Local Government TV

Friday, October 17, 2014

92 Retirements Possible This Year in NorCo

At last week's news conference with Executive John Brown, i asked how many people have given notice they are retiring. He promised to get back to me, and did right before last night's meeting.

 Last year, there were 138 inquiries, but only 76 employees actually followed through and resigned.

Thus year, there are 189 inquiries as of October 16. Of that number, 61 are definitely retiring, and another 31 are in the process. Those who are in the process could still change their mind. But if looks as though there are 92 retirements thus far.

Looking at the numbers between 1995 and 2013, the average number of retirements per year is 55. If there are 92 retirements this year, that will be nearly twice the average.

Looking at the numbers during the eight years than John Stoffa was in office, the average number of retirements per year is 66, If there are 92 retirements this year, that will be about 40% above the average under Stoffa.

Brown told me that all decisions will be finalized around Thanksgiving, and will update me at that time.

It appears that people are leaving the County in much larger numbers than is normal.


  1. There are at least ten applicants for everyone of those slots. I know numerous people who have applied for various county jobs and hear nothing. Some test well and aren't even interviewed.

    Leave if you want. Then the county will have to not just hire people with an insider track. There are plenty of applicants.

    1. Thats great! At least in my department it is gonna take at least 2 new employees to perform the duties of each one of my long time workers leaving. So even if they replace them one for one, we will still be behind. Experiance MATTERS!

  2. Those positions would be filled in about ten seconds if advertised to a those who've been downsized and are working multiple jobs to pay their taxes. People don't get off their gravy train until they absolutely have to. Thank God someone is attempting to stop the train. Thank you John Brown. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is why many of us elected you.

    "Elections have consequences" - Barack Obama

    1. We will see. You are correct Any job is better than none. Many companies take advantage of this economy. So they pay low wages and sucky benifits. What most get are bodys that show up doing there time till something better comes along. You get what you pay for.

    2. I'm guessing John brown is getting his, errr our money's worth for the pr consultant contract

  3. What you don't realize it he won't fill most of those positions. You are losing valuable experienced staff who have served the county residents for over 20 years in most cases. And of those 10 who are standing in line to fill a position how many actually want to do a good job and care about the clients and how many just want a paycheck? Is the quality of the services not important??? It's a sad time in Northampton County

  4. There are numerous applicants and applications on file for each of those positions. Jobs with the courts are never advertised and always go to insiders.

  5. It's crazy Bernie...JB is getting exactly what he wants! When the "rumors" went around about the layoffs that would be coming he denied it...he did so knowing that he was gojng to take away EVERYTHING that we work for! This in turn makes those of retirement age running to HR to leave. This is exactly what he wanted! Sad thing is ALL offices are left even more shorthanded with no replacement! My office will be down to two people...smh....he might as well just close down the courthouse!

  6. doesn't matter how many positions are unfilled john brown isn't filling them ,sad for the employees being forced to leave !

  7. Taxpayers even with the drastic cuts to health care Mr Brown wants, he can't balance the budget without a 20 million dollar line of credit. FACE IT a tax increase is needed. You voted to keep Gracedale, why because the quality of care must be great. In order to keep that quality to pay employees who provide it. Their wages did not keep them there, the benifits did. If you want less taxes lobby your represenatives for reimbursements equal to those of private homes.

  8. you are really stretching it on this one earnie

  9. The terms retire and resign mean two completely different things....

  10. You're gilding the lily here. 37 more than 55 is a 67% increase. That is only 2/3 of 100%.

  11. At what point will the majority do the obvious, and raise taxes?

    If you want to keep services, and revenue isn't enough to cover them, there is only one (legal) option.

  12. All experienced employees were newbies at some point. Good people perform and quickly gain experience, just like those departing. Life goes on.

    1. The problem is when too many go at once.

  13. "You're gilding the lily here. 37 more than 55 is a 67% increase. That is only 2/3 of 100%."

    I will concede my exaggeration and you need to consider an inappropriate use of that expression.

