Local Government TV

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wild West Easton Council Meeting Online

West Easton blogger Matt Dees has taken the time to post the video of the shouting match at West Easton's two-hour Borough Council meeting on Monday night. "I am not who I am because my Dad's the Mayor," stated President Kelly Gross after a shouting match between Tom Nodoline and Dan DePaul.

That was too much for common scold Tricia Mezzacappa, who has made some vicious claims about Gross and her father over the years, and went all the way to the Superior Court in an unsuccessful attempt to have Kelly prosecuted over a leaked firearms application. From the floor, she stood up and started yelling at Gross, even though she had already spoken during courtesy of the Floor. Though what she said was mostly incomprehensible as she stood up and briefly approached Gross before changing her mind, she did manage to call Gross a "felon" as she stormed out 50 minutes into the meeting.

There were also allegations that Dandy DePaul, irate about some sewer bill, slammed a door into a borough clerk.

The clerks in that borough need combat pay, it seems. Direct Link: http://youtu.be/tndeUUnaNRk


  1. Holy hell, what a dysfunctional government!

  2. Marty Dees you have something special here, go to 41:10 to hear from the filmmaker himself. That must be on a tripod, if you need a boom man please ask Bernie to put you in touch with me, thanks.

  3. Twink,
    It wasn't the usual snore fest, that's for sure.
    I must decline on your offer. I handle my own boom.
    Try to stay strong for your manslab, as JG says he'll be back soon.

    Matthew A. Dees

  4. How does one get to the video?

  5. Bernie provides the link in his blog.

  6. Dees thinks its the best meeting ever. Probably because it wasnt him being accused, falsely and publicly, of assaulting a clerk and threatening people.
    See 41:50

    Time to merge, and the borough goes POOF

  7. Maybe he enjoyed the show. I did. I want the popcorn concession next meeting.

  8. 7:04, It is on Matt's blog. Here's a direct link. http://youtu.be/tndeUUnaNRk

  9. NorCo Twink, When Sparticus is released in November, I hope he does not see your comment. He's tge jealous type.

  10. 8:01, what I like is that Dandy DePaul got taken to task for what may have been yet another act of violence. You could see from his behavior at the meeting that he's something of a bully. It would not be the first time his impulsiveness got to him. He was escorted from the courthouse once after he went after Angle. He spent half the meeting yelling about his sewer bill, detracting from his legitimate points about a manager. I personally thing West Eastom is too small to have its own government, and elected officials like DePaul are why.

  11. 8:01, what I like as well is that Dees did what he said he would do. He promised to post video and did, though it tied up his computer. Mezzacappa promised to post just a clip of one council member from the previous month, and did not do so.

    One person kept his word. One person did not.

  12. First thing West Easton did last year was to pass a 2.2 mill rate and buy 2 crap cars for a police dept. that never happened. Then a Councilman died in March and not replaced till July. Wasssup with that? Then a seat on Council is vacant in July and not replaced till September. All this time no Manager, Treasurer, and office extra help. Oh yea no minutes or 3 months, (who takes the minutes)? Then Bernie reports that Gaming Grants (this is Free Money from losers) is available to every Municipality in Northampton County, one guess who didn't apply, sounds like Nest Eaton. This Municipality is breaking all State Laws and must be reported to Harrisburg !

  13. West Easton really needs to ask itself whether it is doing a service for its residents by continuing to exist. If its government draws the likes of Dan DePaul, the choices must be very limited. Not sure a manager is the answerr. This is a tiny borough. I think it would probably be better served by a competent secretary or treasurer, something Kelly Gross noted. The problem is nobody wants to work there. One employee was harassed so much by Mezzacappa that she had a heart attack and died. Another was harassed in person and online by Mezzacappa. This poor clerk's children would read disgusting comments about their mother, written by a truly evil person. Mezzacappa was charged and convicted. She also threatened to drag Kelly Gross to the river, and was charged and convicted in that matter as well. She has filed more RTK appeals against West Easton than everyone else combined have filed in Bethlehem, or Allentown, or Easton. It has really distracted the government.

    West Easton has made mistakes, too. The borough has allowed Mezzacappa to get to them. Once they lose a RTK in OOR, that should be it. he should not be discussed during meetings. There is no need to pay for a separate RTK officer. If it cannot provide police coverage, it needs to consider getting out of business.

