Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Top Ten Things To Blame on NorCo Exec John Brown

Late yesterday, one of my readers posted this list of things that we can lay at John Brown's feet. I have to share it. If you can improve on it, please be my guest. I'll take the best answers and incorporate them into a new post on Wednesday. This might be a regular feature down the road. Top Ten Things to Blame on County Council might be next.

Things John Brown is responsible for:

1) the death of every county employee
2) Ebola
3) Bernie's drinking
4) The Cubs
5) The Centralia mine fire
6) Kids' discomfort with nines
7) Global Warming
8) Straight to DVD movies
9) Barron's lisp
10) Mezzacappa's bad hair


  1. Bernie,
    Michell Oboma's nip and tuckand than there is the family matter of allentowns Brown Hole Law Creation?

    Yes I voted Obama too?

    patent pending

  2. Jim Gregory
    Unity PAC

  3. Corbett losing re-election.

  4. C'mon, you can't blame Mezzagoofy's bad bedhead 80's hair on Brown. That's cruel.

  5. Do not understand why you feel this list is so clever. It is a sarcastic dismissal of the justifiable criticism of Brown's actions since in office. It is trivializing the complaints of employees and the public regarding Brown and his administration. There is much to blame Brown for without this nonsense.

  6. Relex spanky. We're stuck with this slate belt buffoon because of the buffoonery of the local electorate. It's the same reason we're going to get a Republican Senate after years of Republican incompetence and obstructionism. The voters are not too bright.

  7. NO!! lets get it straight we have LUCY LENNON to thank for this buffoon and I hope she is happy....I hope she loses as much as the county employees are going lose...she is nothing more than a new york imbred with useless decieving boyfriend......


  8. "It is trivializing the complaints of employees"

    No its not. You trivialize yourselves ever5time you open your whiney mouths. The more you talk the more popular Brown gets.

  9. 4:36 if you came up with the list I hope you are proud of yourself. You may get a B+ if you turn it in to your 4th grade teacher.

  10. At least 92 seasoned employees leaving. The worst moral in the 28 years I have worked there. The total lack of trust that anything he or those he appointed says is true. The demonization of a work force who serves the residents of the County. The inability to create the teamwork needed to actually get the stakeholders to work with him to accomplish anything.

    1. Oh I forgot one. The 20 million dollar line of credit because we know his drastic cuts STILL WONT BALANCE THE BUDGET!

  11. Brown got in because people are turning against the left. He wasn't a good choice but this is what happens.

  12. So John Brown is why I have high cholesterol, and here I am blaming my genetics!


  13. "the more popular Brown gets."

    Keep hallucinating and eating more mushrooms. You're gone.

  14. 11) the disappearance of Judge Crater
    12) the disappearance of Bob Freeman
    13) the disappearance of Sal Panto, blog commenter
    14) the disappearance of Eric Frein
    15) the disappearance of Steve Barron's college teaching career

  15. Hillarious Bernie. Very well thought-out. Just the right level of humor and seriousness mixed. A true comedic nugget


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