Local Government TV

Friday, October 03, 2014

Council, 300 Workers, Ask Brown to Relent on Health Care Cuts

Despite impassioned pleas from Northampton County workers at a Council meeting two weeks ago, Executive John Brown has refused to budge on health plan reductions he's imposed unilaterally. In fact, shortly before last night's Council meeting, he introduced a no-tax budget for next year that keeps their wages flat. In addition, Easton Mayor Sal Panto has proposed a 1.95% commuter tax that will mean a reduction in wages for the 900 County employees working in Easton. So last night, close to 300 people, nearly all of them County employees, crammed into Courtroom #1, They were there to ask Brown to change his mind. They were there to ask Council to help them,

One visitor unable to fit into Courtroom #1 was the AFSCME 15' high Fat Cat. He suddenly appeared next to the Courthouse about an hour or so before the meeting. AFSCME is the labor union that represents most Northampton County workers. Wearing a John Brown sign around its neck, this Fastidious Feline was wringing the neck of a hapless worker. Union members rallied alongside, as cars driving by honked their horns

Corrections Officers Union Prez Tom Davis
After this mini-rally, the raucous crowd filed into Courtroom #1, cheering for union agent Justus James and Council member Lamont McClure. They booed just as loudly when Executive Brown made his way into the room, smiling.

Sitting in the seat usually occupied by a President Judge, Council President Peg Ferraro did a commendable job of making sure that everyone who wanted to speak was able to do so, with only minimal interruption.

AFSCME union agent Justus James was both the leadoff and cleanup hitter, getting two opportunities to speak, thanks to some employees who surrendered their time to him.

Allison Moyer, a LPN at Gracedale
(billed at birth)
"We will not go silent into the night," he warned Executive Brown. He complained bitterly about the 10% coinsurance along with a $13,200 cap on medical coverage for many families. He complimented former Executive John Stoffa, who refused to impose these changes last year because they would hurt the worker. "We need to have a conversation," James told Brown. "The employees are not a number. The employees matter."

Tom Davis, President of the Corrections Officers' union, pointed out that the jail is now 30 officers short. He stated he's approached Brown about this matter three times, noting that it creates a dangerous situation for officers who are forced to work overtime. "Do you know what it's like to work a day shift after working a night shift?" he asked, noting that some officers are forced to do this three times a week.

"Brown always says he's evaluating the situation," noted Davis. "Well, sir, you've been on the job long enough!"

Lehigh Tp's Mike Myers spoke against
public sector unions
Davis also complained that when Brown laid out his changes for the prison staff, he told them to "feel free to shop around" if they objected. He felt that was an invitation to quit.

Another jail employee, Wanda Heitzman, called the short staffing a "recipe for disaster."

Kelly Higgins, a Gracedale LPN who put herself through school, thanked Brown for placing her "one step closer to foreclosure."  She agreed that some benefit reductions might be necessary, but "give it to us in little bits," Noting that lives from paycheck to paycheck, she warned, "We're not going away and we're not going away quietly."

Justus James - "Hell No to the co-insurance"
Jerry Green, a union agent for the USW representing the nurses at Gracedale, charged Brown with "fixing the budget on the backs of workers." He added that nurses have been working without a new contract for five years.

Though nearly everyone at the meeting were opposed to Brown's health plan reductions, he had some supporters.

Bethlehem Township resident Ben Hedrick, a regular attendee at Northampton County Council meetings, told the audience, "I have been where you are now." But he asked them to consider fixed income senior citizens like himself.

Another packed house
More strident was Lehigh Township resident Mike Myers, who got angrier as he spoke."I learned how to budget," he admonished the crowd. "I speak for the taxpayer," he announced, accusing the unions of "extortionist ways of collective bargaining. "Is mob rule going to be the way we do this?"he asked. He also told Council, "If you guys don't have the backbone to stand up to the union shop, shut up and get off the podium."

Myers' comments brought one last speaker, a Gracedale maid, to the podium. Carrying a sign that asked Brown if his health plan was going to be modified, she handed it to him as she went up to speak.

