Local Government TV

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Mezzacappa Faces Criminal Charges For Hiding Assets

This all started on Halloween 2011. At that time, I published a hard-hitting story called Beware the Wicked Witch of Easton. At that time, a strange and little-known woman named Tricia Mezzacappa was running for West Easton Borough Council. I wanted to warn people what she's really like. She responded by unleashing a torrent of defamation, false claims and bogus PFAs in an attempt to discredit me. Nearly four years later, she's still doing it. Along the way, she has lost three races for elective office. Undaunted, she's running for borough council again. But now she's facing new criminal charges. That should throw a monkey wrench into her quest. It should prevent her from getting a License to Carry Firearms. It may even have an adverse impact on her nursing license.

As most of you know, I have a judgment against Mezzacappa now valued at more than $70,500. I have filed something called a writ of execution against her personal property, This is a court document that directs the Sheriff to levy on and sell items of personal property to satisfy what is owed. In some counties, the Sheriff will actually impound these items until the sale. In Northampton County, though, the Sheriff usually just prepares a list of items that can be sold and schedules a sale.

Pursuant to this writ, the Sheriff made several efforts to serve Mezzacappa. But she made that impossible. She refused to answer the door. When a Deputy confronted her in argument court one day, she was evasive and still refused to schedule an appointment. She even disappeared for a time, and hid her car.

Unfortunately for her, her car was spotted in early December. It was seen by a West Easton resident, after a snowstorm, sitting in an alleyway about a block from her home. Sheriffs were notified. They immediately levied on her car. In addition to posting the car, they also posted a notice of the levy at her house, and scheduled a sale of the car - 2008 black Toyota RAV-4 with about 43,000 miles - for January 23. The levy included a notice, warning Mezzacappa not to move the car without permission from the Sheriffs.

Mezzacappa disregarded this notice and immediately hid the car. This is a crime. It's called defrauding a secured creditor, and it's a misdemeanor of the second degree.

This means she could go to jail for as long as two years and be fined as much as $5,000.

I wrote to Mezzacappa, asking her to return the car immediately. "Keep lookin'", she responded.

On January 23, the sale was conducted, and I bought her car for $1. She did not appear. Sheriffs went out to get the RAV-4 at the location where it was originally levied. Of course, it was gone. That day, I received this anonymous comment on my blog: "Face facts, you will never see a penny of that judgement [sic]. The circle of corruption only hits lucky once a day. Take that word of advice and stop making such as ass out of yourself."

Mezzacappa was obviously taunting me. But she also was thumbing her nose at the courts. "[T]the incompetents can't even find a rav4," an anonymous comment on my blog stated.

Sheriffs reported to the District Attorney's Office that Mezzacappa was defying court process. District Attorney John Morganelli, who has previously authorized complaints filed by constables against people who move levied assets, assigned Detective Frank Jordan to conduct an investigation. Mezzacappa regularly ignores certified mail and notices from the sheriff's office, so she ignored Detective Jordan when he made repeated attempts to contact her.

Big mistake.

Yesterday, Detective Jordan charged Mezzacappa with defrauding a secured creditor. Though her taunting and complete lack of cooperation provide a basis for arresting her, Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter is playing it safe and issued a summons, along with a fingerprint order. 

This is just Mezzacappa's latest run-in with the law. In 2012, she was convicted of disorderly conduct after a West Easton Borough Hall tirade in which she twice threatened to "fucking drag [Council President Kelly Gross] to the river and drown her... ." The following year, she was convicted of harassing a hapless boro clerk who was so upset by the garbage spewed by Mezzacappa that she found employment elsewhere.  Mezzacappa's taunts of this clerk are still on her blog, to which I refuse to link.

In addition to her borough hall antics, she penned a disturbing letter to the editor in 2013 defending Rockne Newell, who is accused of shooting up a nearby Ross Township meeting that killed three people. Likening the "oppression" of him to what she strangely thinks is happening to her in West Easton, Mezzacappa writes, "I thank the Lord that I have had the patience to continue putting up with this tyranny."

In 2013, Mezzacappa posted this comment at Lehigh Valley Live three times.
Tricia Mezzacappa
Hi Jimp, I dont usually respond to anons, but here it goes.
Maybe I'M scared, but I dont think I'm paranoid, or a gun nut. See, law enforcement doesnt always work for insignificant nobody's like myself. They dont always serve and protect, either. When armagedon comes a runnin towards my house, I stand armed and ready. I picture armegedon about 5 ft 9 and balding, little eyeglasses on the tip of his nose, and enough fat flaps to insulate a bull. Deep breath, aim, shoot, and....one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hit the ground, kersplat....PERFECT
I happen to be 5'9", balding, do wear my glasses towards the tip of my rather substantial nose and have enough fat flaps to insulate several bulls, a few sea lions and the entire Becahi basketball team. Her account was suspended, but she continues to make outrageous attacks like that under numerous pseudonyms.

Interestingly, Mezzacappa herself claims that an Allentown psychiatrist who has read her blog entries has declared her "an immediate and imminent danger to society, and one that needs emergency mental health treatment." She claims I procured that opinion, although the first I heard about it is from her own entry.

I do consider Mezzacappa violent, dangerous and dishonest. But I believe that her criminal behavior is the result of mental illness. She might be an appropriate candidate for the Mental Health Court recently created in Northampton County. But I doubt she realizes she is her own worst enemy.

Having purchased Mezzacappa's car at a Sheriff's sale, my next step will be to obtain a title from PennDOT and then to report the vehicle stolen. Now we're talking felony. Seven years in the can. fines of up to $15,000.

I realize Mezzacappa would rather drive her car over a cliff than surrender it, but I intend to pursue every remedy available to ensure that she pays what she owes. If she'd rather go to jail than do the right thing, that's OK with me.


  1. This woman brought this on herself. She defamed you, laughing all the way. Then the fine was levied, and she transferred her house to her mother within a few days and laughed and said you'd never collect. You warned her several times here, when she came and taunted you, that she broke the law and put her mother in legal jeopardy. Then her car was levied, and you warned her several times in the past month when she posted here that she needed to surrender the car. She laughed in your face and taunted you.

