Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

NorCo Council To Continue Budget Review Today

The entire criminal justice system, from prosecutors to jailers, is on the chopping block today, starting at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers. So is the County's vast Human Services program, which addresses the needs of 18,000 people in need. If you think we spend too much helping abused and neglected children, today is your chance to shine. If you think we should instruct DA John Morganelli to stop prosecuting murderers, your voice can be heard. If you think we are spending too much money on jails, coddling criminals, now is the time to tell Council to open the gates and set them free.

I'm unsure whether any consultants will be on hand with brief cases and cell phones, but I'll let you know.


  1. Where will the meeting be held. Will people get to address county council before the full meeting?

  2. Did you know that Mr Brown confirmed yesterday he plans to chop vacation sick and personal time as well? He would not discuss his plans. So all you non-union workers get ready, you can be sure there will be no negotiations with you. Beside the years we have not had pay increases we now get the Brown Care plan.

  3. 6:55 Another Brownstain action.

  4. o'boy!!! another chance for the unions to blow a doll and cry me a river

  5. But when Ron Angle and Stoffa wanted all these cuts that was OK?

  6. "o'boy!!! another chance for the unions to blow a doll and cry me a river"

    When you don't have a job, and haven't had one for 10 years, and have no prospects to ever have one again, it's easy to trivialize the plight of the people who actually do something for society. Have a great day in the pig sty.

  7. I understand HR is unwilling to meet with retirees claiming they are to busy for meetings , check it out Bernie!

  8. The meetings are in council chambers on the 3rd floor, unless they are moved to courtroom 1. There is citizen comment at the beginning.

  9. oh goodie what next ? is this guy for real ? why the vendetta against the employees.

  10. I think the County should close. Find someone to volunteer for this work.

  11. Mr. Brown has taken two curious positions already. The workers, even though grouping them is in itself erroneous because they have completely different jobs: prison guards, Gracedale workers, caseworkers, domestic relations workers, emergency workers, repairmen, courthouse security and office workers are all considered persons whose benefits and salary are excessive and a drain on the taxpayer. Secondly, he is apparently refusing to negotiate with any of them. If these accurately represent his final positions, and I hope this is not accurate, he has come to these conclusions with input from only the public relations firm he has hired.

    1. Your assumption is exactly accurate. Brown me with the dept of human services for the very first time. He was very clear in his statements that regardless of how much this will hurt the employees the decision has been made to move forward with his plans and will not make any changes to his plan. The room was full of about 150 employees who passionately expressed to him how harmful this plan would be and how financially devastating. Those who spoke offered many suggestions about how to better cut costs. They offered to compromise and pleaded he reconsider. He was completely unyielding in his position that he will move forward clearly blaming the financial issues of the county directly on the county. After that he informed the DHS staff he plans to cut paid time off. Details pending.

  12. "Did you know that Mr Brown confirmed yesterday he plans to chop vacation sick and personal time as well? He would not discuss his plans. So all you non-union workers get ready, you can be sure there will be no negotiations with you. Beside the years we have not had pay increases we now get the Brown Care plan."

    He would not address this when we asked him. Thus is interesting.

  13. A long time courthouse employee (i cant include my name for fear of retaliation)October 22, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    It's time for us non-union employees to stand up and join the fight, its time that we start showing up to the meetings as well. I dont understand why these meetings are filled with mostly union employees while us non-union employees sit back and let all of this happen to us. Hopefully this is the wake up call we need. Maybe we are afraid but its time to stand up in the face of fear and let our voices be heard. This isnt solely a union issue and we need the voices of the non-union employees to be heard.

    1. Right on 9:19! We need ALL Norco employees to join in and unite. The last council meeting was less attended by almost two- thirds, and as usual most were from unions. Don't be afraid to show up OR speak. Brown cannot retaliate and he knows it. He sits there like a stone, seemingly disinterested. A Lot of speakers, union or not, spoke from their heart and stuck their necks out for ALL Norco workers. Please join us and let council know we will not let up. It's about fairness and even council (well most of them) understands this.

