Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mezzacappa Released on $5000 Unsecured Bail

As most of you know, a number of trolls infest this blog, especially on weekends. One of them is West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa, against whom I have a defamation judgment now valued at neartly $71,000.

Mezzaccappa is currently facing criminal charges in connection with that defamation matter. She hid her car after a Sheriff's levy, and is still keeping it under wraps somewhere. At a bail hearing on Friday, District Judge Richard Yetter released her on $5,000 unsecured bail. One of the conditions is that she refrain from all contact, direct or indirect, with me.

That includes comments on this blog of any kind, anonymous or not.

I doubt very much she will honor this Order.


  1. Is this announcement part of the grand kickoff of her candidacy for West Easton Council?

    Seems like bad timing, but hey, if you've got a "big personality," go balls to the wall. Good luck Tricia! We're pulling for you, and your lengthy rap sheet should serve you well as the campaign proceeds. Including a copy with handouts of your bio will help inform voters.

  2. Wow, an indirect PFA...something this woman has been asking for from the courts....

    look like she got her wish....she should drag this case out as long as she can...

    the bail condition expires when the case is closed.

    Look like Ohare wont be in any courtrooms in the near future

  3. This pathetic woman has broken the law, and should be put in jail.
    The last person citizens need to represent them is a brazen criminal like this. It's hard to believe she defamed you with horrible lies, and now refuses to pay the judgment damages you were awarded.

  4. Looks like she hasn't paid you a dime of that "judgement" won in Koury's Kangaroo court, how much do you owe the lilliputian esquire from Whitehall?

    Can't keep her or Gregory out of your putrid cesspool for more than a week, must be awful sitting in a 10x10 stewing in your own juices waiting and covering "news" for no compensation.

  5. @12:34 You sound like Mezzacrazy. Who else would know your bail conditions?

    Drag the case out? Why do that? Pay your bill. What will voters think about a candidate with an outstanding criminal charge against her? Deadbeat! Then when they look further - defamation, harassment, disorderly conduct. Death wishes. A full house of a losing hand. Looks like 2015 is the year that it "all comes together" for you. LOL

  6. 12:34 she was given no indirect PFA. She's been ordered to refrain from all contact with me, direct or indirect. That means no comments on this blog, a term of bail she will violate anonymously. I have every right to attend any court proceeding involving her. They are public and she has no right to bar me or anyone from them. Also, I certsinly have a right to be present at all court proceedings in which I am the victim. It amazes me how she twists things and turns them on their head.

  7. As predicted, Mezzacappa is already violating her bail conditions.

  8. Wow, Tricia is violating the judge's order right and left tonight. 12:34 and 12:42 are obviously her. Can't stand anything negative about you, can you?

    Continuing to taunt Bernie, after you were found guilty of defaming him? Only an obsessed narcissist would do that. Keep digging your own grave.

    You have totally lost the tenuous grip you had on reality. You don't have a "PFA" against Bernie. He can show up in any court proceeding. Did they beat your head instead of your ass when you popped out?

    Have a couple of servings of bacon and some yummy vegan cocoa - it's a bitter cold night, and you're a bitter cold woman. Go back to your barren site and talk with yourself. Nobody here is interested in your idiocy.

  9. Bernie, in all seriousness, how do you even police her on your blog? I mean not every crazy post may be hers, so it sounds difficult. Isn't that next to impossible.

  10. Go to a 9-12 project meeting at the chrin center and see the support TM has from real conservatives, they love her and will support her despite the foaming at the mouth band of pillow biting libtards in the poison posse

  11. go away mezzacrappy.

  12. Yeah, the 9-12 morons who are busy winning the 2016 elections by questioning just how much Barack Obama "loves" America and whether he is actually a Christian. Go crazy, tea partiers!

  13. No serious conservative takes Mezzawingnut seriously. She's as bad for business as any poison pill. The Alinskyesque assigning of conservative poster girl status is like doing the same for Jim Gregory and the Democratic party that held a dangerous predator like him in high regard for many years.

  14. I doubt Mezzacappa has much of a following anywhere. The GOP very publicly denounced her when she ran for County Council. Similarly, Gregory was kicked off the LV Labor Council. He did change his registration to Independent, although he may have switched back to D by now.

  15. Mezzacappa in 2015! I'll put your interests ahead of, err, my personal witch hunts! Promise!

    Check my record out - it's pretty fu#$(d up.

  16. Aside from the fact that she is barred from contacting you and posted in this thread, it is more than a little ironic that Mezzacappa comes here and poo-poos your living conditions and job.

