Local Government TV

Monday, December 29, 2014

NorCo Retirements Up to 139

In October I told you that 92 Northampton County retirements were possible by the end of this year. The latest figure is 139 people leaving the County at the end of this year or early next. That is 2.5 times more than the average of 55 employees yearly. It should serve as a warning bell to Executive John Brown that he is doing something wrong.


  1. When is Brownie going to get bored of pretending to be a county executive and retire?

  2. And that's not counting the employees that left on their own going back to the private sector.
    Since it's public knowledge you should request how many overtime shits and how many officers got mandated at the jail this past week. It's a story all on it's own, a disaster waiting to happen, now over 40 officers short. And even if they started a hiring practice tomorrow it will take at least 3 months to even get a training class in place. By that time at least 5 more will be gone by retirement alone.

  3. My spouse was forced (mandated) to work 4 out of 5 days scheduled this past week. Merry Christmas to our family. Thanks Mr. Brown hope you had a good holiday

  4. Those who are able to retire but have remained know we have to leave by 2015. So the next wave is comming. Resumes are out. Sad days ahead for Norco.

  5. 93 million Americans of working age are idle. I'll bet some of them are motivated and talented and just need a shot, once the last of the unsustainable retirement packages are grabbed before the window closes. There's no more money. It's been in all the papers.

  6. Good job, John. Now the tax payers of norco will see that the place can work jjust as well with less free loaders. Choose wisely which slots you replace. None of these retires are irreplaceable. Consolidation is the key.

    Your plan has worked brilliantly so far. You have accomplished many goals. A reduction in force, employees taking more responsibility for their benefits, the masses understanding fully that the tail does not wag the dog.

    Now you need to go further. It is time to start chipping away at one of the root causes of our failing county: gracedale . Obviously the weakness of this unneeded Halbatross should be exploited to show to all that it should be abandoned saving millions more and possibly reducing taxes.

    I, and many others, salute your efforts in securing norcos proper place in the future-a lean and vibrant community with affordable taxes.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. 6:27...shut up. You have no idea. Brown is compromizing the workforce, services to the residents of the county and is going to screw the residents of the county. Just wait til it hits your back yard...unless this is written by waste on money C3...then I guess you're right on target. Chop away.

  7. How about this, lets just shut down NORCO government or have it run by slaves? That is the track that the tea party people would have us follow. It will actually be funny when the regular "Joe" shows up for service whether its to get a marriage license, record something, pistol permit, ask a tax question and they end up sitting in a waiting area with a number like in the movie Beetlejuice! That is the direction Brownie is taking this government. He is trying to shut it down or have it run so inefficiently due to a a lack of staffing that it is practically not running!

  8. 12:37,

    Woe is me until I cash the paycheck.

  9. it's enough to make you sick what is happening at the county ...dig deeper Bernie you will find out even more...look into whether or not jobs are being posted or if people are being hired on the Q.T.check and see how backlogged the offices are due to staffing ,maybe we can start releasing prisoners for an unspeedy trail etc...plenty to find out...rumor has it 2015 gracedale is gone to

  10. Bernie, Perhaps you should look into how the prison is being ran today when there was not enough officers to staff the place. Rumor has it there was not enough employees to mandate to cover the daily operations of the prison today.

  11. 7:42, 7:22,
    "Rumor has it"...............

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling5785

  12. Its bangor all over again. Fire and get rid of important employees. Dont replace them, or replace them with your buddies (with a raise). Run the place into the ground. Then let the next gang fix it. While the gang of 4 (brown, allen, hunter, campos) hide the money in their pockets.


  13. @7:49 the truth hurts doesn't it ?

  14. @7:49 you don't respond in facts just defensively for your hero john brown

  15. More will retire come July after the pension things is fixed. Look for another 100 to retire and younger people to leave NorCo.

  16. Bernie,
    Any word on the RTK? Thanks

  17. No, not yet. I find it inconceivable that every email is privileged.

  18. In response to TEM.......im glad you didnt refer to yourself as a taxpayer because we all know you havent been employed for a decade, signed that shack you call a house over to mommie and continue to be a blight on the town of west easton and the county as a whole. Remember some people are givers and some are takers!

  19. Bernie, I don't think the tax payers realize how much money they are spending with all the overtime. Time and a half for 10-20 people per shift per day this month. Just yesterday they forced overtime on 15 for day shift, 15 for middle shift, and 16 for night shift. And again today. A matter of fact they didn't have enough officers to fully staff the jail on day shift today. Someone is gonna get hurt. Officers are getting agitated which makes for a hostile work environment. People are calling out sick after getting forced to work overtime 2,3,4 days in a row. If they could force us to stay for 3 shifts they would.

  20. The new new guy doesn't even start for two more weeks. Hope he is the wonder kid Kathy Allen painted him to be

  21. How many are still out on workman's comp? That's part of the problem.

    1. I agree this is a problem. But it is not THE problem. And with all this forced overtime don't you think it only makes it more likely that more will go out injured? Working doubles 2-4 days in a row takes a toll on the body and mind.

    2. These so called taxpayers dont care. They want you to work for free and then thank them for being allowed to do so.

  22. Its a shame. I go visit a family member who was unable to pay his support and was told I couldnt visit him because of staffing levels?? I was hoping to see him for the holiday, guess not.

