Local Government TV

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Gregory Warns Morganelli, Yours Truly, That Clock is Ticking

Former Bethlehem City Council President Jim Gregory, who believe it or not is a former NorCo mental health case worker, is currently serving a 15-30 month sentence in state prison for repeated violations of Protection From Abuse Act (PFA) Orders, directing him to stay away from his ex-girlfriend. But criminal Defendant Tricia Mezzacappa, routinely posts his hand-written epistles. His latest rant is here.

Like most people in the can, he's found religion. And like most people who find religion, he has perverted its message to suit himself. He portrays God as basically a Heavenly Hitman, doing Gregory's dirty work.

To District Attorney John Morganelli, who had nothing to do with the PFAs or the contempt citations fuled by Gregory's ex, he warns: "The clock is ticking. It's time for you, for your soul's sake, to end this. It will end sooner or later. Your choice. God Bless."

Defending Mezzacappa, he says the following about her situation: "I'm shocked, honestly, that Mezzacappa has held up against his daily battering. I pray she can hold fast until my return. God willing, it will be soon enough. You've destroyed too many good [unreadable]. Tick Tock."

Updated 11:30 am: Mezzacappa uploads these screeds at Scribd on an account she has changed from her own name to masspress. She has 11 followers, and you can see who they are here. They include wing nuts like Ronnie DelBacco, Mary Ann Schmoyer, the Blog Mentor, Larry Otter, Al Bernotas and Jake Towne,


  1. Go back to Mommy's house you carless, jobless, anchor on society! Oh and just a tidbit of info........even your "hero" John Brown thinks you are a joke and a mental case! Your constant cheerleading for the Brown Administration still couldn't land you job. Unemployable train wreck!

  2. How funny is it that Greggy suggests you are in hell out here, looking in the mirror. Where he is, a "mirror" is a hunk of polished steel, as is the toilet. And you have to worry that your cellmate is thinking of violating you when the lights dim. Who is in hell and who isn't?

    Why does Greggy constantly mention your ass? He's showing his feminine side. Maybe Mezz can find out and get back to us.

    Did you see where Jim the convict has STILL not learned his lesson, and is writing about his ex GF by name? And Mezz goes ahead and posts it. This will make it easier to get parole - not.

    Mezz is wasting a LOT of time trying to keep the world off her website. "keep trying fakers, this is getting easier each day." Yeah, and it's as effective as the irrelevant printouts in your evidence box at making legal arguments.

    Every "letter" of Greggo's is the same. Starts with a rant about Bernie and his ass, then Zito and the court system, then Bernie in the courthouse, then Morganelli. Throw in a Trish being victimized claim, then optionally an Angle and Stoffa reference. Rinse, repeat.

    Yawn. I'm tired of hearing about asses. Doesn't a Mensa member have deeper thinking skills?

  3. Trisha darling, listen to me: Jim has been the center of daily after meal sex acts all has become all consumed by African American & Puerto Rican facial attacks so needless to say, he will want to continue these acts with same upon his release

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. @11:48PM Totally inappropriate suggestion of violence. Ya think that is funny?

  6. Bernie is the quote attributed to your late father accurate, "When they (judges) put on their robes, their balls fall off"?

    And 11:33 Jim is a pitcher not a catcher, his 40 years of Tae Kwon Do have rendered his anus impenetrable.

  7. Bernie, are the constant mentioning of Gregory's ex on WEP and the things said about her, things that she can take to court and get action against Mezza. Also given Gregory's continued insanity and weird letters, could she get his sentence extended if she feared for her safety?

    It just seems like Greggy is mentally gone and the Mezz is actually helping him by attacking this woman.

  8. His rants without question would support an extension of the order. So far, he has avoided talking to his ex, so I don't see a contempt. Mezzacappa 's actions are harassment, and she has already been convicted once for her online harassment of others.

  9. One has to wonder where has Harvey been during this dark chapter, surely a real pookah would never allow his host to spiral out of control in such spectacular fashion.

  10. Bernie has been jealous of JG ever since this video was released.


  11. Actually, it's this video.


  12. I'm pretty sure that first video link is the Mezz before make up.

  13. Bedlums favorite son has been cast off like a leper, now we must deal with the fallout of putting a putz like Booby D in office.

  14. Something to consider. Jim Gregory may have been put through a test by God. Many men in the past were put through adversity and pain. God would hold a man up and cast him down in order for the man to understand the word. I think of Saul. Maybe Jim Gregory is a modern day prophet. That may have been God's plan. We can never understand God's plan. While some may scoff at this it is possible that God put Jim Gregory through these trials to prepare him to spreads the word of God.