    Read em and weep, sweetie. How one person can be so reckless and downright stupid is beyond me. "Look at me - I'm a fool!" And she thinks she is fit for public office. She is not.

    She'll probably keep laughing at you when you go after the house. Sounds like she is in possession of your car, if you bought it. Did you give her permission to take it?

  2. I'll give you $500 for the car when you take ownership.

  3. HOLY SHIT!!!! She is fucked!!!!

  4. lay off the vodka ohare, overconfident as usual

  5. vodka is no good for the soul

  6. shocker...ohare gets the story 99% wrong, with outright lies again

  7. "lay off the vodka ohare, overconfident as usual"

    You are clearly the one who needs to lay off the vodka. That Molon Labe nonsense isn't all it's cracked up to be in real life. Being a self-perceived martyr isn't either.

  8. "I'll give you $500 for the car when you take ownership"

    He has ownership. She has possession, without his permission.

  9. how much more money , resources and time is going to be wasted on a man (questionable) who was dumped and cant get over it.

    I think the courts have wasted too much already, way too much

    Not the Mezz

  10. "shocker...ohare gets the story 99% wrong, with outright lies again"

    Where is the lie? The story is a criminal charge has been filed against you because you concealed a levied vehicle that was sold. No lie. Put on one of your "hot" outfits for the finger printing ceremony, and imagine it's a wedding, if hallucinations instead of the truth help you get by.

  11. She ignored Jordan? Does he know that?

  12. "how much more money , resources and time is going to be wasted on a man (questionable) who was dumped and cant get over it.

    I think the courts have wasted too much already, way too much"

    You're incoherent already, at 12:30? You aren't "thinking" at all.

    This woman owes a debt. She refused to pay it. Her car was levied legally. Now she is wasting our tax dollars, the same way she's caused 10's of thousands of dollars of West Easton tax dollars to be wasted on legal fees, by resisting paying the debt.

    This is on her and only her. If she would just have mommy write a check, her debt would be paid and she could move on. No payment, no moving on. She doesn't get to pass GO and then go defame someone else without penalty. It's simple. Break the law and pay the penalty. The clock has run out.

  13. seeing you have your nose in the judgement index 24/7, how many people in norco havent made good on a judgement?

    We's be having criminal trials weekly if this law was applied evenly, and the need for 100 more ADAs

  14. I'm going to bed. It's been a long day and I'm going to sleep fine knowing that law enforcement is protecting us from the likes of this menace to society. It's a real shame this woman has put you through first false charges, then a legal battle, and now has ignored the law instead of paying her fine.

  15. "how many people in norco havent made good on a judgement?"

    How many people in NorCo have wasted as much in taxpayer dollars on frivolous and fraudulent legal actions as this woman? Hmm? The answer is pretty close to zero.

    If I defamed someone, I'd expect to pay the judgment. Obviously you are different, but then again you're the one who has to pay, not I. I don't go around defaming people.

  16. 12:50, this criminal charge is routinely filed against defendants who move assets and hide them after a levy. You were repeatedly warned and chose to taunt instead of following the law. Have a nice night.

  17. How does being "battered by the truth" feel tonight, honey? lol

  18. This is the part that bothers me: "The levy included a notice, warning Mezzacappa not to move the car without permission from the Sheriffs."

    Any moron that can read English knows what this means. Mezzacappa defied the law. There is no defense to that. She screwed herself. Throw the wench in jail.

  19. C.O.A.F stands behind you Tricia, fight this with Larry he is a kind soul who would love to take O'Hate down a notch

  20. Jim will come out and she`ll go in.

  21. This story goes on and on. Mezz still has her possessions. One starts to think that despite Bernie's claiming victory over and over again, he will never have the car or the house. In fairness there are many people awaiting judgments, why is Mr. O'Hare getting preferential treatment by the DA and the courts? He has a network of snitches like we see in Nazareth but Justice must be fair.

    I have to believe that when Jim Gregory is free, he and Tricia will be living in the house. They may be the new bonnie and clyde. Or maybe the political power couple of the 21st century in Northampton County.

    An observer...

  22. O'Hare wants the Rav4 but wouldn't take a settlement long ago when offered, time to accept that your Pyrrhic victory is nothing but a mirage

  23. the DAs office must be twiddling its thumbs, for a charge like this to even be considered. I guess John still plays political roulette.

    First Dolan, now this...I've never seen a more politicized DA in my life.

    John, your loyalty to ohare in an election year smells like dead fish

  24. This tale is the precise reason people grow to detest their governments mistrust their governments ....and better yet,

    when the criminal is the government...how many more state resources, time and energy is ohare going to get for himself, to play his perverted games?

    His sticker kingdom took resources from Naz, His hatred and sinful jealousy of Jim Gregory had a huge price tag, and the three sheriffs that were removed from payroll was the biggest hit of all.....and now this

    When does it ever end and why does the DA cater to ohare ? This makes John look bad.

  25. Mezzacappa deserves nothing less, who the fuck ignores then fires Alan Dershowitz when he is representing you Pro Bono?

  26. Gregory soon can save on postage for his letters to her!

  27. Karma is a bitch, eh Mezz? Do the Lehigh Valley a favor and hide in NJ.

  28. I'd like to see her lose everything, but doubt she'll lose anything. Collecting on judgements is very difficult, as this case shows. She doesn't have the law on her side. She does have the limitations of the system on her side. Good luck, nonetheless. That's fairly low mileage for a car with outstanding resale value.

  29. "This tale is the precise reason people grow to detest their governments mistrust their governments ."

    Most people detest their government for not going after criminals like you.

    "When does it ever end and why does the DA cater to ohare ?"

    Morganelli is not catering to me. If he were, Mezzacappa would have been charged and in jail in 2013. Morganelli is catering to the judicial system.He believes that those who defy the rule of law must accept the consequences. he routinely authorizes prosecutions by constables of individuals who hide assets under levy. Far from catering to me, Morganelli is treating everyone the same. Lowlifes who hide assets under levy get prosecuted. I told her this repeatedly, but she responded with taunts. Her problem is she thinks the system should cater to her.

    I will now report this charge to the Nursing board. She should not be allowed near people.

