Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hello From Lovely York

Some of you go to Florida for your vacations. Perhaps Europe. Me, I'm in York. I fit right in with the dumb bells.  I'm here as the scorekeeper in a Becahi Boys Basketball tournament on Monday and Tuesday. It's being played at York Vo-Tech.

The Danville Ironmen defeated Becahi during Monday night's clash. It wasn't close, with the final tally being 59-37. Lead Becahi scorers were Chance Neilly (10 points) and Dat Lambert (7 points). The lead Ironman scorer was Shayne Riley, who scored 21 points, including 3 3-pointers.

So far, I have managed to get the Becahi coach lost three times.  He's beginning to wonder whether I've been sent in by the enemy. 

I'm no coach and have little knowledge of basketball. They did play poorly. I understand that much. It's been a tough season. Several starters decided at the last minute that they needed to focus on their grades, and I can't blame them for wanted to do well academically. Another starter had the flu. But they are a great group, like so many of the other teams I've seen. Things are going to change for the better next year. There are se great players coming up. It should stay that way for at least three years. 

Many of you have read my stories about my grandson Dat, growing up and playing football, baseball and basketball. Most of you have been very supportive and kind. Well, Dat got his first start last night. I thought you'd like to know. Though he scored 7, including a 3, they were all in the first quarter. He did get stuck on the sides twice. 

Unfortunately, his mom was at work and missed his first start. But his aunt was there. 

Tonight, Beca will play again, this time against York Catholic, at 6 pm. 

Because I'm away, I don't really have much for you today. My regular blogging schedule will resume on Wednesday.


  1. Have fun with family.

  2. Your support of Dat is admirable

  3. I have enjoyed following this young man's development. Thank you, Bernie.

  4. I rarely comment on these, but always read. Enjoy your time with family. Between Dat and Angle, it sounds like you've been enjoying your holidays! I wish you the best in the New Year.

  5. You, too! This is actually a vacation for me.

  6. Bernie, best of luck to Dat and all the Beca players, go get em!

    Emmaus vs. Beca January 13.

    The Banker

  7. Bernie - I'm also looking forward to seeing you at the Emmaus game!
    With two healthy Kalchyries, should be a better showing than the game at Liberty!

  8. Good opportunity to get locals perspective on the York schools issue. Pretty huge deal

  9. Not just schools, York was set to layoff like 30 cops and 10 firefights in 2015 too. I think a deal was reached to save the police jobs...for this year, but the firefighters may be gone.

  10. I am reading about these things, but am here to play.

  11. Banker,those boys are amazing. Good thing for us they are not triplets.

  12. Their dad was pretty good too - though I never tell him that! Like the Tannous kids from a couple years ago but better.

    The Banker

  13. We don't care about York. The blog is called Lehigh valley ramblings notYork school district news

  14. In case you haven't noticed,I don'tmake my decisions about stories based on what some anonymous troll thinks is important. I would prefer that assholes like you stay off this blog.


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