Local Government TV

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Trachta Targets Deaf Mother of Sticker Gang Member

The Sticker Gang with the Legal Dream Team - Gary Asteak
Phil Lauer and Mark Minotti
Just when I think he's finally run out of stupid pills, he proves me wrong. I'm speaking, of course, of Nazareth Police chief Thomas "Cupcake" Trachta. He's sunk to a new low. Unable to get a conviction in Stickergate, he's decided to go after the deaf mother of one of the Defendants. What's more, he reportedly enlisted the help of a Borough Council member to act as a mini-Detective for him. Let me tell you the story.

Most of you are familiar with my Tales of Trachta. He's the thin-skinned cop who earlier this year was the subject of tiny, postage stamp-sized stickers that said, "FT Fire Trachta." Most people never noticed them, but Trachta did. He actually tried to involve the feds in a major investigation. They're still laughing.

Danny Troxell
So he used Danny Troxell, a part-time cop who's bounced around from town to town over the years. Troxell is also a bull-rider who's been bounced on his head one too many times. Get this. Troxell sees stickers in a parking lot, and illogically deduces that the Sticker Gang must be responsible. He also testified, illogically again, that residents were "terrorized" when they saw stickers on parking meters. His list of charges went well beyond the littering charges authorized by the DA. He was unable to even fill out the criminal charges correctly, listing the wring statutes.

In short, he's an idiot, but will do anything Trachta tells him because he's desperate for a full-time job.

 We all know what happened to the Stickergate prosecution, in which Troxell was so inept he was unable to even introduce a photograph into evidence.

But the lowest point was when he called a deaf woman to the stand. She had absolutely nothing to add to the case, but was subpoenaed and was even instructed to stay away from her own son. Troxell never bothered to inform the court he had a deaf witness, so arrangements could be made for a sign language interpreter. She was being called solely to establish that this fellow lives with his mom from time to time, which is apparently a violation of her lease.

Needless to say, the witness was excused.

This case was so bad it was laughed right out of court. Council member Frank Maurek would later say he was "embarrassed." But Maurek and other Council members refused to do the right thing and get rid of Trachta and Troxell. Instead, they kicked the can down the road, asking for a state study, even though they already had one done, telling them they have a problem.

In the meantime, Nazareth and Trachta have been sued for civil rights violations in a devastating complaint filed by Officer Fred Lahovski. They've received notice that all three members of the Sticker Gang are suing. Other civil rights suits are in the pipeline.

How do Trachta and Troxell react?

By picking on a defenseless and deaf woman.

Sticker Gang leader Trevor Gehret has been telling me that Troxell will drive along side him and just start staring at him. I'd tell Gehret it's no stare. Troxell has just been knocked off a bull so many times that he has a rough time figuring out where he is.

But when they actually started keeping tabs on this poor deaf woman, whose only real sin is loving her son, they really went too far.

Under the terms of her subsidized lease, she must live alone. But she has allowed her son to stay with her. To prove this, Trachta has actually had the Belvidere Street apartments staked out. He and Troxell kept tabs. So did a Borough Council member, who bragged about his detective work to the wrong person.

This woman has been given a notice of eviction, but I suspect housing officials will relent once they learn that this was a vindictive move.

It is pure retaliation by a petty police chief who was publicly embarrassed. It's done to chill free speech, too, and I am sure it will be part of the civil rights action filed.

Far from condemning the civil rights violations, Nazareth Borough Council has just demonstrated it is complicit with him.

In the mean time, Trachta is getting half the police departments of the County to search for a child that never was missing, based on information that he had to know was bogus. He's also been importing crime, using out-of-town informants to arrange drug buys in Nazareth with out-of-town dealers.  

I'm sure Trachta and Troxell would be much happier as rodeo clowns. We don't need police clowns.


  1. She broke the terms of the lease, she is out. She can live in her son's house. Opps, never mind.

    Maybe Trevor boy can sign a check for her.