    While many will find this farfetched it is something to consider.

  15. 4:39......Now I get it. Jim's in gaol like God had John the Baptist gaoled just before they had his head cut off. just picture this.....Jim Gregory's head and Tricia Mezzacappa's ass on a silver platter and Bernie laying there in a toga eating Vietnamese hoagies using the pork from mezzies pot bellied pig. Gosh I love the American Court system.

  16. While some may scoff at this it is possible that God put Jim Gregory through these trials to prepare him to spreads the word of God.

    I scoff and it's easy to do so when the link to his inane rant, provided by Bernie, now leads to a blank page. His evidence of harassment has been removed.

    If it really was God's word, why remove it?
    Because it wasn't.
    It was an attempt to harass and threaten and served no legitimate purpose. Mezz will eventually end up in prison if she keeps posting Gregorium's bullshit.

  17. Let me put this latest discussion to bed. I just watched Mass for shut-ins on Channel 6 and God spoke directly to me during the Eucharistic reflection. God said, "Jim Gregory is a crazy asshole."

  18. This site is the new WEFP. I like to read Jim Gregory's letters, but it takes me 10 minutes to get on the site each time. The wench that is running the site has shut off half the world from visiting it.

    I'm glad you're posting the whole story here on LVR. When I get in over there, I can't even leave comments. What is that woman's problem, anyway? Sounds like she has a stick shoved up you know where.

    She posts more here than on her own site. So much for battering readers with the truth.

  19. Ah ha. Mezzacappa deleted the rants of Gregory once they were made public. So much for battering readers with the truth.

    I made screen shots of the entire mess, which I will be happy to supply to Morganelli's office for possible legal action against him. This woman is a terrible emissary as a conduit to the outside. What was he thinking about, other than Bernie's ass?

    No doubt the next thing we will see is Gregory's rants about the car Mezz used to own, dated 2/6 and published around 2/10. Stay tuned, "readers". lol

  20. Jim is a pitcher not a catcher, his 40 years of Tae Kwon Do have rendered his anus impenetrable.

    Pitcher? At 62 years old, his balls are deflated and he has a Nerf bat. Besides, his mouth is open constantly, rendering his anus irrelevant.

  21. I had no prob getting onto her site...the letter is still posted there.

    If you spent an ounce of time trying to find a life, you wouldnt need to advertise this garbage

    the letter is hardly threatening...i guess its that old saying about someone who has a conscience guiltier than hell....grow up ohare and leave these two alone

    better call saul

  22. 10:02 Can you please stop referring to yourself in the third person, Mezzacappa? Every time you screw up apostrophes, everyone knows it is you.

    Why did you take Jim's rant off Scribd, document CCF07022015_00000 since last night if there is nothing wrong with it? Why not post it for everyone to see? Why keep it hidden behind your picket fence?

  23. You'll be left alone when you stop harassing and people, and you pay your debts for doing the same. Until then, expect the law and press to keep following you.

    And if you persist in threatening to to achieve public office, expect to have details pertinent to the electorate to be highlighted. You'll stand the same chance your "Mediterranean manslab" had when he had harassment charges against him in May 2013, and he hallucinated that it would be a great time to run for Mayor. You two are quite a pair.

  24. Mezzacappa took down Jim's letter because Boonies poison posse was enjoying it too much as they are a deranged group of sadistic slime balls .

    Mezzacappa already has the votes to win , the wind is shifting

  25. its kinda strange that someone who claimed she "damaged you" beyond repair would spend this much time trying to get into her info, writing rants every day, looking for ways to get around privacy blocks...etc...etc...

    anyone who sees this blog knows what the truth is

    she needs a refund judgement cause someone isnt "damaged" after all.....obsessed yes, deranged yes, damaged??? NOOOO

    a damaged person would have closed the book and moved on long, long ago. She needs a PFA, and good sources tell me , its coming

  26. That Danny O'Sullivan character is a hot slab of beef, Mezz can you put in a good word for me?

  27. I wonder why mezzy who says she has nothing to fear from what she writes and puts on scribd is trying so hard to keep it from being seen?
    If she has nothing to hide and is right she should want everyone to see it including the DA and not just her 11 crazy friends.

  28. Criminal Defendant Mezzacappa, at this point, you need to surrender your RAV-4 to the Sheriff if you wish to avoid jail. Also, I will be requesting that you be required to cooperate fully with the sheriff as a condition of bail. Finally, once I have the title, I will ask state police to charge you with car theft, a felony.. In the meantime, I will continue to keep my readers and voters informed about people like you and Gregory, who have no place on government. People have seen thru you and your lies. .