  14. @8:01 AM You should know all about harassment and assault, based on your convictions, so perhaps some pillow talk with high hair is in order to find out what really happened.

    If you ever figure out how to use apostrophes, it will help in concealing your identity. As it is, you might as well just sign your name. Maybe some of your Mensa buddies can give you a pointer or two on 4th grade grammar.

  15. Wait a minute Bernie I lived in West Easton for years, now in Palmer Twp. you know nothing about West Easton when there was a full staff, Manager, Treasurer, two Office girls it WAS a very nice Boro to live in and be a part of. The DePaul's started the Block watch program, had National Night Out Party's ever year. I helped put up chairs and tables in the parking lot, we had fair property taxes with police protection (contract). The last Fire Chief was so fed up the Memorial Day went by the way side just like the National Night Out Day. It 100% sounds like DePaul looking out for the people of West Easton and sticking up for himself. It also would be interesting to see how the Boro money is spent without the help for the Gaming Grant fund. (You have no idea what I mean by the DePaul's, thanks Sandy, a friend of mine was killed on Lehigh Drive after the Highway Dept. took down the Stop Sign and you make them replace it after a long hard battle).

  16. I was a member of an organization in which at every meeting, we were delivered lectures by those in power or a supervisory role about how we should act. It was a dying organization, and in fact disbanded a few years after I left.

    WE meetings seem very similar. Here Kelly pontificates about handouts she issued months ago, her father pontificates about the way things were done 50 years ago (how is this relevant?) WE government is totally dysfunctional. They sit and throw arrows and stones at each other. Nodoline came in with an agenda to make a federal case out of DePaul's sewer bill, and to connect him with candidate Lewis. It was so transparent anyone could see it. Then DePaul and Gross rattled on for like 10 minutes about DePaul's sewer bill, because Gross is piling on in the great sewer bill mystery. She has "inside" information, because SHE works in the office, and wants to add fuel to the fire.

    It's totally corrupt, and like 6th graders run amok. Maybe disbanding is the way to go - this town is too small to have its own government. When council members come to a meeting looking to publicly embarrass each other, there is a major issue.

    The lack of communication among council members is palpable and destructive. Important correspondence is not being distributed to all council members, like emails announcing grants, letters of interest in council positions, death of a council member. These are what we know about, and probably only the tip of the iceberg.

  17. I'll be happy to admit I know next to nothing about West Easton. I know a great deal about the County and saw Dan DePaul make a complete ass of himself there. His goofy hairdo alone is enough to clue you in he has issues. Then we come to West Easton, where the unvarnished video shows him making a complete ass of himself. He spent most of the meeting talking about his shit bill and berating others. He is a sad excuse for an elected official, and seems more intent on hurting the borough than helping it. West Easton needs to ask itself whether it is doing more harm than good, if people like DePaul are in office.

  18. My criticism is directed at Dandy, not his late wife. I understand she was a good woman. DePaul is a narcissist, and appears to be violent.

  19. I just checked Google to find out what the hell "West Easton" is -- are you fucking kidding me? It's like a few roads next to Easton. Why is this a separate municipality?

  20. @10:43 I know Dan and his Wife Sandy, they helped at the Church at 4th and Ferry at Thankgiving time feeding people meals. Very nice couple. She passed away cancer. Always doing never taking. Don't talk about his family behind his back very protected. Think he Italian, Irish, Hot Rod, Harley, Rock and Roller. Cool Guy

  21. He's a very weird guy, as one look at his coiffure makes clear. But I never say him for an extended period until i saw that video. He is a narcissist and appears to be violent. The person in that video is no "cool guy."

  22. " they helped at the Church at 4th and Ferry at Thankgiving time

    Since she passed away in '99, this was obviously some time ago, and the Dandy today is not the kind of Dandy who helps anyone but himself.

  23. Dees hope at least you a resident, taxpayer, will be happy to have your tax dollars spent on lawsuits, big trucks, municipal highway buildings, endless conferences, RTK and OOR's being paid to two lawyers and on and on, but wait Big money Gaming Grants could help all you need is of someone to fight for this MONEY.

