Local Government TV

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Second Coming of Jim Gregory

The end times are near. It is time to prepare for the second coming, not of Jesus Christ, but Jim Gregory. Form a state prison in Pittsburgh, he has written to warn that he'll be back. He's also ready to display "Righteous Anger" to everyone who has sinned against him. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

His latest epistles (there are three of them) are published in Tricia Mezzacappa's blog, to which I refuse to link. The Pennsylvania Superior Court has just affirmed a conviction based in part on the use of her blog to harass people, so i can see she learned her lesson. But she may have been pressured by Gregory. "I will ask Angel if this goes to print as is," he warns. "If not, my friend, we will part."

So what does the man who takes full responsibility for John Brown's election as NorCo Ecec have to say for himself? Well, among other things, I am the son of Satan. But most of you already know that.

My Evil Powers might surprise you. Among other things, I apparently control the Bethlehem Police Department. "He had to use the Bethlehem cops to remove my computers (finding nothing) and my ex-girlfriend to file charges to get me off the radio ..."

As most of you know, good always triumphs over evil. Gregory promises he will be back.

"[D]espite your minions [sic] attempts to keep me here forever, the Lord will raise his hand and strike down the pitiful souls behind my incarceration, and I will return home. Then you, and the others behind this, will see what Righteous Anger can do. Even my friends and family with their myriad sins of omission which helped incarcerate an innocent soul will discover Righteous Anger. The New Testament time has passed. Read Revelation - It's all about Christ and his Righteous Anger and it's coming."

He also takes a few shots at District Attorney John Morganelli, who had nothing to do with having him sent away, and Judge Leonard Zito, who bent over backwards to give him a break.

Morganelli: "I could be a Saducee [sic], a collaborationist like Mmorganelli. He's a political contortionist and opportunist who did his very best to obliterate my reputation by allowing me to be jailed and allowing my ex-girlfriend to perjure herself under oath and on the search warrant ... ."

Zito: "In one fell swoop [Judge Zito] was able to please John Callahan, John Morganelli and John Stoffa. What a shocker that he got the Senor Judge job by chopping off my head."


  1. He certainly casts himself as an important figure. He's a legend in his own mind. He seems to have cast a spell over the vamp of West Easton.

  2. Delusions of granduer much?

  3. Ain't no sunshine when he's gone!

  4. Sicker now than ever before.

  5. I don't care what the Twink says, that is one of the creepiest photos I have ever seen.

  6. Jim will be back on WGPA in a few weeks, Jolly Joe is obligated to honor the contract Gregory signed. Despite the attempts to discredit Gregory in both dailies and this vile vortex of misinformation many people still value his opinion.

    Expect to see him at the earliest council meeting where the podium will be his for an extended period of time, he has much to say after being silenced by the elites in Bethlehem.

  7. Are we quite sure a criminal conviction doesn't void the contract?

  8. In all fairness Mr. Gregory may have a point or two. While Bernie dos not have the power he claims, Jim Gregory has a right to be upset. Bernie did really go after him in court. Also his friends should have all come to court on his behalf. I do not believe he was ever proven to have hit anyone. He is in jail due to contempt orders insulting judges. It does seem extreme for someone to be in a state prison for this long on just insulting a judge.

    There just seems to be a lot we don't know. Is it even possible that Jim Gregory was setup or that he has received an unfair jail sentence for some reason.

    He knows a lot about a lot of politicians so maybe he stirred the pot.

    It all seems strange. He sounds like he is living in horrid conditions and fears for his life. Does he deserve that?

  9. Sorry I'm new here, but isn't this person in jail for violating a pfa like a buncha times? What seems "extreme" is that he couldn't take a hint the first time it took our legal system to get involved and issue an actual order telling him to actually leave this woman alone. Because her telling him, "hey jerk, walk away" shouldn't have been his firt hint? As for a set-up, I understand one of the violations was mentioning her on the airwaives during a radio show, no? Exactly how was that a set-up?

  10. best advice to O'Hare....stop reading the blog you have compalined about which obliterated your reputation and ruined all of your friendships.

