Local Government TV

Monday, October 06, 2014

Brown's 2015 Budget Includes $3 Million Exec Slush Find

Northampton County Executive John Brown's $334.4 million budget for next year is now available online. Here's some preliminary observations.

There's a $3 million slush fund. - The County gets two kinds of gaming revenue from the Sands Casino, slots and table games. An independent nine-member Gaming Board has been established to distribute about $975,000 in slots revenue. But for over $1 million in table games revenue, the Budget proposes giving the Executive sole authority to award grants.

Because he's sitting on a mountain of $2 million in unspent table games revenue from previous years, what this means is that the executive will have sole discretion over this money. The only limitation is that it must be a project "in the public interest within the County."

This is, in reality, a slush fund inadvertently established last year. Obviously, it places too much power in the hands of one person, and needs to be addressed by County Council.

(See page 97).

Balancing Budget on Backs of Workers? - Brown has denied any desire the balance the budget on the backs of the county worker, which he has repeatedly called the County's mist valuable asset. But his budget tells a different tale. It shows that he plans to spend $1.4 million less on personnel next year. He's reducing salaries by $373,600. Contributions for health care are reduced by $164,500, and what he calls "fringe benefits" are decreased $980,800.

(See page 14).

Open Space Projects Cut 28%. - There are three kinds of open space projects in Northampton County: farmland preservation; environmentally sensitive land; and municipal parks. Though $3.9 million has been set aside farmland preservation , and another $1 million is set aside for parks projects, it appears that no money has been set aside for what is considered environmentally sensitive land.

I can't say that's a bad thing. Over the years, the County has made some very questionable purchases of environmentally sensitive land, including cliffs in Upper Mount Bethel and Williams Townships that could likely never be developed.

In addition, monies realized from Marcellus Shale impact fees can be used for those kinds of purchases without burdening the County taxpayer.

(See pages 57-62)

$20-million line of credit part of budget. -  Brown downplayed this in his news conference, calling it a "back up plan". His budget message states it will be used only if revenue is insufficient "to support operating expenditure requirements." But it also states, "a Line of Credit is proposed to balance the budget."

It does appear in several line items of the budget.No bank or interest rate is identified.

Brown was asked repeatedly whether this line of credit violates the Home Rule Charter requirement of a balanced budget, and he stated he would have to research that question. My own concerns are expressed below. In his campaign literature, Brown criticized Mayor John Callahan for borrowing money. “Bottom line: if we don’t have it, we shouldn’t spend it. It’s that simple. Recklessly spending against our children’s future is wrong, and Brown will oppose any attempts to do so.” ..

(See pages 3, 10, 34).


  1. Mr. Brown promised to hold the line on taxes. Unlike John Callahan he promised he would not raise our taxes. he is keeping his word.

    he also has to deal with the mess left to him by Stoffa who spent down most of the surplus.

  2. Yeah on Gracedale in particular.

  3. Tax increases are necessary eventually and at this point is overdue.

  4. Tax increase are necessary for tax and spend liberals.

  5. JB in a very tough spot but he knew coming in what he was going to have to deal with. Erring on the side of the wealthy and well off is not gonna win any points with the workers. It could have been more even handed but he has made a very unpopular choice by attacking the county workforce. I had hoped for a fairer solution than this but here we are anyway.

  6. Yes, but the big question is which consultants did he piss away $550,000 on from the table games fund in 2014? That is a big expenditure using something that was intended to provide relief to the taxpayer.

  7. if this fund was established last year you can't blame it on brown as much as you would like to

  8. Brown said in his mailers that he "could be trusted to lower taxes".

  9. We live in a difficult world. Imagine how the thousands of Bethlehem Steel employees and retirees felt when they lost ALL medical insurance benefits. Mr. Brown is forced (and paid) to make very tough decisions. Be glad you have what you have. Believe me it could get worse.

  10. Mr. brown is all about himself and what the county can do for him. Not what he can do for the County. Have looked at the budget I was amazed at all the cuts to services the county provides to the citizens of the county. Everything from Veterans to the ageing and the mentally handicapped. Yet, atleast he hired his political advisor.

  11. Anon12:22....JB said just last week he never promised he wouldn't raise taxes.

  12. disgusted by all of john brown's shenanagins ...impeach him!

  13. We live in a difficult world. Imagine how the thousands of Bethlehem Steel employees and retirees felt when they lost ALL medical insurance benefits. Mr. Brown is forced (and paid) to make very tough decisions. Be glad you have what you have. Believe me it could get worse.

    Yes, because the county can just shut down like the Steel. Get a clue, Gomer.

  14. To 9:36 AM --- you fool, there will always be someone to take a county job vacated for whatever reason.
    It's time you join the real world already.

  15. "Mr. Brown promised to hold the line on taxes. Unlike John Callahan he promised he would not raise our taxes. he is keeping his word."

    By borrowing money? He said he would not do that, either.

  16. "Tax increase are necessary for tax and spend liberals."

    I heard Hayden Phillips, who is certainly no tax and spend liberal, tell Bobby Gunther Walsh on right wing radio that there coud very well be a tax hike.

    Borrowing money for operational expenses is much worse and far more stupid. That will require a double payment.

  17. "if this fund was established last year you can't blame it on brown as much as you would like to"

    Itwas established last year. I'll blame Brown for proposing it for next year, and I'll blame Council if theu give one person unfettered control over that much money.