  29. if you can convince a prosecutor to go along with your rabbid-ness, good luck

    you cant request anything...youre a disbarred dead beat with no authority to do a damn thing

  30. Keep lookin', at this point you should start reffering to the RAV4 as "myyyy precccioussssss"

  31. You'll have a lot more time to taunt once ur behind bars.

  32. lock her old ass up! maybe she could run for public office while in ncp's womens quarters.since she is so hot, all the women would want a piece of that.

  33. let's see how tough she is once that gate closes!

  34. looks like the county taxpayers will be supporting her some more.

  35. Bernie's total obsession with these two can only mean he wants a threesome

  36. The Mediterranean manslab and the gun tooting hot blonde are the political power couple of the Lehigh Valley.

    When Gregory gets out they will co-host a show with Gubber Walsh and lay bare the hypocrites.

    I can dream.

    1. Hahaha what a joke. Manslab? Hot blonde? Seems like someone has delusions of grandeur

  37. What the Hell is the Mezz talking about? I got on her site and read the Greggy epistle. Who is she blocking?

  38. Rather pusillanimous of your poison posse to pass judgement on a positively pleasant woman like Tricia Mezzacappa. perhaps you peons should grow a pair.

  39. Go away Mezzacrazy. ...learn how to spell the word judgment properly

  40. Did an over baked Ziti lead to Gregory being punished too harshly?

    He should be forced to retire one is too many.


  41. Mezzacaooa, with a little luck, he'll be the judge that sentences you.

  42. "a positively pleasant woman like Tricia Mezzacappa"

    She's pleasant like a white hot rod shoved up your butt, pulled out and reheated, and reinserted.

    She is well on the way to getting the same treatment back, which is richly deserved. Do unto others. Read em and weep, pissant.

  43. "Bernie's total obsession with these two can only mean he wants a threesome"

    Very very doubtful ANYONE wants that. Gregory has pants full of 62 year old rubber, and Mezzacrappa is 50 years old.

    Bernie's reporting on these two is simply defined by the fact they have both behaved criminally, they are public figures, and we need to know about it. That and he was and remains the target of Mezzacrappa's foul mouth.

  44. Wow, Mezzawhacky had a lot of extra time on her hands today.

    Wish I could laugh so manic-ly at the thought of having criminal charges levied against me.

    Cuck-oo, cuck-oo.

  45. What a bunch of haters. You must all be ashamed of your lacking manhood coming up short next to Mr. Gregory's.

    Once while working out at Gold's gym, the Mediterranean manslab had an accident. His gym shorts strained to their limits by his mighty manhood let loose and the beastly anaconda came free. Men gasped and women fainted. The legend of the human tripod was born.
    If he were a Bond villain he would be, the man with the Golden Dong.

    As one of O'Hare's Vietnamese sandwiches, he would be the overstuffed Dong roll.

    Just cause you can't be em, don't hate em.

  46. she needs a refund judgement cause someone isnt "damaged" after all.....obsessed yes, deranged yes, damaged??? NOOOO

    a damaged person would have closed the book and moved on long, long ago. She needs a PFA, and good sources tell me , its coming

    Good luck with that. PFA "just because" like last time?

    How are you deserving of a refund, when you never paid your bill for character assassination? You're so twisted you don't know which is forwards, and which is backwards.

    You seem to believe you don't need to pay our bill. Who is "deranged" now? LOL

  47. "Once while working out at Gold's gym,"

    What year was that, 1990? Get a grip on yourself.

  48. If this woman would use her OWN website, she wouldn't have to stink this place up so badly, and she could post what she wants. Tell her story to her "readers". She could lie all she wants, and nobody would be the wiser. Unless they look elsewhere, that is.

    She complains about all the posts here. She is supposed to be battering readers on her own site. Own it, woman. Have a conversation with your eight followers.


  49. This Mezzacappa chick is straight-up nuts. The whole ordeal is crazy and she should be in the clink. Maybe she should be in a mental hospital if she really thinks she will be elected to any position.

  50. @9:31 She's highly qualified to be admitted to in a mental health facility. Maybe she should write a letter to Brownie.

    BRRAHAHAHAHAHAHA Put some vegan hot chocolate on the stove, if you can find it in your stupor. Yummy!

  51. Bernie, thanks for alerting me to the fact that I was following masspress. And thank you for the compliment, I will accept wing nut as evidence of my improving status in your eyes. In my eyes, you are still an anal sphincter who grovels around in bovine scatology. But, I love your coverage of Bethlehem zoning!