  14. Well, Bernie, I had the choice of using an inappropriate expression or coming right out and accusing you of exaggeration. You have a tendency sometimes of having a point to make, and adjusting facts to fit the point. This topic is one of them.

    I guess honesty and plain language is better than veiling what one intends to convey.

  15. I laid out the numbers accurately. You want to call it an exaggeration, knock yourself out. People can judge for themselves. In my mind, this is nearly twice the average. In most people's minds, that is the case. But go ahead and point to the precise percentage.

  16. I appreciate you reporting the numbers, but you used the "E" word first. Fair is fair. 67% more is not nearly 100%.

    On the other hand, it is indisputable that a 67% increase is quite large.

  17. You would agree that 67% is a lot closer to 50%, than it is to 100%, I assume?

  18. my assumption for the increase in retirements is because anyone eligible for retirement will take retirement.

    Why? Speculate on why.....

    Take the retirement and move to a more affordable state where taxes are not bankrupting people.

    Take the retirement and then find another job, to supplement retirement as thousands of retirees already do

    If it just so happens that more employees are eligible this year, I am not jumping to conclusions that this is Mr. Brown's "Fault" as you imply here.

    Its just where the age and years of service fall. Persoanlly speaking, if I were eligible for retirement, I'd take it before the entire system collapses on its face, which is sure to come soon.

    1. Or it just might be those employees don't want to be stuck with the new health benefits when they retire. If for example they 5% of their income for health benefits, when they retire that 5% will be locked in. Now put JB's new healthcare plan into effect here on a retiree with a fixed income, more health issues due to aging, etc... It's not only unaffordable for the retiree, it is downright shameful that JB and the public will do this to someone who put 25+ year commitment to NorCo.

  19. The inquiries about retirement have soared because of the non existence of real negotiations with workers compounded by leaking a unwavering position to the press and to allies. Demands include reduced pension, halved vacation and sick leave, elimination of personal days as well as the repeated no raises and increased health care contribution. The most unacceptable demand is the $13 thousand deductible which even council opposes. Yet no one really knows how firm these demands are because there has been rejection of interaction with employees. Administration has openly encouraged public anger toward public workers, in particular with the ignorant "real world" remarks on the radio. With the threat that changes will be imposed unilaterally workers must explore leaving.

  20. The changes being proposed by this administration are in line with most private and public sector health benefit plans. Go on the Obamacare exchange and you will find Mr. Brown's proposal in line with the higher level plans offered. Comparing with Lehigh County is not a valid comparison because they pay for a percentage of the cost of their benefits. In Norco it's a percent of salary. A lower salaried employee in Norco is contributing a lot less toward their benefit than the same employee in Lehigh.

  21. I think the county workers should take up a collection and send Mr. Brown on an all expenses paid one way trip to Bermuda leaving today! Happy Boss' Day!

  22. The Kaiser Family Foundation has a calculator explaining coverage and the subsidies of Obamacare. The subsidies are available only to employers who do not offer health insurance. If the link ishttp://kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/#state=pa&zip=18017&locale=Northampton&income-type=dollars&income=38500&employer-coverage=0&people=2&alternate-plan-family=individual&adult-count=2&adults%5B0%5D%5Bage%5D=21&adults%5B0%5D%5Btobacco%5D=0&adults%5B1%5D%5Bage%5D=21&adults%5B1%5D%5Btobacco%5D=0&child-count=1&child-tobacco=0 successful it is as follows:

  23. I regret that my 1:04 link apparently failed. As an example a 2 adult household, no tobacco, making $33.000 for the silver plan would cost $2226 a year after subsidy for zip code 18017. The plan pays approx. %73 with a deductible $10,400. At $27500 with same entries the cost post subsidy is $1445 with 87% and deductible $4500. Subsidies are not available to employees offered insurance through employers. When making comparisons with Obamacare use the calculator.


  24. I hope that Brown stops employees from cashing in on hundreds of sick and vacation days when they leave their job. Some of these people get thousands of dollars be3casdue they didn't take sick days. that is crazy either you are sick or you are not.
    Stop the madness.

    I thank God that a guy like John Brown is finally running the show.

