Local Government TV

Monday, February 16, 2015

Gregory Commands Council : Hire Mezzacappa or You're Out

From his campaign headquarters located deep in the labyrinth of the State Correctional Institute at Pittsburgh, Jim Gregory is planning his comeback. Between reading Bible passages about God's wrath and singing refrains of "I am an innocent man," Gregory is dispensing campaign wisdom and legal advice to one and all. His latest is a missive to NorCo Council, threatening that they'll all be one-termers unless they do what he tells them to do.

For starters, they must hire Mezzacappa.

"[S]he is absolutely qualified for the Gracedale job and should have been hired. Let Brown know that! Or not - then enjoy your one term."

Gregory, in addition to being a state inmate, is the head of UNITY PAC, which is both penniless and unregistered, He think that makes him the political Kingpin of the Lehigh Valley, although it's more like Pinhead.

Tricia Mezzacappa, you'll recall, was incensed when she was turned down recently as a Supervisory Nurse at Gracedale.

"I'll get you, my pretty," she snarled at the Human Relations clerk who broke the bad news."And your little pig, too!"

Mezzacappa, who has been charged criminally with defrauding a secured creditor, is also running for West Easton Borough Council.

After being rejected, she fired off a public email addressed to every member of Council, as well as Executive John Brown. "Now that I think about it, the County is not deserving of my qualifications and extensive experience, she writes. "Therefore, you need not re-justify your callous and erroneous rejection letter, with more excuses." Mezzacappa, posing under pseudonym "brudgejaxtonsr" at Lehigh Valley Live, has encouraged Executive John Brown "to fire everyone and start again."

Judge Zito, incidentally, has appointed James Brose to represent Gregory in his Superior Court appeal of his multiple convictions of contempt of Protection From Abuse Act orders. He had appointed Matt Deschler, but he advised the Court he has a conflict of interest.


  1. It is amazing how many haters Mr. Gregory has. He is suffering in prison and yet people like you pile on. Do we forget he was the P{resident of Bethlehem City Council. He was a police officer who put his life on the line to protect yours. He helped many people as social worker.

    he has helped numerous politicians get elected. He has given unselfishly of his time and efforts to many causes.

    He may have come up a bit unlucky in love but that is just one thing.

    Hopefully people will see the total man and realize why he has been put in so many positions of power and responsibility. He has rubbed some power players the wrong way and has suffered for that.

    You are jealous of this man of accomplishment and character and want to tear him down Bernie. He has put his faith in Jesus and he is content in that.


  3. Got a say that picture still portrays one of the hottest men in the Valley. The Mediterranean manslab will be back and better than ever.

    Haters just gotta hate. They just comer up a little lite in the manhood department compared to the human tripod.

  4. The two (M&G) of you need some serious professional mental health treatment.

  5. 1:55, As a cop, Gregory was known more for his naps than putting his life on the line for anyone. Gregory was removed as Prez of City Council for his irrational antics, which included chasing a bus containing the Governor. He is a woman beater and is where he belongs.

  6. discovery

    come out come out wherever you are

  7. Jim Gregory could have made something of himself. Instead he got all whacked out on something. Maybe it was whacked out on "POWER". We'll never know for sure. He held the second highest position in The City of Bethlehem where as Council President, he could have done some good. He failed the test. He ran and lost for County Council. His ego got him in trouble time and time again. He learned the hard way that he is not bigger than the law and now he is paying the price for it. When he finally gets out of prison I for one hope he can keep his nose clean and turn his life around, however, right now he sounds like some kind of a nut job that is destined to be put right back behind bars and this time for many years. He and he alone ruined his life because he thought he was bigger than the law. Now he pays the ultimate price for his actions.

  8. Got a say that picture still portrays one of the hottest men in the Valley. The Mediterranean manslab will be back and better than ever.

    The picture looks like he appeals to men much more than women. You've said he's a "pitcher" - he can keep his limp bat away from my backside.

    The only female who would look at him twice, is a desperate bitter old wrinkled dried up spinster, who spends all night surfing the internet.

    Haters just gotta hate. They just comer up a little lite in the manhood department compared to the human tripod.

    He comes up short in the "man" department, but you wouldn't see that. A person who abuses women the way he did (found guilty of six contempt orders associated with Protection From Abuse orders, and sentenced consecutively).

    Yeah, a woman beater is real attractive and garners jealousy from all the men who wish they were in his prison-issue shoes. Go back to your medications, sweetie.

  9. "It is amazing how many haters Mr. Gregory has. He is suffering in prison"

    Please - that is what prisons are for - monsters like Gregory who can't be allowed near (real) women.