  18. "Have looked at the budget I was amazed at all the cuts to services the county provides to the citizens of the county"

    I should have addressed that. Thank you for pointing it out.

  19. "Brown said in his mailers that he "could be trusted to lower taxes"."

    He also said he would not borrow money and is starting off with a $20 MM LOC for operational expenses.

  20. "It was established last year."

    No it was established by the Stoffa administration and they had been allocating it to the IDA in previous year's budgets.

  21. To 9:36 AM --- you fool, there will always be someone to take a county job vacated for whatever reason.
    It's time you join the real world already.

    Yes, because who wouldn't want a job where you pay $13K in deductibles for health insurance! Good times.

  22. "No it was established by the Stoffa administration and they had been allocating it to the IDA in previous year's budgets."

    My statement is accurate. It went to IDA, an independent authority, until Cusick decided he did not want them to have control and ended up putting it under just one person, without thinking about it.

    Now you've had a year to fix this, and if you don't, Brown will spend that money.

  23. time for county council to do some work here and get this mess straightned out !

  24. all those county workers should have come out and supported Callahan in the last election. He lead the city through the loss of Steel and the great recession. Now they have John "not ready for prime time" Brown. very sad

  25. I noticed that there are no changes to the number of positions in the Prison..... Let the hiring of more CO's begin..... Thanks from the VP

  26. Maybe Lamont McClure can make another speech saying how upset he is.

  27. There are many people waiting for county jobs. You an only get one if you have an in. Stop the BS.

  28. Enough with all the "welcome to te real world" crap! Those of you who think you are living in the real world don't have a clue about it. The county workers are living in the real world and dealing with all the prisoners, mental health, elderly, and abused children that the rest if you want to turn a blind eye to and pretend they don't exist. You couldn't hack it in the real world that the county workers live in. And benefits means just that. It is a benefit of the job and dealing with horrific situations. Don't begrudge the county workers for taking a difficult job and being shown appreciation in the form of good healthcare benefits. Lord knows the pay doesn't show that appreciation. Taking away the benefits is like a slap in the face and saying you aren't worth the work you do. It's not right anywhere. Everyone should have fair benefits but don't fault the county workers for fighting for what is right.

  29. Brown thinks the county is his own personal business and as CEO he can do whatever he wants with the taxpayers' money. He will be lining up consultants and other parasites to gorge on this slush fund in return for their financial support come election time.

  30. During today's healthcare meeting at the county, the consultant who was contracted with county money told us "nobody subpoened you to work here". This was a highly insulting remark to the employees of the county. During our benefit sign up meetings when we first started at the county. We were told, your salary is low but you have a good benefit pkg and that adds on about $12,000 to your salary. Now they want to still pay us low wages and potentially deduct $13,200 from our salaries if we need to use our benefits.

  31. Who is the consultant who said that?

  32. I don't know his nam. He wasn't introduced but you can find out from Lorraine schnitz.

  33. Ok. Will track it down tomorrow. It is incredibly rude.

  34. I agree, it was incredibly rude and was his response to a concerned employee's question of our new coverage. Our new coverGe does not cover orthotics at all unless related to diabetes and it does not cover medical devices. There was an employee in the mtg whose son, since birth has needed orthotics and another woman who uses an insulin pump that will no longer be covered. Our questions were legit and nobody in the room was being rude to him.

  35. I will find out, and then ask that the County stop doing business with whomever it is.

  36. I just looked at the proposed budget; do i understand pages 21 - 23 correctly? is mr brown really recommending giving steel stacks 262 thousand dollars ?

    1. And how does he plan on decreasing retirement 6.8%. many more will be leaving by dec. 2014

  37. That is the county's commitment from hotel tax, which MUST be spent on projects that promote tourism.

  38. This guy was not introduced and was rude during the benefits mtg at human services last week as well.

  39. I am only beginning to read your blog but total agreement that the man at the meeting at the Emrick Blvd building last week regarding new benefits for 2015 was rude. The Blue Cross lady knew her information and was merely the messenger of the bad news about costs going up and coverage going down. She seemed to empathize with the employees. The man, who was not introduced, was very arrogant and basically told the people with concerns to shut up. Rumor has it he is with the PR firm hired to make Mr. Brown look good. If true, the money was poorly spent because Mr. Brown did not look good as a result. He send a video, no nerve to show up, and lied in the video saying it would not cost employees much at all. Only a possibility of $13,000 for a family. That is a lot. And adding insult to injury the man defending that, and being arrogant to employees, and not answering questions, might have been paid by some of the money not there to help cover health care costs for the employees. Thank you very much if you can find out who he is and what his position is.

    1. I have been to a couple meetings with Brown on behalf of my union and it is the same guy who always sits up front with Allen. He was at the health care presentation at the prison this week but sat there in silence. I presumed he worked for Sahl but not sure. I am sure, however, of the smug look on his face that he always wears whenever I have seen him. It's a look of contempt, disinterest, and boredom, as if we are infringing on his "valuable time." I have no doubt this jerk has attended all of the health care presentations and if some people claim he was rude then I will take them for their word. Brown must give seminars on the art of condescending because all of his upper level people, including himself, have mastered it.

  40. The guy's name is Colin D Healey, and he works for C3, some consultant that improves bottom lines. Will have a story tomorrow.

  41. https://twitter.com/C3guy/status/15498880003084288


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