Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mezzacappa Defies Sheriff's Levy

As most of you know, I have a $70,000 plus judgment against perennial West Easton Borough Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa. I've held off on executing against her home, but did file a writ of execution against her personal property. This is an order directing the Sheriff to levy on her personal property, and then sell it. She was also notified to appear at a deposition to disclose her assets, but she failed to appear

Once Mezzacappa got wind of the writ of execution, she began hiding her black Toyota RAV to prevent the Sheriff from levying upon it. She also refused to answer the door whenever Sheriff's visited her. But not long ago, her RAV was spotted, parked in an alleyway a few blocks from her home. I notified the Sheriff's Office, and they immediately levied on it, and posted notice of the levy at her home.

Once a property has been levied on by the Sheriff, it is unlawful to hide it. That is considered defrauding a secured creditor. Here's what the Crimes Code says:
§ 4110. Defrauding secured creditors. A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if he destroys, removes, conceals, encumbers, transfers or otherwise deals with property subject to a security interest or after levy has been made thereon with intent to hinder enforcement of such interest.
The levy posted on Mezacappa's house and car advised her it is unlawful to remove it. But within hours of the levy, her vehicle was gone.

I sent her an email requesting her to return the vehicle back to its original location. I told her she is committing a crime.

I got this response from her yesterday.

"Keep lookin""

In addition, this anonymous comment was posted on my blog.

"Did you find the toyota?"

Finally, my West Easton Sources tell me that Mezzacappa is now driving a silver colored Mercedes with New Jersey plates.

I think it's pretty clear she violated the law. It is one thing to thumb her nose at me. But her actions threaten our system.


  1. This woman is a menace to society. No respect for others, no respect for the law.

    I hope you liquidate everything she has. She deserves it for defaming you and putting you through hell.

    Sounds like she broke the law by moving the car. She can't spell - maybe she can't read either.

  2. When Gregory comes out , she should go in.

  3. Can't you just leave this poor young woman alone? Stalking is creepy!

  4. Like a woman in heels with a sidearm. Now that is hot!

  5. Accusing others of crimes is libel per se

  6. Stalking, and casing out people's homes is a crime too.

  7. Can you name one friend she has? One person who respects her?

  8. It appears that our court system and the enforcement there of is totally lacking. This melodrama should have been over months ago. I am certainly no legal scholar but it seems to something is seriously askew.

  9. "Accusing others of crimes is libel per se"

    Falsely accusing someone of a crime is libel per se. She should know. I point out what she has done, and how she has done and said and it is clearly a crime.

    "Stalking, and casing out people's homes is a crime too."

    You won't catch me near her house, nor do I ask anyone to stalk her or case her place. She is too unstable. But Sheriffs have every right to execute the writ and levy on her car. Hiding or destroying assets after levy is a crime.

  10. "It appears that our court system and the enforcement there of is totally lacking. This melodrama should have been over months ago. I am certainly no legal scholar but it seems to something is seriously askew"

    I don't believe courts will view this kindly.

  11. Once the car us "levied", what does that mean? Why don't the police take possession of it and sell it? When does that happen?

  12. "Like a woman in heels with a sidearm. Now that is hot!"

    - Says 14 toothless dudes in camo in Potter County.

  13. and she has the nerve to bash people who work for a living? How many sides of her face does she has? Playing kiddie games instead of paying her bills.....

  14. I can see why you are upset. She is a very good lookng girl. You just can't imagine her in someone else's arms. Life goes on, get over it. Wow is she HOT!

  15. Sounds like you should have taken the cash setllement when it was offerred, to compensate you for all of your "pain and sufferring." I heard it was quite large.

    You could have taken that, walked away, and closed the door to what you described as having ruined your life, and destroyed all of your friendships.

    But you would rather not, and instead continue the histrionics, the hatred and the melodrama, and wasting the time of local government to further your insidious need to torture, stalk and harass people.

    The courts wont look favorably on that.

    Get help.

