Local Government TV

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Federal Jury Awards $94,000 Against Brown Admin For Improper Firing

A federal jury has awarded $94,000* in damages against Northampton County for violated the due process rights of an Assistant Solicitor who was terminated when Executive John Brown took office. The award came down on Friday, and is in favor of former Assistant Solicitor Jill Mancini. She was the first person to be eliminated when Brown took office.

In addition to filing a claim with the Personell Appeals Board, Mancini sued in federal court.

Brown's propaganda machine, Sahl Communications, is spinning the news in as favorable manner as possible. It has issued several news releases, the most recent of which is as follows:
"In the case between Jill Mancini vs Northampton County Solicitor Victor Scomillio, Northampton County Executive John Brown, and the County of Northampton, the jury found Scomillio and Brown not liable and all allegations against them were dismissed. The jury found the County, Mr. Brown and Mr. Scomillio not liable for any claims of political retailiation [sic] and dismissed those claims. The judge dismissed claims against the County, Executive and Solicitor for allegations of Equal Protection violations.The jury found against Northampton County for a due process issue and awarded damages. The judge has before him motions challenging the presentation of the due process issue to the jury and challenging the award of any damages. The judge has not yet decided those motions. Given that this litigation is still pending in the courts the administration can not comment any further at this time," said Luis Campos, Northampton County's Director of Administration."
Sahl conveniently omits the damages award for due process violations. Amazingly, taxpayers are paying for a publicist to give us only part of the story, instead of the facts. This is propaganda. We are now also paying for news releases in which county officials say they are unable to comment.

We are also paying for political spin involving a candidate for judicial office. Sahl's propaganda is unsettling. When I pointed out the dishonesty, Sahl told me they could remove my name from their list. That's what propaganda people do.

* Attorney fees may also have been awarded against the County. and those may exceed the damages verdict.


  1. Wow! We are stuck with this Administration for a few more years. Let us hope that if they decide to run for re-election, we are smart enough to not vote for him and that the opponent is at least a little better than this Administration.

  2. Yet another example of how Brown and his "team" are leaving streak marks all over the administration of our county.

  3. brown should have to pay out of his own pocket , not taxpayer money. maybe his nonsense would stop then.

  4. Who was the outside firm that represented the county? They hired a law firm to do it. Why? and a lawer that wants to be Judge.

  5. No way Campos wrote that. Total spin doctor Kim. I can side with Brown on this one. Mancini used favoritism to get her job, then cries foul when she was dismissed. Everyone knows about her relationship with her former boss, which violated county policy. As her supervisor, Longenbach did all he could to help her get a big bump in her pay grade. Council didn't buy it. The damages awarded to Mancini are far less costly than if the county continued to pay her full time salary and benefits. Her FT position was eliminated for economic reasons, not political. And, her work as an assistant solicitor was not up to the standards sought by the new administration. So bye-bye Jill. No great loss to the county.

  6. Brown is a clown. Totally inept with no idea how to manage people. His ineptitude is costing the county both money and respect.

    He's inarguably the worst executive ever elected in this county.

  7. Wow, Brown has his own home grown Fox News p0ropaganda machine. After four years they can get a j9ob writing for O'Riley or Hannity. Nice job!

  8. Wonder if the damages are covered under the county insurance policy? Anyway sometimes it's worth the cost to make people go away.

  9. 3:51. Ok $94,000 for plaintiff. County pays prevailing party's fees ? Another $100,000; then add cost of attorneys for county ? Another $100,000;
    Sure was worth it. Goofball for an executive and crackerjack Solicitor who can't wait to be our next judge. These corporate efficiencies are just awesome for the taxpayer. Newsflash to Repubs - you are backing damaged goods.

  10. 3:51. Anyway just sayin. You are an idiot.

  11. You beat the dailies to this one. Nice job! BOH KO's the competition.

  12. 4:15 P.m.
    and so are you....

  13. Unfortunately the taxpayers can expect more of this in the future. I understand the ax will be falling on a handful of individuals at the prison very soon and most of those individuals have attorneys waiting to file paperwork once the ax falls. Terminating people is one thing but doing it in a legal and fair way is another.

  14. Why are the taxpayers footing the bill for a "communications" company that can't send out an email with all of the words spelled correctly? It's 2015 for fucks sake, use spellcheck!

  15. Who can we pay ti get rid of Brown and Co? I will start a collection because I am sure I could get lots of donations. Too bad some of the county employees who got the big raises cant be incuded in the purge.

