Local Government TV

Friday, February 13, 2015

Morganelli Slams Pa. Bar Over Judge Ratings

If you ask him, Northampton County DA John Morganelli will tell you that he considers the Pa.Bar Ass'n nothing more than another self-serving special interest. But rather than embracing issues that affect all attorneys, like sales tax on client fees or the unauthorized practice of law by many realtors and "consultants", the Bar injects itself into social issues like the death penalty It divides attorneys instead of uniting them. He's particularly incensed that the same barthat gave disgraced criminal Joan Orie melvin its "highly recommended" rating, would turn up its nose at another judge, Ann Covey, who actually ran a hard-hitting campaign when she captured a seat on the Commonwealth Court.

You see, the Philly and Pittsburgh lawyers would like to take you out of the picture and decide these matters themselves. If you let them do that, it won't be long before they decide on merit selection for other offices as well.

It's called democracy. You either believe in it or you don't. Here's John's piece.


  1. He should be thankful they don't rate DAs, especially ones who constantly work in areas outside their job description.

    1. Hey asshole, he also has moral and ethics which make him a humanist¿ That being part of his DA job discription to also a inner authority and that is not for filling his pockets from indijentcy and ill gotten gains dispersed amoungt freinds¿

      Sorry Bernie

      patent pending

  2. and who will never, ever be AG - just the puppet master in bethlum

  3. This is John ending his pursuit of statewide office.

  4. Would someone please step up and run against this guy?

  5. O K 8:26 What did he say that wasn't true?

  6. Four snotty comments, probably from the same person, none of which address the substance of MorgaNELLI'S OP-ED. But a lot of people do hat Morganelli, They are the following:

    1) Criminals like Mezzacappa, who hate the fact that he charged them.

    2) Bullies like Mezzacappa, who hate the fact that he won't be pushed around.

    3) Partisan Rs like Mezzacappa, who detest the fact that Morganelli has a stranglehold on that office.

    4) Snobbish PBA-types, whose idea of democracy would prevent you from making an important decision on a judge race so thay can screw it up by declaring Joan Orie Melvin highly recommended.

    The rest of us like Morganelli pretty much.

  7. My comment was about John ending his statewide aspirations. I'm not Mezzacrazy or Henry Schitt. My comment wasn't meant to be snotty. I'm a non-lawyer R who's voted for John in each election. I just think it's a bridge burning move from a statewide political perspective and I like it a lot.

    John is a much more powerful pol across party lines when he's not groveling to touch the hem of his party's Philly and Pittsburgh self-appointed elites. I think the PA Bar is anti-Lehigh Valley. They didn't care much for Leeson, despite his being well respected around here. In fact, they treated him rather shabbily.

  8. Why did Henry cross the road?

    Because he Shadt on the other side!

  9. Didn't the bar association conspire to make it so that Mezzacrazy couldn't find a lawyer during a snowstorm that shut down the Lehigh Valley? Something like that.

  10. I broke bread with Morganelli once and got some insight into his thinking and views. I was very impressed.

    Too bad he isn't fat, or bald, etc. Mezz could make a degrading comment to bolster her so-called "argument".

  11. bo just doesn't like to hear the truth about his man crushes. he thinks every negative comes from tm - talk about obsession

  12. No one is better at seeing fellow self-serving people than, John "Look at me press, look at me" Narcissist Morganelli.

    What is his PAC funding this week? Speaking of "special interest groups".

    People in glass houses.....

  13. Yeah, there are people who don't like Morganelli. They're mostly behind bars.

  14. The bar association rankings are careful, unbiased, and nonpartisan. Unfortunately, Mr. Morganelli is none of these. He should spend more time doing his job prosecuting crime.

  15. Morganelli's point went right by you. It's that the Bar is sloppy, biased and has an agenda. if it did such a good job, Joan Orie Melvin would not have been highly recommended. The Pa. bar plays favorites among big firms in bib cities that can afford to pay $800,000 referral fees to the wife of a justice. And Morganelli already spends a considerable amount of time prosecuting criminals. I believe he's prosecuting you.

  16. Bernie,
    Just redd the article Realators are not supposed to practice law, say it ain't so in lehighcounty?

    patent pending

  17. Bernie is a power groupie. He wants a bromance with every man elected to a position of power. 50 Shades of O'Hare.


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