  23. I bet you gubermeent leeches still cash your paychecks. Next step, privatize the prison.

    1. You act like we want the overtime. Fool. We would rather be home with our families like the rest of the tax payers. Guess what else.....the prison administrators don't care because they all took off today. Maybe they should have showed up and ran visits our work a post with piss and shit throwers. Lol they are to scared to sure their faces past gate 4 where the inmates are. Visits well be cancelled more often I'm sure.

  24. Paying overtime is cheaper than hiring a new person. No new pension, healthcare and other new employee costs. Most of you people sound uneducated anyway. You should kiss the ground that you have a job. I wonder how many could even get a job selling coats. Be honest.

    This is the new reality in Northampton County. Time to get use to a more disciplined and corporate structure. Hopefully the next step is privatizing the prison for more savings.

    1. Do you even have a job?

    2. Uneducated are the 700+ inmates we have to deal with. You would shit a brick on a housing unit filed with drug dealers and murderers.

    3. If you think privatization is the answer your a fool that would cause the county more problems the give solutions. Law suits would climb to three times what they are now because these private prisons are solely for profit and the welfare of the inmates. Training is not a priority and and these types of officers cause more law suits violations of civil rights and will end up costing the county millions more their not gonna just sue the private their also going to sue the county for the violating their rights by hiring the private company and causing an even more violant and hazardous living and incarceration. So once again only talk what you know about which obviously isn't very much.

  25. JB will start throwing around fake numbers again. Blaming the costs on the employees instead of the real problem HIM!! What a jack #ss. Excuse me Honorable Jack #ss.

  26. Usually I try to post something thoughtful but I just feel like venting... John Brown is a fucking moron... all of you supporting him are likewise fucking morons. NorCo county workers are quite underpaid when compared to the surrounding counties. Get your facts straight you fucking morons.

    ^ Not a county employee... just someone with half a brain who is fed up with stupidity.

  27. @5:21
    Yes it might be true that it's cheaper to pay overtime compared to a new employee. However, when an Officer is hired he/she expects to go home safe at the end of their shift. Once you start to mandate day after day, that safety comes into question. As you start to tun the facility short staffed which cancels programs, which upsets inmates, so it is a big concern for officer safety. To add to this once a situation occurs injuries happen, then you will cry about how many are on workmans comp.
    Now about uneducated, there are more people with college degrees working as Corrections Officers at Northampton County then without, and they are very thankful to have employment.
    Now if you want to sit back and keep up your stupid ass comments you're more than welcome. However come out from behind that keyboard and sign your name so we can all know who the ass really is.
    I no longer work for the county as I have retired, and not as a union member. But, I will always stand up for my Brothers and Sisters who worked for me.
    Lt. Mark Lambert (ret)

  28. So to all the taxpayers who think John Brown is their Hero because he brought all those lazy and overpaid employees to their knees.....check your tax bill. So his hatchet job to the employees didn't do anything except raise your taxes. What a genius! And wait until you need a service from the County. Good Luck getting accurate information from all the newbies. Oh yeah...maybe Mr. Morganelli should have the Grand Jury look into this mileage scam. I know if any other employee would have done that they would have been fired and prosecuted. It's STEALING.

  29. Lt. Lambert, I have always heard very good things about you, and wish you the best.

  30. "Uneducated are the 700+ inmates we have to deal with. You would shit a brick on a housing unit filed with drug dealers and murderers."

    I don't even like being around me!

  31. Thank you Mr. O'Hare it is a good feeling when you are spoken about in a good light. I have and continue to live and encourage others to lead their lives in a positive way.
    Although I tend to get very defensive about the Officers at the jail. They are the lifeblood, although the inmates could at anytime decide to run the institution, as long as you have well trained professional officers the inmates will respect that. The people of Northampton County should be very thankful that these professionalism chose Northampton to be their employer.
    Again, thank you for your kind words and thank you in your continued support towards the officers.

  32. Let us give Mr. Brown's plan a chance. it has only been one year. He is the county executive and has a difficult job. He has to clean up the mess left by previous administrations. Hey gave away the store and let things rot as they raided the treasury for pet projects.

    Mr. Brown is doing what he can to stabilize a very mismanaged county.

  33. A plan requires the ability to think. Sorry but this admin. has proven they can't seem to manage that.

  34. "Let us give Mr. Brown's plan a chance"

    He hired his buddies and losers who have no clue what they are doing. He nominated an under-educated and underwhelming person to be Director of Administration, then created a job for her when she was rejected. He proposed an illegal budget. He has no transparency whatsoever. He told people who would normally address council during budget meetings not to show up, so council members were left in the dark.

    He's a travesty. Maybe he'll turn over a new leaf for New Year's.

  35. Thanks Mark. We miss you at the prison. Lucky you got out when you could. You were one of the greatest. No one stood up for us officers as much as you. Ever think of coming back? Lol

  36. If you people are so talented that the county is losing such super talent, get another job. I am sure the private sector wo9uld love people who are as great as you all are.

  37. @7:52, It so happens that I do have another job, and I must mention that I thank the county and the taxpayers for allowing me to gain the experience and letting me hone my talent. And I must say, the private sector isn't treating me so badly in both salary or benefits


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