    Secondly, stop drawing attention to the very person you claim destroyed your entire life.
    Lastly, the amount of space this woman, her blog and her friends rent in your head, is a bit disturbing....

    seems like you cant shake the glaring reality and truth

    Its time to walk away and accept the fact she wants nothing to do with you.

    Stalk much?

  11. 2:24 has about 20% of his facts right. Gregory is not in jail for criticizing judges. As everyone knows, he is in jail bc he repeatedly violated an order telling him to have no contact with his ex. He is a woman beater. I did not "go after" him. I did provide a transcript and testify to what he said on WGPA. In other words, I told the truth.

  12. 7:25, aka Mezzacappa, This post is pretty much about Gregory, so go away.

  13. Let's hope Greggy gets some mental health treatment when he gets out of prison, because apparently he is gotten none while there.

    Perfect example of how the judicial system is a failure. People with mental health issues need treatment not locked away like animals behind bars.

  14. After reading those rambling letters that may or not be his I find it amazing that he seems to still think that he holds some sort of credibility within the community. I am curious as to when he is scheduled for release and if he will be back in within a matter of days due to parole violations or existing PFA violations. Who knows what will happen if he continues any sort of relationship with the owner of the West Easton Blog. He appears to need mental help that he apparently never received. I just hope he is watched very closely because his victims need to be protected from him.

  15. He should have been out months ago, but continues to contact his ex from the can and has even sent letters to a cocktail waitress at the sands after being told to stay away by PSP. His sister did file for contempt, but his mother did not want to pursue.

    When I see his manipulative manner, I wonder what would happen if someone like him were in office. Then i remember that he was at one time president of Bethlehem City Council.

  16. Jim Gregory started out in NCP.

    He was then shipped to Graterford, where he spent 30 days in the hole because there was no room for him in protective custody...he needed PC because of his former jobs in law enforcement and corrections.

    He was then shipped to Camp Hill, and then to SCI Pitt. That was a guarantee that no one, family, friends or legal counsel could pay a visit, as SCI PItt is a 7 hour trip.

    The DOC removed from his commissary account hundreds of dolallrs for his bus ticket back home, then denied parole on the basis of "lack of remorse" only because he has a pending appeal. They never refunded the money, either.

    he has had his rights violated by the DOC, a number of times, not unlike most prisoners that are in the system. Phone calls and commissary are priced well beyond the cost of providing those services, allowing the DOC to profit on basic fundamental needs.

    He advocates for the change in laws, allowing for flat sentances, which will then allow the Department of Probation and Parole to become extinct...at a great saving to taxpayers.

    He has been sentanced to 15-30, for innocuous love messages which did not include any direct contact with his Ex. This is a record setting jail sentance for anyone in Norco, and probably anyone in the state.

    He has a reason to be frustrated and angry.

  17. In reference to 8:28 a.m. Sorry, no sympathy from me. He is in prison because of continued violations of a PFA which resulted in contempt of court charges. By the way, indirect contact with someone who has a PFA against you IS a form of contact. His Facebook ramblings, his blog ramblings, his radio show ramblings were all designed to harass and intimidate his victims. He is NOT above the law. Also, I doubt anyone cares what he advocates when it comes to prison reform. But, then again; if he continues this path he will be in and out of prison for the rest of his life. That's what it certainly looks like.

  18. And it all could have been avoided if he just would have stopped at violating the Protection from Abuse order three or four times. But no, he had to go for #5, and in a very public way btw. This man is dangerous and he has a clear disregard for the law. I do hope he's getting mental help before he's released back into society.

  19. This asshat is a Jesus Freak now? Oh my.

  20. He is in jail due to contempt orders insulting judges.

    I thought he was in jail for violating a restraining order multiple times?

  21. The LV gay & lesbian club's have been advised not to accept Gregory's membership application!

  22. "He sounds like he is living in horrid conditions and fears for his life. Does he deserve that?"

