Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Mr. Cannibal For Wolf?

Sure, Tom Wolf has a big lead in the Pa. Gubernatorial race, but that's no reason to hire "Mr. Cannibal" to do his TV ads. Check this on Buzzfeed. In ... Frickin' ... Credible.  Maybe Wolf thought it was Mr. Cannabis.


  1. It's only acting. Heck, corbett has been acting like he's a governor for 4 years.

  2. I think we all understand it was only acting ... in a porno ... and one that appears to be strange even by porno standards. This does not help Wolf.

  3. Yeah, yeah, I'm the Tax Man!

  4. But to quote former actor, Ronald Reagan:

    "Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."

  5. Who really cares? So some actor who is doing porno flicks winds up in an ad stating Wolfe was in the Peace Corp. Did Wolfe engage in porno flicks? Did wolf praise the movie? It's no different than a movie star endorsing a candidate who happened to also star in a ghoulish movie that depicts criminals eating victims brains, etc.
    Who cares. I do care about the Governor who starred in a three and one half year porn program. He screwed the people and didn't even use a condom.

  6. If you drive your car, I'll tax the street.

    If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.

    Yeah, yeah, I'm the Tax Man.

  7. Actually it was only a horror film with some nudity. You really need to stop listening to right wing talk radio. Which is cheapskate porn.

  8. Wolf.

    Because the Rich are just not paying their fair share and someone has to level the playing field so that the rising tide will lift all boats.

  9. Wolf, with his flavor saver, looks like he belongs in porn. The actor is probably an old buddy of his. Wolf, the Delaware businessman, lies constantly.

  10. Wolf.

    Because it is the failed policies of the Republicons that are ruining Pennsylvania and America, in general.

  11. "Actually it was only a horror film with some nudity"

    Actually, it is porn. Four friends are kidnapped, tortured, milked, forced to have sex, etc. I believe it is called BDSM. Might be a mild form.

  12. "Who really cares?"

    I think it's funny.

  13. Then Wolf will fit right in. The Republicans have been fucking working people for years. They do it openly and are proud of it.

  14. Wolf with a porn actor. Corbett has a problem with his people from when he was AG sending around racy emails. At least it keeps the runaway campaign interesting

  15. Isn't Wolf from Delaware, where his business is from?

  16. Okay Bernie, you were trying to milk Mezzacappa's pig. Now that's porn. Do you still have your knee high boots?

  17. Wolf.

    'Cause he's the Tax Man.

    Yeah, yeah, the Tax Man!

  18. I don't believe this is a porn film. I am a porn watcher and collector. My "go to" source for porn research, www.iafd.com does not list it.

    Another hint is that adult films are listed on IMDB - and the genre is listed as "Adult". For this film, the genre is listed as "Horror".

  19. I guess you could say that one man's meet is another man's porno it certainly looks like porn to me. In the big picture this really does not mean that much so I wouldn't get all worried about it as you apparently are.

  20. The question is , would you whack off to it Bernie? If you would its porn.

  21. Bernie have you ever fapped to Easton's own Lisa Ann?

  22. Who doesn't whack off to porn? What is your problem?

    Are you prejudiced because it is gay porn? Don't try to act all sanctimonious, like people who whack off are weird. If you don't there is something wrong with you.

  23. "River" is a fellow named Henry Schaadt in Easton. He's a pretty disgusting specimen, as the above comment indicates. As you might have guessed, he's buddy's with MezzacRaZy and the Blog Mentor. Most of the time he comments anonymously, late at night. He's one of those trolls who hates to be deleted, and will post the same comment over and over. He used to do that to other bloggers, too.

  24. Bernie,
    This wolf guy my have hired some local talent from the media mans archives? This man has probably worked at the local first hardcore porn with penatration dipicted? The originators of the Puritan?

  25. "I wouldn't get all worried about it as you apparently are."

    Well, I believe it matters, because apparently it isn't a porn film. If true, a porn actor is not stumping (that isn't intended to be a pun) for Wolf. If he were a porn actor, it would be decrease my respect for Wolf's judgment.

    This is just a tasteless movie with milk being squeezed out of women's breasts and some killing. I *have* a porn film titled "Milk Maid," and honestly it isn't my cup of tea, so to speak. Every chance they get, milk is streaming out.

  26. I am coming around to see your view Bernie. Not because this is porn, but because there is torture and reportedly implied rape.

    The Wolf campaign wisely pulled the ad. Now, where's my DVD remote, I've got some movies to watch...

  27. Time out! I have been told about this post and I don't understand. First, this guy is no gay porn star. I know the genre and he is just not in it. I don't think he is even in straight porn. Also why the stigma with gay porn. In this day and age I can't believe people and even you Bernie are making fun of gay porn. Why is gay porn different than other porn? What one wants to masturbate to is their own business, lets not judge.

    Besides which unless there is at least one episode of rusty trombone and dirty sanchez involved it is not gay porn. End of story!

  28. Now u allow gay bashing on your blog. Pull this article (blog story) before you destroy all the good things you've done. This is demeaning to many types of humans from many varied backgrounds. Get it off your blog Bernie. You don't need this nonsense.

  29. I'm unaware there was any gay bashing in this story. I am aware that some of these commenters are pretty weird.

  30. I don't care if Wolf is gay.


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