Local Government TV

Friday, December 05, 2014

Republicans Blame Barron For Tax Hike

Seth Vaughn: J'accuse"
For the third time in four years, Controller Steve Barron is in the doghouse with Northampton County Council.

In 2010, he was caught on tape, accompanying a bunch of union organizers, to give the strong arm at T-Mobile's Allentown call center. He identified himself as the Northampton County Controller, but a company VP still refused to meet him. Barron responded with this threat.

"Please remind him that if he needs anything from Northampton or Lehigh County, we're going to remember this day and we'll make sure that it will be part of the negotiations."

Council condemned his remarks by formal resolution. T-Mobile eventually left the Lehigh Valley, taking 600 jobs with them.

Mat Benol does not want Barron sharing info with press
Last year, Barron was called on the carpet again. This time, he was caught by yours truly, teaching two classes three days a week, during the middle of the day. He spent twelve hours every week, including commuting time, away from the courthouse, at a time when most employees have access to the county's purse strings. This was a violation of the Home Rule Charter requirement that he be a full-time Controller.

He resigned his teaching position the next day, and Council took no action.

Now Barron is in hot water again. This time, it's mostly for doing his job.

Barron has had a contentious relationship with Executive John Brown. Barron sued over Brown's public relations contract with Sahl Communications. He also has been critical of other no-bid contracts and has questioned what real savings will be realized by Brown's unilateral decision to reduce health benefits. Just earlier this week, he called on both the Executive and Deputy Director of Administration to reimburse the County about $1,500 in what appear to be inappropriate travel expenses. He has also established an online fraud tip center for employees.

He has made some remarks in mass emails to employees that are unprofessional.

Barron called "political hack"
The Executive removed the fraud tip report form, and even blocked Barron's access to mass email, but restored both when it was pointed out that Barron is an independently elected official, not a County employee who is accountable to the Executive.    

After Council adopted its budget last night, Republicans launched an attack.

Mat Benol was the lead off hitter, "I'm not a fan of receiving emails that include the media on it,." he complained, preferring government in the dark. "I don't think that your position warrants you crying 'Wolf!' every other week."

Ken Kraft asked Benol,"Was that a campaign speech? Are you running for Controller?"

Seth Vaughn followed Benol with an interrogation.  "I won't hold you up too much," he sarcastically stated. "I know you're very busy."

Vaughn correctly took Barron to task for some unprofessional comments in his mass emails, which would be more appropriate here. In one email, Barron refers to Brown as "Dear Leader" That actually is a name coined by yours truly. Vaughn claimed that Barron also told employees that the Brown administration is an "ignorant administration which delivers needless beatings to the employees of Northampton County."

Vaughn pointed out that Barron's comments are a violation of the County's electronic resource policy, though that is unenforceable against Barron as an independently elected official

"We don't pay you for your opinion," thundered a visibly angry Vaughn. "We pay you to be a nonpartisan office."

Actually, Council is not the boss of him!

Then Vaughn blamed Barron for the tax hike.

"Your lack of oversight has led to this conversation about us having a tax increase. You've been sitting here for seven years, and you've watched this fund balance go down."

"You're a political hack," Vaughn concluded, much the same way that Barron concluded that Brown is Dear Leader.

The #3 hitter was Hayden Phillips. He read a resolution about 20 pages long, calling on Barron to resign and move to Easton. He did stop short of calling Barron an illegal alien

Glenn Geissinger suggested the matter be tabled, especially since he was aware that ailing Peg Ferraro, who had participated in the budget process by phone, had already hung up.

"I don't want to table," stated Phillips.

Then Lamont McClure explained. "He wants to table it. He thinks his numbers are better [if he waits for Peg]. He can count."

And tabled it was, with McClure and Kraft voting No.

Barron has not made Brown look bad, which is what really is bothering Republican council members. The person who makes John Brown look bad is John Brown.

John Brown has been the Democrats' best friend. And because of his lack of leadership and unwillingness to face reality, Republican Council members will take the heat for a tax hike while he can say, "It wasn't me." With friends like that ...


  1. No question Barron is a partisan ass. You are OK with him now because he is going after Brwon. I don't disapprove of his action against Brown but lets be honest, going after Brown is like a grade school test between a Mensa and an idiot.

    Barron would have to work to screw that up.

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day and Barron is in that category. He is terrible and should be thrown out by the voters.

