Local Government TV

Monday, January 26, 2015

PSP Raid Shows Connection Between Nazareth Officials and Illegal Gambling

If nothing else, last week's Pennsylvania State Police raid on four Nazareth Area social clubs makes one thing very clear - the connection between illegal gambling and local government officials is extremely disturbing. At the time of the Stickergate arrests, Police Chief Thomas Trachta boasted, "We enforce all the laws and if you break the law, there is a pretty good chance you will be arrested," But Chief Trachta has turned his head the other way at clubs that routinely violate gambling laws. Trachta's boss, Mayor Carl Strye, has been the responsible officer for a social club that has had more than its fair share of legal entanglements.

An online database maintained by the state LCB reveals the following about these Nazareth-area social clubs. .

Holy Family - fined $600 in 1995 and $700 in 2013 for sales to nonmembers and gambling machines. The machines are reportedly out of Holy Family for good,

Vigilance Fire - fined seven times over the years for gambling machines and sales to nonmembers. It has received fines of $1,000, $1,000, $100, $400, $400 and $600. Its license was also suspended once. During most of this time period, Carl Strye was the responsible officer. He is now Nazareth's Mayor.

A Borough Mayor's only real role is to supervise the police department. But when that Mayor just happens to be the responsible officer at a Nazareth club cited seven times for illegal gambling, he makes the police department look like participants who are turning their heads the other way.

Do officers find themselves suspended because they ask questions about possible Crimes Code violations going on inside these clubs? Has Chief Trachta - and I am no fan - been shackled with a "Deputy" Chief  for asking too many questions? Never mind that the Deputy Chief's police certification has expired and he's running around with a badass glock and no authority to arrest anyone.

Except maybe me.

At the Vig, the PSP noticed that there's a discrepancy between the actual amount money on hand and the money that's supposed to be there. They followed a Vig worker named Larry home and confronted him, telling him to fork over all of the money or they would get a search warrant for his home. This Larry went into his home, came out and gave agents an unknown sum of money. But he bragged to too many people about keeping an envelope of money on his person. One of those people told me.

Now if club members are taking money home, or carrying it around on their person, this suggests a pattern of skimming to me. Are gambling proceeds really benefiting the club? Or are they paying for snowmobiles.

The lack of internal controls is appalling.

Much more bothersome than the actual gambling.

Harold V. Knecht American Legion Post - fined seven times since 2000 for falsifying records, training records, sales to nonmembers, gambling and serving visibly intoxicated patrons. Fines go from $250 to $2,600. Long time Borough Council member Larry Stoudt is a bartender at this club, although he has no position of authority. He was charged himself when he asked police to check out a club applicant whom he suspected was being an undercover state trooper. She was. She was working under cover. Charged with obstruction, Larry was placed on ARD.

In Stoudt's defense, let me say I consider him very honest. He would never try to benefit personally from an illegal activity. I've seen him devote countless hours of service to Nazareth. But he did use his official position on Council to ask for something improper.

Nazareth Jacksonian Club - fined eight times for gambling devices and misleading records. Fines extend from $300 to $1,500, This club is where NorCo Dems have often made endorsements in County races. Its license was suspended once.

Nazareth VFW - fined six times for deceptive records and gambling devices. There has been one suspension. I'm getting reports that this outfit was hit in the raid as well, but that has yet to be confirmed.

Hecktown Volunteer fire Co. - fined five times for gambling devices. The biggest fine imposed is $600.

East Lawn Volunteer Fire Co. - no record of fines before last week, which has led to lots of grumbling by other Nazareth social clubs. The President of this club is a former Upper Nazareth Supervisor.

Updated 8:15 am: The Express Times has details from some of the clubs.


  1. This not just a Nazareth area problem. Gambling..the illegal kind..happens all over especially under the cover of the social clubs as they are not public establishments. The condoning of these acts is a crime and many elected officials and municipal officers engage in the cover ups themselves for various reasons. PA law is such that as a member you can smoke there and drink cheaply there and gamble there without public knowledge. Is it a petty crime? Is that how it is viewed? Selected enforcement? Are people being paid off to keep quiet? All legit questions Bernie.

  2. Poking at this bees nest could be dangerous to your health. Proceed at your own peril as the trail leads places you may not want to go. It is insidious and many people are involved in gambling and the money that swirls around it. Be careful Bernie.

  3. I have lots of experience poking at these nests. The brave ones are those who visit these social clubs and who tell PSP what is going on behind those locked doors.

  4. Peer pressure and fear of reprisal are all very real alibi's/excuses for not exposing the dirt. Once you are on the inside..it is very hard to take action due to the repercussions. They..social clubs..have evidently worn out their usefullness. Their very nature makes them easy targets for criminals and their activities. Greed is the driving force as usual.

  5. You would think with the advent of legal gambling in the state and the area proper..that this stuff would fade away but evidently not. Why not go to the casino? I think the machines will fall out of favor at some point but other gambling will survive especially illegal sports betting.L Laying a bet at the local watering hole is way too convenient.

  6. If Mr. Stoudt is such an honest guy, why would he be concerned if a potential member was an undercover cop?

  7. Fair enough. It is certainly poor judgment.

  8. "Why not go to the casino? I think the machines will fall out of favor at some point but other gambling will survive especially illegal sports betting.L Laying a bet at the local watering hole is way too convenient."

    I think many people prefer the atmosphere of the social club, where they have friends and he booze and food are less expensive.

  9. it's my understanding that in many social clubs the gambling machines help pay the overhead for the club's utilities etc., they do not enrich the club officers. now that gambling has been legalized in pennsylvania for many years, why should the state and selected casinos have the monopoly? the real corruption is the double standard in harrisburg.