Employee's gift to Brown ended up
in a garbage can
Council member Hayden Phillips quickly left the dais, removed the sign and placed it aside. At the end of the meeting, it was found in the garbage.

As people spoke against Brown's health plan changes, some began yelling at Council member Glenn Geissinger to "pay attention to the speakers." Ferraro reminded the crowd that they need to be respectful, and some responded that applies to Geissinger, too.

Executive Brown declined to respond to any of the speakers, choosing instead to make some brief remarks about his proposed no-tax-hike budget.

But Council responded.

Bob Werner introduced a nonbinding resolution that, after a minor amendment suggested by Ferraro, called on Brown to change his health plan to reduce its financial hardship. Werner acknowledged his resolution "isn't worth the paper it's written on," but wants Brown to know that Council is siding with the employees.

All Democratic members of Council, along with Republican Peg Ferraro, voted for the Resolution. Republicans Mat Benol, Glenn Geissinger and Hayden Phillips were opposed. Seth Vaughn abstained, and it was adopted by a 5-3-1 vote.

Scott Parsons asked why Vaughn abstained, and he explained that the resolution is meaningless. But he voted for an equally meaningless commuter tax resolution in his very next vote.


  1. Isn't this the second or third time Seth Vaughn has abstained on an important issue? Does the guy plan on getting involved?

  2. I'm pretty sure it's his first. But I agree that it was a cowardly thing to do. Ge did not want to alienate anyone.

  3. Excellent report Bernie; you were paying attention after all.

  4. Unions love their plow up dolls, don't they? Is Justice married?

  5. The resolution was nothing more than meaningless showboating. If Werner and McClure are serious what they will do is propose a continuation of the existing benefit package via an amendment in next year's budget and pay for it with a tax increase. My guess is that they don't. This is a test of Brown's leadership. He needs to stand tough.

  6. Terms are getting thrown around some times with out the usual context. The cap and co insurance have been described as $6600 for an individual and $13,200 for a family. What does these figures represent? Are these the employee's share of premiums, the limit on benefits paid by the county, or what the employee has to pay for care before the actual insurance kicks in?

    As long as I'm asking how did AFSCME end up with a contract that allows the county to change terms and conditions at mid point with out negotiations?

  7. Geissinger was on his cell phone for a good portion of the meeting when workers were speaking. I have some pictures of this. It shows a blatant disrespect to the worker, taxpayer, and fellow council member. If he is that disinterested at the meeting maybe he should resign and do his own radio show in Gunther Walsh's station.

    I propose county council adopt a rule that during meetings there are no cell phones allowed by council members to be out. Many places of employment already have this rule in place. And if you are an elected official you are there to do the job and respresent the taxpayer.

    1. File a Right to know. It was during a meeting. How can we be sure it wasn't related to the public

  8. 7:22 am, as a county employee, in response to your question about the #'s being thrown out, we were told our deductables would double, our co-pays would also double as well as our cost per prescription. In addition to that, we are going to be required to pay a 10% co-insurance up to $6600 for a single individual and $13,200 per family, which means that a county worker earning about $25,000 a year would be paying almost $16,000 for insurance coverage.

  9. If he was on his cell, during a public meeting, the conversation, or text messages, become a public record.

    Anyone want to make a RTK on this?

  10. It is time for good governance at the county level.

    The economics of this is that it is not good government to have zero tax and then take out a 20 million dollar line of credit for emergencies.

    As much as i abhor tax increases, it may be time for one to at least solidify services, and restore some of the vacant positions we currently have.

    That being said, adjustments have to be made to the health plan. I find it very funny that the union's big gripe is the 10% coinsurance requirement on the plan. If you look at most (if not all) of the plans on the obamacare exchanges, that is a standard requirement for all of them.

    The unions and the democrats were big supporters of the ACA for everybody, just not the requirements for themselves it would seem

  11. Was GEissinger doing something while people were speaking?

  12. The Central ScrutinizerOctober 3, 2014 at 9:15 AM

    The unions and the democrats were big supporters of the ACA for everybody, just not the requirements for themselves it would seem

    Sigh. Obamacare's intent is to cover people without health insurance. A healthcare benefit provided by an employer is meant to be a compensation incentive for employment. The two have no reason to be the same and to assume they should be the same means you do not understand Obamacare.

