Local Government TV

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why Republicans Were Elected

We elected Democrat Tom Wolf for Governor here in Pa. But in Congressional races, it was a Republican landslide. But this was no endorsement of Republican thinking. Think about it. Nebraska and Arkansas, both of them GOP states, voted to raise the minimum wage. Washington State actually was able to adopt a gun control measure, in spite of the NRA. And weed was legalized in Alaska, Oregon and D.C.. So why did people vote Democrat on the issues but Republican on the person?  In a word, Obama. In three words, Obama and Putin.

Obama has been so weak and ineffectual on foreign policy that many people no longer take our national security for granted. Obama's impotence in the Middle East has encouraged both China and Russia to be more bellicose.

Just yesterday, Reuters reports that Russia intends to begin long range bomber flights that will take it right down to the Gulf of Mexico.  NATO has complained about Russian provocations, but Obama has reacted weakly, or not at all.

According to a London-based think tank, there have been 40 dangerous or sensitive incidents between Russia and the west. Here are the details on three of them:
"Near mid-air collision with passenger plane On 3 March this year, an SAS passenger plane taking off from Copenhagen with 132 passengers bound for Rome had a close encounter with a Russian reconnaissance plane which did not transmit its position. A collision was only avoided because of good visibility and the alertness of the SAS pilots, according to the report. The incident, which happened 50 miles south-east of Malmo, in Sweden, was before the shooting down of the MH17 passenger plane over Ukraine. Russian-backed Ukrainian separatists were blamed for the July missile attack.

"Simulated cruise missile attacks on North America In early September this year, Russian strategic bombers in the Labrador Sea near Canada practised cruise missile strikes. The Russian aircraft stayed out of Canada’s airspace but it was still a provocative move in light of the Nato summit at the time, according to the report. Cruise missiles launched from the Labrador Sea would have Ottawa, New York, Washington, Chicago and America’s Norfolk naval base in range.

"Black Sea encounter On 7 September, the Canadian frigate Toronto was buzzed by a Russian aircraft in the Black Sea with the plane coming within 300 metres. The Toronto locked its radar on the Russian plane but took no further action as the Russian plane was not armed. The incident coincided with larger Russian larger naval combat training activities near Sevastopol. “Such aggressive behaviour, if repeated by an armed aircraft, could have resulted in the ship commander targeting the aircraft in an act of self-defence,” the report says."


  1. Your Charlie Dent Republican fed talking points are rubbish. Democrats lost because they ran as cowards. They ran as Republican lites. Why would anyone vote for people who say I am like the other guy.

    Instead of proudly running as Democrats they ran as nothing. People don't vote for nothing.

    The Republicans have no platform, just anger and obstruction. They ran on something their hatred of Obama. The Democrats should have run with what they are and have.
    The first real implementation of the start of an actual affordable universal health system plan. Something the other side has fought against since Truman. Just as they continue to fight Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

    The economy though weak is stronger than it has been in over a decade.
    We are starting to claw back from the devastation of thirty-five years of Reaganomics and trickled down economy that actually doesn't trickle down at all.

    On the foreign side. The President resisted Republicaan calls to send tons of weapons to Syrian rebels as is now seen as a smart decision with the growth of ISIS, We aren't rushing into needless wars and last I checked Russian ships are not steaming up the Mississippi. Europe needs to man up and tell the Russians to cool it. We have carried their water for one hundred years. Do some self help.

    When you don't play your hand and try to play the other guys, you lose.

    Obama while not perfect has done more to help the middle class and world peace then any President besides Clinton in the last forty years. It is true he dies not make angry spoeechs an dempty threats while banging his shoe on a table. However, he doesn't pretend climate change is a hoax either.

    Common sense, middle class protection and real science versus the other guys. Not a bad record to run on rather than run away form.

    Democrats are cowards and need to sack up running against the No Party. Then let the people decide. Where is Harry Truman and FDR when you need them.

  2. democrats lost because of their Obamacare lies and the growing income gap. people vote on the economy stupid. the statistics are bullshit, as we've seen with an unemployment rate that only improved when people who are still not working finally fell out of the numbers. people are still hurting and paying more for health care. there's no secret here. bill clinton taught us, it's the economy stupid.