  10. If you want to be a member of the social clubs, then join. If you don't want to gamble, smoke or anything else then don't join. I believe MM (9:02) hit it head on. Larry Stoudt, Carl Strye, or others didn't make me join, I chose to join and I enjoyed my time there. And, if I lived in Nazareth, they would both get my vote.

  11. Count up how many times they have been busted. How is it they simply get more machines and continue on? Big money and not much of it helps the fire depts.It does however benefit someone. Maybe that is what needs to be exposed.No one has that answer though, nor will they ever I'd bet. And in a few years we'll be blogging tis same thing again.

  12. Too many highly placed individuals control this thing. They are insulated from the little guys on the tree as low hanging fruit is easy pickings. That is the crime model..always has been. LCB raids are analogous to pogroms. Every now and then..they come in and make some noise and bust some clubs and then go away. It's just goes with the scenery here in PA and is an accepted risk of localized gambling rings.

  13. You can't legislate greed out of existence..try as you may. It will find a way to survive and flourish. It's evolutionary in nature. You will never eradicate it no matter how hard you try.

  14. SNOW DAY! I see that ugly c**t from Ridge St. is flaming the LVL board right now. How soon till it starts to infect this blog again? Calling itself Jawbreaker 25. Guess she's fantasizing breaking that jaw on the soon to be released mensa man's meatstick.

  15. I see numerous local politicos, including County Council and former ASS'T DA's in clubs that allow poker machines. Republican clubs and democratic clubs have all been busted and candidates of both parties go to these clubs as well as their elected officials.
    Make the damn machines legal and stop wasting the time of our State Police and prosecuting attorneys.

  16. I have been to numerous Pennsylvania social clubs to play video poker.Trust Me everybody knows they are paying. 'The Gambler'

  17. John Brown Allen sucks! It's all his fault. And bernie helped get him elected.

  18. "LCB raids are analogous to pogroms."

    That's a bad analogy. A pogrom is basically an organized massacre or expulsion of a particular ethnic group, usually Jews.

  19. Great picture, Bernie. That looks a lot like Trachta from a distance.

  20. Nothing to do with Nazareth....Bernie...got to check this out....there is a video on the morning call web site of Mr Brown talking about how he is going to shape up this county and how greatful the tax payers and employees will be......Really???

  21. JB was at Detzi's over the weekend saying to all who could hear that the county will be won over by him and his admin. and the results will speak for themselves. Also praising his henchwoman..Allen. You can't make this stuff up. He's in la la land.

  22. I wondered what the big deal was when O'Hare first started on this silliness, now it is clear. He still has a nut on for Trachta and his sticker goons so of course he wants to take a shot.

    One thing about O'Hare is his obsessions are usually very clear. He is like a dog with a bone when he gest all crazy over someone or something.

  23. Gee, can anyone guess the ID of 4:44

  24. @5:02 - It's what happens to the minds of transgender's when they self medicate.

    MezzaCrazy is undergoing this transformation no?

  25. "He still has a nut on for Trachta and his sticker goons"

    If you actually read this piece, you'd see that the object of my criticism is not Trachta, but borough and township officials who put police officers in a very bad position, and that includes Trachta. How can he trust his boss? I am no Trachta fan, but he is not the culprit here.

  26. Clear conflict of interest here. Elected officials should be banned from social club positions of power. It is an ethical nightmare.

  27. Why mention a 20-year old fine for Holy Family? 20 years. Is there a statute of limitations on this blog? You were given a second chance. Sheesh.

  28. The reason is very simple. In my first story, someone commented that the Catholic club had not been raided. I presented its history to show that it has been raided and is treated like every other social club.

  29. "I wondered what the big deal was when O'Hare first started on this silliness, now it is clear. He still has a nut on for Trachta..."

    Clear in your crazy-assed mind, like he allegedly feels spurned by your alleged rejection 2 or 3 years ago, according to you. He's supposedly pining away and consumed by the image of you. Which planet precisely are you on?

    Get yourself some mental help, because you seriously need it. You're so twisted you believe the crap that is slithering out of your mouth. WHO would find you attractive? Think about it. Your suggestion that Bernie or anyone is hung up on you is downright silly.

  30. So you responded to an anti-Catholic with one fine from a 20-year old violation? Sheesh. Again, you were given a second chance. Shame on you for being drawn in by an asshole bigot.

  31. i responded to someone who questioned why a Catholic social club was not included int the raid. I also was providing a listing of all fines assessed against all Nazareth social clubs.

  32. "WHO would find you attractive?"

    More cruel statements from so-called "men" who live alone. Wonder why that is. You really are obsessed with this young woman and can't seem to get on with your lives.

    You need to get help. This is actually funny.

  33. They should legalize the social club gambling and tax it. The clubs provide a valuable service to the community and give back to many charitable causes. Why don't they crack down on the meth and heroin epidemic and stop wasting resources trying to criminalize ordinary working folks?

  34. Just because they support a good cause does not prevent graft and corruption from happening. Every week you see a story about somebody walking off with other peoples donations and worse. Wise up. Gambling is not the way to raise funds for worthy causes. It is an invitation to get rich quick at somebody elses expense

  35. yes, My concern is the corruption, the skimming, the embezzlement. Legalize them. Regulate them. Tax them. But until they are legal, these raids are the only way to slow down the embezzlement.

  36. What is it with the Mezz? Is she really that crazy???

  37. did Miller fire troxell

  38. Troxell knew too much...had to get rid of him


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