Local Government TV

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bi-Partisan Effort to Limit NorCo Executive Spending Fails

A bi-partisan effort that would give Northampton County Council more oversight over Executive spending has failed. On February 5, seven members of Council voted for an ordinance proposed by conservative tea party member Hayden Phillips that would require Council approval for any contracts over $25,000. "I just think it's better government," explained Republican Seth Vaughn. The only Council members opposed were Glenn Geissinger and Mat Benol, who have been Brown's most ardent supporters.

Previously, Council approval was only needed for contracts that exceeded $100,000. But last year, Brown executed several controversial no-bid consultant contracts, including one for a public relations and several cost control deals.

Brown vetoed the ordinance because it would "restrict the ability of the current and future administrations of Northampton County [to enter contracts] in a timely and cost effective way."

Since seven members of Council supported the ordinance, and since only six votes are needed to override a veto, you might think this Ordinance is veto-proof.

Welcome to the People's Republic of Northampton County.

The attempt to override Brown's veto failed by a five to four vote, with Peg Ferraro, Seth Vaughn, Mat Benol and Glenn Geissinger voting No.

Vaughn, who was all for "better government" on February 5, probably just meant "OK government." Council President Peg Ferraro, who hates her wishy-washy reputation, lived up to it with an about face, too..

Baffled, Lamont McClure asked Ferraro what caused her to change her mind.

"I don't think I have to answer," responded Ferraro.

"Two weeks ago, you and Mr. Vaughn show courage and vote with Mr. Phillips, and tonight, you and Mr. Vaughn show the opposite of that. A lack of courage."

I can tell you what is going on, Lamont. John Brown's closet consigliere, consultant Matt Deibert, was sitting in the audience, watching. Brown doesn't fart without Deibert's permission. After the meeting, Deibert gave Peg, Mat, Glen and Seth their very own rubber stamps.


  1. Ferraro and Vaughn are spineless cowards. They did what was best for themselves, not the taxpayers of the county.

  2. Doesn't surprise me. As I commented on your Feb 12 post:

    "My only concern is that the recent news story about the County ending 2014 with approx. $7 million more than expected doesn’t give the veto-proof 7-2 bi-partisan majority weak knees. Some had argued that 2 mills would have been wiser. All that the final reserve balance proves is that 1 mill was sufficient for the time being—but still needed."

    There is a reason I did not vote for Peg, and she confirmed it. There is a reason I voted for Phillips, and he confirmed it, even if I do not agree with him on everything.

    Well, life moves on...

  3. Was this a surprise. The people of the county got exactly what they voted for. The people who did not vote got exactly what they didn't bother to vote for.

    Ms. Ferraro has always been extremely partisan. When the chips are down she will follow the guidance of her Republican masters who hold the purse strings.

    No sympathy.

  4. So the guy who referred to Barron as a "political hack" demonstrates his own political hack-iness by flip-flopping on this. What a joke. NoCo Council meetings may have become my new favorite Thursday night comedy.

  5. Idk who votes for these clowns? This is the problem with Democrips and Rebloodicans! They are gangs and the members that get elected are puppets! This is a perfect local example.

  6. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. That used to happen frequently in the Reibman years.

    Angle would propose something not on the agenda. A council vote would go one way at one meeting, and then a different way at the following meeting.

    Always presumed back room pressure was brought to bear.

  8. I bet Ferrero and Vaughn just had their private meetings with Brown and did no other decision making research or soul/gut searching. Did they pull purchasing/procurement records and see how many may have gone though just under the dollar amount for contract bid or county council approval? Does council believe $100,000 is chump change? I guess now, a private tax payer may need to do a Right To Know Act Form and look at purchasing/procurement records and see for ourselves, since we can't count on elected council. I bet not one council member reviewed Brown's history. Council does what it does because there is an apathy among us tax payers and I bet if there was an audience full of people both council and Brown would be singing a different tune.
    Majority of council are jellyfish. Jellyfish protect juvenile fish that have no place to hide (Brown), they have no ears or brains (don't hear what tax payers say, and can't think for themselves). Jellyfish do however get eaten by larger fish. Taxpayers just need to find those smart,larger fish.

  9. laughing at you and all inbreeding Norco fools, the stench from council's hole should be proclaimed a toxic waste dump

  10. Very disappointed in Ferraro, as a Democrate I always thought she was bipartisan,she was bushwacked by Brown and his gang to change her vote on one of the most important issues ever to be raised by council. This vote will be her legacy with bipartisan help from Dems. in the future, She also voted to confirm Scomillio as Solictor when Brown put his "gang" together to advise him and mentor him with horrible decisions. Sit back and watch her. Seth you are next to go as well!

  11. bipolar spineless council!


  13. Amazing turn of events here. WTF are they doing? Spineless jellyfish at best. Peg is just useless now and don't look for leadership in her direction. Lamont making his points before exiting the arena at the end of the year. He'll be back!

  14. The administation sucks and council sucks. I hate going to work every day.

  15. Tyranny of the majority at work here in the peoples republic. Democracy in action. Reality TV got nothing on this unfolding drama here in NorCo. The people spoke and this is what they wanted?

  16. This is what happens when you do not go to the poles and VOTE! I hope this primary election you have to stand in line to vote again, things can change for the better if you vote to get rid of BROWNS candidates and you organize your list of electors early. ANYONE who is affiliated or has been affiliated with this gang must be voted out this year!

  17. Lamont is no better and has proved that over the years. he is leaving because he knows he would lose a re-election. he will run for county executive in two years . If that is the best the Dem's can do, the Republicans will win again.

    the silly unions will blindly back McClure and lose it all.

  18. 11:59. Bullshit, Lamont would have wond his district, again


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