    He's suffering? His letters make it sound like he's enjoying it and hasn't learned his lesson. He can rot there for another year and let's see if he's still laughing.

  10. He and he alone ruined his life because he thought he was bigger than the law. Now he pays the ultimate price for his actions.

    This is the highway to hell Mezzacappa is paving for herself. She's ruined her name, so that the jobs she is qualified for she will never be hired for if they Google her name first, she's about to be tossed in prison for clinging to a car she no longer owns, and she seems obsessed with attaining public office which she doesn't realize won't happen with her rap sheet and animosity towards municipal officials and employees.

    She's enjoying the ride so far - pretty odd.

  11. He's hot but sitting in jail.

    Do you think a guy in jail comes out only to want more gay sex on the outside?

  12. Gregory is the greatest example of why we need treatment in our prison system. Obviously he has received little or none and will come out worse than when he went in.

  13. Do you think a guy in jail comes out only to want more gay sex on the outside?

    Who cares what kind of sex he is interested in? He's an abuser of women. If a woman is foolish enough to get involved with him, sex will soon be the last thing she has to think about.

    Get your head out of your ass and your pants. He's an abuser of women and it is uncontrollable. That's why he is in prison. He could have found Bubba's religion at 11PM, or Jesus - it matters not.

  14. Gregory doesn't need the approval or support of the poison posse but do know that every one of these hate blogs makes it way to his cell in paper form, so it's probably wise of the haters to continue posting anon.

    It's real easy to sit back behind a screen and take shots at someone who is in prison for violation of a ridiculous PFA, most of the posters have little to know idea what goes on behind the scenes Jim's incarceration does not translate to him being a political eunuch the power he wields never left.

  15. Gregory played an integral part in the election of Brown and Sletvold.

  16. Gotta' love the threat being posted anonymously here warning people not to ID themselves.

  17. I'm going to be very interested in hearing how Gregory handles the rejection he is going to receive from every candidate and those who are sitting this year.
    What's nuts is his belief that he wields any type of power or influence in Lehigh Valley politics. He will be told NOT to attach himself to them in any manner, including his support.
    I'm expecting him to attack everyone with new and better rants of how he was betrayed.
    Is this abusive narcissist, with delusions of grandeur, due for release anytime soon?

  18. Where is it?

  19. "Gregory doesn't need the approval or support of the poison posse but do know that every one of these hate blogs makes it way to his cell in paper form, so it's probably wise of the haters to continue posting anon.

    It's real easy to sit back behind a screen and take shots at someone who is in prison for violation of a ridiculous PFA, most of the posters have little to know idea what goes on behind the scenes Jim's incarceration does not translate to him being a political eunuch the power he wields never left."

    Tricia, I hope he is getting every bit of what he dished out to his victims and more, every night. And then some rodents come and urinate on his bedding before he wakes. He's in prison, not hanging at the Holiday Inn.

    We know your MO. Gregory is innocent of all the charges against him, you are innocent of 1. disorderly conduct 2. harassment 3. defamation 4. concealing assets from a secured creditor.

    Please, by all means, forward this blog to Jim, with the love of Lehigh Valley citizens.

    Here's a question - why are you posting anonymously? What is your fear? Come on, come on out from the shadows.

  20. Oh, no, say it isn't so! Crazy Old Lady received an unidentified call from Pittsburgh twice in the past days, and now must I suspect it was Jim Gregory himself?


  22. Something that most people can't come to terms with is that Mezzacappa is highly qualified and has the experience to be an asset to any care facility. Kirkland Village is expanding, hope the management has changed from when she was last employed there and is given another chance, good character shines through this cesspool of cyber bullying when she is interviewed.

    Like it or not the Brown admin kowtowed to a few loud voices and made a personnel decision based upon the histrionics of the Valley's self appointed crier.

  23. Looks like Jim may not be coming home after all:

    Inmate dies of stabbing in northwest Pennsylvania prison
    Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150216_ap_7d362145900d4ea99ba2965023b53eb1.html#wrYbyOu0G3fMy6co.99

  24. That's not where he is, and I would never wish for him to be injured.

  25. Some of you people are stupid. Jim Gregory has helped many people over the years. More than this Mezzacappa woman owe him much. The fact that he is one of the most attractive e3men in the Lehigh Valley is a bonus.

    He has no doubt continued to work out in prison and will be as fit and firm as when he went in.

    There is a reason he has been called the Mediterranean manslab for years.

    Bernie, you mock him but wouldn't it be ironic if he ended up as your son in law. He has a power over women that is undeniable.