  52. "In my eyes, you are still an anal sphincter who grovels around in bovine scatology"

    You have some nerve, being the idiot who didn't hire a lawyer for the first Elias Market hearing, and as a result spent thousands and thousands of dollars on a fool's errand. You didn't make a record when it counted, and all the rest was masturbation because they tossed it out. Sphincter indeed.

  53. That turncoat turd Alphonse Bernotas "unfollowed" masspress after being outed. Don't expect any more "perks" at the end of your sessions

  54. *Poof* Now all the Gregory rants have disappeared from masspress. Looks like someone has something to hide. No wonder she's trying to lock everyone out of her website - she is can't resist posting things that can get her and her manflab into even more trouble. Better be careful sweetie - believing you are larger than life comes with risk.

    Left proudly displayed is the transcript from the damages hearing that Mezzacrappa skipped, leaving Bernie to claim his damages uncontested. If you aren't in the game, you can't win it. She shoots herself in the feet constantly - there aren't any toes left.

  55. The Mediterranean manslab has always had envious people after him. Why do you think he attracts the hot young women. he is all man and it drives you guys crazy.

    He sweats testosterone. One out he will write an article on exactly what went down.

  56. Speaking of the subterranean manflab, why have you concealed all his bizarre rants?

    He drove a couple of women so crazy they got PFAs to protect themselves from his brutality.

  57. Apparently Ms. Mezzacappa figured out finally she really is in legal jeopardy, because she appears to have gone underground. Her attempt at a war of words here failed miserably - which is what happens when the truth comes out.

    Her refrain of "this poor young woman", "you're obsessed," yada yada really pales in comparison with the truth. She should appreciate this, since her site was set up to "batter readers with the truth" (yet it has morphed into let's hide the truth unless you a member of an inner circle).

    The truth is she attempted to assassinate BOH's character, and is being held accountable for it by the court and law enforcement. And she isn't "young". She is well old enough to know she defamed him, and that she did it willingly and knowingly.

  58. Being forced to service other men sexually in prison will make anyone find God.

  59. Everyone knows that the human tripod is the dominant sexual animal. The gays would say it as, Gregory is a pitcher not a catcher.

    You boys that come up short are jealous of the bronzed man god. Two years of pumping iron and he will emerge a visage of male testosterone.

    A prophet with muscle.

  60. @3:47 We're all real impressed with his violent and abusive behavior towards women. Not. Keep hallucinating. Maybe a few hours of sleep instead of ranting all night would stem the advance of the deep crevices in your face that look like drainage ditches in the earth.

    Being superficial has its downside once you are older than 21.

  61. anon 11:33, jealous that the Mediterranean manslb would not look at you twice? Jim Gregory is known as the George Clooney of the Lehigh Valley.
    Should have been a male model. Brains, looks, he has it all!

  62. Anon 4:21, you should take your skit to a comedy club. I laughed so much it hurt! Excellent material.

  63. Jealousy of the human tripod is endless. Jim Gregory will soon return and women will rejoice.

  64. I have always been a fan of the Mediterranean manslab. He will be one buff stud upon his release. heard he's been in the weight room and been pumping away in prison.

  65. Imagine being in prison at 62, for violating a PFA multiple times. Comes out as an ex-con with a criminal record, no job, no prospects. Moron. Early Social Security, here it comes.

  66. The Manslab will be fine. He is in better shape at 62 than most men at 32. The women are out there and they will take care of him.. He will find one who will house him until he is on his feet.

    He will be offered a residence by numerous women who want the manslab experience. Stop the jealousy.

  67. "He will find one who will house him until he is on his feet."

    Maybe he'll wind up living under a bridge in Bethlehem, with an old wrinkled bitter wench who doesn't have a house, a car or a job. And she can compliment him on his withered manhood and use social assistance funds to feed him Viagra to pump up his ego, as they search garbage cans for sustenance. And maybe he will intimidate, abuse and taunt her the same way he does to the people who obtained PFAs against him. Yes, his future is bright.

    Maybe you should grow up, and stop acting like a 13 year old.

  68. The thought that anyone would be "jealous" of a convict who was foolish enough to beg his way into prison despite repeated warnings, and who is issued PFAs to stay away from women, is laughable. If this is your idea of the ideal man, he'll be available and you should jump at that if you really think you'll miss your chance.

    The temps are diving - put some yummy vegan hot choco on the stove and check your briefs. Long weekend ahead. Oh, that's right - every day is the weekend.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.