    1. Did you also thank God when he waisted your tax dollars on consultants and raised his supporters wages?

  25. "If there are 92 retirements this year, that will be nearly twice the average."

    Good! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out the door!

  26. Back to the jungle. No Gov't. No services. No regulations.

    1. Yeah.. good thinking. Maybe the corrections officers can let out all the inmates to run wild in the city and since most law enforcement agencies are union, they shouldn't have jobs either so no help from them. Let's see how long all you cry babies last that are on a witch hunt for any union employee

  27. There is a job post in the courthouse for Gracedale Director of Nursing. Is she retiring?

  28. I am sure that for every one that retires that there are two others in line. However, during many years working at the jail, to replace 1 you may have to have 10 in line between background check and pysch testing, then passing all phases of the academy and probationary period. I have also seen many turn around and leave never to return once the 1st steel gate closes. Just letting everyone know it's not as easy at it seems to replace a position.

  29. Vacation is timed earned not a gift moron.

  30. I wish people had ALL the facts before commenting! County employees are very underpaid. You went there because of the benefits. As a single mother starting there my takehome was enough to just cover my daycare costs. Thank God I had parents that could afford to help me. But i went there for the long range benefits. County employees only get a small
    portion of their unused sick time at retirement, (thats a thank you for not using them)but they do get all of there unused vacation time. That, i may add, is EARNEDlTIME. We are squablying over minimal jobs when some school districts want to strike for more money and benefits. I dont hear complaining over your taxes going up for that? It may be true there are lots of people in need of jobs, but its the knowledge that will be sorely missed by forcing the experienced employees all to leave at once! Shame on you John Brown. And dont forget to thank him when your quick stop in the courthouse turns into hrs after waiting in long lines!

  31. Brown SHALL see a mass of retirees by year's end as well as a mass of employees not long after that will not stay around to get benefits be taken away as well as no more pay. Employees will see after the waive of lost talent at year's end, that buck will be passed to the workers there to do more for less. The majority of workers will not be replaced. The staff will be stressed and will find other employement for better pay. This BS that Brown thinks he is the only employer in town and the lucky you have a job is utter crap. Rhetoric that mimics past dictators such as Stalin and Hitler. The employees left in 2015 SHALL be seeking other employment.

  32. I'm loving all the pro brown comments. You know that's the PR consultant we are all paying for.

  33. The pro-Brown comments come from whacky Tricia Mezzacappa.

  34. I would say pr consultant as well. If they truly are pr consultants they would.

  35. Under Obamacare after subsidy from a Bethlehem address a family of 2 adults and/or 2 adults and 2 children the family making $31000 will pay approx. $162 a month for health insurance with a $4500 out of pocket maximum with 87% covered by insurance. There is no financial change from 2 adults to 2 adults and 2 children it covers more people without charge. This seems favorable to Brown's proposal.

  36. since it wasn't broke no need to fix it! leave well enough alone!

  37. Mr.Brown, You should look at personnel. OR now HR.this is now a professional field and those who occupy these positions should be educated in many areas like insurance , benefit issues and workers' comp. Spend your money here and you will progress.Hire on the MERIT bases and not political patronage . Forget some of the 'consultants 'They are in this position because they them self's don't have a job.Get on your deadbeats that don't do their jobs and I say that because everybody has their 10%and reward the doers . WC issues need to be fixed asap they are like Ebola they infect others to carry the same .Take care of your productive people.I can tell a story about how domestic relation investigators were hired years ago.I will refrain presently but will spill beans if I need to get defensive.

  38. Hey Anonymous, I would like to see what applicants you are talking about that John Brown would hire to fill these various jobs. I am sure they are people under qualified and people who will be UNDER PAID, because that is what he wants. Are you ( I am sure you aren't),where is Mr Brown getting the money to pay for his "outside" help??? from the employees. He is a very sneaky man. He is playing with human lives. What people also don't know, he DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIS EMPLOYEES AT ALL. Who do you think makes that County run smoothly???? It would serve him right if 92 valuable employees retire.

  39. "The pro-Brown comments come from whacky Tricia Mezzacappa."



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