    I don't blame the council for going after him as he has no credibility left in the county.

  2. Worse than any of those things Barron several years ago got up and called out Stoffa's proposed tax increase as unneeded. It was stunningly bad policy at that point because it was clear that the County was spending more than it was bringing in, but he did not thing it was a big deal. Part of the reason we need such a large tax increase this year is big Barron and Council have kept their head buried in the sand for so long

  3. Mr Barron is ok with me. He says what we wish we could all say. Benol and Vaughn are the hacks. Thank you Mr Barron for bringing what they want to remain in the dark to the light of day.

  4. If Barron had conducted oversight of Stoffa's poor fiscal management, we wouldn't be here. Stoffa left a huge shit stain for the current council and executive to clean up. All the while, Barron was busy stealing time, stomping flower beds, threatening employers until the left (taking their jobs with them), and not conducting audits for the first several years he pretended to be in office. Stoffa was a good guy, but a financial moron who needed watching and didn't get it. Barron should have hiked up his kilt and watched the incompetent Stoffa before things got this bad.

  5. I think he has proven himself as a valued employee of this county. I'd love to have 10 Steve Barrons in this county.

  6. Any council member that is blaming the Controller because they have to raise taxes is a political hack!

    Taxes have to be raised as it was not done incrementally for the past several years by the previous executive and council.

    Do these council members (Benol, Vaughn, and Phillips) realize they are running county government? They should realize that County Government serves the people with services. Human Services being the biggest around 70%. The County has grown over the past decade and with more people in NorCo more services are needed. Thus more money is need for services. Now add the fact of inflation and cost of living and even more money is needed.

    These three can cry afoul all they want. But they are blaming the wrong guy here. Instead of just voting for a much tax increase and biting the bullet so to speak they turned it into an immature and baseless attack on an elected official. That oh by the way watches them as well.

    Fact of the matter is this, Brown and Allen got caught getting paid for mileage and meals they should not have. Barron told employees and the press. News flash that is his job!

    Now let's see what consequences come of this!

    Allen should be fired and Brown should be listed for a vote referendum to be out of office. Council needs to change the RHC and this vote needs to happen sooner than later.

  7. Barron is a buffoon and a political hack who along with McClure led the fight against Stoffa's attempt to gradually raise taxes over the last 3 budgets. However it is a fools errand to blame him for the need to raise taxes this year.

    The blame lies with 1) Stoffa and Mazziotti who dithered as the swaption blew up despite Angle's pleas to get out earlier, and 2) the "spineless amoebas" in the state legislature who refuse to change the nursing home reimbursement formula ($ 7.8 million), enact pension reform ($13 million), or properly fund the 911 centers (4 million).

    But there's hockey in Allentown!

  8. enjoying the freak showDecember 5, 2014 at 7:58 AM

    the blame belongs to anyone involved in the past administration, council and the inept controller - plus the greed of the union hacks - and let's not forget the citizens that wanted to keep gracedump. you must now wallow in your own crap

  9. Stop the blame game! Get over it already! It does no good whatsoever. Work the problems for goodness sake. This tax hike is long over due. Let's move on now to all the other issues facing the county. Enough already!

  10. Barron is a buffoon, who won't get re-elected. He pissed off most of the elected officials in Bethlehem with his criticism of them with regard to the project at 4th and Vine, and now he has filed a merit-less lawsuit over the project. He will get no support in Bethlehem.

    He has pissed off most of the elected officials in Easton with his criticism of the commuter tax. He will get no support from those officials.

    He pissed off the Callahan supporters with his support of McClure.

    He is toast in 2015.

    I will say he was right to criticize the wasteful spending of Brown, and the illegal reimbursements, but he should do it in a professional manner.

  11. 10 Cathy Allen'? Really JB? You may regret that statement before too long..

  12. Vote of confidence in Allen pretty shaky at best. She will not make it to the finish line.

  13. Barron rushes in where even fools fear to tread. He's a slugger in baseball terms..a free swinger who every once in a while..hits one out of the park! Heads up Stevie..don't let them cramp your style!

  14. Sluggers don't wear skirts.

  15. Anon 7:54

    When Mazziotti was heading out the door in March, 2011, Angle asked him about ending the swaption. Vic's response was:

    "In answer to Mr. Angle’s question as to whether he would
    retire the Swaption today or wait, Mr. Mazziotti stated he would wait."

