Local Government TV

Friday, January 09, 2015

Can You Say AG John Morganelli?

At this time last year, Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski, J.B. Reilly's handyman, was running for Governor. He had a bus and everything! He also had the endorsement of Easton Mayor Salvatore Panto, Jr., Mark Mulligan's handyman. Nobody in the Lehigh Valley was paying much attention to a little known businessman from York who drives a Jeep Wrangler and believes in goofy things like ethics. Nobody except for John Morganelli.

At a time when few people outside York knew much about this guy except that he had a beard, Morganelli was encouraging him to run. And when Wolf did decide to give it a go, Morganelli invited him to his home for a fundraiser. Twice.

Morganelli, as most of you know, is Northampton County's six-term District Attorney. I happen to be the son of a former District Attorney. But I am sure my father himself would agree that Morganelli is the best person who has ever held that position. In fact, he helped elect him. Unfortunately he never lived to see him take office.

Why the best? He's smart and is a formidable foe in the courtroom. But what really sets him apart is that Morganelli loves his job and works at it. If you visit the courthouse at 8 am, when bottom-feeding bloggers like me are getting our first intravenous injections of caffeine, you'll find the DA at the courthouse, working. He often returns on nights and weekends as well.

Like his counterpart Jim Martin in Lehigh County, Morganelli is also a good administrator. Even budget hawks like Ron Angle were forced to compliment Morganelli, who year after year presented lean budgets. He's tight with the public buck. He has also professionalized his office. As part-time prosecutors retire, he replaces them with full-time career prosecutors. This way the office has had a good blend of veterans who mentor younger and hungry assistants.

Governor Tom Wolf has a crisis on his hands. The state's top prosecutor, fellow Democrat Kathleen Kane, needs to step down. A Grand Jury has recommended the filing of criminal charges for disclosing secret grand jury records to a newspaper in a stupid vendetta against former Corbett prosecutor Frank Fina. She did so in a petty attempt to embarrass him, and it blew up in her face. This poor judgment is complicated by or perhaps even the result of unfortunate turmoil in her personal life.

She's a pretty face, but an incompetent prosecutor. Her handling of the Turnpike probe alone is evidence of her inexperience.

Morganelli has run for this office three times. He understands the politics and knows the players. He'd be an excellent choice to replace Kane, and one that would likely be acceptable to Republicans. While most Democrats shy away from the tea party, Morganelli has spoken to them several times concerning illegal immigration. He also penned a recent Patriot News op-ed, opposing a moratorium on the death penalty.

Though he's a conservative Democrat, he is also the closest thing to a free speech purist I've ever seen in a position of power. I've seen him dismiss trespassing charges against antiwar protesters at the Palmer Post Office  He dismissed charges against a free spirit in Washington Township who was flying his American flag upside down. And he condemned the Stickergate charges filed by Nazareth police last summer.

As a bottom-feeding blogger, I can tell you this is a rare quality. Most people in public office really start to believe their shit smells like roses, and get very offended by even minor criticism. The only time they defend the First Amendment is when some Islamic terrorist kills satirists in Paris.

"Suck it up, Cupcake," is an admonition that would apply to most public officials. I know this from personal experience.

Over the years, I have criticized Morganelli at times as well. But unlike most politicians, he never takes it personally.

One anonymous reader has suggested that Philadelphia DA Seth Williams should get this appointment. I agree that Williams, a no-nonsense prosecutor who has taken a realistic approach to marijuana prosecutions in Philly, would be excellent. But that might be a step down for him.  

Morganelli, however, is a perfect fit. Williams deals mostly with urban crime. Morganelli has a wealth of experience in urban crime, suburban crime, white collar crime and gangs. He has innovatively used the Grand Jury to attack public corruption. He recently led the drive for a Mental Health Court and has signed on to a Task Force to prevent the growing problem of elder abuse.

Morganelli has declined comment.


  1. if you stick your finger any further up johns ass , it may show when he opens his mouth to give you a big kiss tomorrow

    it must be a great thing when you are prosecution proof

    a few more of these french kissy blogs, and he'll turn his back on 1st degree murder.

    youre almost there

  2. Mezzacappa, take your drug cocktail.

  3. John's OK, but Philly DA Seth Williams is a much better choice and will be governor someday. Appointing him now will give Ds the governors mansion for 16 years.

  4. John has found his Peter Principle in Norco. he would be in over his head, just like kane, in the real world

  5. John's a thrice loser with state Democrats and isn't regarded as a strong candidate. The appointment will give the new AG a leg up in the upcoming campaign. That leg up shouldn't be wasted on John. I also like Seth Williams a lot. He stood up to Kane and had her figured out long ago. Both good guys. Williams is a more dynamic choice for the long term, though.

  6. This is assuming that Kane resigns. A A smart person may very well choose that route, but her actions have caused me to question her intelligence. A long trial could ensue, dragging out until after her term ends. And a conviction would not automatically remove her from office. That would not happen until her sentencing.