    Why should county workers (I am not one) have to lower their benefits to those offered to people WITHOUT employment or compensated benefits? It makes no sense.

  13. The 10% coinsurance I find no fault with. You only pay it if you use your coverage, so many won't be paying anything or less that $100 a year.

    Heck, the insurance I can go out an buy comes with a 10% coinsurance. Why should it be different for these people?

  14. "Sigh. Obamacare's intent is to cover people without health insurance."

    Sigh. Then why did people with insurance lose their plans and why were they forced into plans that cover things they don't need (like maternity care for a couple in their mid 50s)? Sigh. Obama told us repeatedly that if we liked our plans, we could keep our plans. That turned out to be Politifact's 2013 Lie Of The Year. Sigh. You're the one who doesn't understand ACA. Sigh. Try actually scrutinizing before making idiotic statements. Sigh.

  15. Why should it be different for these people?

    Because it is an employment benefit and is part of the compensation package, Sherlock. "These people" agreed to terms of employment and accepted one job over another based on compensation.

  16. I sincerely hope john brown realized the hardship he is placing on the employees and takes another look at this,it is an unfair thing to do to any employee anywhere they work.i don't want my taxes raised but it looks as though it can't be avoided ,had there been an increase sooner the county wouldn't find themselves where they are now.

  17. Obamacare.

    Because if you like your doctor, you can definitely keep your doctor, period.

    Suck it up, Union Cupcakes.

  18. The Central ScrutinizerOctober 3, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    Sigh. Then why did people with insurance lose their plans and why were they forced into plans that cover things they don't need (like maternity care for a couple in their mid 50s)? Sigh. Obama told us repeatedly that if we liked our plans, we could keep our plans. That turned out to be Politifact's 2013 Lie Of The Year. Sigh. You're the one who doesn't understand ACA. Sigh. Try actually scrutinizing before making idiotic statements. Sigh.

    I suppose I need to talk slowly for our dimwitted friends.

    People "lost" their plans when they were offered better plans for the same rate to meet the MINIMUMS of the law. I don't need Alzheimer's coverage when I'm 30 either. Just because the coverage is available doesn't mean you are "paying for it". That is a weak argument by right wing propagandists designed for weak minds incapable of critical thinking.

    I like my plan. I kept my plan. My plan met the minimum standards of acceptability. If you want to whine and complain that you cannot "keep" your inferior and sub-standard plan, then I suppose that's your right. You got me.

    It's pretty laughable that the biggest criticisms of Obamacare by right wingers is that Obama instituted consumer-friendly minimum standards and that he forced insurance companies to comply. The horror.

  19. It's a lot to ask, and it sure resembles Obamacare.

    It's too much to ask for employees who have been promised nothing in the way of pay increases, and then asking them to kick in more of a commuter tax, assuming they don't live in Easton.

    Working for the County shouldn't resemble charity work.

    There is plenty of waste in County government, but this will do nothing to help eliminate waste. What will XO Brown do next year? Increase the deductible and coinsurance again? Where is the HR department to advise him?

    An excellent medical plan is the tradeoff for below market wages and it's how you attract employees to begin with. It is fundamentally wrong to ask the employees to compensate for the lack of managerial backbone, when it's so obvious that a tax increase in absolutely necessary.

    There is nothing immoral about raising taxes after such a long period without an increase. No one needs to be ashamed that the cost of providing goods and services has gone up in the last eight years.

    One could argue the value of public sector unions, myself included, but they are right to stand up and defend their workers as it seems no one in management is willing to do.

    It's time for XO Brown to suck it up and do the right thing.

  20. "Geissinger was on his cell phone for a good portion of the meeting when workers were speaking. I have some pictures of this"

    If this is true, it's outrageous. Send me the pics.