    Guess Mazziotti was more interested in taking his county pension and running to Lehigh County than in giving sound financial advice to Northampton County. After all, he wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of waiting.

  16. The Central ScrutinizerDecember 5, 2014 at 9:48 AM

    Who do these people think they are? NO ONE is paid by them. They are elected SERVANTS of the people. They are no different than Barron or anyone else.

    A lot of these idiots were around as they let the fund balance drop and now they are playing dumb. Even the Tea Party stooge, Benol, is on the bandwagon to raise taxes. Welcome to reality Matt, where austerity is merely an intellectual exercise.

  17. Pot calling the kettle black here especially Seth. Look in the mirror buddy!

  18. the blame belongs to anyone involved in the past administration, council and the inept controller - plus the greed of the union hacks - and let's not forget the citizens that wanted to keep gracedump. you must now wallow in your own crap

    Says the asshat who will end up penniless getting his ass wiped by Gracedale nurses.

  19. 9:04, Angle considered ending the swaption then, but Mazz cautioned waiting at that time bc there was a change in the interest rates. Angle was always opposed to the swaption. He did call for what he called "pulling the trigger." The problem is that nobody knoew for sure if it would go the other way Council was placed in the unenviable position of gambling with the County's money. But this post is not about Angle or the swaption. I realize you are terrified he might be running against Barron, but wait 'till he makes up his mind before you start trashing him.

    Right now, it seems that Barron could get a Dem opponent.

  20. Whether or not Barron is an ahole, Brown and Allen cheated on their mileage reimbursements.

  21. "A lot of these idiots were around as they let the fund balance drop and now they are playing dumb."

    Sorry, Central, but this is inaccurate. Peg Ferraro was a member of Council, but not one of the other Rs was in office until January. Nor was Brown. You can complain about what they've done since then, but not before.

  22. My take on all this is that Rs on Council should be looking at Brown, the person who left them hanging, and not Barron. Although Barron is still immature and is unquestionably politicizing things as much as he can, he is now doing his job. Travel expenses, no-bid contracts and even questions concerning gap insurance are all within his domain. And though he should not be sending emails to county employees that refer to the Exec as "Dear leader," that is no more unprofessional than Seth Vaughn calling him a "political hack". Also, Mat Benol seems to think that he should be given information that is not shared with the media.

    There was a R majority on Council when Barron violated the HRC by working as a teacher. They chose not to take action bc he resigned almost immediately. Now if Barron was paid any money, I could see calling on him to reimburse the county. But when they wait a year, and then decide now to take action, i think they are the ones who look political.

    Barron is unquestionably a referee in youth sports. I knew this when I first disclosed that he was a teacher, and noted it then. i was not bothered by that then nor am i bothered by a full time controller who spends weekends or evenings blowing the whistle at some sporting event. Gene Hartzell, our second executive, did that. And we have full-time judges who teach classes early in the mornings or on weekends. What bothered me was that these were in the middle of the work day, three times a week.

    That issue was resolved. bringing it up a year later is just politics. Let the voters make that call next November.

    Like I said, the person who should be bothering the Rs on council is their Dear Leader.

    He has managed to make both Barron and McClure look pretty good.

  23. My God what a huge mess Democrats made. Now, Rs are getting killed for attempting different approaches to cleaning up years of utter Democrat incompetence. While Barron was stomping flowers and lisping progressive threats at local businesses, the rest of the party was busy eating one of their own (i.e. John Stoffa). Denial is a river that runs through NorCo Democrat politics. There's a reason Democrats were thoroughly clobbered last election in a very blue county.

  24. Phillips is a hack. "I don't want to table" he followed in mere seconds with a vote to table.

  25. "I think he has proven himself as a valued employee of this county. I'd love to have 10 Steve Barrons in this county"

    Totally awesome quote stolen from Brown in his reference to the woefully unskilled and unqualified Cathy Allen. Good one!

  26. " I'd love to have 10 Steve Barrons in this county. "

    There's probably the raw material there to turn one steve barron into 10 normal-sized county employees.

  27. REpublicans have had a majority on council since 2009. Stop blaming Dem councils!

  28. What happens to the INTELLIGENT people in the Controller's office that had NOTHING to do with Barron's idiot moves????? Leave the employees in the office go, he sunk himself....