  30. "O'Hare wants the Rav4 but wouldn't take a settlement long ago when offered,"

    This is another of the numerous lies she tells. She never offered one cent to settle this matter.

    But as someone pointed out, she is fucked. If she does not produce the vehicle, she will likely be incarcerated. I will request that a condition of bail require her to open her door to Sheriffs. Then i will ask and pay for them to impound every asset levied, including her MAC computer and guns. I will now seek such an order independently in the execution process. It will authorize the sheriff to break and enter in order to conduct its levy and to impound her assets.

    This is the route she has chosen.

  31. T.M.- the wheels of justice may turn slow, but they do turn!

  32. Let's get a Trans Bridge Bus and attend in force:

    Prelim Hearing 03/10/2015 10:00 am Courtroom: MDJ-03-2-12
    Richard H. Yetter III

  33. "C.O.A.F stands behind you Tricia, fight this with Larry he is a kind soul who would love to take O'Hate down a notch "

    Throughout this matter, I have seen no comments from any member of that outfit that supports you in any way. You are anonymously claiming support you do not have.

    Although you certainly need a lawyer, any lawyer who is in this to take me down will not be representing you well. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has charged you, not me.

    You pretty much fire your lawyers. You fired Larry Otter, the Prince law fir,, a criminal lawyer from Philly, etc. You are unwilling be represented by someone who tells you what you do not want to hear.

  34. You bought the car at a Sheriff's sale for $1. Does the sale price of $1 mean the amount of the judgement owed to you is only reduced by $1?

  35. Arguably, yes. I will deduct just $1 from the judgment until I have actual possession. Once that happens, I will sell or appraise the vehicle, and will file a deficiency judgment.

  36. "MOLON LABE "

    This means come and take it. That;s precisely what I'm doing.

  37. The sale price of $1, actually causes the full amount of the judgement to go up, because the costs associated with the levy and the auction get added to the total debt.

    Trish, if you still have that car, you may as well burn it...it serves no purpose when the judgement will be increased instead of decreased. Its the Ron Angle school of fraud. all over again.

    Praying for your safety, he's a nutbag

  38. Mezzacappa, If you want to talk to yourself anonymously, and attempt to deceive my readers like you try to do at LVL, learn how to spell the word judgment. In the legal realm, it is a judgment, not a judgement.

  39. Also, you have my car. Turn it in now or you will be facing felony theft charges.

  40. "Burn it"
    That is great advise, numbnut. Fast track tp prison.

  41. This woman has taken this way too far. She spent years stalking you, just because you posted an expose on her during an election. She libeled you in the process, refuses to take responsibility, and cheerfully acts as though the law doesn't apply to her. Stop trying to make Bernie's life miserable because he told the truth about you.

  42. "Praying for your safety, he's a nutbag"

    You don't understand the law, nutbag. He's a victim of a crazed person, and pursuing court-ordered restitution.

    If you don't want to follow the law, move somewhere else where nutbags rule and decent reporters are at their mercy.

  43. "This story goes on and on."

    Wake the hell up honey. Too much alcohol last night? You're resistance to paying your debt is the only reason the story goes on and on.

    You're one step away from prison. enjoy taunting your victims for the remaining time you have. You're just enlarging the hole you are in.

  44. After proper levies are made, objection of by creditors and relatives claiming the stuff as theirs ---is out of the way ... No TV ,or goods at time of 'SALE"as posted, then Theft of Movable Property may exist. Where is the claim to her HO3 liability section on the homeowners policy-section on defamation ? Evan if an illegal transfer was made to avoid responsibility ,I would think a " Claims Made' should be in the works by the carrier. Yes or No?

  45. only in norco...what a sad waste of state resources

  46. What's the purpose of you filing a deficiency judgement? Was the sale open to all bidders, or just creditors such as yourself?

  47. maybe your hero john brown will come to visit you in jail!

  48. "only in norco...what a sad waste of state resources"

    Blame Mezzacappa. She violated the law. She earned the debt. She won't pay the debt. She is wasting our tax dollars by making the authorities pursue her.

    In her town, she has cost taxpayers a tremendous amount of money by filing over fourty OOR appeals in a year and a half. She has no respect for her fellow citizens, as this libel judgment reflects.

    It isn't a waste of resources to enforce the laws we all must abide by.

  49. I don't believe a word that Lil' Ole Bernie Boy says. He's hurt and having a tantrum cuz she dumped him for the piece of crap he is.

  50. This has been going on forever. I guess law enforcement doesn't give a flying fuck that this woman is flouting the law and boasting about it. No wonder this country is in the shitter with regards to law and order.

  51. the troll won't show for her prelim. Arrest warrant up!

  52. Even if we believed that was true, that Bernie O'Hare is on a reign of terror after being rejected by Yosemite Sam, that doesn't change the fact that Yosemite Sam was found to be liable for what she did. BOH could be a total asshole in all this but it changes nothing.

    Pay up, sweetheart.

  53. @10:46 Absolutely correct. She never understood the concept of relevance, which is reflected most notably in filing the 1986 disciplinary opinion along with a brief in a 2013 libel case. Totally and completely irrelevant.

    One can only imagine the huge pile of garbage she will being to the hearing on Feb 10. Printouts of anonymous blog posts, the 1986 opinion, a cup of hot chocolate.

  54. Its really too bad that BO has no respect for any law, and doesnt care to follow the laws that all other citizens are bound by.

    Humiliating and harassing a debtor, in order to collect a debt is also against the law.

    But in O'hare world, he picks and chooses what he thinks apply to him. Classic pot/kettle.

  55. @10:43 " I guess law enforcement doesn't give a flying fuck that this woman is flouting the law and boasting about it"

    That is not what is reflected at all. Law enforcement is actively pursuing this menace to the rule of law. It's one step at a time, and she is a couple steps away from prison. Bernie has been very patient with her - and warned her every step of how to avoid making it worse. Too bad she ignored and taunted him, because now she has Johnny Law to deal with.

  56. maybe t.m's manslab will save her.

  57. what about humiliating and harassing a person trying to collect a debt that is owed him scumbag? try to hide behind the very laws you thumb your nose at. classic!

