Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Beca Freshman Visit Allen

Yesterday, Becahi's Freshman Football faced Allen High School at J. Birney Crum, and basically repeated the performance put in by the varsity on Saturday. I was able to catch a few good video clips of Dat (#7) tearing it up.

This Saturday, the Freshman will play Central Catholic in what the T-shirts proclaim is a "Holy War." The Varsity squads play on Halloween.


  1. Bernie quick tip. (Not sure if you're filming with your phone or a camera as the suggestion may not work if you're using a phone) but buy a monopod, they are small, easy to use, (double as a walking stick) and REALLY help with image stabilization.

    Either way, neat post.

  2. Thanks. I think I'll get one. My hands are too unsteady.

  3. Bernie,

    Dat is a great kid and athlete. Not taking anything away from him but after the 2nd or 3rd time you'd think Allen would have caught on to that swing pass. Other than that, Dat has some fine moves downfield. Does he play D, too.

  4. He plays safety but he does not have the killer instinct.

  5. What's the big deal about that kid? Another recruit I am sure. What part of the Country did he come from? Who names their kid Dat? BECA, Central, P-Burg, Notre Dame and all the other Catholic schools need to be in their own league. Why muck of the waters of home grown athletes that actually stay in their own home towns and attend their local schools.

  6. There is no big deal about that "kid". He is just one of several great athletes in the freshman program. He happens to be home grown. All of them are. I am particularly proud of this one bc he also happens to be my grandson. I am most proud that he is a good kid, who works very hard to better himself, whether it is in sports or with the books. He knows not to trash people he does not know, a lesson you apparently never learned. His name is a name that Vietnamese mothers give their children. That's who gives their kids names like Dat.

  7. My grandsons are older than Dat but met him years ago and played various sports (nothing organized, throw and catch, etc) at what is now Veteran's Park on Center St. in Nazareth. Dat is what I'd call a throwback kid, one right out of the 50's. Respectful of elders, sports loving, a scholar, personable, and generally the sort of kid you be proud to have your kids or grandkids be. Although I'm not Catholic, I fully understand Catholics (and some non-Catholics) wanting their kids to have a good solid education combined with discipline. Not all Catholic school students are recruits, the big majority are not.


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