  3. never send a boy to do a man's job

  4. Republican credo. How can the top 2% get along owning only 60% of American wealth? We have to pass laws to boost that percentage. As for our blind supporters we will utter the jobs jobs jobs mantra and repeal the minimum wage. Bye bye middle class as the Koch brothers agenda destroys the economy. Reduce corporate taxes! Deregulate clean air and water restrictions! Be happy you have a job. If you don't shut up we will take it overseas.

  5. i agree that Obama has become a liability regarding Putin, but i believe folks voted R because of the sluggish economy, lack of wage growth, and poor executive communication.

    and for the record, when we were in the service Bern, these kinds of Soviet provocation occurred on a very regular basis. The fact that they're re-occurring now just shows that we're returning to a cold war footing, whether we want to or not.

  6. I'd say there are SEVERAL reasons, but if asked to pick just one, I'd say fear about Obamacare. As we go forward, more details are starting to be taken seriously. Mr. Gruber isn't providing much confidence either.

    Obamacare is not just about health.

    Fred Windish

  7. Everyone is giving the average voter too much credit. I would argue that a majority of voters do not understand the issues at hand, and because of this we have Obama in the first place. Republicans received more votes from asians and hispanics as well as women in this particular election, percentage wise. Although the smarter voters would agree with you Bernie, I think the reason is simply that even the low information crowd has had enough of everything.

  8. "democrats lost because of their Obamacare lies and the growing income gap"

    So Republicans will close the growing income gap? I saw a flock of pigs flying today, so maybe this is true.

  9. Last evening I watched influential Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss in an interview on CNN. He said all the right things to criticize President Obama on ISIS and Syria but became an absolute embarrassment when the subject turned to what steps he thought the US should be taking in Syria. It is easy to criticize but difficult to provide answers that actually work. Chambliss had no idea what to do in a positive manner. Listening to this nonsense I became convinced that our nation may be in huge trouble no matter who is in charge of foreign policy. Syria and ISIS, however important, are just a fraction of the challenge the US is facing when you start looking at the overall middle east, Iran, Putin in Europe and the various threats in Asia. Anyone thinking that there is a military solution for all of this better be prepared to ante up his or her children and grandchildren to the war effort and begin collecting large increases in Federal taxes that will be necessary to pay for it. If the existing and potential conflicts ever open up full scale world wide we'll find out pretty quickly who are the brave hearts and who are the blowhards. Obama may leave a lot to be desired but who really has a workable strategy to do better?

  10. I believe the economy is the reason for the drubbing. Rich people are doing great - larger businesses are doing very well, with an all time high stock market. But the guy earning $48,000 a year who hasn't seen a raise in 4 years - it hasn't benefited him yet.

    What the voter can't see past his own situation is the desperate condition of things in 2008. We aren't doing all that bad, but it does feel like the economy should have improved faster. The amount of influence politicians have on that is hard for most people to understand, and when several of your politicians (and constituents) have a singular hatred and objective to see a Black man fail, nothing will get done anyway.

  11. "Anyone thinking that there is a military solution for all of this better be prepared to ante up his or her children and grandchildren to the war effort"

    S[poken like Neville Chamberlain.

  12. "democrats lost because of their Obamacare lies"

    I think that hurt, too.

  13. "Your Charlie Dent Republican fed talking points are rubbish. Democrats lost because they ran as cowards."

    Says a coward afraid to sign his name.

  14. Why is what I said anything like Neville Chamberlain? It is the truth. If you want a military alternative you need to be willing to bet both blood and treasure on the outcome. You have to back your threats and bluffs with force if you want credibility. Except for the military people and families who have actually served in recent times or directly supported those who do, I see little commitment from the American people, Republican or Democratic, to even properly fund a war, much less fight it. Obama is likely wrong on the front end to say no troops on the ground but Chambliss basically said that America should provide leadership on the ground but it's up to our supposed allies in the region to supply the infantry. Great backbone there, eh? You casually throw about the name of Chamberlain but I would prefer that we actually find a Churchill or FDR before anyone decides to go all in. It already has been a long fight for the relative few who have been in it but a major escalation at any of several world points of conflict will require the full support of many.