    Yes. It's State Prison, not a vacation with wifi and a bottomless buffet. A thin pillow and a thread bare mattress is not inhumane treatment. If he fears for his life, perhaps he should reassess the behavior of his that resulted in him being incarcerated with other criminals. It was his choice. He made his bed, exactly like Mezzacappa - and they both deserve the respective penalties.

    Thankfully, nobody will ever vote to put either of these public menaces into an elected office.

  23. OHare, are you a court stenogrpaher?

    How did your "transcript" get into evidence?

    Doesnt a "transcript" have to be a legally transcribed document, in a court of law, by a stenogrpaher chosen by the court?

    Are you now a court stenographer?

    How did this "transcript" of a radio show get into evidence?

  24. He advocates for the change in laws, allowing for flat sentances (sic), which will then allow the Department of Probation and Parole to become extinct...at a great saving to taxpayers.
    He is supposed to be Mensa with this idea?
    Paroles allow for early release and the opportunity for the convicted to prove themselves worthy of being released early. Probation allows the convicted to avoid jail time if they change their conduct and conform to society's expected standard of conduct.
    Flat sentences offer no opportunity for those who may have made a mistake, or taken the wrong path, to be shown leniency and be given a second chance while being monitored.
    It would result in harsher sentences and would not benefit those he supposedly advocates changes for.

  25. Parole and probation do nothing for the rights of the accused or convicted. Parole and probation only serve to keep the prison industry mantra alive and well, assuring and cementing jobs for the government worker, in addition to all of the incediary jobs that exist for that same purpose....ie, lawyers, halfway houses, case workers, secretaries

    it exists to keep the prisons packed to the hilt, and guaranteeing jobs for officers, corrections, administration, judges, state contracts to build more prisons, and the viscious cycle continues.

    Its an excessively expensive system, billed to Joe Taxpayer.

    Flat sentences would stop the perverse and unjust Department of Parole from doing what they are taught to do....keeping jails packed and crowded.

  26. "How did this "transcript" of a radio show get into evidence? "

    Very simply. I testified that I listened to and taped ther program, then typed out exactly what he had said in his message and stated under oath is was verbatim what he had said on the show. That is how.

    The notion that you have to be a court reporter to attest to what someone else said is ridiculous.

  27. 8:28, aka Tricia Mezzacaooa, Thanks to people like you, Gregory will probably max out.

  28. And then the court took testimony from a disbarred lawyer who lost his law licesne for deceit, forgery, fraud , misprepresentation and illegal conduct.


  29. Yes, it took testimony from someone whose license to practice was supsended in 1985. So far as I know, that does not disqualify me as a witness, but only goes to what weight to attach to it. I was subjected to cross-examination by Gregory's attorney, and the court made its own decision, especially after hearing other witnesses corroborate what I said.

    Nobody was there to speak for Gregory, and he largley admitted that the transcript you find so offensive was accurate.

  30. Gregory's unbridled arrogance got him in jail. No sympathy here.

  31. Tricia: I could barely get through reading the latest letters from jim that you posted.

    I want YOU to look in the mirror and ask yourself how can you do something so mean by posting those gibberish rants. You are not helping him. Next time, post some dick pics of him. That would probably help him more. You nasty person.

    jim: narcissistic personality disorder, with features of paranoid personality, delusional disorder, and idiot disorder.

  32. Bernie keeps trying to piss on Gregory but it just misses and hits his own leg, he did the same thing to Schlener, who incidentally complimented Bernie's blog to Geegory some time ago. Bernie use your blog to do good not attack the hard working union stewards like Jim and Jim, it saddens your colleagues like Lynn Olanoff and Tom Shortell REaL reporters who have standards and paychecks.

  33. Did I say nasty? I meant really nasty.

  34. Nah, looks to me like BOH is pissing directly in Gregory and Mezzafugly's eyes. It's pretty humorous to watch you get piss-boarded too.

  35. Why attack Bernie? If I am not mistaken Gregory had "prison convicts" send letters to his ex. How would you like to have your personal information shared with a bunch of prisoners? No wonder the girl is in hiding.

    He should stay in prison indefinitely.

