Local Government TV

Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Fat Cat Cometh to NorCo


  1. Obama's America!!!

  2. Agree, it is all Obama's fault!

  3. The joint is going to be packed!

  4. Most of the employees are taxpayers.

  5. Did the cat eat the rat?

  6. All the cat needs are suspenders to be a spitten image of Brownie.

  7. I once was a proud R. Brown is changing me.

  8. Love the "Fat Cat" even more than the inflatable rat of years past!

    Government is slow to embrace change, and Norco lives this to the fullest. Why change when "this is the way it's always been done."

    Lack of management talent has always been an issue in government, which is not famous for its compensation package, though medical is typically a good (great) plan.

    Norco is no exception. Lack of vision has caused the current problems since the days of Reibman. Stoffa was so opposed to conflict, or so he claimed, that he let the ship go adrift, while he watched the infighting.

    Gracedale was a disaster and never managed correctly, and it continues to have challenges mandated by the feds and their lower reimbursement rates. Another division left to twist in the wind.

    Brown claims that the employees are the only real assets, a line which I used in my tenure, and meant it.

    What is that old saying about actions speak louder than words?

    Norco is in the service industry, and the taxpayers are the customers. You'd never know it.

    Is this was a private company, it would have fallen to either bankruptcy, or a hostile takeover by now.

    There are solutions, many of which require decisive leadership and courage - let us hope to see some soon, and put the politics and waste behind us.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. As Judge Chamberlain Haller said in the movie, My Cousin Vinny:

    "That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out objection."

    In your case, not so much.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. You may be right, but let's keep it in context.

    How many unions were there in the Seyfried or Brackbill administrations?

    How were pay raises and benefits handled back then?

    How about now that there are 11 unions?

    The times may have changed, and yes, I concede that each administration had its own challenges to be sure.

  13. And, for the record, I do not have a huge portrait of myself in the XO's office, nor do I smoke cigars (or anything else).

  14. Mezzacrazy, insult people on your own blog. Stay off this one.

  15. Could be that Zahayjack guy. he is an angry old guy that is full of himself.

  16. well at least the unions are good for on thing - blowing up dolls

  17. Stoffa got the rat Brown gets the cat!


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