  16. Don't slam someone for getting a fair wage. But demand one for yourself.

  17. Come on Bernie, who gets a 20 thousand a year or a 4 dollar a hour raise for doing the same job duties? All this while jobs are left unfilled and everyone else gets pay freezes. Even if for some unknown reason they deserve a raise, it is still unjustified when everyone else is told to do without. Sorry you may think it sounds petty, but everyone deserves the same treatment.

  18. That is precisely my point. If you resent a raise for someone who does an exceptionally good job, you are essentially slamming the door in your own face. Don't begrudge others, but demand that your accomplishments be rewarded.

  19. brown doesn't care about the average joe employee. His actions speak louder than words.He has no interest in rewarding the many exceptional employees.Not one union contract settled in 13 months? That should speak volumes. The employee drones need a job in this economy, and bosses know this, so that is the excuse to shove anything they want up your ass.

  20. That is correct. THERE ARE MANY EXCEPTIONAL employees. Not sure what these 2 did that was any more exceptional than any other worker.

  21. Would this all be happening if Jim Gregory was still in Brown's inner circle, probably not as he was a county employee, union steward, and champion of the little guy. I know he is in contact with Brown via the postal service but that is not enough to stem the tide of blunders.

    Free Greggy

  22. I'll file a RTK to see what advice Gregory and others have been giving Brown.

  23. http://sandsbethlehempokerroom.blogspot.com/2013_08_23_archive.html

  24. My understanding is Gregory was a consultant to Hitler.

  25. "http://sandsbethlehempokerroom.blogspot.com/2013_08_23_archive.html"

    Whatever point you are attempting to make, you've eluded me.

    1. If you go on that blog's archives (8-23-13) there is a header titled "Gregory." Scroll to it and it shows a picture of a Jim Gregory from Bethlehem that placed in a poker tournament and won a couple hundred dollars. I guess there is no point to this but the picture sort of resembles him. The Gregory in this pic looks younger...is it really him or does he have a son? I have seen Gregory at my "Place of employment " but I cannot tell if it is really him. If it is I cannot wait for his release because these tournaments, and poker in general, are a part time job for me. I am a regular there and I would love a chance to bust him! In poker terms of course...I'm all in! PS...Nice way to pay for my co-insurance if our contract falls apart...Lol...Tom Davis

  26. This is so unfair. Past administrations have helped their friends. Didn't John Stoffa moved one of his friends to the prison before he left, to keep their job secure? Also didn't he give his former Lehigh County friend and campaign manger a job in the Economic Development office. Was she tested for that?

    This is a witch hunt aimed at John Brown and it is hypocritical because he is a Republican.

  27. John Brown Sucks Period!

  28. As usual in this BLOG the readers and their comments go astray. Your BLOG is about idiot Brown and Atty. Scumillio firing A Career Service Employee. According to the newspaper, this employee was denied due process. Didn't she have a grievance procedure and get a ruling? Also, this could cost us(as taxpayers) tons more money because this isn't over yet (according to her attorney). For example, how much did the County pay for outside legal counsel? That has to be well in excess of one hundred fifty thousand dollars. How much will the County have to pay Mancini's Atty? that could easily be another one hundred fifty thousand dollars or more. Can you tell me, was it ever decided that the hiring of an outside law firm was approved by County Council? Is this the same Scomillio that wants to be a Judge?

  29. Anon 4:56 you have no idea what you are talking about. The person you are referring to was never a "friend" of Stoffa's. He never knew her before hiring her. It is not like Brown an Allen hiring friends they have known for years. This is not a D or R issue. Brown is hiring a bunch of cronies at all levels of county government, some likely in violation of career service regulations.

  30. Please tell that "surcharge" comes into play here. Why are the County Taxpayers on the hook for this even if an insurance policy pays? (I am sure the County has employment practices insurance but probably has a high deductible of at least $10,000) The taxpayers should not be responsible for even the deductible! How much more is this Administration going to cost the taxpayers? This is the Theatre of the Absurd on steriods. Brown thinks he was hired to be CEO of some corporation where his Board has given him the power to act like a bull in a china shop. Further hoping that the NORCO Republicans reign him in or otherwise might as well kiss any future elections good bye.

  31. PS: Brown and this "team" should also be responsible as part of a "surcharge" process for any increase in employment practices insurance policy premiums, too! That policy premium will now certainly rise! Enough is enough. Where is the NORCO Republican Committee on this?? Where?? Just hearing crickets...

