Local Government TV

Friday, October 24, 2014

NorCo Exec John Brown: Council Shirking Their Duty

This is an excerpt of the speech that Executive John Brown gave to the press on Wednesday, October 23, condmning Council for shirking their duty. Then he he skipped out on a Budget Hearing.

Blogger's Note: I have no idea why this video is in black and white. It is not being done for artistic reason or dramatic effect. I am just an idiot.


  1. I am a die hard republican, but this man is insane.I am so mad at myself for voting for him. What he is doing to those county employees is crazy. I work in the private sector for almost 40 yrs and i do pay a deductable of 2,500 a yr for my insurance and 235 a month out of my check for it, but i make 3 times what the average county worker makes.How can you expect someone who makes 12.00 per hour to pay a co insurance of over 6,000 a yr.and still afford to live?? I hope council really does something about this man...they impeached Nixon didnt they?

  2. he's not wrapped right!

  3. the only shirking here is john brown what a wussy

  4. His duty is to the citizens of Northampton County and he'll be damned if people might pay an extra $25 in taxes! Enough is enough.

    All he needed was a tri-cornered hat and a Don't Tread On Me flag in the background. What a rube. Congratulations, Repubs, on another stellar politician.

  5. The Central ScrutinizerOctober 24, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Look, Bernie O'Hare is turning into Martin Scorsese shooting Brown like a scene from Raging Bull! I need to send him a beret.

  6. His current budget shows no reduction for the health care savings. That question was asked and I I thought I heard Mr. Brown's other lackey Allison say no. So his political BS is yet another lie.

  7. like 8:10, I find what this man is doing to these employees is terrible. I am also not employed by the county, but it is upsetting what "government" can do to some people making $9 or $10 bucks an hour is astounding. I guess it is under the guise of fiscal responsibilty, but is it? Or is it the power to crush the working man?

  8. He looks so important in this urgent meeting.

    What urgent circumstance prevented him from attending the meeting to review his budget a half hour later? Couldn't find the place?

  9. Was there any content in this speech, or more of the "wah wah" gobbledegook seen here? The guy can't even speak, and somehow he became our "leader". Amazing. When voting goes terribly wrong.

  10. Hey Bernie,

    Typo in your headline.

  11. awww brown doesn't like to play with the big boys boo-hooo

  12. JB you are getting old fast. The job is killing you and your hair is falling out. look in the mirror. You are your own worst enemy. Wake the F**K UP!!

  13. Brown's rant was painful to watch. Scripted and wooden. He is becoming unglued. Pretty soon we will hear the clinking of the metal balls rolling around in his hand. He is a combo of Captain Queeg steering the Titanic into the nearest iceberg.

  14. "Typo in your headline."

    Fixed. Thank you for letting me know.

  15. Central, The B&W is just an error on my part.

  16. Q. What's black and white and Brown all over?

    A. A skunk with diarrhea, a newspaper lining a Dalmatian puppy kennel and Bernie's video.

  17. The diarrhea explains why Brown left in such a hurry,

  18. You have me confused. The Captain of RMS Titanic was Edward Smith. Queeg was the fictional Captain of the Caine played by Bogart in The Caine Mutiny movie.

  19. The Caine Mutiny is based on a novel by the same name. I have not read it; did see the movie.

  20. Brown may not be a riveting speaker. But Obama wowed the masses with his TelePrompTer in front of those StyroFoam columns in Denver and look at the dumpster fire he turned out to be.

  21. @1:05 I believe Obama's presidency has been a success. Passing health insurance reform was huge. He had enemies right out of the starting gate, and he's performed well despite the loony tea baggers and disgruntled conservatives.

    Brown has accomplished pi____ng off his own party already, except Geissinger who appears eager to endear himself to this dictator.

  22. Don't fall for the attempted distraction. This has nothing to do with Obama.

  23. The tea party Republicans that won last year were consistent in their disdain for public employees and government. The fact that you dolts voted for them is now your problem

    He and his fellow republicans never intended to raise taxes. If you thought other wise you are to blame.

  24. Many of us a re happy that Brown is trying to hold the line on taxes. His methods may be questionable but he is trying.
    As to county council, Lamont McClure is a political ass and always has been. he is now an O'Hare pal because O'Hare hates Brown.

    I, as many people hope that the Republicans field a good candidate against McClure next year. McClure barely wins his district and he should be tossed. He is a panderer and a fool. He should be tossed form office and can be with a good opponent.

  25. at least McClure has a set of balls and stands up for what he believes!

  26. hey john:

    here's some advice from one nobody to another: shut the fuck up!


    (but this advice DOES NOT allow you to continue on your vicious course.)

  27. McClure has a set of balls?

    Really. he says what the shouting mob wants to hear and that is courage. OK. You guys deserve the government you get because you are so clueless.

    Takes a lot of courage to say everything the mob wants to hear.

  28. "I believe Obama's presidency has been a success."

    You and 39% in his approval ratings.

  29. "The tea party Republicans that (sic) won ..."

    People are who and whom. Now, wow us with more intellectual wizardry and apologize to your English teachers.

  30. This man is insane! How do you sleep at night Pal?? It's is disgusting what your doing to county employees.

  31. There was no shouting mob for Mr. McClure to pander to during the budget hearings. So you are incorrect, he does have balls. The others voted on St Lukes request, which made the County $. I agree. However the HS position that was requested could have been tabled. In my opinion, he was the only one who did what he said he was going to do.

  32. Brown will go on to be rewarded by republican interest. He is doing their bidding and the public be damned.

    You right wing Obama haters will one day need services to get to your appointments, have meals and get your ass wiped. You will be demanding services but they won't be there. Congratulations you managed to fuck your self. Not an easy thing to do.

  33. maybe mr. brown needs to listen to what he is saying about county counsel and take it to heart. he needs to be accountable for his actions and for tearing apart the county work force that he here to serve the people doing what most never would or could do, serve the most needy segments of this county; the mentally ill, intellectually disabled, drug addicted, elderly, abusive and criminalized. Those who most citizens don't want to even acknowledge exist in this county.

  34. Crap in one hand and put all of McClure's speech's in the other hand and see which one weights the most!

  35. A shot at council is a shot at his own party. Fatal error by Brown. W/O Peg..he will accomplish very little and will have to retreat and regroup. The Barron email story is interesting. Barron is a panderer but at least we know who and what he is. This may be a legit complaint. Sadly Brown will do whatever council lets him do. If you don't push back..he will run you over. Football 101.

  36. The 7K Bangor tax payers spent to send JB to leadership training was evidently a waste of boro resources. He learned nothing and duped the boro officials. He had no intention of remaining boro mayor and used us for his own political purposes. I now wish him into the cornfield!

  37. Yeah, Barron is a panderer. But if he was using mass email to inform employees of his fraud hotline, that is entirely within his function as controller. f he was using mass email to argue a point about healthcare, it is not, but he is still an elected official and should have that same access that brown gets. Brown sent them videos, etc.

  38. I hope to see more non union workers at the council meeting thursday.

  39. Another reason John Brown has to go. Read this and you can replace bad boss with the name John Brown http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/is-your-boss-making-you-sick/2014/10/20/60cd5d44-2953-11e4-8593-da634b334390_story.html

  40. 1:40, they've been there. There just aren't as many.

  41. It's time to get this nut job out of office! He has NO idea how to treat people, he thinks he is running a BIG COMPANY. He is clueless! He is playing with peoples lives, someone needs to stop this nut job. He could care less on what people earn, or how they will afford to pay for anything else as long as they can afford to pay the co insurance.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.


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