Local Government TV

Friday, September 05, 2014

NorCo Council Fails To Override Residency Veto

Lamont McClure
Five of Northampton County Council's nine members believe that all cabinet officials and row officers should be County residents. But they needed six votes to override Executive John Brown's veto of a residency ordinance last night. Republicans Peg Ferraro, Glenn Geissinger, Hayden Phillips and Seth Vaughn prevented Council from obtaining the 2/3 majority required.

Geissinger argued a residency ordinance would "tie the hands of the County Executive," while Hayden Phillips noted it would be ridiculous to expect someone to move into this area for what might at most be a three-year job.

Lamont McClure predicted, "This will become law. Just not tonight." Ken Kraft called the appointment of a New Jersey resident as Sheriff "a slap across the face" of 600 law enforcement officers in the County. "We have somebody with police powers who doesn't live in the state," he added.

Sheriff David Dalrymple, a retired Major in the New Jersey State Police, lives in Stewartsville, N.J.. This is 6.4 miles away from Easton. He was confirmed by seven members of Council in July. McClure voted No, and Ken Kraft was unable to attend the hearing as a result of a business commitment.


  1. Lamont the loafer showed up?

  2. Does the county give a preference to local vendors when evaluating who they do business with?

  3. Really? Move on please..nothing to see here.

  4. i completely agree with ken kraft 's position on this ...

  5. In your photo McClure looks like he is trying to do a Kreskin on the audience. He is adept at mystifying everyone with his insipid legislation.

  6. 7:27 makes a good point. Council overspent for Gracedale ambulance service. It looks like Nazareth Council/Nazareth Ambulance Board members had this wired up ahead of time, which could explain why they confidently padded their bid. What did Peg Ferraro know and when did she know it? It smells very dirty.

  7. So McClure is going to "will" this to happen, regardless of the fact it is bad policy?

  8. Somebody should tell Lamont there's asbestos in Iraq and Syria. It'll get him out of here for a while and he'll bankrupt ISIS without firing a shot. I also hear they're slipping and falling in Antarctica. Run, Lamont! Run!

  9. Lamutt will utilize psychic powers to make his insane idea a reality. And 12:31 do not forget the molecule of asbestos left in the courthouse.

  10. "Does the county give a preference to local vendors when evaluating who they do business with?"

    I believe it is a factor.

  11. Just deleted a completely OT comment.

  12. Pros and cons. I agree in principle, as they would have to if elected, but it is a broad brush and there may be unique circumstances when the best person may be outside the county but still in the greater Lehigh Valley. There are subtle differences, however, state to state on these offices, so it does rub the wrong way to claim you have to go out of state. Nothing against Dalrymple personally.

    That said, didn't they have their chance to achieve the same result when 7 voted to confirm him? Looks a little petty and/or spineless for Council as a whole body to turn around right afterwards to make what you just did illegal per ordinance.

  13. Should have said "it would have looked a little petty...."

  14. "Does the county give a preference to local vendors when evaluating who they do business with?"

    Yes it was an ordinance county council passed in the late 90's. Local Labor Ordinance I believe.

  15. "Looks a little petty and/or spineless for Council as a whole body to turn around right afterwards to make what you just did illegal per ordinance."

    Exactly. Bernie implied as much in the last paragraph of his article.

  16. Why was the Director of Emergency Management omitted from the proposed ordinance?

  17. He is not one of the cabinet officials listed in the Home Rule Charter. Nor is he one of the original row officers.

  18. Good for Mr. McClure. he is right. god Bless Lamont McClure.

  19. Bless him for what? Being a jerk?


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