let God enact final punishment (or mercy).

    PS, Bernie I'll assume you haven't been on yet to allow 5:16's comment to stand.

  26. You assumed correctly. Wow!

    Peter, I know that Mezzacappa and another troll, Henry Schaadt, hate your guts. Mezzacappa has impersonated others before. These folks are trying yo silence you by impersonating you so that only their voices are heard. They are bullies.

  27. The death penalty needn't be argued on the grounds it's a deterrent. A negative can't be proven and who's able to compile figures on all those who thought about murder and didn't follow through.

    The death penalty is justified on the basis of justice, period. Justice for the depravity of the crime, and to state, as a society, that the ultimate respect for innocent life in this country is demonstrated by making those who take innocent life pay with their own.

  28. "Our methods of execution are meant to spare the viewers the pain, not the executed.

    11:53 PM"

    Exactly. You want deterrent? Rack 'em in the public square and stretch 'em till they pulls apart, then cut off the head and mount it on display on a Free Bridge spire.

    The most cruel and unusual punishment is one meted out to an undeserving, innocent victim. Dispensed by one who should be field dressed in a state of full consciousness.

    And, yet, the robed ones piss themselves and piss on those whose lives have been destroyed, over a few palpitations and gasps.



  29. I have would have no remorse ,to be the faceless executioner of a felon that killed or raped a child or both. These guys are on death row. Someone breaks into your home and gets one one of your kids-- I would make crow meat of that person . 'I sleep with Kevlar on and have two guns in bed' --he say's -not true my wife does.

  30. Bernie -but Billie Me! Come get me ,I say,they an nematodes of human existence, never excelled ,never stood up for anything worth standing up for. I discount them.

  31. "Look at me, look at me. I'm John Morganelli!!! Please keep showing me!!! My tiny ego needs the boost!"

  32. I understand that Morganelli has haters, most of whom are behind bars or will be soon.

  33. "they an nematodes of human existence"

    Peter, what the Hell is a nematode??

  34. I agree with Clem here. Do a public execution that will serve as a deterant for any future murders. Do it on Sundays at high noon in the town center. That is justice and a deterant. Enough with the Mickey Mouse BS that America had become.

  35. "Peter, what the Hell is a nematode??"

    Look in a mirror.

  36. "I agree with Clem here. Do a public execution that will serve as a deterant for any future murders. Do it on Sundays at high noon in the town center. That is justice and a deterant. Enough with the Mickey Mouse BS that America had become."

    It isn't a deterrent [sic]. All performing public executions will do is hasten the end of capital punishment, because killing people ain't pretty.

  37. Bernie, a nematode is a worm ,not any worm, but a flat worm. We would call our inmates that in the Red Line Brig I worked under in the Marine Corps.Henry the river rate is one of those turds for example. Unable to deal with real life and always subsidizes by some other other life to exist.

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  38. When you think about it, back in the days of our founding fathers, being in a stockade was not considered "cruel and unusual punishment". Being shot by a firing squad or being hung publicly was not cruel or unusual punishment. Only these modern day bleeding hearts think the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.

  39. "It isn't a deterrent [sic].

    3:34 PM"

    noun: deterrent; plural noun: deterrents

    a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.



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