  29. Wow what a shit storm. No wonder Peg was "sick".

  30. It's rather coincidental that Peg was "sick." She's been a central player in the governmental dysfunction that's led to this point. Disgraceful. Easily the worst politician in the LV.

  31. Worst politician? Can you say Highest Vote %? That is what Peg gets, the highest vote when she runs

    1. I hope that changes soon. Voters she is A HACK. What ever R s say she is fine with. Her I dont get a COLA so retires should not should tell you everything you need to know. A witch

    2. Peg will be the first to admit she makes mistakes. I have been angry with her several times over the years. But she is a good-hearted person who has much more compassion and empathy for others than you just demonstrated. The hatred is just oozing out of you.

  32. 2:00
    thats is not necessary you knob head

  33. Try to contact HR when you have an important question and mysteriously they are "sick" . ...

  34. Peg was quite ill,and still participated by phone. Lamont was wiped out, too. Bad chicken.

  35. Who you callin a "bad chicken"?

  36. Half of Bethlehem's Democrats were sidelined this week by bad chicken at some fundraiser on Monday night. I won't say who is responsible, but Lucy Lennon was spotted running out of the restaurant, laughing. I should not joke about these things, but I have an image to uphold.

  37. Wow!! Tough one next year. Steve Barron or Ron Angle. Talk about the lesser of two evils.

  38. You may not like the way steve Barron presents his findings or that he seems to be attacking this administration but still the facts speak for themselves.

  39. Did Peg go to the retiree meeting Friday and vote against the COLA? Have to find out. Of course she votes against the retirees and for Andy Daub and the country club set at the State Theater.
    Yeah she is a wonderful person.

  40. Barron is like a blind squirrel. Once in awhile he finds some nuts. In this case the nuts are the nitwits in the Brown administration. They have made more gaffes in less than a year than Little Stevie Blunder has made in 7. Brown must have been behind the Barron beat-down. Seth Vaughn could not have come up with his righteous hissy-fit without being fed info from Brown and his minions. Barron was caught teaching a class at the community college PT and did the right thing, He resigned from the position. Has Brown or Allen paid back their illegal travel expense reimbursements yet? NO!! They are too arrogant to play by the rules. Well the R lynch mob on council had nothing else to pin on Barron in violation of county regs or the HRC ... but WAIT! He is a PT referee!!! OMG!! Probably making a whopping $50 a game! Council is tossing a yellow flag and demanding that Barron resign. The three stooges who proposed this at council meeting last week would almost be laughable if their partisan hatchet job on Barron wasn't so pathetic. Keep on snooping Steve. You are making this administration sweat. They had to release the hounds on you because they are corrupt and fear your investigations. You are a duly-elected official who has an obligation to unveil fiscal corruption. Keep up the good work.

  41. I knew about his referee job when i raised his teaching job. It's not quite the same thing, and would never raise that as a potential Home Rule Charter violation for fear i'd be laughed into Lehigh County. But in an obvious set up, Benol was very offended. Vaughn, whose own record on Council barely qualifies as part time, was a John Brown patsie. That's where his anger should be directed. In this instance, barron is mostly doing his job. Yes, he get political, and his email to county worers was over the top, but the remedy for that is at the polls.

  42. The Boobsy Twins Seth and Mat (with one t dammit!) were like a bad vaudeville act. Such contrived outrage over Barron's e-mail and outside jobs. The two of them have been mainly no-shows at council meetings, either physically or mentally. Now they lead the Barron witch hunt. How nice for them.

  43. Funny. In Benol's letter to the editor today, he blamed former administrations and council members. Nothing about Barron. Could Vaughn have been grandstanding?

  44. I think Barron will get reelected by the people. He is starting to finally grow into the job and mature also. He has learned what is expected of him and his position as fiscal watch dog. I refuse to hold the past against him as it's now..not then.. anymore. Keep up the good work Steve. You will be rewarded for your actions if you remain above the fray politically. Take the high ground at all times. You work for us..not council or the executive. Checks and balances.

  45. Benol moving away from Vaughn? Probably a good idea to do so right now. Seth really looks small minded and his ties to Brown are really showing now. He is being spoon fed by the adm. to make the statements he did. No brains to figure it out himself? McClure looks bad doing it this way..daring Brown to piss on the R's. Lamont needs to be replaced on council. Some one..please run him off!


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