    Anxiously awaiting the DA's probe

    1. 2:24 your an ass hole Troxell. Your daddies must be very surprised how much you wanna be be ass sucker or we know that you start their. Then go around the world. Till you finish where you started.you need to be fired then.jailed. You sick little bull shit rider .

  2. That's because you're insane, Mezzacappa. You're also hiding from the Sheriff. The person who called in the fake kidnapping is an emotionally troubled person, much like you. He probably should be prosecuted for false reports, much like you.

  3. what's wrong with these idiots?

  4. It would be a very poor choice for dear trevor to enlist Uncle Bernie as his go to person...a very poor choice indeed

    I guess he hasnt learned from his mistake

  5. What's going on in Mayberry? Barney Fife is a vindictive douche. Glad I don't live there.

  6. Mezzacappa is back in the 9-12 saddle riding shotgun with Campione on a mustang worthy of the Duke's saddle. O'Hare rides a broken down donkey with Rosie posey walking behind to collect the scat, who would you rather listen to?

  7. The bigger joke is how his poison posse thinks the house is his, Merrill is no lightweight in a courtroom and has her moms back %100

  8. The amount on the check Nazareth will be writing is just going to keep getting bigger and BIGGER.

  9. "This broad is fucking nuts. No wonder they took her gun license. Soon, she'll be a babbling homeless person"

    Yeah, she knows nothing about Nazareth, except that she hates me.

  10. Word around west Easton is that morganelli is looking for Mezzacappa. Apparently the StickerGang has filed a six digit suit against her for defamation. Should be interesting to see how this turns out for the ugly mess she makes for herself. Who knows she may need the StickerGang to endorse who a few checks or even give her some dope to sell on the street to make bank.

    Just saying morganelli isn't taking this Mezzacappa stuff lightly especially with the comments that have been printed off blogs and presented to him yesterday.

  11. "Mezzacappa is back in the 9-12 saddle riding shotgun with Campione on a mustang worthy of the Duke's saddle. O'Hare rides a broken down donkey with Rosie posey walking behind to collect the scat, who would you rather listen to?"

    My guess is that people prefer to listen to those who are telling the truth, and who actually make an effort to post factually accurate information. Mezzacappa is an adjudged liar known for false accusations.

  12. HMMMMM. Why the concern to report this poor woman. Complaints had been filed against my neighbor for having 2 illegal apartments in his single home. No permits were ever given to convert the single family dwelling into apartments. A zoning hearing was held which they lost and was sent to County court under appeal. The complaints started almost 5 years ago and still to this day nothing has changed. Yet in a matter of no time this woman is served with an eviction notice. Ironically my neighbor is on the Borough payroll as a crossing guard! She is a snitch for Cupcake and Sneakers, reporting officers that stop by my home to see how we're doing. I think its called community policing, but Cupcake and Sneakers don't see it that way. These officers have been brought before the Cupcake-Sneakers Tribunal,most likely water boarded then interrogated and made to consent to the taping of the proceedings. King Cupcake and Queen Sneakers definitely rule their fiefdom with an iron fist and remove all who oppose them legally or not.

  13. "It would be a very poor choice for dear trevor to enlist Uncle Bernie as his go to person...a very poor choice indeed

    I guess he hasnt learned from his mistake "

    Let's see. The malicious prosecution brought against Trevor was blown out of the water, and now, Nazareth is facing a civil rights suit from him. On the other hand, Jim Gregory is in state prison and Mezzacappa is hiding from the Sheriff.

    Looks like if anyone hasn't learned, it is you.

  14. Is Troxell a bone smuggler? Sure looks like one!

  15. When did Norco sheriffs get those snazzy looking SUV's? I mean, I just can't help noticing them as they keep cruising past my place here on 10th and Ridge. But you know, if I can recognize the travel pattern and times, don't you think someone actively avoiding them can, also? Time for some stealth tactics, guys....

  16. Trachta and Troxell are putrid. Herbst needs to go away and take his (alleged) anti-gay statements and (alleged) false charges and (alleged) ticket fixing with him.

