Local Government TV

Monday, September 08, 2014

Guns, Badges and Testosterone A Bad Mix

I've heard some pretty ridiculous stories concerning the recent road rage incident between two Lehigh County detectives and the son of Allentown's newest police chief. I've heard that District Attorney Jim Martin is feuding with the Chief, and actually ordered two detectives to tail the top cop's son. We've all also heard that these detectives were tailing this kid because he is black. Everyone agrees that the kid, who had his girlfriend and 1 year old son in the car, decided to pull out a Glock and may have pointed it at detectives. Here's what seems most likely to me.

These detectives were in a hurry because they were on their way to a bust. Since they're more important than anyone else in the world, they began tailgating the car in front of them, not realizing it was being driven by a corrections officer and the son of Allentown's police chief.

This kid doesn't like being tailgated, and begins slamming on the brakes. I'm sure most of us have been tailgaters or tailgatees at one time or another. We're all pretty much assholes when we're behind the wheel. This kid is no different. He's more important than anyone else in the world, too.

Losing interest in the drug bust, the detectives are now more focused on this driver who is challenging their manliness and right to rule the road. The kid wants to show these bastards who's boss and these detectives want to let this punk know they're cops and how dare he interfere with them.

The kid stops his car in the middle of the road, which is incredibly dumb. Then he shows off his big penis symbol, a Glock with 16 rounds.

At this point, the detectives forget about the drug bust. Time to teach someone a lesson. They have Glocks and badges, which are even bigger penis symbols.

Not only is this kid followed into the Lehigh Valley Mall, but an assortment of cops surround him with guns drawn during a tense situation in which innocent people could have been killed.

This incident had nothing to do with race. But it has a lot to say about us. When we get behind the wheel, we all become assholes. Even bottom-feeding bloggers. In this case, you can add testosterone and badges to the mix. All of them - both detectives and police chief's son - thought they.were better than everyone else.

There is no racial profiling here. But there is no crime, either. Just a testosterone overload on the part of all.

This kid is a probationary employee and that is why he lost his job. Hopefully, he gets it back when the more serious charges are dismissed.


  1. hopefully he doesn't get his job back, which he probably didn't deserve in the first place. i suspect cronyism played a part in that hire. furthermore, his father should also be fired, for allowing his son's attorney to publicly cite racial profiling as an issue. the court room would have been soon enough for such an accusation. a police chief should be trying to minimize racial agitation in his city, not fuel it. too much father, too little chief.

  2. As everyone knows The Mayor is probably heading to Harrisburg in January.The Chief's plan was to hire both His Wife and Son for A.P.D. jobs to keep it all in the family.W/O The Mayor the Chiefs knows His power base will significantly decrease .As all the folks in City Hall know The Chief is shopping His resume to get out of Allentown A.S.A.P.. This Road Rage incident could really mess-up His options

  3. The mentor has a bombshell on this case that no one will see coming, stay tuned to WAEBV

  4. My radio doesn't pick up that AM radio station.

  5. Despite his never-ending attempts to grab the limelight, the Blog Mentor bombed. He and Gunther pursued a personal vendetta, not the truth, with lies and distortions. You can't defame people with impunity, as Gunther and his troubled sidekick did.

  6. "a Glock with 16 rounds"

    just an FYI, most full-sized glocks have only 15 round magazines. you'll only get 16 if you put one in the chamber, and then load the mag. and, while opinions may differ, my opinion is that carrying any firearm with one in the chamber is fairly irresponsible.

  7. Excellent take, Bernie. Bullseye.

  8. 12:32, Of course it's irreponsible. In my opinion, it's irresponsible to carry a gun at all in a car, loaded or unloaded, whether it is State Senator Mensch or this kid. People become assholes when they drive. The last thing they need is a gun so they can become even bigger pricks. Incidentally, the detectives were dicks, too.

    But as we all know, people have a constiutional right to carry their penis extensions and play top dog.

    Everyone behaved poorly here. But this is no criminal case.

    The racial profiling charge is a joke, too.

  9. It obvious to anyone without an agenda that the cops acted stupidly.

  10. Absolutely. They ALL acted stupidly.

  11. Wow, 'candidate' Molovinsky is all knowing, and does not need the inconvenience of 'facts' or 'due process'. He also believes that parents are eternally to blame and responsible for their adult children's behaviors and the comments made by their attorneys.

    Well, the Chief was 'selected' to actually fill a position, so jealousy is likely at play here.

  12. Blog Mentor, Instead of attacking Molovinsky, you need to spend more time getting ready for the looming defamation action being filed against you and WAEB by the Sprague law firm. I happen to disagree with MM myslef, but have respect for his integrity. You, on the other hand, have disgraced a local radio station with obviously false charges of corruption and case-fixing. Now go back to rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth. That's what you do best.

  13. If Blog Mentor and WAEB can level false accusations at District Attorney Jim Martin, then it does seem fair that a fancy Philadelphia attorney can level false accusations (even ones that might spark dangerous riots carefully masked as righteous protests), too.

    Because a level playing field is a level playing field, is it not?

  14. "Its stupid to carry a gun in a car."