    Here's a woman who is hiding out like Eric Frein did, with her car concealed in a bunker somewhere and hitching rides, and has publicly complained that she can't find a job. How can an experienced nurse not find a job these days? She may have to reduce her radius so she can walk to work, but still.

    Can you say raving hyp-o-crite? Classic symptoms of a narcissist, which she has researched meticulously. It's good to know yourself.

  17. And I don't know where she gets the idea I have no job. I search titles and do real estate research for various attorneys and title companies. i also write for the BP. I was at two meetings yesterday after several hours of searching. And this blog is an 8-hour job, although it's true this is more of a public service (some may say disservice) and I receive no money for it.

  18. "Bernie, in all seriousness, how do you even police her on your blog? I mean not every crazy post may be hers, so it sounds difficult. Isn't that next to impossible. "

    I don't make a practice of checking my statcounter to see who is leaving comments bc it is too difficult on weekdays. Sometimes I try. Not every crazy post is hers. She uses certain words and makes certain speling errors that give her away. But she also gets help from the Blog Mentor and Henry Schaadt. So not every comment attributed to her is always her.

  19. "And I don't know where she gets the idea I have no job. I search titles and do real estate research for various attorneys and title companies. i also write for the BP. I was at two meetings yesterday after several hours of searching. And this blog is an 8-hour job, although it's true this is more of a public service (some may say disservice) and I receive no money for it."

    True. I left that comment and said "job", because I know you have a job. And you work your butt off doing unpaid work as well, so we are informed.

    Nobody know where 9/10 of the stuff she says comes from. She was ordered not to contact you, which in her mind is "I got a PFA". She loses a court decision, in her mind becomes "I won again". Black in her mind becomes white.

    Facts in, garbage out.

  20. Mezzacappa get's a bad rap in the press mainly because she's too smart for her own good if she ever wants to get her political career off the ground it would be wise to get a handler, someone to do some damage control and guide her in a new direction.

  21. DohBiden - the originalFebruary 24, 2015 at 2:33 PM

    The previous post is not mine. Mezzacappa is a dangerous lunatic with a longer face than Secretariat. I believe the bleach has gone through her routes into her brain. My dog is smarter and better behaved.

    Kind regards,

    The real DohBiden (although imitation is the sincerest form of flattery)

  22. DohBiden, She has impersonated people under their real names. She did it to Matt Dees, and posted comments to her blog that were ostensibly made by him, indicating his support for her. When the real Matt Dees objected, she refused to take down the impersonation and instead called his employer and tried to get him fired. A criminal prosecution was authorized by the DA, and Dees put on an excellent case before Judge Yetter, but failed.

  23. "Mezzacappa get's a bad rap in the press mainly because she's too smart for her own good"

    What the f@#)! are you talking about? First, you are not DohBiden - that is obvious. Next, you are likely TM because of your horrendous butchering of the use of apostrophes. It is "gets" not "get's".

    Next, Mezzacappa gets a bad rap in the press because she has violated the law over and over. Period. End of story. What other "press" is there on her? She's a menace to society.

    Smart? Please, you are an illiterate lunatic.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Jersey Paul=Doug Camaro

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  27. @5:57PM Yes, it is a vendetta, against Bernie because he did a story in the course of his regular business, on Mezzacappa when she was running for WE council in 2011. Bernie found out some things he thought voters needed to know, and like usual he posted a blog:

    And now 3-1/2 years later, here she is, still obsessed with him and not satisfied with having defamed him in the interim.

    You may have known her before she went completely bumfuck nuts. Some of her writings from 4 years ago are actually pretty coherent and she had some decent insight into various affairs. But she has ruthlessly pursued Bernie to get back at him ever since this blog was posted. Woman scorned and all. She has also lost it with people in her own community and was found guilty of:

    Harrassment of West Easton employee Jill Garcia

    Disorderly conduct in threatening to drown West Easton council president Kelly Gross

    Defamation of Bernie O'Hare, including fabricating a vicious baseless lie he is a child molester

    In addition, she:
    Filed a PFA full of lies against Bernie, which was denied.

    Posted a pleasant vision she has of putting a hollow point bullet through the skull of someone the same description as Bernie.

    Has criminal charge against her for concealing assets. This pertains to willfully concealing a lawfully levied car with one of those "DO NOT MOVE UNDER PENALTY OF THE LAW" stickers on it. Oh, she also fraudulently transferred title of her house to her mother a day after a judgement was entered against her - dragging her mother into her web of self-destruction.

    Charming gal, eh? Vendetta? Yep - by her towards others. She has embarked on a self destructive campaign since you met her and is 6 feet under in the deep end.

    If you want distasteful, you've found it with her. Here is a thought - send her an email and ask for access to her website of hate. Then you can chat with her there all you want and get her side.