    That being said, if she violated her lease, she should be held responsible.

  17. That's the problem there's no proof her son ever lived there with her he was just seen entering and exiting the building.

  18. Whether he lived there is immaterial. The fact is that Trachta once again abused his office to pursue a vindictive agenda having nothing to do with police work. What's more, he enlisted a borough council member to help him.

  19. This is definitely worthy of making Lehigh valley live, has anyone reported this to them?

  20. Looks like the rodent who lied has her usual insomnia - can't sleep because her bills are mounting and she can't find a job.

    Has she paid you any of what she owns you?

  21. Not yet and the 6% interest is adding up.

  22. All the characters in this mess are are mess. Cupcake, Troxell, Homophobe Herbst, and a lady who can't comply with her lease. I'm not certain why hear deafness is a part of the story and worthy of a headline. Deafness doesn't make one law abiding or not. Deafness is not a disability. It's a possibility.

  23. I thought he was living with his brother

  24. O'Hare will never see a nickel of the Mezzacappa deal. Also the sticker goons will never see six figures in their life. they won't know because they can't count that high. They will be lucky to see a dime. Since the DA is investigating the false abduction report, who knows what will happen.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. 3:24pm
    Nobody has to count six figures but their attorneys. I'm sure that the young men will donate whatever they would get to Nazareth or to put into an account for their campaign for Council.

  27. Sorry to shatter your hopes but the StickerGang was found to have nothing to do with the abduction hoax. Sad that you have to blame innocent people.

  28. Everyone wants to have homeless and check forgers on council. The Nazareth of Obama.

  29. Have you seen nazareths current council there no better.

  30. Everyone trying to post the blame of the abduction hoax on the sticker gang, maybe you should read the paper. They found out it was an 18 year old Nazareth student. So you can shut your mouth now.

  31. Shackle and chain this kid he's dangerous, he may call 911 while in custody.

  32. The woman who alleged that the sticker gang was involves in the hoax, has made up many other lies about individuals as well, in an attempt to defame them. She hasn't learned her lesson.

    To the person who suggested Bernie won't "see a nickel" from the "Mezzacappa deal" (defamation judgment), she has made enough other mistakes (like fraudulently transferring her house to her mother) to make it easy to collect. If she is ever to settle, she is looking at a higher settlement every day because of interest. When is the last time you saw 6% interest on an investment? It must be nice to let a huge debt like that balloon and not care. For someone who belly-aches about not having a job it's odd. Maybe she is hoping mommy will pay the bill.

    Defaming people is not an admirable quality.

  33. 12:25 nailed it. Your tax money is being used for his personal vendetta. He should be charged with a variety of offenses. So, should the council person. No doubt about it.

  34. I cannot allow you to post that unless you identify yourself. I doubt very much that what you assert is even true.

  35. Bernie,
    were these appointments handed out by the brother to the SOS{sack o shit} that created alletowns Brown Hole Law?

    No one but me sees the connectionhere as to the heavey ladin political corruption in the triboro area, lehighvalley?

    patent pending


  36. Zippedy doo dah...

  37. Nazareth clowns. The sticker goons are full of themselves. People are glad the police are keeping their eyes open.

  38. 1:58. very true. the sticker gang are buffoons. no doubt about it, but there is a line (not even a thin line), between keeping eyes open and conducting surveillance based on a personal vendetta. At minimum, it's clearly misappropriation and gross mismanagement of borough time, equipment and resources. We had a former police chief in Hellertown, not to long ago, that engaged in analogous behavior and it, too, took the town officials a very long time to oust him, partly because some of the council members were aligned with him. Seems from this article, that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  39. The lucky one is the deaf Mother. She couldn't hear Troxell or Trachta. Thay may have done better if the judge was deaf.

  40. The woman broke the terms of her lease. Doesn't matter who or whim was watching her, she is out. Her son should not have taken advantage of her kindness.

    The law is the law.

  41. So why don't you start following it and let the Sheriff levy on you so we can kick you out of your house? The law is the law.


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