  58. So much for her porn career and Pine St will never be the same without it around.

  59. You have an answer to everything. I didn't break a law turns into everyone breaks the law but only I have to pay. Excuses excuses.

    "Humiliating and harassing a debtor, in order to collect a debt is also against the law.

    But in O'hare world, he picks and chooses what he thinks apply to him. Classic pot/kettle."

    You humiliated yourself. You libeled him. You concealed your vehicle. You transferred your car to your mother. You taunted him on this website, and elsewhere. You're like a bull in a china shop. You don't get a job, so you fire off a letter to the entire counsel and Executive, and expect it not to be made public.

    What harassment have you experienced? "You need to turn in your vehicle" is not harassment - it was a fair warning, made over several weeks. There was no threat made. You ignored the warnings. Now your vehicle is his vehicle, and he has notified you he would like it.

    You have nothing left but to read em and weep and suck it up, cupcake. People are tired of your antics. Why in the world you chose to defame a bottom feeding blogger who is a former lawyer in as a form of payback for being outed is beyond any sane person.

  60. Tricia- this could ba a turn-the-corner kinda moment. Do the right thing. Have some honor and pride in your life.

  61. Tricia has no incentive to do a damn thing. Until the courts make a marginal effort to protect this woman from serial stalking, harassment. libel, and perpetual terroristic abuse that has spanned 4 years because "someone" has a jilted ego, I dont blame her one bit at all.

    Face it, she could settle the entire judgement today, and tomorrow, he's right back to his old tricks....the scorned one obeys no laws.

  62. "This has been going on forever. I guess law enforcement doesn't give a flying fuck that this woman is flouting the law and boasting about it. No wonder this country is in the shitter with regards to law and order."

    It has gone on a long time, but law enforcement knows and cares very much that she is flouting the law, contrary to what she thinks. In fact, it is because of that high regard for the rule of law that they have moved carefully. But they have been very quick. When her car was spotted a block from her house, a Sheriff was there almost immediately. When she refused to produce the car at the sale, sheriffs immeditaely reported their findings to the DA. Detective moved on the matter very promptly. Judge Yetter issuerd a summons as soon as charges were filed, and did not go the arrest warrant route because they are rare for M2s and he has no record evidence that she has habitually ignored Sheriffs.

  63. "Where is the claim to her HO3 liability section on the homeowners policy-section on defamation ?"

    Peter, she refused to turn the claim in to her homeowner's carrier. That was the first thing Att'y Orloski asked her to do.

  64. "What's the purpose of you filing a deficiency judgement? Was the sale open to all bidders, or just creditors such as yourself?"

    The purpose is to indicate that the sale failed to satisfy the amount of money assessed by the judgment, interest and costs. Oncce her car is sold, we will be able to assess a true and fair value, and will reduce her judgment accordingly. The sale is open to one and all. In fact, another person was there, though I was the sole bidder.

  65. the terms of endearment between ohare and the (fill in your own words) reminds me of a polygamy boot camp without by-laws

    I know of no other human being who has crossed the law so many times in his own past/present, and remains a free man.

    When Tricia insulted the little -man, she was blacklisted by legal counsel across the county...it speaks volumes when Phil Lauer cant even win a summary case. It looks like , by virtue of her name only, the cases are decided before they ever see a courtroom.

  66. Oh, spare us the dramatics Mezz. You've gotten more breaks in a courtroom than an octogenarian falling down three flights of stairs.

  67. The notion that Mezzacappa has been blacklisted by lawyers throughout the Lehigh Valley is sheer nonense - just another of her many lies. The reality is that she has been represented by several attorneys: Phil Lauer, Larry Otter, Joshua Price, abd a Philly law firm. She always ends up firing them because (a) she is too cheap to pay them; (b) she refuses to listen to their advice; and (c) she thinks she can do a better job herself.

    She repeatedly posts my 1985 suspension, calls me a "little" man and then insinuates that the local bar is terrified of me. She can't even make an argument that doesn't contradict itself.

    The fact of the matter is that Mezzacappa hid an asset after a levy was made. That is called defrauding a secured creditor. I am sure a reoutable attorney will represent her, but that should cost somehwere between $5,000-$10,000. If she wants to take it to trial, she will pay more; and if she loses, she will likely go to jail.

    A lawyer will advise her to cut her losses, but that is advice she does not want to hear.

    And just so you know, Mezzacappa, the next step is felony theft. I know own that car. You are not authorized to use or possess it. I am demanding you to surrender it to me or to the Sheriff. If you fail to do so, I will report the car stolen.

  68. Ah, now a brand new duck and swerve. She's been blacklisted due to Bernie's "influence" as a bottom feeding blogger. Are we really to believe this nonsense? Lawyers will represent a bag of garbage if it will make them money. Take a few doses of reality, please.

    Would a group of lawyers ever even entertain the idea of "black listing" a person or company? This woman's reputation far exceeds the damage that any imagined blacklisting could ever achieve.

    The time for avoiding responsibility has passed. Pay your debt. It's simple.

  69. 73 comments!! Uh OH Spaghettiii O's this should be some good reading here.

    The saddest thing in all of this, is that at some point in time at the onset of this, if she had just APOLOGIZED, things may have been different for her, an assumption I know...but still. wow.

  70. It is possible that apologizing for telling the world that someone is a pedophile would suffice, but in most cases it will not.

    However, doubling down time and time again - well, that sealed the deal. Make your bed, and lie in it. Lie, lie, lie.

  71. Can you imagine the conversation if she does contact an attorney?

    I need representation. I was wrongfully convicted, my car was levied, and later sold, and I moved the car against the levy order. The law is stacked against me.

    Why did you move the car?

    I didn't want them to take it.

    What do you expect I can do for you?

    Look at this 1986 opinion. It's the key to my defense. I have other stuff too.

    My schedule is pretty full right now.

  72. Bernie,No interrogatory? have somebody file a claim against the company with out her ! Put them on Notice. Yes or No?