  16. When Mezzacrappa gets back in front of a judge on this matter with her cardboard evidence box, containing vast amounts of irrelevant matter she hopes to put into evidence, like your 1986 court opinion, snow on Ridge St, etc, it isn't going to go over well that she transferred her house to her mother's name, and secreted away a vehicle that was lawfully levied.

    The last thing West Easton needs is this tragedy as a council member. Thanks for keeping us posted on her activities - this isn't a prescription for kicking off a campaign.

    The person who implied there may be libel in play knows nothing about the law. But she plays one in real life.

    It's a shame that this woman defamed you, then sued you without merit, is now sticking her finger in the eye of the law. Hope you get Judge Koury again - he is deliberative, and will give her plenty of rope to do herself in.

  17. Your bruised ego knows no boundaries. You have been obsessively stalking and libeling this woman for 3 years now, and expect (and predict) that you will be excused.

    You've been given quite a long rope to hang yourself, and have not been prosecuted for your numerous crimes.

    I hear Clinton Oxford needs a cell mate.

  18. @9:24 Why in the world should Bernie have accepted a cash settlement? People who settle aren't sure they have a solid case. Bernie did, and you lost. He had a solid lawyer; you had a box full of paper for recycling. Suck it up, stop resisting, and pay what you owe. It's a simple concept.

    @9:05 This woman and "hot" have nothing to do with each other. lol. First of all, she's wrinkled and her boobs sag. Secondly, when she opens her mouth, you'd be running the other way. So if you find yourself dying one day, and she offers you one last romp in the hay, tell her you'll wait for the next horse to come along.

  19. @9:37 Time for a reality check. She libeled Bernie, and owes him a $70,000 judgment. That was in a court of law. Bernie has not been found to have libeled anyone. You better not accuse someone of a crime they haven't committed. We know she did though.

    She sued Bernie in retaliation, asking to have that judgment reduced (her only motive), and her amended complaint was dismissed on the strength of his Preliminary Objections alone. She brags about ignoring his PO's while she's taking a crap, and then gets stuffed. A real legal genius.

    Go check it out, if your mail service isn't working and you were not given notice. It's been a devil of a winter.

  20. Gaslighting:

    Gaslighting or gas-lighting[1] is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted/spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.[2] Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

    The term owes its origin to the play Gas Light and its film adaptations, after which it was coined popularly. The term has been used in clinical and research literature.[3][4]

    Perhaps you need to move on with your pathetic existence and realize the world doesnt revolve around you. You are a pure sociopath....

    Go do something productive with your life like raising money for the one teenager whose entire family was just asassinated by a lunatic, or the orphaned children whose mother was killed by a necrophilliac.

    Or perhaps you can pay what you owe to George Usry, after he sued you and won.

  21. The only "gas-lighting" Bernie does is when he experiments with his farts and matches, while doing research for his articles related to shit.

  22. 10:04.....Instead of giving us a history lesson on the term gaslighting maybe you should pay your debts, get a job, and stop being an anchor on society.

  23. It must be nice to drive around in someone else's Mercedes, while hiding your own vehicle that you lost the rights to because you were found guilty of libeling someone.

    No wonder she wants to carry a gun around - to keep people from getting what she owes to them.

  24. Bernie,

    Many years ago I represented a man who transferred assets that were subject to levy. The creditor filed a private criminal complaint and my client was prosecuted. We negotiated a plea, but Judge Williams ripped the guy a new one before sentencing him to probation. Stop letting her play you and the system. File a private criminal complaint on the levy matter, and also go after the house in civil court on the basis of a fraudulent transfer. This stuff has serious implications for her nursing license too.

  25. Why have you held off on executing against her home? I thought that was the original plan.

  26. Bangor Slater, call me and I'll be happy to explain the strategy.

  27. "First of all, she's wrinkled and her boobs sag."

    WOW! Are any gay bars open yet? Meow!

  28. I don't pay taxes to have the police waste their time and that of the courts to this nonsense. You are both adults, move on with your lives.
    I doubt either one of you pay taxes. Many people have bad break-ups. Please don't waste their time of law enforcement with this silliness. With murders and rapists out there, you want the courts and police to waste their time on this?

