Local Government TV

Monday, February 23, 2015

Jim Gregory, 1983

Thirty years before being sent to state prison for repeated violations of a PFA, Jim Gregory had his life in front of him. He was even profiled by the Saucon News in an article that read like something out of Match.com.

Now, he is sitting in state prison as the result of repeated violations of the no-contact provisions of a Protection From Abuse Act Order. He pens screeds to anyone and everyone, including his ex,. This is yet another violation of the no-contact provisions of his PFA. He continues to blame everyone but himself for his troubles.


  1. Over thirty years later and Jim Gregory looks the same. He has some great genetics. His dark good looks and great hair exist to this day. No wonder so many women fell under his spell and married men were jealous of him. Having read the story it is obvious he is a man of many talents. It is sad that circumstances lead to his difficult times.

    He has always been a public servant and a man of the people. His writings about God and Faith make me think he is stronger now then when he left us.
    Let us all hope that upon his return he will continue to help those in need.

  2. Bernie it looks like JG's better half has ramped up the security on her new WEFP preventing novice web surfers such as myself from gaining access.

    From the disclaimer she posts it seems you need to have an approved IP address to view her new page, it's a shame because the majority of her viewers were there for Gregory's letters they are the ones who suffer

    NorCo twink

  3. Wow, Gregory was studying Karate in 1983. No wonder I heard he is a Kung Fu master. I thought it was just a joke.

  4. Gregory is the definition of a Narcissist. Seems like the craziest of people pass psychological tests.

  5. and the purpose of this piece? None except your hate and obsession. You are truly sick

  6. I don't hate anyone. The purpose of this story is to show that 30 years ao, he had the world by the tail. But he let it all go to hell. I do think that back then, the signs of a narcissist were there.

  7. "From the disclaimer she posts it seems you need to have an approved IP address to view her new page, it's a shame because the majority of her viewers were there for Gregory's letters they are the ones who suffer"

    I am delighted. The fewer people who read her, the fewer are exposed to her nonstop lies.

  8. In reference to 1:03 a.m. I think it is ridiculous to think that once he is released he will " continue to help those in need." It is a shame he did not get whatever help he needed and to this day it is apparent that he still doesn't think he needs any help. Besides all the violations of the PFA he had against him his biggest mistake was associating himself with the owner of the West Easton blog. The postings of all his letters which hopefully were given to the courts have certainly not helped him. Who knows if or when he will ever be released. To this day the only thing that matters is that his victims stay safe from him.

  9. The letters he has written, including his threats, have all been saved and are in the right hands.

  10. Wow, papers used to report. Amazing

  11. 7:20,

    now you are a shrink. your ego knows no bounds.

  12. WOW, when did he die?

  13. 8:05, this is not a paper. I do report, and I also wxpose the ugly nature of local politics.

  14. Do former cops get extra shower love in prison?

  15. As Seinfeld would say, "That's a shame."

    He had delusions of grandeur, but turned out to be a total loser.

    He'll be turning it all around soon, as an ex-con with no prospects, no assets and the crackpot crazy WEFP woman as a reference. Two clueless narcissists lost in the dark.

    On the bright side, he can apply for early SS payments. He's used to the taxpayers supporting him by now.

  16. "and the purpose of this piece? None except your hate and obsession. You are truly sick"

    Wait, I thought Bernie hated old women (that you mislabel as young) exclusively. Do you just modify your baseless allegations to fit the need of your desire to criticize? That is what it looks like, ya know.

  17. Having read the story it is obvious he is a man of many talents. It is sad that circumstances lead to his difficult times.

    Jim Gregory begged his way into State Prison for multiple offenses, despite warnings to cease his illegal activities. He threw his life away. It wasn't "circumstances" - it was by his own hand.

    Kind of like when someone conceals assets, and earns a criminal charge. Not circumstances, but the fault of the narcissist him or herself. Can't wait to hear the excuse you come up with for that.

  18. You would think that someone previously sworn to uphold the law wouldn't have knowingly broken the law, merely to satisfy an obsession. Pathetic, weak man.

  19. Your wisdom has it's minute limits. However you are dumber than dirt and that covers at least 5 acres

  20. Interesting .....I would think the blogger may want to reflect upon his own life from 30 years ago to present, and begin accepting the reality that mistakes have consequences

    One lost his career, the other lost his freedom temporarily, thanks to a blogger getting his nose in a case that was none of his business.