  73. There is absolutely no point in arguing with this woman or listening to what she has to say. She has been proven wrong countless times, caught in scores of lies, has refused to take any sort of responsibility for her actions, and in her mind is never wrong. Enough is enough, and facts are facts. She is a convicted criminal and will likely be convicted of the crime she was just charged with. I believe she is mentally ill, but until she is adjudicated as such, her actions must be dealt with by the authorities, and they are being dealt with. That is all that matters here. The rest of it is the writings and actions of a delusional person and listening to her is a waste of time. That letter to Gracedale a few days ago spoke volumes about just how irrational she is.
    It can be entertaining at times until you realize how much help she needs and how any innocent people have been hurt by her. It is a sad situation and my hope is that as her rap sheet grows, somehow, some way she will get the help that she needs. Until that happens, all that can be done is what is being done, and that is to use the legal system to protect specific people that are the targets of her wrath, and the public in general. I'm grateful that this blog provides the open forum that hers lacks, to provide the public with accurate information and thus vindicate people like Bernie, Kelly and Jerry Gross, Jim Gregory's ex girlfriend, Rick Orloski, Jill Garcia, Judge Zito, Matt Dees,and so many other people ravaged by outright lies and abuse. I applaud Bernie for staying focused, moving forward with protecting his name, and doing the public a service by holding her accountable. With such a long list of victims, it is only a matter of time before the system functions as it should to bring this ugliness to an end. Recent events tell me that we are getting closer to the end of this unfortunate ordeal. Let's hope she or someone close to her can convince her to get some help.

  74. Peter, she is insane,. She ignored interrogatories asking that question. She ignored two notices of deposition.

  75. "I'm grateful that this blog provides the open forum that hers lacks, to provide the public with accurate information and thus vindicate people like Bernie, Kelly and Jerry Gross, Jim Gregory's ex girlfriend, Rick Orloski, Jill Garcia, Judge Zito, Matt Dees,and so many other people ravaged by outright lies and abuse. I applaud Bernie for staying focused, moving forward with protecting his name, and doing the public a service by holding her accountable. With such a long list of victims, it is only a matter of time before the system functions as it should to bring this ugliness to an end."

    Precisely. You hit the bullseye. I also admire him for putting up with the nightmare she has visited upon him, all the while continuing to do his excellent blogs on county and town matters. This woman set out to ruin his reputation in return for him simply reporting her background to voters, and finally it appears she will be held accountable for her actions.

    One wonders what her sister would say about her behavior.

  76. What is the license plate number on the RAV4? If anyone spots it, they could then report it to the police as a stolen vehicle.

  77. "What is the license plate number on the RAV4? If anyone spots it, they could then report it to the police as a stolen vehicle"

    Not sure you can do that. The car is probably still registered in her name as far as DMV is concerned. Bernie has laid out the recovery process in the comments above, if she persists in not obeying the law.

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. Grossy, I deleted your comment because I don't want to give her an excuse to do something rash.

  80. "In fact, another person was there, though I was the sole bidder."

    Let us guess, it was probably Ron Angle? He is skilled in relieving people of property, right? The perfect person to help you.

    After all you provided years of PR work for the Angle/Stoffa Admisntration, didn't you?

  81. How's the suit against Jolly Joe coming?

  82. She is waiting for Jim to get out of jail. He will help guide her through the morass of this situation. I agree that they are the LV political power couple of the 20th century. Buff manslab and hot young blonde.

  83. Curious- if the sheriffs found the car, why was it not either towed from the hiding place and placed in storage or had a boot put on it to keep her from moving it?

  84. So if you see the car anywhere you(meaning Bernie) should take it ASAP.

  85. Take the law in your own hands and you will be as guilty as her.

    Given the threat of a mob at her hearing by renting a bus to take you all there, she should request security escort and a change of venue. Her personal safety is at issue based on these comments.

  86. Maybe it's just me, but this whole thing is terrifying. I am so afraid that escalation here leads to tragedy. Maybe no more public hashing and re-hashing of the proceedings? May God protect all parties.

  87. 4:09,

    Oh, cut it out. You're projecting because that's the kind of thing she would do. Nobody wants her harmed. There's never been a hint of a threat posted here. Posters have long expressed interest in attending various proceedings, however, to enjoy watching the torturously long legal process finally dispense justice on an extraordinarily despicable person. I think all want her perfectly healthy and keenly aware on the day of her reckoning.

  88. Bullseye, 4:27

    There's a big difference between a threatening mob and interested attendees who want to see justice meted out in accordance with law. Most will probably be hoping to hear her Pro Se Mensa defense and catch a glimpse of the infamous cardboard box filled with "evidence".

  89. "Given the threat of a mob at her hearing"

    Oh knock off the bull crap, and stop talking about yourself in the third person. "Change of venue"? You tried that in the LTCF matter - how did that work out for you after paying for that 1/4" thick document to be prepared? Your play book is empty. You're under no threat and never have been. You aren't in fear of anything except being held accountable.

    You try to twist everything and anything. There was a sarcastic reference to throwing a door stop at you and knocking some sense into you months ago, and you tried to claim it was a threat of violence.

    The only thing a "mob" would do that shows up at a hearing is watch the senseless insanity unfold. And seriously, who believes a mob is going to show up for a hearing on concealing assets?

  90. "Maybe it's just me, but this whole thing is terrifying. I am so afraid that escalation here leads to tragedy"

    It's just you, unless she completely blows a fuse and goes ballistic. Though the fact that she has defied the law to date, while acing like the law does not apply to her, is very troubling. It was her choice to keep escalating this - MOLON LABE and all.

  91. "Curious- if the sheriffs found the car, why was it not either towed from the hiding place and placed in storage or had a boot put on it to keep her from moving it?"

    This is totally irrelevant. What is relevant is she concealed the car after it was levied, at which time she was ordered not to move it.

  92. "So if you see the car anywhere you(meaning Bernie) should take it ASAP."

    Did the stupid stick get loose today? Bernie wouldn't do that, for multiple reasons. 1. Bernie doesn't have a key. 2. See #1. 3. Bernie acts within the law, unlike others. He's been pursuing justice and restitution for a few years. He's not even of the mind to do what you suggest.