  24. @ 12:20
    Where did he write that? Is it in the video?

  25. "He was escorted from the courthouse once after he went after Angle"

    Angle loved to harass and verbally assault people but would run for cover if confronted like a man he never was.

    Also Angle conspired with Stoffa to have his daughter fired. Sometimes enough is enough.

  26. 1:11 Not fired, it was in the paper she quit for a better job. I guess so she didn't have to work with the A**H***s who we're running the County!

  27. 10:43 if you see Dan tell him he's will always be my hero, a neighbor who was a Navy pilot, told about the time Dan run across the NJ turnpike when everybody was running the other way to put out a car that was on fire. He was in his RV and had a fire extinguisher. True story the Rossi's had a fire extinguisher business on Main St. in West Easton and the guy who car was on fire gave Dan a check to refill his extinguisher only because he insisted. PS would have liked to be there when Angle cried help somebody is taking loud to ME.

  28. 1:11, She was never fired or even disciplined. Stoffa was trying to find a way to make the elections process run more efficiently, and succeeded.

  29. When you follow the prescribed process you don't need a tent for the circus.

    901. Filling vacancies in elective borough offices.
    902. Collection of taxes where vacancy in office of tax collector not filled.
    903. Right of council to declare seat of member vacant for failure to qualify.
    904. (Reserved).
    904.1. Removal of elected official and appointee.
    905. Temporary auditor.

    Enactment. Chapter 9 was added April 18, 2014, P.L.432, No.37, effective in 60 days.
    § 901. Filling vacancies in elective borough offices.
    (a) Vacancies.--If any vacancy occurs in the office of the mayor, member of council, auditor, controller or tax collector, by death, resignation under subsection (a.1) or termination of residency from the borough, or from a ward in the case of a ward office, or by failure to take the required oath, to give bond as provided by law or ordinance or to provide the affidavit required under section 801 (relating to eligibility), or in any other manner whatsoever, the council shall fill the vacancy within 30 days by appointing, by resolution, a registered elector of the borough, or of the ward in the case of a ward office, to hold the office, if the term continues that long, until the first Monday in January after the first municipal election occurring more than 60 days after the vacancy occurs, at which election an eligible individual shall be elected to the office for the remainder of the term. Except as provided in section 801(c), no individual shall be appointed to fill a vacancy in an elected borough or ward office unless the individual has resided within the borough, or within the ward in the case of a ward office, continuously for at least one year immediately prior to the individual's appointment.
    (a.1) Vacancy by resignation.--
    (1) A vacancy shall not be created by a resignation until the date that the resignation is accepted by a majority vote of a quorum of council at a public meeting or the effective date of the tendered resignation, whichever is later. A council must accept a resignation no later than 45 days after it has been tendered in writing to council, unless it is withdrawn in writing prior to acceptance.
    (2) A resignation which is not accepted as provided under paragraph (1) shall be deemed accepted after 45 days.
    (b) Bond.--The individual appointed shall give bond if required by law or ordinance. If the individual elected to the office fails to give any bond required, to provide the affidavit required under section 801 or to take the required oath, the council, before making the appointment, shall declare the office vacant.

  30. Follows previous email.

    (c) Unfilled vacancies.--If the council of any borough refuses, fails, neglects or is unable, for any reason whatsoever, to fill any vacancy within 30 days after the vacancy happens, as provided in this section, the vacancy shall be filled within 15 additional days by the vacancy board. The vacancy board shall consist of the council, exclusive of the mayor, and one registered elector of the borough who shall be appointed by the council at the council's first meeting each calendar year or as soon as practical and who shall act as chair of the vacancy board. The vacancy board shall appoint a registered elector of the borough, or ward in the case of a ward office, to hold the office, if the term continues that long, until the first Monday in January after the first municipal election occurring more than 60 days after the vacancy occurs, at which election an eligible individual shall be elected to the office for the remainder of the term.
    (d) Board petition.--If the vacancy is not filled by the vacancy board within 15 days, the chair shall, or, in the case of a vacancy in the chair, the remaining members of the vacancy board shall, petition the court of common pleas to fill the vacancy by the appointment of a registered elector of the borough, or ward in the case of a ward, to hold the office, if the term continues that long, until the first Monday in January after the first municipal election occurring more than 60 days after the vacancy occurs, at which election an eligible individual shall be elected to the office for the remainder of the term.
    (e) Elector petition.--If vacancies exist in more than a majority of the offices of council, the court of common pleas shall fill the vacancies upon presentation of petition signed by not less than 15 registered electors of the borough.