  21. In 1983, I had life by the scrotum. I worked hard, saved money, and built a life. Now my wife and I are getting ready for retirement. We've never been arrested for anything, and obeyed the law always.

    Here's a tragic figure that tossed everything he had into the dumpster. No wonder he found Jesus. He started 10 or 20 years too late. He's writing letters about pee-pees and wee-wees from State Prison. There but for the Grace of God...

    One would think his writings would reflect an acceptance of the responsibility for his own actions. But they do not.

  22. I would think the blogger may want to reflect upon his own life from 30 years ago to present, and begin accepting the reality that mistakes have consequences

    Ah, but he has, as is reflected in other posts right here. The convict may want to do the same, and not wait until meeting St. Peter.

  23. It was Greggie's arrogance and hubris that led to his demise. Self-inflicted wounds. He cannot live a quiet, resourceful life. He must be on the center stage. He is a narcissist, pure and simple. In his own mind, he is a martyr, victimized by O'Hare and the system. When he returns to society, he will feel empowered to end the persecution of egotists like himself. Just another chapter in the soap opera that is Jim Gregory.

  24. @ 7:20 sounds like someone else we know

  25. "I would think the blogger may want to reflect upon his own life from 30 years ago to present, and begin accepting the reality that mistakes have consequences

    One lost his career, the other lost his freedom temporarily, thanks to a blogger getting his nose in a case that was none of his business. "

    I have tought about it, and thought about it as I wrote this post. My mistakes did cost me a career, but I learned from them. I still make mistakes, but they are at least different. And I hope that my blogging has been something of a public service.

    Gregory's mistakes cost him his careeer as a police officer and his career in politics. He appears the be making the same ones, over and over.

  26. If I were the parole board, and JG appeared before me and I saw the letters he's written recently, I'd laugh at the suggestion he was ready for release and tell him he is serving his entire term of incarceration.

    I guess JG can thank Mezzacappa for publishing those letters, because that's the only reason I saw them. That is some friend he has there.

  27. @1:03 AM His writings about God and Faith make me think he is stronger now then when he left us.
    Let us all hope that upon his return he will continue to help those in need.

    You are conveniently ignoring 90% of what he has written, including the laundry list of people responsible for him being imprisoned. The fact he left numero uno off the list is telling.

    You can't help anyone before you help yourself. This individual needs serious treatment before he can live by himself. Only then can he help anyone else.

  28. Bernie, does the veiled threats from TM worry you at all. With Gregory's martial arts training are you at all concerned? He is crazy after all.

  29. Threats from men who beat women don't phase me.

  30. Is he the cop from the Village People?

  31. "Is he the cop from the Village People?"

    Very funny! Thumbs up.

  32. Stop attacking Jim Gregory. He has had some legal issues but has found God. You are cowards and will run when he is really here.
    Also stop with the woman hating and leave that poor young woman alone.

  33. Wow he was President of the police association. he must have been a very, very smart and important man to get that position.

    Maybe he was set-up?

  34. Blog Mentor could probably stand some hard time in the state pen.

  35. Mezzacappa's website has extensive material on it that proves she is a narcissist, and Gregory is also.

    One wonders if her head exploded when the reality battered her in the face, to use her term. Maybe she borrowed it from Gregory, who knows all about battering. It's great that she has owned her illness - hitting bottom is required to start healing.

  36. Blog Mentor could probably stand some hard time in the state pen.

    Based on what crime? Being a total dick and defamation aren't criminal offenses.

  37. @10:38, if you are referring to the new material added to the old WEFP don't be mistaken it is not an admission of her own narcissism but a projection onto the author of this blog.

    Has anyone been able to get access to the new WEFP after her latest modifications?

  38. @11:11PM Look in the mirror sweetie. All those characterizations of a narcissist describe you to a T. You honestly don't see it? You be blind.

  39. My Heavens he looks sweet. I bet the men at SCI Pittsburgh salivated when he popped up on the cell block.

  40. How did this guy ever become a cop. He has been crazy forever. This makes it clear that local cops are about who you know and not necessarily competence, either professionally or emotionally.

    Wow, this guy was once a cop. Amazing!


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