    Even if she were to resign, I'm not sure that Mr. Morganelli would want the job with the conditions attached to it. Whoever is appointed by the Governor would have to be approved by the GOP-controlled Senate. They will likely insist, as has been done in the past, that the appointee promise not to run in the next election. Would Morganelli give up being DA for a chance to the AG for a year or two?

  7. I doubt it will be offered, and I doubt he would take it, but if he ever wanted to be a judge, which he has flirted with the idea, then he would be wise to take it if offered.

    He could serve the balance of the term as AG, then run for Commonwealth or Superior Court, or Common Pleas here in NorCo.

  8. This is selfish, but I wouldn't want to see him go. He's a good man and is doing a good job.

  9. 3:30 AM is Mezzacappa, with her usual misuse of the apostrophe. She's crying in her spiked hot choco.

    It's too bad her purported Mensa cohort (his writings don't reflect intelligence) hasn't schooled her in proper use of the English language. She may as just sign her name. And if it is posted at 3:30AM, that's further proof. She needs to stay up all night so she can drive the RAV4 to the 24 hour store when law enforcement is poorly staffed.

  10. OT, but ... ruh roh ....


  11. I think the big favor was used up with Leeson appointment.

  12. I think he has a great shot at it. And if he wins, it surely will be Northampton County's loss. One less person with good sound judgement as the Brown Clan increases.

  13. 4;57, the Leeson appointment has nothing to do with Wolf. And I don't regard the appointment of Morganelli as a favor. He is spply the best person in my view.

  14. My only complaint with Morganelli is his stance on Marijuana. He is definitely on the conservative side of the argument, however, he did prove several valid points from a prosecutor's point. I believe there is some good middle ground, and I believe he would work toward it.

    As another reader said, she needs to resign first. Wolf wants to put Corbett completely in the rear-view mirror and with those ties, he may give her a deal she can't refuse.

  15. Matt, no question John is your typical conservative Dem. in that respect, he's a reflection of the Lehigh Valley

  16. Today's Morning Call headline said Kane's tenure as AG is "clouded". Imagine if she was a Republican. Don't you know the headline would be calling for her removal.

  17. I read far beyond The Morning Call to find out what is going on in Harriisburg and only get a glimpse. I believe your point is that Kane is getting kind me treatment bc she is a Dem. while that was probably true at one time, it certainly isn't so now. If anything, the press has been unusually harsh. One reporter actually visited Her hair me unannounced, at night, when the only person with Kane was her son. The press turn d on her the moment she brought Sprague to an interview at the Inky.

  18. Maybe, maybe as an interim if Kane resigns but she won't resign so it is academic. She will finish her term. Morganelli would have to promise not to run again because the Republican would win.

    Jon is known as Jonny Pressconference. Also quick to pull the trigger on Grand Juries that appear more political than criminal.

    Been around too long and just not the guy statewide. Much like his old nemesis Cunningham, both Lehigh Valley legends and there is nothing wrong with that. Outside the Valley, nobody cares.

    Besides the rabid support of Bernie O'Hare is the political kiss of death.

  19. A comment from an anonymous troll like you makes Morganelli look better.

  20. Morganelli is an ok guy. Not atty general though. Problem with all this is as an O'Hare mancrush he is burdened by that brand.

    Only people who like it are Dent. Angle and Stoffa.

  21. I just received in the mail a "Drug Task Force Newsletter" that is essentially a very expensive campaign mailer for John. I've received one or two previously; interestingly timed with his re-election plans. I hate that shit. It's needless. It's a puff piece for a guy running for re-election and it was paid for with public funds. Is it legal? Probably. Is it ethical? Is it the right thing for a public servant to do? No. No it's not. John may be more ethical than the average politician. But that just makes him the best of the worst. He should pay for that and any future mailers that are really campaign pieces. I kind of like John. But I'd love to vote for a guy who wouldn't think of doing something like this. Perhaps my bar is too high for John and other always-running politicians. There's a reason they're held in very low esteem. They work hard at it every day. John is no exception.

  22. The Pro Se legal eagle from W.Easton has been seen in the law stacks quite regularly, her mind is well suited to the profession and many of her mentors have urged her to study for the bar exam.

    Morganelli will be held accountable for his inaction regarding the LTCF leak.

  23. "I just received in the mail a "Drug Task Force Newsletter" that is essentially a very expensive campaign mailer for John. I've received one or two previously; interestingly timed with his re-election plans. I hate that shit. It's needless. It's a puff piece for a guy running for re-election and it was paid for with public funds." I just had this conversation on Thursday with a death penalty opponent angry about the mailer. I will say this person intends to write a LTE. Here are the points I made with this guy. 1) It is drug money, not public tax money. 2) It also is an accounting of what he is doing with drug forfeiture money. 3) Why complain about Morganelli's use of drug money for an informational mailer while saying nothing about the state representatives and senators and U.S. Congressman which really are using your tax dollars to send glossy flyers that really do nothing but promote themselves. I told the death penalty opponent that his real problem is with Morganelli's views and not the brochure, or he'd surely condemn similar flyers from Freeman and Cartwright. That is probably true in your case as well. And where is the outrage at using nearly $80k in county tax dollars for a public relations consultant so that the exec can promote himself?