  15. There was nothing casual about my use of the word Chamberlain. Perhaps i should have called you Obama. I am sick of people who sick their heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening. You try to scare people off. with dire warnings about their grandchildren. at our current rate of impotence, thanks in large part to isolationists and appeasers like you, our grandchildren are already in trouble. Russia is already a menace, and is being financed by China, which has inked oil deals with Putin. Obama should never have withdrawn troops from Iraq or Afghanistan. He should already have bombed the shit out of Iran. He should have launched a missile strike against Syria, and we need to back the Kurds. Russia needs to be warned that any mock missile attacks or bombing runs along the Gulf of Mexico will be viewed as an act of war and should withdraw all diplomats until that matter is sorted out. Time to start flexing our military muscle. We need to project strength and frankly, need to scare the shit out of these guys or it is all over. Obama has made us a laughing stock.

    The American people does not even know what the Russians are doing and just how dangerous they've become bc Obama doesn't tell them. I have to read about this in British papers. This needs to be brought front and center, and I am certain Americans will support a bold reaction.

  16. Nope the reason the Republican won is Simple: Redistricting, Gerrymandering, and the November Elections... Look it up state by state.

  17. That was well said Bernie and I couldn't agree more with your evaluation of the state of our foreign policy. It will get worse, not better. I am almost certain something will happen before he is done with his term. Has anyone noticed that it is now not uncommon to see people who never thought of "prepping" are doing just that? Why? Because of all the threats. Cyberwarfare, the middle east, isis, southern border invasion of REAL criminals not families looking to better themselves, Ebola or other pandemics. Reasonable people are afraid. Obama has failed in leading us to believe we are safe. He is almost apathetic. Personally, I would be a hardcore prepper,if I could afford it. The only good I have seen lately coming out of politics, is the further degradation of illegal gun control laws. America is waking up, law abiding citizens want to defend themselves. NJ is worried about mall security? simple answer to that, get rid of the silly carry laws. Of ALL places, you should be able to protect yourself from thugs who dont listen to laws. Your article about the WWII vet yesterday reminded me what a great country we have, and how each one of us can make a difference.

  18. Say what ever you want, it's your blog. I am however hardly an appeaser nor someone who wants to reduce our military strength, especially our naval and expeditionary strike capacity. I just happen to believe people like George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell and Brent Scowcroft got it more right on these matters than any other US administration since. But that all happened a long time ago and people have short memories.

  19. "Ebola or other pandemics. Reasonable people are afraid"

    Ebola and reasonable people in the same sentence is funny.

  20. Anon 1:37 you may think your are smarter than the rest and understand the risks really are minimal for ebola, unless it mutates. There was a day a couple weeeks ago, i call it freakout friday. I had a co-worker who had to travel to Dallas that day, and everyone in our office was concerned. He was to meet someone else there also and that person did not go because his boss told him he wasnt allowed to. Reasonable people, are afraid. We dont have a leader. At that point he seemed apathetic at the situation. America was in the middle of freak out friday.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "Say what ever you want, it's your blog. I am however hardly an appeaser nor someone who wants to reduce our military strength,"

    OK. I may have taken you out of context. But I am sick of the isolationists.

  23. America is sick and tired of both Obama AND Democrat policies, the most hated being Obamacare, of course.

    Remember, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period."

    That famous line WILL be haunting many, many Democrats for years to come.

    But, hey, keep yacking on about obstructionists and people out to get "the Black Guy" ... why wreck a good narrative over one silly little mid-term election?

    Maybe someday, that kind of crap will allow the Democrats to get their "Super Majority" back.

  24. Bernie --let this simple man of a retired Constable tell you why this happened .There are scores of old Dutchmen here in Northampton County for example that know -and feel- if they are getting the shaft. They may not have degree's behind their names ,or a fancy business card. Her we are at this moment in time 13 Nov.14 The first invasion of a European country has been occurring since 1946 and OUR NUMB NUTS from Washington ,D.C. the Progressives put in IS CHEWING GUM in China. That's why!

