Local Government TV

Monday, September 29, 2014

Nazareth Has A New Sticker Bandit

Sometime late last week, someone began plastering Chicago Bulls stickers on Nazareth stop signs. Though these are so large that they clearly impair driver safety and contain only commercial speech,  no effort has been made by Nazareth's constabularly to remove these impediments or find out who plastered them. But then again, these stickers don't criticize Police Chief Thomas "Cupcake" Trachta.

One of them is a Masonic symbol.

Trachta and his sidekick, bull-rider Danny Troxell, hate those damn Masons

Better get the ATVs out again.

Trevor Gehret, ringleader of the real Sticker Gang, has condemned these oversized traffic hazards.


  1. Maybe the goons condemn the stickers because they are responsible. It's clearly a disregard to trachtas warning. Maybe this time they'll get caught and charged.

  2. 6:44,
    How long before you accuse them of aiding Frein?

  3. The cops up there should get their cuffs and shackles ready. There seems to be a serious issue that needs to be dealt with extreme prejudice. They may have to resort to water boarding this time.

  4. They Obey Fidelity Sticker is ART from Shepard Fairey. I believe it would be protected although placed poorly.

    The Giant sticker seems mostly to be embraced by those who are (or at least want to seem to be) rebellious. Even though these people may not know the meaning of the sticker, they enjoy its slightly disruptive underground quality and wish to contribute to the furthering of its humorous and absurd presence which seems to somehow be antiestablishment/societal convention. Giant stickers are both embraced and rejected, the reason behind which, upon examination reflects the psyche of the viewer. Whether the reaction be positive or negative, the stickers existence is worthy as long as it causes people to consider the details and meanings of their surroundings. In the name of fun and observation.

    Shepard Fairey, 1990 "

  5. The geek in me needed to know the meaning of the "masonic" sticker so I googled it. It seems to be an appropriate sticker to place anywhere in Nazareth. I find what Mr. Fairey wrote in my above post very interesting and humorous at the same time.

  6. In this case they should be prosecuted when caught. Defacing of public property, especially stop signs and other safety warning signs is inexcusable. This is taking stupidity to the next level.

  7. I would make a bet that it isnt the sticker gang. I would also bet its someone ( probably singular)who even knows about the ridiculousness of the whole FT sticker arrest. Just some dumb kid(s). Wont be able to catch them eiter, doubt there are any cameras near those signs, but who knows...

  8. Agreed that those responsible need to be prosecuted ... appropriately ... without staged perp walks ... or ridiculous bail conditions ... by a police department that can actually put together a case.

  9. UNT, It's not the Sticker Gang, but they'll be blamed like they were for the false abduction report. Not their style. They like the small, postage stamp-sized stickers. They prefer the original. They did not place any stickers on stop signs. They're not coll with obstructing traffic. And these stickers are around Shafer Elementary and Nazareth High School, while theirs were in town .

  10. Maybe upper nazareth will investigate n get it right. The StickerGang has opened the Pandora's box Mayor Sneakers was talking about. This is rediculous at most. The StickerGang better be investigated throughly by Nazareth and Upper Nazareth. Their bound to have connections to this crime. Why do people protect them so much?

  11. Maybe because in this country, people are presumed innocent. This is not Mezzacapopia. There is also no Pandora's Box. A person who litters should be charged appropriately. Of course, the charges should be brought by an officer who knows what he's doing.

  12. Mezzacapopia.
    Good one. LOL

  13. Why no press release this time from Trachta, announcing he will bring the lawbreaker(s) to justice?
    He was Hell-bent on finding those who used his name:
    "The NBPD will investigate all crimes committed within Nazareth and do everything legally possible to bring the perpetrator to justice no matter how little or big the crime is," the chief said. "We enforce all the laws and if you break the law there is a pretty good chance you'll be arrested."

  14. At this point in time Nazareth needs to get it right. I'm sure in the end the people who committed this crime will be convicted. It always takes Trachta weeks to bring justice to Nazareth even when he knows who committed the crime.

  15. We Love The StickerGang!

    KFC = Koch For Chief

  16. Chief Cupcakes Poopy Porch should swear in a posse and hang the stickerer or stickerers from the Indian Tower on the anniversary of the Barony of the Rose. This is serious shit.

  17. The Central ScrutinizerSeptember 29, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Maybe upper nazareth will investigate n get it right. The StickerGang has opened the Pandora's box Mayor Sneakers was talking about. This is rediculous at most. The StickerGang better be investigated throughly by Nazareth and Upper Nazareth. Their bound to have connections to this crime. Why do people protect them so much?

    How much STUPID can someone pack in one comment? "N" rather than "and". "Rediculous" is actually spelled "ridiculous". You obviously don't even have a device that autocorrects. Your use of "their" in this context is completely wrong - you are struggling to find the contraction for "they are" otherwise known to sentient English-speaking human beings as "they're".

    Why do people cover for your obvious idiocy so much?

  18. I love that handle " Central Scrutinizer" well done and well said. I get the Zappa reference.

  19. i guarantee you it wasnt the sticker gang im a very close friend to all of them and would of heard about it. so instead of generalizing one crime to one specific group open your damn minds. gotta love how the chief says he would investigate any small crime yet has done nothing here.


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