  24. Bernie, I understand you were on Facebook claiming that you want to know about public officials abusing their authority. Well, I don't know how serious you are but your source is correct. It is a terrible problem and getting worse.

    I believe a reference was made to Bethlehem officials, elected and appointed. that is true but merely the tip of the iceberg. Bethlehem people are given nice tickets to amazing events. If not free which they are at times, hard to get great tickets are magically available to the right people. Some of these people are types you love so you may not want to believe it but it happens, a lot in the
    Christmas city to friends of yours.

    Not to be undone, the new PPL arena is great for public officials. Know that some wander in and out of vendor luxery box seats at will, drinking and eating at the trough. A state senator has been seen making the rounds, she is somewhat of a regular. Who is going to tell her no? Also mayors, city officials and the like can walk in to any luxury executive suite at will. Other pay but these folks have the run of the place, as per word.

    Why not be more open. Well, with a family to take care of I and others cannot afford the vengeful rath of these connected folks.

    Follow the leads and be ready to be disappointed in people. The guys you don't like are easy, some you claim to admire will be harder for you to accept.

    It is really shameful. Between, musikfest, the Sands and now the Allentown Arena, the in crowd is having a fun, fun time.

    A big thank you to the vendors and taxpayers that make it happen. Disclaimer, I could be wrong, they all have great lawyers.

  25. "The Pro Se legal eagle from W.Easton has been seen in the law stacks quite regularly, her mind is well suited to the profession and many of her mentors have urged her to study for the bar exam."

    are these the lies you tell yourself to mask your continued failures in life?

  26. "It's drug money."

    Ina sense, yes. But what it really is is taxpayers' money. It should be viewed on balance with the DA's entire budget, none of which should be used for the incumbent's re-election campaign. John recently used the prurient details of a terrible murder to gain publicity on a national cable show. John is a master of self promotion. His newsletter is exactly that - self promotion - using taxpayer dollars. It's why I always respected Bob Freeman for not wasting our tax dollars on franking privileges. This is a bit more brazen than franked mail. It was an expensive mailer.

  27. You can respect Freeman all you want, but he does use taxpayer money to send bulk mail to constituents. He spent $7,400 in your money last year to keep taxpayers informed. Morganelli is not using your tax dollars. Freeman also grabbed $9,300 in per diems and $5,389 in mileage expenses. I'm not slamming Freeman for doing what is pretty much the norm. I'm just setting the record straight.


  28. I have never been a fan of the drug forfeiture laws. I find them to be unconstitutional taking of private property. the past has shown the bar to be very low to claim property is all drug money obtained and the "government" takes what it likes. We have seen families lose everything because a member was involved in drugs and an ambitious drug task forces and or DA claims everything they own is fortitude.

    Just a law that as an American rubs me th ewrinbg way.

  29. All deposits and epeditures are tax dollars. Government employees aren't permitted to use their positions for this kind of campaign fundraising, It's questionably legal. But it's really sleazy. Franking is bad, but not as bad as using department funds for your own personal gain. The hubris is shameful.

  30. In Philadelphia, they tend to be aggressive. The danger you speak of is quite real there. That is not the case in the LV. A person who is unaware that his home or car is used to facilitate drug sales is safe. This principle goes back to the common law, where anything used in the commission of a crime could be seized.

  31. "All deposits and epeditures are tax dollars."

    That is simply not so. These are NOT tax dollars, but are the proceeds of forfeitures. Franking, by contrast, IS the use of public tax dollars to promote yourself with bulk mailers. So is Brown's public relations consultant. If you want to eliminate this sort of thing, I'd argue it makes sense to start with the public tax dollars.

  32. Like how Bernie is going to look at the "favors" issue. Problem is Bernie, the biggest problems up to now seem to be on Bethlehem. Both the Economic Development people in the past Administration and this one. They seem to get the plum tickets or seats. The current one is a friend of Bernie's and that will create a problem. No doubt excuses will fly. We will see.

    The boys in Allentown are making a run at the title. Agree about our Senator, she is well known to be a prime offender for years.

  33. Drug forfeiture money typically is given to local law enforcement in the form of grants and to buy equipment to fight crime, and thus can help local municipalities avoid tax increase.

    Guess that was not a priority here.

  34. That precisely how most of the money was spent. It to bar the DA from explaining annually what he is doing, knock yourself out. But i would start with actual tax money used by our state legislators to tell us how wonderful they are.


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