  31. Maybe instead of screaming at each other, read the Borough Code:


    1141. Borough manager created by ordinance and election.
    1142. Powers and duties.
    1143. Other offices not incompatible.
    § 1141. Borough manager created by ordinance and election.
    (a) General rule.--The council of a borough may, at its discretion at any time, create by ordinance the office of borough manager and may, in like manner, abolish the office. While the office exists, the council shall, from time to time, and if there is a vacancy, elect, by a vote of a majority of all the members, one person to fill the office.
    (b) Subject to employment agreement.--The borough manager shall serve at the pleasure of council, subject to contractual rights that may arise under an employment agreement that may be entered in accordance with section 1142 (relating to powers and duties).
    § 1142. Powers and duties.
    (a) General rule.--The powers and duties of the borough manager shall be regulated by ordinance.
    (b) Employment agreement.--
    (1) Council may enter into an employment agreement with the borough manager that specifies the terms and conditions of employment.
    (2) The employment agreement may remain in effect for a specified period terminating no later than two years after the effective date of the agreement or the date of the organizational meeting of council following the next municipal election, whichever occurs first.
    (3) An employment agreement entered into under this section may specify conditions under which a borough manager will be entitled to severance compensation, but in no event may the employment agreement guarantee employment through the term of the agreement or confer upon the borough manager any legal remedy based on specific performance.
    (4) An employment agreement with a borough manager executed on or after a municipal election but before the first meeting in January the year after the municipal election shall be void.
    (5) The council may delegate to the borough manager, by ordinance and subject to recall, any of the nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties of the council, the planning commission and the shade tree commission. With approval of council, the mayor may delegate to the borough manager any of the mayor's nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties.

    Cross References. Section 1142 is referred to in section 1141 of this title.
    § 1143. Other offices not incompatible.
    The offices of borough manager, street commissioner, secretary, treasurer and chief of police shall not be incompatible, and any two or more or all of the offices may be held by one person. Neither the mayor nor any member of the council shall be eligible to hold the office of borough manager.

  32. There's more bad hair - male and female - real and hair hat - in that meeting room than a Flock of Seagulls video.

    It was probably cool to run small boroughs like family businesses back in 1962. It ain't cool any longer. Between a more complicated and legalistic society, and having to deal with this generation's crazy aunt (who's armed), they're overwhelmed.

    In the 1960s Peter Sellers flick, "The Mouse That Roared", he leads a bankrupt, microscopic republic into war against the US in an effort to immediately lose and become eligible for rebuilding money and foreign aid. It's time for West Easton to lose a war to another, more capable governing body.

  33. Mezzacappa calls my statement about a deceased borough clerk a lie. Three years ago, Mezzacappa told me she had stressed this woman so much she had a heart attack and died. Other contacts in W Easton confirm that Mezzacappa was harassing this woman shortly before her death. So I stand by what I wrote. I would like Mezzacappa to tell Sheriffs where she has hadden her car, and would like them to levy on the computer she uses to post her hate.

  34. Dumbass , have you not figured out that The Sheriff's themselves are hidng her car?

  35. Maybe after you spend a few nights in the can for contempt, you'll wise up. You are heading in that direction.

  36. The woman convicted of libeling you has updated her website in an attempt to "get her story out there." Only problem is a handful of people read it, and all of them have no interest in her lies. She speaks proudly of suing you for libel, which is odd because you actually have a judgment against her. You're a winner, she's a loser. She is the one who didn't show up for questions.

    She mentions that you repeated something someone said in a public meeting! The gall, Bernie. What were you thinking? You better get your scout silverware ready for the slammer! And that Kelly Gross. According to Mezzacappa, Gross is a "felon". She was never even charged with anything, but in Fairyland that's a guilty finding. Her clock probably goes backwards, and things fall up in her mother's house.