  21. "I propose county council adopt a rule that during meetings there are no cell phones allowed by council members to be out. "

    There is no need for such a rule. Under the Sunshine Act, he has an obligation to listen, and if this first year Council member did not so so, he might as well resign now bc he'll be a disaster. But to be fair, I have not seen this in Glenn. He has always tried to get all sides. Is it possible you misunderstood what you saw.

    I did not see it bc I was focused on the speakers.

    1. I saw him on his phone too. It was very obvious.

  22. The Central ScrutinizerOctober 3, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    "Dim witted friends"?

    Yes, you earn the title by spewing inaccuracies and taking the President's statements out of context to outrage other dimwits.

    I've never been a member of a union. I value hard working people who happen to be in a union though.

  23. 7:51, Let me nail down first whether he was on the cell phone. I have sent hiom an email to ask bc it seems unlike him. Also I would like the pics that someone claims he or she has.If he admits to being on the phone, or if I get pics showing he was on the cell phone, I will file a RTK.

  24. Interesting budget. Looks like no more swapland purchases by the county. Good start Mr. Brown.

  25. a 20 Mil LOC is a good start? Yeah, if you're nutz.

  26. I have to agree with the right wingers on the open space thing. An absurd waste of taxpayer money,

  27. to 11:32

    Perhaps I'm a dimwit but Blue Cross just dropped my medicare supplement plan that initially cost nothing (based on usage history) but went to $23/mo when Obamacare kicked in. To get a similar replacement it will now cost me $146/mo. Really good deal, huh? By the way, my income is fixed with no inflation clauses other than social security and we know how generous they are.

    1. I hate to tell you county workers live on fixed incomes too. None union workers have had raise freezes; so we feel your pain.


  28. a 20 Mil LOC is a good start?

    No it's fiscally irresponsible. I suspect by December we will know what the true status of the fund balance is and it will be enough to be used to balance the budget for 2015.

  29. Central Screwywhatever said:

    "People "lost" their plans when they were offered better plans for the same rate to meet the MINIMUMS of the law."

    Except rates went up and couples in their 50s were ordered by federal law to carry maternity insurance. That's your idea of better? Stick to playing with your blow up toys.

  30. The pictures of Glenn are not great. They do show his hand and him looking down. I saw him and if the meeting was taped it should be on there. Seth tried to get his attention but tapping his fingers on the wood but Glenn was too busy enamored with his phone.

  31. That's OK. Glenn has admitted to me he was on the phone and why. His wife is traveling and he was waiting to hear from her. Though he probably should have waited, I can understand why he responded to her text message. I am sure you and most loving people would have done the same thing. Not me, bc I am a prick. I won't hate the guy for responding to his wife. It was disrespectful to the audience and did give the wrong impression and you were absolutely right to take him to task. But it is not his normal behavior. I say this as someone who ripped him apart just yesterday.

  32. Except rates went up and couples in their 50s were ordered by federal law to carry maternity insurance. That's your idea of better? Stick to playing with your blow up toys.

    No, insurance companies were told they need to cover a minimum amount of things to meet minimum standards. They didn't suddenly tack on an extra fee for maternity. You wingers have a vivid imagination. Sean Hannity paints a good picture for you perpetuate.

  33. Perhaps I'm a dimwit but Blue Cross just dropped my medicare supplement plan that initially cost nothing (based on usage history) but went to $23/mo when Obamacare kicked in. To get a similar replacement it will now cost me $146/mo. Really good deal, huh? By the way, my income is fixed with no inflation clauses other than social security and we know how generous they are.

    Perhaps so because in the same sentence, you said that your plan went from free to $23 and how you need to replace THAT plan with one for $146. You make no sense. Oh and that's a supplemental plan, right? You have coverage under Medicare.

  34. 2:07 Obviously you are quite young and probably on your parent's plan. Coverage under medicare costs me over $100/mo and doesn't nearly cover everything. I don't mind paying for a supplement but to have the cost go up 700% for less coverage is not a good deal. Even a dimwit like me can figure that out.

  35. Did anyone ever think that all this fighting and name calling allows the plan changes to happen without review and genuine quality input?

    Productive respectful debate is better, no?

    It's okay to disagree - respectfully.

    Should he borrow to balance the budget - in my opinion, no.