    You people are all haters. May God help you find peace.

  26. Oh no BO, his ninga skills were not enough so he used the shank.

    Jimmy boy lives to fight another challenger.

  27. Word on the street is that Gregory will take his renewed religious fervor to the street upon his release. He may begin his own ministry.

    Does anyone really believe he has found God and turned over his life to Christ?

    Also what happened to his house and car? Does he still have them?

  28. "Word on the street is that Gregory will take his renewed religious fervor to the street upon his release. He may begin his own ministry"

    He could become like the guy that hauled the cross around in public - until he skipped town and the state to escape the law. Sounds a lot like what could happen to Gregory.

    There is only one person who believes he found Jesus. Or wants people to believe he did...

  29. "The fact that he is one of the most attractive e3men in the Lehigh Valley is a bonus"

    Bullshit. JG is an abuser of women. That is quite a bonus. If you find that attractive, God help you. You conveniently left out this fact, but when you do mention it, you rationalize it away "oh, he made a mistake and it was love." That isn't love - that is abuse.

    You can't win a battle of words - because you are being battered by the truth. How does it feel?

  30. Oh stop it. Jim Gregory is one of the top union leaders in the Valley. he has done more to advance the cause of organized labor than anyone.

    He has been recognized by most unions as a leader. He has sat on numerous labor leadership boards and is known to sway the votes of labor as well as political endorsements.

    You try to minimize his importance but once released I think you will see him reassert hos power.

    This man is a Mensa and no ones fool.

  31. I don't know about all of his past but that is one of the sexiest photos Bernie ever used. The guy exudes sex with his smoking good looks.

    No wonder he is called the Mediterranean manslab. By women and men(particularly the gays).

  32. Because finding Jesus is a sure sign a dude will stop doing horrible acts. It probably increases the likelihood.

    Drunk abuser of women who rants like a psychopath? Praise Yahweh!

  33. Say what You will, how can Mr. Gregory be in prison for violating a P.F.A. One has to admit that a judge felt comfortable with this sentence and that scares Me

  34. I, for one, am happy you're scared. I suggest you start preparing for your own stay in jail.

    1. Bernie...word is your girl was processed at the jail last week. Do you know why? Is this the start of overdue justice?

  35. "Say what You will, how can Mr. Gregory be in prison for violating a P.F.A. One has to admit that a judge felt comfortable with this sentence and that scares Me"

    What scares a lot of us is you. Gregory is in jail for contempt, on six different counts. How can one person be that stupid?

    You're a total joke. Where is your running list of the judges who made mistakes? Zito, McFadden, Khoury, etc etc. Yeah, like you're right and they are all wrong.

    What specifics can you provide that Judge Zito erred, or are you just talking out you ass as usual? You won judgments you actually lost, you're going to batter readers with the truth, blah blah blah.

    The rumor is your testimony actually hurt Gregory. Way to go! TM KOs herself again.

  36. Jim Gregory has reached a point in His life that He has lost all self control and has nothing to lose.Why is He any different from the thousands of dangerous people residing in The Lehigh Valley.It seems Mr. Gregory is confined to protect the residents of the Lehigh Valley from a Gregory retribution 'Should be Sacred'

  37. I think we can all agree that whatever problems beset Jim Gregory he has now found Jesus and is at peace. He has turned his life over to God and is not about retribution.
    My concern is Harvey, what does Harvey want? Will Harvey win out. Is there a battle between the Jim Gregory we all know and Harvey. Hopefully we need not fear Harvey.

  38. She was fingerprinted after being charged with defrauding a secured creditor. They probably took a mug shot, too.

  39. My VPN isn't working anymore to access the Jim Gregory treasure trove, anyone have a work around using internet Explorer?

    "Access to this site is restricted. Please contact tricia817@ptd.net for access. You will be given directions on how to access the site through your dedicated IP address if you are approved. If you are a troll, a spammer, a fake or a spy/ feeder for a sadist who lives on Cape Disappointment (Avenue of the Perpetually Aggrieved) , don't bother...those who know me personally can call me for instant access. If you are wondering why I have changed to a private blog, its because "someone" (wink, wink) and their associates have taken to misrepresenting to the courts, the content that is published. Please be advised that if you are granted access to this blog, you are precluded from copying, pasting, sharing, downloading ,linking, or relaying any content that you read here. If you violate these terms, expect to have your access deactivated immediately. If you had prior access, and are getting this message in error, please contact me at the above email, to have your access restored. "

  40. Looks like Baghdad Bob is back in the form of 1:55 AM


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