    Grow up and get jobs.

  29. I suspect you are Mezzacappa or the Blog Mentor. There was nothing to break up. There never was a relationship. When someone defies a levy, she is defying the court and our entire system. I can guarantee that the courts will take as dim view of this.

  30. What aw water of time. Besides that Matt guy now the grunge squad from Narberth are chiming in.

  31. Did she also dye her hair black?

  32. Bernie ,if you want I will figure her out for you and then flip her to the Sheriff's Dept!

  33. Mezzacappa likes to accuse others of what she does. This gas-lighting Calais is an example. She has gas lighted me on this thread alone by claiming she made s huge settlement offer (she made none) or that I lost a case to George Usry (he withdrew it and I never paid him anything).

  34. "I don't pay taxes to have the police waste their time and that of the courts to this nonsense. You are both adults, move on with your lives.
    I doubt either one of you pay taxes. Many people have bad break-ups. Please don't waste their time of law enforcement with this silliness. With murders and rapists out there, you want the courts and police to waste their time on this?

    Grow up and get jobs."

    You are ignorant of what law enforcement and the court system are for. Your taxes and mine pay for protection from a wide array of criminals, including those who harass and defame.

    Also, the police aren't involved at this point. The Sheriff's department is.

    The person who needs to "grow up" is the one who owes the debt, and is doing everything except paying it. Bernie is just pursuing his deserved remuneration. Court cases cost money - especially when you lose them.

  35. She' reprehensible, but she's out-foxing a former lawyer because she knows what will be enforced and what won't. It' often been said that an award is worthless if you can't collect. It appears you can't collect in Northampton County and the award is worthless. I've enjoyed the pursuit. But my suspicion is that this one is over. The system is too overwhelmed to enforce anything that's not life or death.

  36. "But my suspicion is that this one is over."

    I do believe you are talking out your buttocks. But carry on - Bernie loves it when anything connected with butts is discussed.

  37. Butt-obsessed 8:34 likely doesn't know if his anal pore is bored or punched. She's flaunting the law rather easily. Any sheriffs who don't hate their doing jobs are likely afraid of having anything to do with her. NorCo judges are similarly afraid to roll in the mud with the Sweetheart of Swine. The bottle blonde Mr. Ed imitator is going to get away with this one. But will have to look over her shoulder (about 13 hands high) until she crawls back to the stall from which she trotted.

  38. As a State Constable who does Levy's and Writs...the vehicle must be present the day of the sale and in the shape it was when it was levied upon. If it isn't there the day of the sale it is a criminal charge.

    Also if the Sheriff or Constable wants to impound such he can immediately at the cost of the plaintiff.

    Wish I had that levy. I levy on blinds and curtains if I have to.

    Good Luck!

    Fred Schoenenberger
    Constable Northampton County

  39. "The bottle blonde Mr. Ed imitator is going to get away with this one."

    This is one serious case of diarrhea mouth. Bernie will love this - poop everywhere.

    She's totally screwed herself, but she won't be walking bowlegged because the sex was great - it will be because she has to walk everywhere. If she doesn't fork over the car, she's committed a crime.

    There's the little matter of fraudulently transferring her house to her mother, as well. She's toast, but keep imagining that she'll get away with it.

  40. "She' reprehensible, but she's out-foxing a former lawyer because she knows what will be enforced and what won't. It' often been said that an award is worthless if you can't collect. It appears you can't collect in "

    She has managed to outfox her way into a $70,000 judgement, and is now cleverly ensuring that she is charged with defrauding a secured creditor.

  41. The defrauding Secured Creditors statute should be taken seriously. I have filed criminal charges on more then a few defendant's that have made their stuff disappear. The Northampton County DA's Office takes the charge seriously and does prosecute fully.

    Most of the charges are dropped when full restitution of the Judgement is paid and agreed upon by all parties including the ADA.

    Since your Defendant has considerable
    property and assets to seize wanting to collect on this judgement is a no brainer.