  93. Can't wait for her rebuttal on the new WEFP.org

    The haters will get the real story

  94. Nobody gives a shit about your rebuttal. Your writings got you in your mess. You'll never learn.

  95. It isn't hard to see why this young woman fears this gang. You are really sounding very angry and threatening. She may be concerned for her safety.

  96. Maybe we will see her at the local 7/11 licking pavement and scrounging for cigarettes.

  97. That going to be your tactic in front of the Judge?
    Epic fail.
    The only one who has threatened anyone else, is you. In fact, you were convicted of it.
    And buy a mirror. "Young" you aren't.

  98. When will you bullies leave this poor, young woman alone. It is obvious you are constantly attacking and belittling her. If Jim Gregory was here I doubt you all would be so brave.

    You are like a wild gang of hyenas.

  99. Mezz, you do realise every time you write "young woman" or "hot blonde" and other nonsense about yourself, everyone knows it's you?
    Just turn over the car, have mommy write a check for the balance, and do yourself a favor ... unplug from the internet. Do that and you might not be an embarrassment to your family.
    You must be a weight on your sister's career, having to explain you to colleagues.

  100. Here's the thing that has me confused: where the hell is the Blog Mentor during this time period of the excessively downward spiral and crash/burn of Mezz? I remember when he was shooting off his mouth that he was going to get the people who are on his black list, especially you Bernie, and acquire their property and burn it in a barrel. He's not too sharpe. Neither is his attorney. Tsk' tsk'!

  101. t.m.- get a job and you wont have all day long to cause trouble!

  102. Honestly, what was it like to wake up next to it in the morning?

  103. @8:06

    The mentor has been busy scuttling the political ambitions, playing rock sets, dropping knowledge on AM radio, and making more money in a quarter than Bernie makes in a year.

    His "Sharpe" attorney is always there for TM to consult, but all good things in life have a price perhaps he would work with her "Pro Boner"

  104. "In fact, another person was there, though I was the sole bidder."

    Let us guess, it was probably Ron Angle? He is skilled in relieving people of property, right? The perfect person to help you.

    After all you provided years of PR work for the Angle/Stoffa Admisntration, didn't you?"

    Mezzacappa, he was not there,but has been made aware of all the hate comments you have posted at LVL under different names, and i have also made him aware that you have breached a patient's confidentiality. I am fairly certain that yiu are being reported to the nursing board.

  105. "How's the suit against Jolly Joe coming?"

    He has joined Gregory and Mezzacappa as additional defendants, and has filed ridiculous discovery.

  106. "Curious- if the sheriffs found the car, why was it not either towed from the hiding place and placed in storage or had a boot put on it to keep her from moving it?"

    As a rule, NorCo Sheriffs do not seize an asset when levying.

  107. "So if you see the car anywhere you(meaning Bernie) should take it ASAP."

    I would not grab it, but would ask the Sheriffs to do so.

  108. "The mentor has been busy ..."

    rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

    He will play Mezzacappa but has no real friends and helps no one but himself. Also I doubt a person with a real estate tax lien and who does not last at any one hjob for very long, is making much money

  109. " You are really sounding very angry and threatening. She may be concerned for her safety. "

    The only person I know whomarches around with a gun and talks about putting hollow point bullets thru people's skulls, is her.

  110. "Can't wait for her rebuttal on the new WEFP.org "

    That was a big waste of money on her part. She moved to wordpress so she could block people, and claims to have blocked me. Except she hasn't. I have been able to access it without difficulty,

    Also, anyone using chrome can enable a web proxy extension to access a blocked site.

  111. Bernie, I have read here before it is not something you like to do, but who is this blog mentor so I know to avoid his crazy ass?

  112. Quelle surprise! The Blog Mentor is an asshole troll.

  113. Ask Bobby Gunther Walsh, who I understand is sick to death of him.

  114. Wish there was a 'like' button for your 9:21 PM comment.

  115. If it gets to the point where it becomes obvious that the car will taken from her very soon, I can imagine her trashing the car ahead of time, thinking it will screw over Bernie. Although I imagine that would lead to a lower value, meaning less money subtracted from the lien total, getting her nowhere. What a nut.

  116. If he is a frequent guest on Gunthers show and shares the same initials as the Northampton County executive then I think I know who it is. Am I getting warm?

  117. I am sure she will attempt to waste assets. She has pretty much made that clear. That's why she might be looking at jail time.

  118. No, He is marginalized and most people don't know him. I have no intention of giving him any attention and will delete further OT commentary along this line. If you want to know, email me.

  119. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  120. When will the ET pick up this non-story, because they have totally complicate in your cyber scheme to discredit Mezzacappa and diminish her political stock

  121. Have you thought about a movie?

  122. @9:47 "Your cyber scheme to discredit Mezzacappa and diminish her political stock"

    Another misinformed and ignorant comment, probably from Mezzacappa. She maliciously and falsely told people Bernie is a pedophile. That's defamation, and she was duly convicted and Bernie won a judgment he deserved. At this point, it should be doubled if the law were different, for all the grief she's put him through.

    Mezzacappa has ruined single-handedly her political stock, through a pattern of abusive behavior, including harassment, defamation, and disorderly conduct. A psychiatrist evidently found her a threat to the health and safety of the public, according to what she wrote on her own website.

    Those are the facts, which you can find in court records and her website. Or you can make up total fucking nonsense on a website, anonymously.

  123. "they have totally complicate in your cyber scheme"

    They were totally complicate? Was English your major?

  124. When will the ET pick up this non-story, because they have totally complicate in your cyber scheme...
    There is only one person who would write this - and that is Tricia Mezzacappa, who sued the ET for libel. Your illiteracy gives you away as well. It's one great big conspiracy!

  125. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  126. his is totally irrelevant. What is relevant is she concealed the car after it was levied, at which time she was ordered not to move it.

    Why irrelevant? IT was a good question. Did they just slap a sticker on it or something? Why NOT boot it?

  127. Can't wait for her rebuttal on the new WEFP.org

    That site is hilarious. She is spending inordinate amounts of time tracking and blocking "trolls" and entire IP ranges. Who does she think is left? Does she honestly think anyone reads her maniacal ramblings with any seriousness? The only readers she has, and I'm sure its quite few, are people from here looking for a laugh.