  25. IN FACT the Russian Bear Bombers are currently flying Gulf of Mexico airspace , a near air collision with a SAS Air, nearly occurred in the last weeks because they turn off transponders --in European airspace. He does nothing .The damage he has done will fall on the 5th grader as he or she pays taxes -He makes a deal to cut OUR CARBON EMISSIONS if the Chinese do so by 2030! What a deal.The 5th grader will be 26 then. He has fucked up the world.

  26. OH I forgot;I can imagine that very few that reads my last blog on your blog Bernie understands that in the Chinese formal culture it's an INSULT to chew gum and Numb Nuts excuse is he's trying to quite smoking -screw you , that's bull shit too .Why doesn't he take off his shoes and trow them around the room?-- Well you can't BUY class.God help us.

  27. It was good to see you on Monday, Peter. Thank you for taking the time to make these new citizens feel special.

  28. "The first invasion of a European country has been occurring since 1946"

    This is as inaccurate as many of your silly posts. Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Soviets in 1968, is just one example. You would be well served not to attack people who pursued education. They can help protect people like yourself who are blind partisans that hate the President, even if he had brought about world peace.

    The only President in recent history who got it right with war was George "H.W" Bush. He put together real coalition to deal withy regional issues. The US will provide leadership but all affected must put skin in the game.

    You Obama haters would have us invade Russia, shot down Russian planes over international waters?? Really? Thank God you are no where near the button. Since you teabaggers are not only stupid but nuts.

    Barry Allen

  29. In China Town ,New York City= THE RESPECT of the families are so great, that if the NYPD come for some kid, they check with Family and don't many times take him out in cuffs because they are respectful to the ELDERS and the defendant is tied to the elder family member.

  30. Mr Allen,I know what your thinking ,but your account of the Czech's,was not sustained and was not as on going as this issue is now.In fact we had Czech citizens in our house in the 60's. I do not attack the educated. I have a Grandfather with two brothers ,that graduated from Harvard,Metallurgy= bomb help wwII My Uncle Jay, Princeton and Manhattan Project from the first day -threw K-25 supervisor@ Oak Ridge Tenn. and mother Chemist grad and brother Geology BU-and a Father Agriculture Rutgers. . Ok, there is a difference between a run threw and a occupation , Putin will occupy the area around the Sea as he needs a warm water port.Do you agree? I'm not silly about this, shit is going to hit the fan. Academia, you will be safe picking up a Lattes at your coffee shop.

  31. By the way we Legion Post 9 gave a Military Funeral to an ALLEN today in Palmer Twp. He was ,a Korean War Vet.

  32. There is not any discernible coalition and THERE WILL BE WORLD PEACE. PUTIN is rattling sabers he disrespects Mr.OBAMA and thinks he is stagnate like the Israeli leadership. They both think he is inept. I am not a Tea party member. I have never been to any meetings and have not one iota of a an inclination to do so sir.

  33. Who wants to invade Russia outside of Napoleon and and Hitler?

    And what exactly is a "teabagger"???

    America is tired of the non-stop BS and it confirmed as much in the mid-term election.

    Stop guzzling the Kool Aid garbage, already.

  34. Bernie,

    Republicans didn't win in a landslide in one congressional race here.

    Matt Cartwright, easily, defeated the doctor from Cannonball Run. And what ever you do Victor--NEVER TELL ME WHERE YOU FOUND HIM!!!

  35. "Who wants to invade Russia outside of Napoleon and and Hitler?"

    Nobody wants to invade Russia. I want Russia to stop its aggression.

  36. Ok so whats your plan other than invade? Oh I forgot the talking points. Damn Obama whatever he does.
    Easy solution.

  37. Democrats lost key seats in the last election, because they underestimated the Republican party. Republicans are strategists by nature of their party. They sacrificed important seats in this election, to gain controlling seats in the House and Senate. This is an ingenious idea and appears to have worked beautifully. One thing you should never do in any competition and that is to underestimate your opponent. Democrats should look at the Republican party with more scrutiny to avoid another ass kicking. That might mean to start cleaning house of current Democrats who always profess to work in the interests of their constituents, when in reality they're sticking it to us as much as the opposing party.

    From a lifelong Democrat who still believes in the system set up by the founding fathers


    It is the only way we win county wide.


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