  36. Bernie needs to understand his posts about the cheerleader and her 15yo victim. That's why I am saying he's way fucking creepy. God, if I took up that Mexican on his offer. Never could've been the same.
    Never'll be your beast of burden.

  37. Some people are jealous. Who cannot wait for the Mediterranean manslab to be released. he will emerge from a year of diet an exercise like a Greek god.

    His muscular body budging under his sinewy bronze body.

    He will glisten in the sun and once again have men and women swooning at his feet.

  38. 12:52 p.m. I would assume no one cares about Jim or Jim. Please correct me if I am wrong but were both of them accused of attacking women at some point in their lives? One in 2004 and the other one in 2013.

  39. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

  40. He's still a Bethlehem Democrat's Democrat. All Democrats get itchy when they're about to be released from prison.

  41. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

  42. @4:38 Pulp Fiction, amirite?!

  43. Samuel Jackson, pulp fiction

  44. All you old men are jealous. Jim looks like a young stud. he will look even better when he comes home. Next year he will run and win a city council seat.

    He is hot and all you old dudes can't handle it.

  45. Looks fade but crazy just gets crazier! Dont worry Bernie you have way more going for you than this guy.

  46. Seriously Bernie, this guy sound crazy and maybe dangerous. I understand that is ex is terrified of him and fears when he is released. Also some of the people who know him are worried about his state of mind.
    Do you think he is dangerous? Also what can someone do who is worried about what he will do. Given his words it is not an unreasonable concern.

  47. He is a woman beater, and is very manipulative. If his ex is terrified, she has the means to keep him in jail. She has a shoebox of letters from him, sent from state prison, in violation of the PFA.

  48. "Don't worry Bernie you have way more going for you than this guy."

    "Satan and I both thank you."

    Awesome reply, Bernie! This bonus is available on only this one news site in the Lehigh Valley - dark, dry humor.

  49. Jim Gregory's attorney died on Oct 31st according to the footprint, if anyone would like to help Jim in his quest towards liberty please look at it as an investment in our children's future. Gregory sitting in jail benefits a select few inmates and staff that hear his strength and wisdom, he must be freed soon in order to do gods work

  50. Does their future involve Gregory hitting on them when they're old enough to be a cocktail waitress or just simple stalking?

  51. 3:17 Don't drink the kool-aid.

  52. If I send a bowel movement to Greggo in care of the vamp of West Easton, will that help his cause? I'd view it as crapping on two people at once, so it would be a win-win from this side.

    Are we supposed to believe that his case is so complicated that he needs a special attorney? Maybe if he stops violating his PFA, he will stand a better chance of getting out than in finding the right attorney.

    Or... TM casts herself as a legal expert - she could represent him.

  53. Gregory's attorney was well regarded and will be missed. His nephew is Becahi's punter and is a terror on defense. Att'y Lonordo was at every game. It's funny that Mezzacappa has only found out now about his passing.

  54. While I enjoy a good greggy story... I mean he's a mensa, Mediterranean manslab, world famous karaoke singer, and founder of the infamous Unity PAC..... I'm disturbed by his letters on WEFP. He has received no mental health treatment and is worse then when he went in. I feel sorry for his ex and his family when he gets out because he hadn't obviously learned a thing. He needs serious help. He will be back in SCI shortly after his release and his victims will suffer again. It truly is sad. And his enablers will just help him get back to the big house sooner.

  55. Jim Gregory is right with God. he may be a great inspiration to people unhappy with the penal system. He is a great speaker and may be able to provide some leadership.

    I have heard you can help his reclamation by contributing to the UNITY-PAC.

  56. Jim Gregory is right with God.

    Thats what taking it up the ass on a daily basis for a year will do - make you find your imaginary friend in the sky.

  57. Give this guy a fuscia shirt and a drink with an umbrella. He's a dandy, which must endear him to his cohorts in state prison.

  58. Give this guy a fuscia shirt and a drink with an umbrella. He's a dandy, which must endear him to his cohorts in state prison.

  59. Greggy needs a subreddit dedicated to his greatness where admirers and haters can discuss the Jim G lifestyle unimpeded.


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