    And seriously Yosemite Sam, how many times are you going to post BOH's law license revocation? He freely admits it and owns up to it. It's not like you are providing any new information. He doesn't work as a lawyer or pretend to be a lawyer. He hires them now and they routinely defeat you because you are WRONG in everything.

  128. 8:36, Read thru the comments. I answered your question.

  129. 2:48, She did make those false accusations and you participated in them as well bc you are a disgusting person who should be held accountable as well. You will be one day.

  130. It's pretty incredible that the LV "blog wars" have escalated to this level. I think Bernie is right to protect himself and Ms. Mezzacappa clearly needs to seek help, she seems to be incapable of making sound decisions. Such recklessness is not symptomatic of a healthy adult.

    As for "blog mentor," in my dealings with him I've found him pitiable. I think he's an extremely bereaved father, and rightfully so. But the bullying, name calling and baseless "verifiable facts" are not a good way to advocate for positive change. I've never dealt with someone so venomous. If any radio host or anyone else in the media takes pity on him and decides to, at least, hear him out, he turns on them as soon as they do any little thing he disagrees with. Requiring solid proof for accusations is not "maliciously muzzling" his free speech, it's the basis for ethical reporting. B.M.'s conspiracy web is so dense at this point he probably froths and screams at his neighborhood paperboy for being complicit with Jim Martin. The guy does love alliterative insults though, I'll give him that.

    I hope T.M. does the right thing, Bernie gets his due and everyone can go back to blogging about what's happening in the valley rather than having to deal with one another. The LV blogosphere really has become a snake eating it's own tail.

  131. That site is hilarious. She is spending inordinate amounts of time tracking and blocking "trolls" and entire IP ranges. Who does she think is left?

    She appears to spend half her day, at least, figuring out what towns people live in who visit her site. Then she guesses who may live in the town that may want to visit her site, and finally she accuses the "suspects" of stalking. This is the similar to the faulty logic she uses in legal briefs and testimony in court.

    Even if Gregory's victim were visiting her site (which there is no evidence of), it isn't stalking Jim Gregory or violating her own PFA order against him. It isn't stalking anyone. She appears to more and more unstable as her lies and fabrications catch up with her.

    Why she continues to believe that the 1986 opinion bears on anything at all, only she could explain - and it wouldn't make any sense. It doesn't discredit his excellent reporting in the least, nor does it change the fact she defamed him.

  132. Why irrelevant? IT was a good question. Did they just slap a sticker on it or something? Why NOT boot it?

    It is not the Sheriff department's responsibility to assume the debtor will act in bad faith and break the law. The sticker they "just" slap on says the vehicle can't be moved.

    If they take the vehicle then they need to store it somewhere, costing even more of our tax dollars. This woman has wasted enough of our resources with her tirade, and I'm glad she added a criminal charge to her resume.

  133. 10:32,

    Mezzacappa learned that little trick from Blog Mentor. Because, obviously, when you create a public blog with the intention of advocacy or reporting, anyone who reads or visits said blog is stalking and harassing you.

    That's sound logic.

  134. Ha ha. Way too funny. As pointed out above, all you need to do if you have Chrome is add a web proxy extension. Took my all of 1 minute.

    And what will this get you? A lengthy brag by MezzaCrAZY that she has foiled the stalkers and how clever she is. Oops. The barn door is wide open, sweetie.

    I was expecting to see boasts about how this criminal charge she just earned was illegal, a mistake, etc to inform her "readers". Nada.

    This site appears to have been set up for the sole purpose of enjoying the feeling of blocking people. Where is the "truth" she was going to batter readers with?

  135. Mordachai RabinowitzFebruary 6, 2015 at 4:02 PM

    MezZ i love you

    Shalom my fair damsel

  136. If Mezzacappa set up a website to disseminate the truth, why is she trying so hard to keep people from seeing it?

    Compare to this site, which has no restriction to people visiting it. Now I ask you, who is afraid of the truth being known, and who isn't? Maybe she is trying to hide lies, not the truth.

  137. If the first 2 letters of the plate are the same, she's at a house in the 21 hundred block of freemansburg ave in front of George's right now. If not, then disregard.

  138. anon 5:26, you offering classes on stalking?

  139. Bernie , do you have a VIN number? Cut the keys at THE Toyota DealerWHERE IT WAS PURCHASED with a court order. EZ !! Don't forget the pistol, it has a registration number too with the ATFB. I bid 275.00 FOR IT,USED W/2 MAGAZINES.

  140. anon 5:26, you offering classes on stalking?

    That is not a definition of stalking. That is merely the possible sighting of property that is in your possession that doesn't belong to you. Besides, the license plate was not mentioned, nor vehicle.

    You better brush up on the law if you intend to keep representing yourself.

  141. ANON 6'04 -Stalking is different than observation .If I were to observe someone because of close proximity that is different than following them around ,or riding by their house. Meeting them at the mall by coincidence is different than 'closing' with at the mall.

  142. And Cher keeps singing "And the beat goes on."

  143. Peter, have the VIN and soon will have the title.

  144. Is it really appropriate for Peter to use his official position to get involved in this matter? Asking for rights to property sorta sounds like a quid pro quo type issue. The courts may need to stop this from getting out5 o hand.

    I don't think you can just take something until you have official ownership.

  145. Mezzacappa, I bought your car and have a bill of sale. I am officially the owner. You are a criminal who defied a levy. I will soon have the title and will then report you as a thief. I also will be reporting you to the nursing board. You should not be allowed near patients. Peter, the person that you and Henry Schaadt like to disparage, is highly respected in law enforcement circles. Like most people in his line of work, he hates when someone thumbs her nose at the rule of law.

  146. you should produce those discovery requests...after all, you're the one that wants to hit the jackpot a 2nd time. Cant wait for trial

  147. Why is she not in jail yet? Why are her firearms not confiscated due to her mental health problems?

  148. "Asking for rights to property sorta sounds like a quid pro quo type issue. The courts may need to stop this from getting out5 o hand.

    I don't think you can just take something until you have official ownership."

