Local Government TV

Friday, February 06, 2015

Glazier Asks Voters to Elect Him to Allentown City Council

Jeff Glazier should understand the needs and concerns of small business owners better than most. His family has owned and operated the prestigious Glazier's Furniture Store, located on Hamilton Street, for the past century. Jeff is the third generation owner. He issued a news release yesterday to indicate he's running for Allentown City Council.

Glazier states he's running for re-election, but if truth be told, he's never been elected to this office. He's been appointed twice, If elected, it  will be the first time his appointment comes from the voters.

But he's no stranger to electoral politics. He served for three terms on Alentown's School Board, including a stint as President.

In addition to being an appointed City Council member, Jeff is also a member of the Planning Commission. This is inappropriate. A Planning Commission is an advisory body to City Council. When it is composed of members who also sit on City Council, it makes little sense to call it advisory.

Glazier, in my view, is part of the Lehigh Valley Urban Growth Regime, and has pretty much been a rubber stamp for Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. On the other hand, he is transparent and has never failed to answer an email. Though I'm suspicious, I'd like to hear him explain how he differs from the City Administration.

He is also well-suited to City service, having both a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Public Administration from PSU.

Updated 9:10 am to correct a factual error in the story as originally published.


  1. Why does a citizen of Nazareth, Northampton County deserve a response from a candidate for City of Allentown city council? IMO, you don't!

  2. For that reason, a council member could refuse to answer questions from a reporter who lives in Hellertown. I do not pose questions as a citizen of Nazareth but as a blogger with 5,000 readers.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Error! Error! Glazier lost the primary for City Council in 2013 after is previous appointment. So this is the second time he will go before democratic party voters to seek the right to go before all registered voters in November.

  5. 1:01 AM -

    As far as I'm concerned, any local and regional politician who occupies, or wants to occupy, a position in which he/she helps to determine how state taxpayer dollars are spent, MUST be held accountable by EVERY Pennsylvania citizen.

    It should be obvious by now, Allentown projects are using a HIGH amount of state tax dollars in a questionable manner. Elected officials there are determining how OUR money is spent, no matter where we live in Pennsylvania.

    Oversight is good.

    Fred Windish

  6. 6:06, I have corrected my factual error, and thank you for setting me straight.

  7. I was looking at pfd downloads today and a certian doctor got a cople hundred g's for miliage, one has to ask themself were did this doctor drive from to log that kind of miliage to get into allentown¿ I would think that tibet and by the eastern bumfucked egypt¿ Almost like over the hills and through the woods to grandmothers house we go, only the big bad wolf is little redd ridinghood¿

    patent pending

    1. I am sorry that was dr for drive with all the numbers and letters mixed it looked like a multifaceted aljabraic exasion¿

      patent pending

  8. He was a hack for the ASD Superintendent Karen D'A before he was a hack for Ed P.
    He's an experienced hack.

  9. He's perfect, he'll do exactly as instructed.

  10. Plenty of low hanging fruit in Allentown to blog about.All the politicians check the Ramblings to check if They made the news.It was said the worst thing that could happen was Mike Wallace knocking on Your door now it's making the Ramblings.Remember Mr. Glazier helped take Allentown School District to it's current level of disaster


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