    Here is a tip - everyone is against her and is wrong, and she is right. The judges that ruled against her were all wrong. What does that tell you?

    We all find this tasteless as well - you are not alone. Good luck re-establishing ties with her. You can find her contact info plastered over all her legal filings.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. You are truly sad to hear about what she has done, YET

    You don't think people should be talking about her?

    You don't want to QUESTION the voracity of my statements? Google her name! You'll see all of it.

    She is a public figure. Ran for county council and town council, and is running for town council in 2015! Voters deserve to know what she has done. Who would want someone with this record of harassing local politicians, employees and reporters on town council?

    Now that the facade in your mind has been torn down and her ugliness has been exposed, I guess you'll be leaving us so no more untidy details need tarnish that historic image in your mind. And that is all it is. She needs serious mental help today.

    Why don't you want to contact her? Are you afraid of being battered by the truth?

  30. "battered by the truth" ... only the evil Blog Mentor speaks like that

    get a real life, please

  31. Mezz, I know you're reading this. Please open up the footprint to the public there are those who enjoy hearing from JGregory and whose only way of doing so is by viewing the letters he writes for you to publish.

    Don't let the haters stop you from achieving your goals in life most people on Bernies side of this matter are anon trolls, Gross, Garcia, Dees, or Bogusky but they all lack the courage to sign their names.

    Hector Villanova

  32. ""battered by the truth" ... only the evil Blog Mentor speaks like that get a real life, please"

    No, you are mistaken. I am not that obsessed moron. I don't know who came up with that misnomer - he couldn't be a mentor to a sand turtle. Check out her website - it's right at the top. Readers will be "battered by the truth." But she won't let you see her version of the truth anymore - she has it concealed. Hint - that's because SHE is being battered by truth. She has posted letters from one Jim Gregory that contain references to people who have PFAs against him. These letters are embarrassing for many other reasons to Mr. Gregory, in addition to providing evidence that will keep him in prison.

  33. @10:03PM Hector, pull your head out of your ass. 4 of the people on your hate list are victims of Mezzacappa's aggressive and abusive behavior. Gross was to be drowned, Garcia was harassed, Bernie was defamed and was to be shot in the head, and Dees had his privacy invaded.

    Let's keep it real - the truth. Not your mumbo jumbo about anons. That list of victims is real, and you shouldn't be rattling off to revictimize them. You sound like Mezzacappa - she's proud of what she has done.

    She's not supposed to be coming here. No direct or indirect contact with Bernie. If you pulled that shit on her, watch out, she'll report you to the internet police, claim you are stalking her or some random person on her site, and that you are breaking a law.

  34. Jersey Paul sounds like someone who could save this woman from impending disaster, but he isn't willing to even call her to check on her mental state, after hearing of the "terrible things she has done" - his words.

    Instead he's wasting valuable time whining about wrongs and rights and his opinion as a man.

    That's a friend indeed.

  35. Anon troll/stalker @10:54

    Your argument against Tricia does not take into account the reality that her reputation has been under siege not only from irresponsible bloggers but a coalition of malcontents who can't seem to give the woman a fair shake.

    Has she made mistakes, absolutely but cretins like Bernie heap on the humiliation looking to kick someone who appears to be down drawing vermin like yourself into the mix like flies to scat.

    Hector Villanova

  36. The above commenter is not Hector Villanova, but Henry Schaadt. He is one of the trolls who teamed up with Mezzacappa, but is too much of a coward to identify himself.

  37. Anon troll/stalker @10:54

    Your argument against Tricia does not take into account the reality that her reputation has been under siege not only from irresponsible bloggers but a coalition of malcontents who can't seem to give the woman a fair shake.

    Has she made mistakes, absolutely but cretins like Bernie heap on the humiliation looking to kick someone who appears to be down drawing vermin like yourself into the mix like flies to scat.

    You're calling me "vermin" and you're calling Bernie a "cretin"? The only reason Bernie leaves your comment here, is to show you for the ignorant piece of shadt that you are.

    Tricia doesn't "appear to be down", ok? She's off her flipping rocker, and continuing to come here and taunt Bernie even though she is facing criminal charges she earned with a big smile on her face. MOLON LABE. If you don't like people standing up against her abuse and for what is right, that's your problem.

    If she would do the right thing, she could bring her troubles to a close and begin to repair the reputation THAT SHE RUINED HERSELF. You're so lost in your circular logic that you're urinating out your mouth and farting out your ears.

    Who is the stalker? You come to Bernie's site and sign someone else's name? If you cared about this woman you would try to find her some help - not sit around attempting to justify her actions using an assumed name. And attacking her victims at the same time! Have a great night, loser.