    It "sorta sounds" like you're a moron. The courts have acted to protect Bernie's rights when you libeled him, and law enforcement has enforced the judgment because you forced them to. Thanks for wasting our tax dollars. Bernie already owns the vehicle. You are in possession of his property. Give it to him. Or, practice some of that molon labe crap and go to jail.

    You have a very very warped view of the law. Maybe your sister can explain it to you.

  149. "you should produce those discovery requests...after all, you're the one that wants to hit the jackpot a 2nd time. Cant wait for trial."

    ... so judgment can be entered against you again.

  150. my guess is Saul Ewing thinks differently, and slander is a different turf field than libel

  151. A Real Close West Easton Neighbor Says:

    Damn it, will you a**holes wrap this up already?!? I can't even drive to local pubs and stripper bars without having to tread lightly due to all the Sheriff and State Trooper vehicles riding around here.....Ridge Street Sux

  152. Uh-oh, Better Call Saul. First episode tomorrow night.

  153. Anyone that believes suffering the wrath of this bitter twisted woman at ANY price is hitting the "jackpot", is sick. She's a walking horror show.

  154. I'm thinking you should start compiling that discovery request...motions court 2/6...how'd it go?

  155. I'm thinking you should start compiling that discovery request...motions court 2/6...how'd it go?

    I'm thinking that a (former) lawyer wouldn't try a case in public.

  156. better start diggin out all those pay stubs and doctor bills....and all corresp, and all ad clippings, revenue, all those Mez emails and court docs....its a long drive to Superior court to go get them

    You could always take a cab

  157. so how does it feel to sue someone who is in a nursing home OHare?

    youre a nutbag

  158. "I'm thinking you should start compiling that discovery request...motions court 2/6...how'd it go?"

    I won.

  159. For all this venom from the poison posse, the woman is still in her mothers home and Bernie still has a crappy vehicle.

    You boys need a hobby or girlfriends.

  160. "For all this venom from the poison posse, the woman is still in her mothers home and Bernie still has a crappy vehicle. You boys need a hobby or girlfriends."

    You really don't get it. You keep trying to turn this into something personal, and it isn't working.

    You broke the law. You pay the penalty.

    It has nothing to do with boyfriends or girlfriends, the size of someone's penis, or what kind of car someone is driving.

    Nobody appreciates the fact you break the law and think you can get away with it. THAT'S what it is about. YOU'RE A GOD DAMNED MENACE TO SOCIETY. GO THE HELL BACK TO NJ.

  161. you won? So you can claim damages and not have to produce any discovery?


  162. @3:51 We're not interested in your conversation about a completely different court matter. Do something else with the rest of your day. Maybe clean out the car so you can turn it in. Or lay your clothes out for your trip to get fingerprinted. Maybe talk to Gregory for $5 a minute about how the legal system doesn't work the way you thought it did, and you're screwed.


  163. 3:51. We did it to you. By the wY, how does it feel to be sued by s man in a nursing home? Timmer is going after you and Gregory for every penny he has to pay us.you taunted your way into a defamation judgment that now is over 7$70,500. Then you taunted your way into criminal charges. You have to look over your shoulder everywhere you go.

  164. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  165. I will delete Additional off topic taunts posted by criminal Defendant Mezzacappa.

  166. What is extremely disturbing is that this woman appears to be cheering the fact that she and Gregory acted in a manner on the radio waves that has resulted in yet another legal matter and proceedings that will cost taxpayer dollars.

    What will it take to wake this woman up? The same treatment that Gregory is receiving?

    Why isn't she advertising her candidacy for West Easton Council anymore? Everyone wants to vote for someone who is facing criminal charges.


  167. Why do you fear this young woman so much?
    All law abiding citizens should fear her. Just read this thread. It's obvious. She has not one iota of respect for the law, and lashes out maliciously and illegally at anyone she doesn't see eye to eye with.

    Is there something about that you don't understand?

  168. "young woman"


    Look in a mirror.

  169. @6:33 You aren't young. You're a dried up 50 year old with no job and who drives mommy's car (because your mouth that roared lost the one you had), and who talks about her prom dress like it was yesterday. Wake up. It's not the 90's anymore.

  170. No, don't mistreat the mirror like that...

  171. Mezz even blocked the Tor browser, Mezz I hate to break it to you but all your readers are either, trolls, stalkers, haters, other people's attorneys, and law enforcement.

  172. She claims to have blocked entire countries, all county-owned computers, etc., etc. But I had no trouble reading her latest Gregory epistle or her goofy-as-usual comments. Some people spend $ to attract readers. She is spending $ to keep readers away, although it's really a waste of $ because I can view her posts easily with little or no effort. If she wants to stop people from reading her, she should simply stop blogging.

  173. Mezz I hate to break it to you but all your readers are either trolls, stalkers, haters, other people's attorneys, and law enforcement.

    Bingo. This woman is the gift that keeps on giving, if you aren't the object of her wretched obsession. Very entertaining watching her crash and burn, by her own hand.

    And if there is a new rant from the rodent that squealed, it makes a visit all the more worthwhile.

  174. Lol apparently the DA is an "O'Hare todie". Mezz thanks for forcing me to learn more about web proxy addies, and who do you expect to comment on your "blog"? Go back to using the blogspot account, allow all commenters and take the feedback otherwise you will be talking to yourself river, celtic warrior, and whoever else constitutes the insane troll posse.

    Stop making your loyal readers jump through hoops to enjoy Jim's musings the slab has a lot of fans and you are his conduit.

  175. "Stop making your loyal readers jump through hoops to enjoy Jim's musings the slab has a lot of fans and you are his conduit."

    If you find the tiresome repetitive rants that the flab has been scribing once a week "musings" or enjoyable, you are very easily amused. He needs a conduit to a mental health professional, not the public.

    You're correct - she's having a conversation with herself. She hasn't allowed comments for months, and she doesn't want to hear feedback. She's right, everyone else is wrong.

  176. Bernie,
    Every time she posts about herself as a "young woman" or "hot blond" you should delete the comment.
    It insults all women who are young or good looking... or a woman.

  177. If you want iron-clad proof this woman's name and "hot" are not to be used in the same sentence, go look at her FB page. Warning - you may want to steel yourself for what you see. Not suitable viewing for those under 18 years of age.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.