    Should he balance the budget on the backs of the employees, as has been stated - in my opinion, no.

    Is it time for a tax increase - in my opinion, yes.

    Stop fighting and start managing.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. If you can't make a point without your usual vulgar attacks at my readers, I conclude you have I point and delete.

  38. Bernie,
    Thanks for your diligent reporting and explanation of Geissinger's phone use yesterday. I agree with your assessment.

  39. Thank you Mike Myers and 9:49am

  40. Obamacare.

    Because Americans are starting to figure out who the real dimwits were when the "Affordable Health Care" act was sold to them.

    "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period."

  41. Nice blow-up doll.

  42. All of you that voted for this currant man in the White House please raise your hand. See, a lot of the dynamics with this healthcare issue are as result of Obama care.This issue has changed the table on how the structure is done.All to accommodate mostly the lame and lazy unproductive part of human society.So, some of you now get what you asked for --and didn't know it.

  43. Bernie ,I feel compelled to address this State Cop assassination .You did not return to the subject. Now after three weeks ,3 ways it will go .A.He shot himself,B.He will unleash an attack on the cops in a parking lot, C. He is already out of this area. WE THINK C. The cops don't know INFANTRY TACTICS , They violate every rule taught at the INFANTRY SCHOOL Ft. Benning Ga.They do thing like drive an armored vehicle up to a hostel address and disembark , and Send the dogs down wind. They get into tree stands that they have no way out of in a firefight. They stand in trails and on roads in the open and can not see into the woods from there position! They are all in camouflage and a mistake. He is not were they are.The trackers can't cross water? This would be an Infantry Operation and the Feds, The FBI are not any good at this yet.They needed old guy help and are not receptive. SO here we are ONE MAN -_THREE WEEKS LATER ,

  44. Posse comitias, we don't have military operations in our own country. To bad for armchair generals who know more than the real police.

  45. @5:59PM Did you miss the memo? The furor over Obamacare is over. Even the conservatives aren't talking (yelling) about it anymore. It's here - time to move on to hating Hillary or whatever else floats your raft.

  46. This issue..health care costs..will be the undoing of the Gracedale mandate not to sell it to private investors. JB will pit union versus union and the coalition will crumble as each union will try to protect their own at the expense of the others. They will sell their brothers and sisters out to save their own needs. Quite a plan..and it will work. JB has no interest in a second term as executive. He has his eyes set on higher office. NC is just a stepping stone on the way up the food chain.

  47. Geissinger is a well spoken and smooth talking bullshitter. He may have very well spoke to his wife and that would be understandable, however he was using his phone quit a bit and at different times. So a quick spousal check seems unlikely an explanation for his inattentiveness.

    He has been heard to have stated his disdain for the employees complaints and actions. His actions were disrespectful taken in totality.

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Armchair General's with onset of dementia worst yet? What do armored vehicals ,camouflage and AR-15's flash bangs and night vision have in common ? Even George Patton had a good read on his opposition in the game---almost 70 years ago. Look at the big picture if you can. Public Safety should be Number 1 and several anti- American adversaries here-what would happen . The trouble with HISTORY is that it repeats it'self.This tradgity should be a wake up call.-Time for my nap now. .

  50. "Working for the County shouldn't resemble charity work."

    The right wingers and even the dems have in fact made this to be their paradigm! All government workers should be happy they have a low paying job and now with minimal benefits yet go above an beyond in serving the public. Watch what happens in the Courthouse and other government agencies as these draconian ill advised austerity measures are made.... poor to no service and games playing. These elected people are out of their league. They have no clue what they are doing and don't realize how bad things will become for the average user of government services. I guess in the alternative if anyone doesn't like their work environment they can... quit.

