Local Government TV

Thursday, October 09, 2014

NorCo Grand Jury: Dolan Must Go

I've been saying it for months. Now a Northampton County Investigating Grand Jury has added its voice as well. Karen Dolan must go. She must resign her seat as a member of Bethlehem City Council. They are also referring their report to the state Ethics Comm'n, which has the power to impose criminal and/or civil sanctions for the multiple conflicts of interest in which she engaged. They paint an ugly picture of a woman who shouted, intimidated and manipulated her way through Bethlehem. I'll have much more to say later, but want to link to the Grand Jury Report now.


  1. If Ms.Dolan committed a crime She should be indicted

  2. O'Hare must be thrilled that another young woman's life has been destroyed.

    People thank Karen for all she has done for Bethlehem.

  3. @8:56 If she committed unethical conduct during her duties, which it is very evident she did, she should resign.

    The process in this case is obviously for the State Ethics Commission to review the case and possibly sanction her which according to Bernie could include criminal charges.

    This procedure is likely related to the fact she is a public official.

  4. Good grief, 9:54, Mezzacappa is a worn out over the hill old bag. Stop making believe she is a young woman. Check out the picture of her with the deceased pig. It's like a 60 year old horror movie actress.

    And Bernie didn't ruin her life - she ruined it herself, and climbed in and continues to put nails in her own coffin. She ruined her reputation by harassing and libeling people.

    Are we to suppose Bernie ruined Dolan's life? She did this to herself as well. You may not tolerate or like people who do outstanding investigative reporting the way Bernie does, but WTF cares what someone like that thinks? Bernie exposed Dolan's actions, and he exposed the Witch of West Easton's for voters to see. Enjoy your night in lala land.

  5. The Grand Jury, according to the DA, decided to refer the matter to the state Ethics Comm'n because they have a better understanding of how far things should go. There is no question she prima facie violated the Act, but I see the wisdom of letting a state agency weigh in on the matter. If they decide it is criminal and file charges, it could come right back to Morganelli.

  6. Even I will thank Karen for all the good she did for Bethlehem, but that does not justify her criminal behavior or ethical transgressions.

  7. Good job Bernie on your initial exposure. This is a blog, chock full of opinion and story lines suitable for such a site. However, there have been a number of stories the past few years--including this one--where you have done a great job at following the scent, and being doggedly persistent at investigating and presenting the facts in a professional but blunt manner. It is both a compliment to you, and a sad commentary on the decline of daily newspapers, that you are increasingly in the forefront of local news.

  8. Thanks, Ovem. I do feel vindicated. Unfortunately, there are many more stories than there are investigative reporters. I do feel that my legal training gives me an edge, but there are many good reporters out there who would have done a better job had they looked into it themselves.

  9. Grand jury report indicates that Karen Dolan was a witness but does not show any testimony by her. Did she refuse to testify?

  10. Yes. She had an opportunity to testify, but exercised her Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. It's a right I wish she'd exercise more frequently.

  11. I've never heard of a grand jury declaring that a public official should resign. It would help if the grand jury's report included an explanation of why it has taken such an unusual step.

  12. The grand jury report is damming.

  13. It did. It detailed multiple violations of the Ethics Act.

  14. @11:03 A grand jury can comment on matters of public interest, which violations of the Ethics Act clearly are. There is no need to explain that which is within their power.

    It is not an unusual step.

  15. Outstanding work on breaking this story several months ago, Bernie.

    Whoever the dolt is that claimed you were out to ruin this woman's life either does not care that ethics be followed or doesn't like it when people in the public light are exposed for what they truly are.

  16. Will she be Jim Gregory's cellmate?

  17. I've been saying a daily Rosary that this vicious, anti-Catholic gas bag would be brought to justice. We're almost there, Lord. Thank you. Now, we pray for her hate-filled heart to repent.

  18. Glad to see finally something happening as this rogue official/politician needed to go months ago. Hope she gets charged and sent to prison. Maybe the County Executive should take notice

  19. every one knows she had help - cover your utts boys and girls

  20. The Grand Jury found John Callahan not to be credible to the extent that denied being pressured by Dolan, since she did pressure everyone else. But there is no evidence she had help.

  21. Thanks for posting the GJ report. Very interesting readinf

  22. Ditto, Bernie, thanks for posting the grand jury report. There's nothing like getting the story from the original documents. I particularly liked the job the grand jury did at laying out the details of how Dolan bullied anyone she felt disagreed with her (self-interested) schemes. We in Bethlehem are far better off without her.


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