  37. What she does not seem to get is that, so long as you tell the truth, you have nothing to worry about. I don't lie. I don't post anonymously, or under made uo names as she dooes. I don't use different pseudonyms, as she does, to create the false impression that several people feel like she does. My weapon is the truth. It's a pretty good weapon, too. She should try it sometime.

  38. If I had nothing to hide, I would show up for a deposition. Of course, I'd need my car to get there, which would pose a problem if there were people hiding in the bushes waiting to take it to satisfy a debt I was ignoring.

    It was interesting when she was asked if she "sold" her house to her mother at the WE council meeting. There was a pause and then she said "yes". The pause is a tell. Unlike what George Costanza said, a lie isn't the truth if you believe it to be.

  39. Your writ was used for a cheap sheet of toilet tissue in the basement of the courthouse. You (and Angle) have been hosed.

  40. She's enjoying her ignorance and impertinence now, but she'll pay ultimately.

    She is such a twisted piece of work. She harassed a clerk into quitting, and now that WE can't find a clerk she complains bitterly that she can't get anything out of the town. Of course she can't - she's the reason. She complains about the locked door policy, which is due to her attacks on borough officials and employees. She made her bed and now doesn't want to sleep in it.

    She fondly brags about how she showered one employee she favored, yet mentions "bitch" in association with the clerk she harassed into quitting. Gee, we all aren't going to suck your withered moldy jewels and make you feel warm and fuzzy. Get over yourself, you worn out bitter hag.

  41. And the claim that she had a good relationship with this employee is a fairytale. She was at odds with her, and that poor woman would start shaking whenever she saw Mezzacappa. Right before she died, Mezzacappa called her a "fat pig" or similar insult in a public meeting.

  42. Bernie,

    In my experience most government entities have their share of oddballs and it doesn't matter if the government is local, state or federal. The fact that Dan DePaul got elected in West Easton says nothing about whether Borough government should be disbanded. I watch a lot of C-Span and there are some Congressmen in Washington who are no different than DePaul in looks and bluster. Remember disgraced and jailed Congressman James Traficant? His attitude and hairpiece were worse than DePaul's. Your friend Charlie Dent probably could tell you some stories about his other crackpot colleagues.

    I have seen many local government meetings descend into chaos. I have seen Congressional hearings descend into chaos too. I respect your opinion but I'm not sure you have this West Easton situation in proper perspective. Bigger government doesn't mean better government.

    All governments have their challenges, whether it be ballooning pension payments, a shrinking tax base or something else. West Easton's challenge right now is one particularly wicked resident who is intent on causing as much trouble as possible. Recently, she has convinced DePaul to be her "bedfellow."

    I also disagree that West Easton needs to consider going out of business because "it cannot provide police coverage." The Borough had police contracts with Wilson and Easton for many years. You, better than most, understand why Easton walked away. You published a sampling of the police reports. But non-renewal of the police contract by Easton didn't leave West Easton without police coverage. They now have the State Police, the same as hundreds of other municipalities, including nearby Glendon and Williams Township.

    I have followed your excellent reporting on the Nazareth Borough police department. It seems to me that West Easton is far better off than Nazareth. Falling behind a few months with meeting minutes (now caught up, by the way) is a far cry from facing multi-million dollar civil rights lawsuits.

    Good luck in collecting your entire court judgment, with interest.

  43. @3:30 and 3:31 PM

    Congratulations, Ms. Pro Se, you can cut and paste. But you should be more concerned with the law of fraudulent transfers.

  44. "Recently, she has convinced DePaul to be her "bedfellow.""

    What an utterly frightful image that is. OTOH, one can see her incentive for bedding him - an "in" on the council, no pun intended. A little pillow talk about the Gross cartel and RTK requests. One can see widowed DePaul succumbing to "Come up and see my crayon on paper bag drawings of pigs." Ah the sins of the flesh.

  45. I understand your points and perhaps you are right. But I disagree about police coverage. To me, that is a biggie, whether it is West Easton, Lower Mac, Upper Mount Bethel Tp or Williams Township. A government that cannot provide police protection does not deserve to exist. But your other points are very valid. It is something to consider down the road. Let's say the Gross' decide to move to Cancun, and Tom Nodoline becomes a Shakespearean actor. That means people like Dan DePaul and Tricia Mezzacappa takeover. I would not want that to happen anywhere.

