Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Who Is Getting Your Vote?

Who's getting your vote today? It's an off-year election, one which will be noted for its poor turnout and gerrymandered districts designed to protect incumbents. Things are so bad that several Lehigh Valley state house candidates and State Senator Lisa Boscola have no opponent. I'll be working at one of the polls, and will only have limited access to this blog. But I want to give readers a chance to make arguments for their candidates. Do you like Corbett or Wolf? Scavello or Aurand? Beyer or Simmons? Hahn or Altieri? Molony or McNeil? Are you so sick of entrenched incumbents that you're ready for an independent like Michael Molovinsky?

I went with Tom Wolf. Unlike many Democrats, I like Tom Corbett. He was an effective Attorney General, but his draconian budget cuts to social services programs come at the same time that he approved tax giveaways for politically connected millionaires like J.B. Reilly. Wolf is a bit short on answers, but I admire his refusal to spread "street money" in Philadelphia. I think that race will be closer than pundits predict.

I also voted for Matt Cartright over Schuylkill County's "Doc" Moylan. The "Doc"'s regular appearances on our local crackpot radio station told me all I need to know.

I did vote for Republican Mario Scavello. Mark Aurrand is a decent man with personal integrity, but Mario simply has more experience and has a record of delivering services to his district. When he says he will fix the bridges and roads, I think he means it and will do it. Aurand might not be able to do it.

I had no choice in the state house race, but am fascinated by Independent Michael Molovinsky. Here's what Ron Beitler has to say.
Republican Julie Harhart has held the seat for 20 years. This is far too long. MM represents an independent voice of which we need more in the state house. In a recent Mcall article the author wrote that Molovinsky clearly “Stood Out,” in the debate but referred to him as a “long shot” because he’s an Independent. We have to get over that. Competition is good. I am a Republican and typically work to support Republican candidates but I believe it’s important to have strong 3rd party or independent candidates. MM is a strong candidate. And I think he will do surprisingly well and has a shot. But that depends on the voters. Will they move beyond pulling levels based on the R or D behind it? Molovinsky is clearly the best candidate for the job.
I agree with Beitler, and which Michael good luck.

Below is a video of a PBS "debate" for four of the contested state house races.


  1. Just wondering if Beyer has an original thought?

    Sounds like he is Wolf running against Corbett.

    Just isn't genuine.

    Easy to spout pre-canned statements.

    What a joke.

    Bernie: What's your over under on Simmons v Beyer 15?

  2. I will write in Jim Gregory for Governor.

  3. I'm voting for John Callahan. Today's the day, right?

  4. Im voting Corbett. I own some acreage and the gas industry will have the money to get through those damn EPA laws. When they start drilling, I can start building.

  5. I'm voting for Wolf because Wolf drives a Jeep and I like higher taxes.

    Plus, Wolf supports the Obama agenda that's worked out so well at the national level!

  6. I'm voting for Wolf, because Corbett is worse than useless. Maybe Wolf will be too, but we need to give someone else a chance to succeed or fail. Corbett has proven he's good at the latter.

  7. Corbett.
    For more tears! For more tears!

  8. Republican voter in Allentown:

    Corbett (R) Governor
    Dent (R) Congress
    Felton (D) PA Senate(protest vote against Pat Browne who is being supported by organized labor)
    Schlossberg (D) PA House (unopposed)

  9. Corbett got my vote. I don't think there is really anything great about him, but Wolf is basically telling me flat out that if he gets in, he's raising my income taxes. No thanks.

  10. 1) wolf
    2) dent- unopposed
    3) boscola- unopposed
    4) simmons v. beyer- abstained


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.