  51. JB doesn't care about us...if he had it his way he'd drop our insurance altogether! He's not doing lay offs (as per the old rumors)..instead he's not giving raises...as well as raising all of our health care...we alreadt can't make it on what we are being paid...some get food stamps...some go to the food pantry...he does not care. He is pushing us out whether it's retirement or for a better paying job. I make under $20,000 a year...I also have a sick child who no doubt will make sure I have to use up 6,600 of the deductible...so I sure hope I don't need to use any of my healthcare! No raises?! Yet he's giving $20,000 raises to the higher ups...hiring a PR firm to do what? Along with creating high paying jobs for what?! Give us that money...fill the jobs that are empty..that actually help with revenue for the county! Instead he keeps throwing away the money...sooner or latr the courthouse will be a ghost town...what does he care...he's not staying...not that he'd be re elected! The mess will be left for the next executive to clean up! Good luck!

  52. Unfortunately Brown is playing politics with workers lives. He will soon find out his future policital aspirations will be making concession speeches. I'm sure Sahl communications will help him write them with NorCo's tax money.

    When is the DA going to wake up? Brown has been doing illegal things since day one. If this was Lackawanna County he would already have been charged. The people need to put the pressure on the DA and if not the turn to the attorney general.

    NorCo needs to have a referendum on the ballet to change the HRC to include a provision that there is recourse to oust an executive or councilman who is not doing their job or doing illegal things.

    If this provision was in place I would think that we would have a one year county executive with a special election following.

  53. I am supposed to respect bullies who play with blow-up dolls?

  54. Anytime you elect Republicans you should expect the working class to take a hit. "R's" are for big business and stick it to the little guy. They do this constantly on the National Level and now you get to see it first hand on the local level. Why are you so surprised.
    County workers should not have to worry if they or their loved ones are fifty dollars sick or 500 dollars sick. They should get treatment for their loved ones and themselves regardless of the cost. To put A 10% charge on them because they need medical treatment is absurd. They should not have to go in debt to pay for their illness. Northampton county has not had a tax increase in 8 years. Now Brown through illegal financing procedures will make it 9 years. The County is riding a runaway train. All aboard you idiots who elected this nightmare of an Executive.

  55. 9:27, The fact that brown has done some unpopular things is no basis for a criminal investigation. Instead of yelling at Morganelli, you should be yelling at yourself for sitting on your hands in the most recent election. You stayed home, and the result was a R sweep. i know many who have never even bothered to register.

  56. When all else fails, naked class warfare usually works out well.

    Why all the fuss?

    We now have Obamacare - all problems instantly solved!

  57. Afraid Bernie is right. You get what you vote for or don't vote for. JB will not do anything illegal but he will push the envelope to see what he can get away with at all times. These are grey issuesand a call for the DA is not warranted. Council should push back if and when they can if they have a real beef and I'm sure they will. Gonna be a bumpy ride fellow NC residents.

  58. Who are the "little guys" benefiting from Allentown's new ice hockey arena?

    Aside from Pat Browne, whose wife got a great consulting job out of the whole deal, the true NIZ champions such as Ed Pawlowski and Jennifer Mann are Democrats.

    Class warfare ain't gonna cut the mustard anymore - but feel free to keep trying hard.

  59. It is all Obama's fault!
    There, now I feel better.

  60. The great Lamont McClure stated when he wanted to be executive he pledged no tax increase for four years.

    Well? Not that much has changed in 9 months, What is his great idea? I will give him the stupid contracts that Brown signed with Sthal and the other group.
    Even if you take those out of the equation they amount to peanuts in the over all budget. What is his big idea or ideas??

    The Republicans need to ask this guy to put up or for the love of God shut up. He is pandering all the time. He and Barron are the worst. Please put up a good candidate against McClure next year. He will lose and we will all be better off. Hopefully Barron goes as well. He is all political wind and no substance.

    McClure is one of many who sees himself as Executive but just talks and talks. There isn't any Democrat up there with the heft and ability to be county executives. They are all empty suits full of ego. What specific ideas has McClure put forward to pay the bills and not raise taxes?

    Sadly there appears to be no leadership whatsoever on county council. The county has had some very good county council people over the years. They just aren't there now and it is a shame. Even a buffoon like John Brown makes them look impotent.
    Sad employee

  61. I might be Lamont McClure's harshest critic. His no-tax-hike pledge was ridiculous. But his pledge was based on the presumption that HE, and not Brown, would be County Exec. He can't be bound by a pledge after another Exec is elected and starts awarding no-bid contracts and does nothing to increase jobs and our stagnant tax base. It's really not fair to McClure.