    2. Please come some of us are also there. We need to stick together since no one has our back.

    3. I agree! I'm non union and have been to all the council meetings. We're all in this together! We're all getting the shaft from this administration.

    4. Let's get a meeting together asap. On January first we getting screwed. If we don't do this we have no chance at all. Monday the 27th at 6pm. We need a location. Any ideas?

  14. I have worked for the county for a little less than 3 years. I am grateful for the salary I draw and the benefits I recieve. I am off today.

    If we have to add in a 10% co-insurance, I understand. I was actually surprised when I received my medical benefits, that aside from the premiums and deductable, this was not a traditional 80-20....

    When my mom needed surgery 5 yrs ago, she was balanced billed 20%. Peop-le who work for the county should be more appeciative, because it beats any private sector job in the area.

    1. I could have gotten a job for $4 more an hour starting about 3 years ago but horrible benefits. In retrospect had I known I was going to eventually get no raises with progressively worse benefits I would have went the other route. I'm making less now than I did 6 years ago with the county. $11.50 an hour. After 7 years im on the same step as a brand new hire. I guess it's fair. When they get all new people that know nothing I will still be making the same as they are but I will have to train them. Seems fair. My experience and dedication means nothing.

  15. john brown should be impeached it is clear his is incapable of doing this job ! the only people benefiting from his holding office are his cronies period end of sentence. makes me sick!

    1. Agreed! Get him out of office. Three more years of this is going to kill us!

  16. what did the workforce ever do to john brown besides give him a chance ?

  17. So the cuts are not rumors, when will we receive the facts?

  18. if your so grateful and are such a brown cheerleader than state your name, my guess is that you are a phony!

  19. Since when did it become a crime to reward those employees who provide services to the residents of the county. Mr. Brown lives in a Delusional world. He wants to ruin the the workforce by enforcing high medical benifits and cut their vacation time ect. Yet, no one seems to really care about these workers. I've worked in the private sector all my life and have never been treated as bad as the county employees have been. Its a shame that one evil man can cause such destruction. I live in the County and am embarrased by all of this.

  20. For years greedy county employees fought even modest attempts to balance the budget. There were times when difficult economies forced the county to ask for some give, the employees always screamed and yelled. They would complain about the "poor public" would suffer. In other words they are all like greedy little children.

    Had they been more realistic over the years the would not be facing the reality they are today. Their simplistic answer is always raise taxes.

    Even Ron Angle was on TV many times claiming how ridiculous the benefit package was for employees.

    Time to deal with your own responsibility for this mess.

    1. You are a moron! My pay has been level for at least 8 years and I am non union. I worked weekends and extra FOR NO PAY! I skipped many a lunch break and have saved the county taxpayers by not filling unneeded positions. Only to be slapped in the face by both the current admin.and you. But for the rest of my time you will get from me what you feel I am worth.

    2. You are a moron! My pay has been level for at least 8 years and I am non union. I worked weekends and extra FOR NO PAY! I skipped many a lunch break and have saved the county taxpayers by not filling unneeded positions. Only to be slapped in the face by both the current admin.and you. But for the rest of my time you will get from me what you feel I am worth.

  21. Wow, the "Greedy" county employees are to blame for the fiscal mess! And the whole time I thought the 27 million dollar check Stoffa wrote to clear up the swaption loss might have something to do with it. Thanks for clearing that up, you are truly a beacon of knowledge! Oh well, gotta go, Honey Boo Boo is on!

  22. In response to 3:38.......I can't believe you are referring to clerical staff and nurses aides who make $10/hour as greedy. Let's remember the majority of these county employees make less than $30,000/year for thankless work. Over the years they have given back wages, vacation days, sick days, and been through numerous pay freezes. Let's also remember that in addition to out of pocket medical contributions rising they are dealing with Mayor Panto reaching into their pockets for his commuter tax. Please know the facts before spewing venom!

  23. I would meet any place any time. We need to stick together or we get Browncare and who knows what other changes to our time which does not cost the taxpayers one thin dime. No one get extra pay to catch up on their in box when they get back to work. PLEASE LETS TRY TO DO SOMETHING!


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