    Say that when you have a family riding along, and some thug holds a gun to your head at an intersection, because he wants your car , your wallet and your phone to make that next drug deal.

    While he's at it, he holds your kid hostage.

    But, I forgot. You have none of those things, and would likely be the last choice for any crime.

  15. Don't tread on my rights to carry a firearm. You are nuts. You hate cops now because of your Nazareth thug buddies. Police have a hard job without thugs pointing guns at them.

    You don't know what you are talking about.

  16. I don't hate cops, think this guy had the right to do what he did, and pointed out that it was incredibly stupid. Kinda' like showing up at a rally for the Lt. Guv' with a handgun, or prancing around Bethlehem with a pistol.

  17. I think you are on the right track with your guess as to what happened. The scenario is about the only thing that makes sense.

    What I don't agree with is that he deserves to have the most serious charges dropped. Of course a lot of people believe he should have been overcharged and double charged further - people who don't appear to understand the articles of the law. His driving was aggressive, and you should be pulled over for that. If you pull a gun out in the process, that should be a crime.

  18. Dass schutzige West Easton schweine!

  19. I fail to see how the charges should be dropped? Sure the detectives behind him were being jerks, but pointing a loaded gun at somebody (even if they are jerks) is assault.

  20. Not really. Under the factual situation presented this young man you can claim that he had a justifiable concern that he was in danger of death or serious bodily injury in addition he had every right to be concerned that his girlfriend and child would be subjected to serious injury or death. This is precisely why charges were dismissed against State Sen. Mensch.

  21. Mensch did not park, then exit vehicle with gun in hand. Get your facts straight

  22. Cops lie and you're guilty until proven innocent, I'm suprised they weren't driving a mrap with military assault rifles to kill terrorist civilians.

  23. WWJD?

    Jim would have gotten into the mantis stance after calmly exiting his ruby red Camaro with veins bulging all over his chiseled physique pacifying all aggressors into a supplication position much like a baboon on the Sahara who is confronted with an alpha male.

  24. Neither did the defendant accused in this matter. The situation us factually analogous. If anything, Fitzgerald had more justification than Mensch. He was being tailgated, had no idea if he was going to be rammed, and brake-checking did not help the matter. He had his young son and GF in the car. While I think anyone who carries is an idiot, he did have the right to protect himself from what he reasonably believed was a dangerous situation. Do I think he used poor judgment? Absolutely. But everyone here used poor judgment, and the additional confrontation at the LV Mall was totally insane.

    They were all knuckleheads. I suspect most of this will go away once everyone cools down.

    1. I agree with you bernie for once

  25. Play the race card. They already did. That will get you a payday.

  26. 5:27 The JG stuff is no longer funny dude.
    The title of this article really sums it up. Kudos Mr. Ohare

  27. Bernie ,if you NEED 16 rounds you should not be there.They make high capacity magazines for people that can't hit the broadside of a barn. Also, while at the range over the weekend 'an insider' tells me things are not what they seemed to be so my advise is in this incident ,so don't take sides yet.. All I do know is if you need 16 rounds you are all ready a bad shot,and I can prove it. Bernie Fife was not wrong .

  28. Bernie ; I was in the court house at 9;30 to renew my gun permit. I have to say the Deputy and the lady clerk were just as nice as pie. They both told me why a VETERAN must have a DD_214 or supporting documentation attached to application,is needed . Now I feel slighted as I have had a weapons permit to carry concealed for 39 years and now I have to attach my military crap to it? But they were great and very descriptive as to why they needed this now . I think I should of all people be able to ; fly on aircraft with my firearm after my vetting. They were very professional in their approach with me.New Sheriff should be proud to have these high quality employees ,as I can be abrasive at times.

  29. That must be why I like you, Peter.

  30. Bernie the west easton council meeting is an absolute nut house, hope dees does a full write up even though this type of event is best suited to bottom feeders like yourself

  31. Bernie, your scenario sounds about right given the facts we have been provided. Not sure how this all ends, but not thinking much good will come out of this case. How in the world will these two Departments cooperate in the future with all the crap flowing now. This will set up bad blood between these two Departments that will be difficult to heal.

  32. I hope that's not so, Bill. Many of these detectives come from the Allentown Police Department. So I think they can get past this.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. If you want to be an asshole, sign your name so everyone knows to steer clear of you.

  35. @ 8:05
    It wasn't the usual sleeper, that's for sure.
    I actually have a job to get up for in the early morning hours, but will find time to write about as much as I can tomorrow during some free time. I also have it recorded and will convert for viewing on my website as soon as I can.
    It was funny and sad all at the same time.
    Bernie would have loved it!

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Sign your name, coward. Take responsibility for your words.

  38. Bernie ,I bet you deleted a post that some one had aimed at my post . I am not criticizing any individual cop for the record. The cops usually are issued what the municipality buys and that is unfortunately a political decision and not made buy and armorer or accomplished veteran firearms handler. --- Many of these folks must qualify shortly- if asked I will spend the time on my days off with anyone to help them qualify -for the asking. Even Mr. Woods the gulf pro has a coach and I not as good as he is ,or it wood be the other way around.WE all want to see police learn the art.-Thank you all for the risks you guys take on the streets.


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