  38. Maybe this blog should require retina identification to satisfy the cynicism of it's ghoulish author, that way there will be no false comment attribution which incidentally is a tactic used masterfully by Golum and his army of trolls.

    @10:58 Yo soy Hector Villanova, quien es usted?

  39. Hey unlike cowards like mezzacappa and the Blog Mentor, I let real people comment here. I don't block everyone but "team members" in teams of one. I don't block the entire world from viewing my posts. The supposed free speech warriors are actually only interested in their own free speech, and try to shut everyone else down.

  40. "You're so lost in your circular logic that you're urinating out your mouth and farting out your ears"

    So you are the intelligent and rational posters that are allowed to comment. I guess the other 98% of the human race is excluded from this Mensa circle discussion.

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  42. I don't know who you are, but if you read what I have written, Mezzacappa has not been thrown in jail. She broke the law and is being prosecuted. She will go to jail unless she surrenders the vehicle I purchased. If you read what I wrote, her bail bond is unsecured.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Jersey paul thank you for the input, the poison posse needs to be held accountable for it's bullying

    Hector Villanova

  45. Old WEFP has a new look. How is it she can't see herself in those descriptions she provides of a narcissist? Describes her personality perfectly.

  46. Bernie, maybe this will help you in your struggle towards normalcy.


  47. This shit is funny as hell

  48. I don't care what you say. This woman and her goons were picking on all of the poison posse. I remember when they tried to invite me to join their little coffee klatch. When judgement time comes the Blog Mentor, The River, Mr. Shegda, Mezzy, Greggy, Mustached Rev, Gracedale Crew, and the rest of the goons were laying low for you Bernie and the rest of your friends.8

  49. Look, I get the point about running for public office, and the public's right to know.

    Sounds to me like Tricia unfortunately has developed some serious issues of her own as well.

    I am always polite and try to be very careful about what I put in writing, and what I say to people. I find this sort of public bashing of a person offensive, irresponsible, and it is very distasteful to me.

    Come on, you just had this woman thrown in jail, and she had to post a $5K bail bond to get out of a holding cell. Isn't that enough revenge for you?

    Then take your "Gee, I'm just a bystander who is offended by distasteful posts" attitude back to the hole you crawled from. How "untasteful" do you think it was for her to knowingly lie to the the community that Bernie is a "child molester"? Bernie reports on community and youth sporting events, and your malicious acquaintance puts that horrible lie in their heads that they can't trust him around them. That is about the worst defamation one can perpetrate. Yes, she has developed "serious issues". Duh. You get a cardboard star for your powers of observation. Gee I hope I'm not too impolite.

    Now you are alleging Bernie has a motive of "revenge". Ha, that's a damned good one - a real knee slapper. Bernie is only pursuing the damages awarded him after your "polite" and "intelligent" obsessed lunatic defamed him. She is so intelligent she defiantly broke the law by concealing assets. She laughs and says "I can afford to pay you but I am not going to." She is getting exactly what she deserves.

    Who told you she was tossed in jail? Or did you just assume that, or make it up? You're uninformed and shouldn't be commenting here, if all you came to do was cheerlead.

    For someone who doesn't want to get involved, but has spent a fair amount of time posting uninformed "observations," your motives are murky at best. You look a lot like a troll. Instead of continuing to post ignorant BS, do some research. Don't say "I don't want to know more, I just want to say how distasteful this is."

    Yeah, life is distasteful when someone attacks you mercilessly for 3-1/2 years just for reporting on her lack of suitability for public office. And then she thumbs her nose at the law and says "come and get me." Now they are doing exactly that. My, how untasteful!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Serious question here ... Is Yetter's courtroom a bigger one? I know that some of these local District Courts can be quite small and this story may spark some attendance at Mezz's hearing

  52. The courtroom is not very large, as I recall, but I doubt many will be there. The press won't come bc they are afraid of her and it is only a M2. Some of her victims in W Easton may attend. I will be there.

  53. How strange is that? Jersey Paul came and removed all of his "this woman has done bad things but I find this distasteful" posts.

    This is not the kind of support I would want if I were ever in need of help. Storm clouds appear, and he blows away in the wind. The truth appears to have been too much for him.

  54. I believe Jersey Paul was a real person, not a troll, who was just speaking about someone he knew casually many years ago.

  55. Who will be sitting behind Mezz during this proceeding, Dandy DePaul?


    Al Bernotas?


  56. I believe Jersey Paul is real as well. His Google+ page looks legit. Looks like he had his eyes opened to the truth, and it scared the heck out of him.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.