  62. "It's really not fair to McClure."

    Don't let you anger at Brown once again cloud your judgment on other things. This is classic you Bernie. Brown has done very little to change what essentially McClure would have inherited. He is still an elected county official responsible to the citizens of the county. He has an obligation, in fact a responsibility to share his ideas regardless of whether he lost the higher office or not. I guess the excuse is, if you had elected him you would get the benefit of his great insight but since he is "just" a county council member he gets to keep his ideas to himself.

    Very simple. How would you as an elected official keep the employees happy, save Gracedale and not raise taxes? He claims to have had an answer but is not obligated as a county official to share his plans because he isn't executive?

    Weak, Bernie, very weak.

  63. First, I have to correct your assertion that I am angry at Brown. While he was not my choice for Exec, I have nothing against him personally. I have opposed much of his agenda, but I'd be willing to shake his hand.

    Second, Lamont McClure can tell you himself that I have never been his fan. But it is unfair to shackle him on what he'd do as Exec when voters installed someone else. He has stopped Brown from wasting $700k for a business consultant. He nearly stopped the $170k pr consultant.

    Third, the exec proposes a budget. Council then interjects its own ideas. You have condemned McClure before hearing those ideas. You really are being unfair.

    I have already said it is time for a two mill hike. But you could make cuts. no open space grants would be abot $7 million. The CEC CONTRACT is about 1 million. I would oppose both these cuts, but my guess is that McClure would push for reductions.

  64. You could also tweak the pension contribution.

  65. He has stopped Brown from wasting $700k for a business consultant.

    Um, that was Mr. Phillips.

    no open space grants would be about $7 million.

    Looks like there is no funding proposed for environmentally sensitive (except possibly Act 13 funds), nothing for farmland but fund balance, and little for county parks. Municipal park grants survived.

    Don't see a $1 million cut in corrections so maybe CEC survives.

    You could also tweak the pension contribution.

    The only thing more fiscally irresponsible than failing to fund pensions annually is the use of pension bonds. That's Donches Bethlehemonomics. It's bad long term policy. So is the proposed LOC.

    The real problem is that Gracedale costs are spiraling out of control. Over 1 mill of our county property taxes are now funding a non-mandated, non-core county government function.

  66. Bernie in response to your comment on sitting on my hands during election you could not be more wrong. Since turning 18 I have always voted. I was one of the 20% of people who did vote in the election.

    Some acts are unfair but some are downright illegal in the past 10 months of Brown's tenure.

  67. 1) Hayden Phillips was certainly the swing vote on the business consultant. But the public face of opposition to most of Brown's follies has been Lamont McClure. He has at times over-reached and in my opinion has been needlessly divisive, but is also the Council member who has stood against most of Brown's errors.

    2) I have no idea what cuts McClure or anyone else would make, and am simply pointing to areas where substantial cuts can be made. One of these areas is open space, which is 1/2 mill of the tax burden and might be closed to $4 million tahn what I said before.

    3) Like I said, during the budget review, Council members can project their own ideas.It is unfair to slam McClure until he fails to have no ideas or no explanations.

    4) I would not support any of these cuts. I have previously said a 1 1/2 to 2 mill tax hike is needed. I said that two years ago.

    5. You may not have been one of those who sat on your hands, but since you're anonymous, you can tell me you're the King of Portugal. I don't have much confidence in the reliability of personal declarations in anonymous comments. Also, the fact is that many of the courthouse workers and their families did sit on their hands this past election, and now have the government they deserve. People who do not vote have no right to complain.

  68. Isn't open space funded through 0.5 mill in our real estate taxes? This was a bit under $4m last year, but someone took $2m and used it for something else that the loose language of the law allows. Took $1m to $2m the year before also.

    How can it not be budgeted if it is in our taxes? Wouldn't it take a referendum to get rid of the 0.5 mill?

  69. No. NC the tax was never segregated in any way, the money goes tight into the general fund and can be used for anything.


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