  32. Witch Hunt? U have to be joking. When all depts, employees, and taxpayers are complaining it is not a witch hunt it is reality

  33. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hDWFM9hJLTM/Uhb28Z3NYRI/AAAAAAAABsQ/xuXwmWgVdYs/s1600/Jim+Gregory.JPG

    The point is JIM G is a stud

  34. Bernie
    In your experience is such a fine actually paid or is it symbolic?

  35. Tom Davis, Jim Gregory has been a big winner long before "Rounders" and the Moneymaker effect brought Johnny come lately's like yourself into poker.

    I've seen him lay down Kings preflop on more than one occasion, seldom being wrong, he excels at multiple variants 2-7 lowball NL being his strongest game.

    I hope you have the stones to introduce yourself to him when he returns to Sands, he will be glad to lock horns

  36. "In your experience is such a fine actually paid or is it symbolic?"

    Are you serious? The whole point of the lawsuit is to compensate Mancini for the County's wrongdoing.

  37. "According to the newspaper, this employee was denied due process. Didn't she have a grievance procedure and get a ruling? "

    I'll have more to say on that point.

  38. Tom That is Gregory in that pic, which was taken about a month or so before he was sent away. He was skipping work regularly so he could be seen in the casino. One guy tells me he even wore disguises bc he was afraid thecounrty would find out.

  39. I had the opportunity to work with Jill when she was an Assistant Solicitor and Assistant District Attorney and she is a nice person. Did not deserve to be fired that way. However we all know those positions in the Solicitors Office are political appointments. So when you take those positions you know there is an expiration date. Despite efforts made by the previous administration, there will always be changes. I thought Scomillio would have been smart enough to keep her on Staff and let her skills get her fired or go to Council and get the position changed. But Team Brown continues to believe they make up the rules and are never challenged! So kudos to Jill for challenging Scomillio and Brown. Now you got a years salary and can campaign like hell against Scomillio.


  40. @1:22

    His fine poker skills explain why he was broke.

  41. "In your experience is such a fine actually paid or is it symbolic?"

    Yeah, the feds always go through the motions and make symbolic gestures. lol.

  42. $4.00 an hour is not $20,000 a year.I thought most of the staff had contributed to campaigns,is this not true?

  43. Great statement by Mancini! Brown is a first class BUFFOON. Hell hath no fury like a woman fired.

  44. "Hell hath no fury like a woman fired."
    Or a woman exposed to be an unsuitable candidate for office by a local blogger.

  45. Mancini is actually s lightweight who was hired only bc she knew the right people. she would have given Brown plenty of rope hashed just waited. By the way, I think her remarks are extremely unprofessional.

  46. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XEe0QHGy_zA/VLcOln8ZMPI/AAAAAAAAEPI/xwBnSDtvtmQ/s758/100_1176.JPG

  47. "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XEe0QHGy_zA/VLcOln8ZMPI/AAAAAAAAEPI/xwBnSDtvtmQ/s758/100_1176.JPG"
    That's just wrong on so many levels. Someone pull a burlap sack over that thing.

    A failed candidate going back to the well. Hopefully our bloggers and reporters will keep voters updated as the year progresses on her legal matters - she has some legal actions outstanding and settled that are unfavorable for a candidate for office, and there is time for more skid marks to appear.

  48. No one could ever depict Mancini as a professional. Just watch her drunken antics at both the Parsons victory party and Callahan's election night debacle.

  49. I agree. That's why Brown should have waited. She would have given him ample reason in no time. Let me add that all assistant solicitors should serve at the pleasure of the Executive. He needs to have people he can trust. Having said this, it appears that Brown rushed things and violated Mancini's rights to due process.

  50. If Brown is getting advice from Brown that could explain a lot.

  51. One of the issues unmentioned here is the timing and method. To receive a phone call on a Friday right before Christmas telling you not to come in Monday was cold and arrogant. At least wait until after the holidays and do it in person . Bunch of cowards I`d say.

  52. Oh boo hoo. Poor little Jill. Used the relationship with her boss to coast as an asst solicitor, then whines and sues when her cushy job is eliminated. Who the hell would hire her now? At least she could work for her sweetie in his private practice.

  53. Why didn't Alpago use when his job was eliminated? Because he had class.

  54. No, he had a connection. He was picked up by the Konoupis law firm, which at that time was a big Brown supporter. I'm not so certain that is still the case.

  55. Bernie: I wish you would research the law before speaking on employment issues. A Loudermill hearing is ONLY required for disciplinary terminations not for a lay-off as a result of reorganization or reduction in force. The jury clearly erred on a point of law which can serve as a basis for appeal. Check it out.

  56. The judge presiding over this matter obviously rejected that analysis as a matter of law

  57. If you are correct, then the Judge erred on a point of law and the issue should be appealed to the Third Circuit.


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