  46. Seems like someone is talking to themselves in ongoing comments complimenting Mr. O'Hare and attacking this young woman.

    Either that or the Matey is back at work.

  47. 11:26 I live in Palmer Twp. not La La land like you do, I see DePaul and his English Girlfriend all the time, Palmer Days for one, from what I understand she is from England and then live in NJ I think your goofy story is as goofy as you are.

  48. Let's add this up, if Mezzacappa's boyfriend is The Mouth That Roared GREGORY, and DePaul's girlfriend is from England and lived in NJ, and every thing in West Easton is OK , forget there is no Manager, Treasurer, extra help in the office, State Law that say Council Members can't be doing Office Work (reported in the Express) Members who died and not reported for months, minutes not approved for months, money from Gaming Grants, two Lawyers to get RTK's ect. ect. Then 11:26 must be Gross.

  49. Tricia Mezzacappa wrote on her blog yesterday that she had a wonderful relationship with the late Donna Smith, West Easton's acting Borough manager, secretary and right-to-know officer who died in June 2010. Mezzacappa would like everyone to believe that she easily obtained any Borough record from Donna just by asking. Those were the "good old days," she claimed. "Minutes, ordinances and permits were freely available, and printed off a computer at the time someone asked for them...at no charge. No appeals, no lawsuits," Mezzacappa wrote yesterday.

    However, the public record tells a different story. Check out Mezzacappa's appeal to the Office of Records docketed at 2009-0673. In this August 2009 appeal, Mezzacappa was seeking documentation about a Cease and Desist order issued by Donna barring Mezzacappa from performing massages from her home based on complaints that had been received by the Borough.

    According to the OOR's decision, Mezzacappa "asserted that all materials and complaints were manufactured by a personal enemy of hers and the Borough secretary (Donna)." The OOR upheld Donna's refusal to provide Mezzacappa with copies of the complaints, ruling in September 2009 that these complaints were exempt from disclosure under the law.

    It was after that decision was rendered that Mezzacappa made Donna's life more difficult. It was after that decision that Mezzacappa, by her own admission on the Saving Private Gracedale blog on October 31, 2011, called Donna a "scum-bag" during a public meeting.

    Mezzacappa's admission on the Saving Private Gracedale blog was in response to an article on this blog entitled "Beware the Wicked Witch of West Easton." Here's what Mezzacappa wrote in her own defense: "I never called the Borough Manager a fat slob. I think it was 'scum-bag' after she sent me a Cease and Desist order, while allowing another Borough Business to conduct massage our of her home on 9th street."

    By the way, can you guesss who owns the property on 9th Street that she referred to? If you said Dan DePaul, you would be correct.

    The Wicked Witch article about Mezzacappa said: "She's abusive during meetings, too. During one Borough Council meeting a few years ago, she called the secretary taking minutes a 'big, fat slob,' and then stormed out. That secretary, who was subjected to nonstop verbal abuse by Mezzacappa, actually died of a heart attack a month later."

    So, we have evidence that Mezzacappa publicly accused Donna of making up complaints in connection with a Cease and Desist order and later publicly called her a scum-bag. The good old days? Hardly, Tricia. But don't let the facts get in the way of your false story.

  50. @9:32 Thanks for this eye-opening factual recap. She attempts to portray herself as the buddy down the street who brings chocolate cookies and sends Christmas cards to the town staff, and meanwhile the truth is totally the opposite. When she doesn't get her way, she becomes a vindictive, mentally violent enemy. "Enjoy your cookies while I stab you in the back. Happy Holidays!"

  51. "Then 11:26 must be Gross."

    There she goes. Mezzacappa, who posts anonymously and under a variety of pseudonyms, accuses someone of doing what she does.

  52. " I see DePaul and his English Girlfriend all the time, "

    Uh huh. Next time you see dandy, tell him to lose the wig and that Council meetings do not exist so he can demand breaks on his sewer bill.

  53. 11:26 said West Easton is better off than Nazareth because of Million Dollar lawsuits, since you and 9:32 (same person) have inside information you should eat breakfast at George's the up and coming lawsuit will be about One Million Dollars. Land Owners don't like spoiled little brats.

  54. No one will see a dime of all these silly lawsuits.


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