    Somehow some way she is gonna end up paying for this either monetarily or criminally. I wish her the best and you in collecting your judgement.

    Fred Schoenenberger
    Constable Northampton County

  42. Bernie you and your woman hating guy pals are funny. Desperate for female attention but funny.

  43. "She's flaunting the law rather easily. Any sheriffs who don't hate their doing jobs are likely afraid of having anything to do with her. NorCo judges are similarly afraid to roll in the mud with the Sweetheart of Swine."

    More total bullshit. Ripe, fresh turds.

    She's managed to "easily" put herself at risk. She has a paid off car and a paid off house, and went and recklessly defamed someone. Now she has laid the groundwork for committing fraud. Strike 1

    NorCo judges aren't afraid of her at all. They've ruled against her multiple times in the past year. Who cares if the Sheriffs like their jobs or not - they are doing them - they levied on the car. Strike 2

    The table is set for her to get her ass kicked. And she will deserve the scars - she brought all this on herself. Hope it was fun for her.

  44. 10:21, again with your hiney obsession. Your porn collection must be something.

    She hasn't paid a dime and likely won't. That would require a prosecution and this county simply won't. Judges can rule until their faces turn blue. It means nothing if they do nothing to require their rulings are upheld and they've been content to do nothing. She's figured out the system, as so many of her ilk do.

  45. Please stop wasting the authorities valuable time with this nonsense about you old girlfriend. Enough is enough. You and your old man groupies just need to get over it and move on. You guys are just to into this whole stalking thing, it is creepy.

    I don't want the courts to waste my tax money chasing down some old flame.

    Hire a private detective on your own dime.
    Spare us the bill.

  46. You can come here and post every 10 minutes that you don't want a PA citizen pursuing his legal rights because it costs taxpayer $$$ - who cares about such an insane argument? You're just showing what an hopeless idiot you are. Besides, you have no job, so how much of your tax dollars are even at stake?

    You sound like Mezzacappa, and gee, who has the most interest in hoping that her car or house won't be taken to pay off a debt to a secured creditor? Tick, tick, tick. Gosh, I wonder! Carry on, you obviously have nothing better to do. Fighting your legal battles here is senseless, but if you consistently have your ass handed to you in court it may be your last hope.

  47. @11:54 You've slipped off your meds. Once a levy has been made, there is no need for a private detective. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars and follow the law.

  48. tricia- you know how to be rid of Bernie? pay his judgement!

  49. "Once a property has been levied on by the Sheriff, it is unlawful to hide it. That is considered defrauding a secured creditor. Here's what the Crimes Code says:
    § 4110. Defrauding secured creditors. A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if he destroys, removes, conceals, encumbers, transfers or otherwise deals with property subject to a security interest or after levy has been made thereon with intent to hinder enforcement of such interest.
    The levy posted on Mezacappa's house and car advised her it is unlawful to remove it. But within hours of the levy, her vehicle was gone."

    If this woman thinks she is ever going to achieve public office, the fact that she continually thumbs her nose at the rule of law will haunt her during the election.

  50. The sticker goons from Nazareth will see a lawsuit settlement before O'Hare gets nickel one. And the sticker goons won't even get enough to cover their cigarette costs. This is silliness and it is not worth the courts valuable time.

  51. There you go Bernie --Fred is on your blog,take it from me If you wish, he could find the way and the Lady will find Jesus!

  52. This is really creepy. Leave this poor young woman alone. Get on with your lives and stop prying into her life

  53. "This is really creepy. Leave this poor young woman alone. Get on with your lives and stop prying into her life"

    Is this the only thing you can say over and over, because her behavior was so reprehensible and indefensible that she now owes damages of $70,000+? That's pathetic. She isn't young, and this isn't "prying". She made it public. She's continually gloated over her behavior for a few years, and now she's going to get it back in spades. Who doesn't like to see justice? Prepare yourself for anal feeding, as the torture report called it.

  54. "Prepare yourself for anal feeding"

    Either ole mat or the sticker goons are into this one. you boys should know all about anal sports. Ah-oha. You are first inline when that feeding is handed out.


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