Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

cRaZy Court with Mezzacappa

Most who visit a courthouse go for a doe license. Then a wedding license. A few years later, after the divorce, it's a gun permit, quickly followed by a passport. Some even drop by to pay taxes. Few ever enter a courtroom. I was in one yesterday. Over the past three years, I've been in court more often than I was when I was practicing law. This is mostly due to West Easton wingnut Tricia Mezzacappa. She's tried everything. Restraining order requests. Protection From Abuse (PFA) Act applications. Even private criminal complaints. Her goal is to shut me up, but she's failed every time because she makes up such goofy stories that nobody believes her, thank God. After my defamation verdict against her, she filed a retaliatory defamation suit against me.That was dismissed because she never paid the filing fees. She then filed the exact same lawsuit, this time paying for it. I was in court because of that suit. It's called argument court, but I call it cRaZy court.

I filed motions to dismiss her complaint on various grounds, along with preliminary objections and supporting briefs. My matter was among about 100 cases that would be argued before judges. Mezzacappa was there for two disputes, her case against me and another against The Express Times.

And a Deputy Sheriff was there for her. During a break in proceedings, he approached her about the writ of execution I've filed against her. He's tried repeatedly to levy on her property, but she won't answer the door. She's also hidden her car. Yesterday, he tried to make an appointment. From what I'm told, she first claimed she's too busy. Then she said that she would allow Lehigh County Deputies to serve the writ, but not Northampton County Sheriffs. She claims they are biased because they won't issue her a license to carry, thank God.

The case was assigned to President Judge Stephen Baratta. As I made my way down the hall to his courtroom, she was walking the other way, but of course made a gratuitous threatening remark. As her eyes spun in her head like flying saucers, she said, "You fat fuck, if you come near my house again, I'll shoot you."

Alrighty then.

When she returned and Judge Baratta was ready for us, I learned that she failed to file a brief, even though she had since June 3 to do so. She claimed she had just filed an Amended Complaint, but did not seek leave of court or my agreement, and Judge Baratta told her that her pleading is a nullity. He gave her until Friday to file a brief. She wanted longer.

Before leaving, she asked Judge Baratta to issue a Court Order that would ban me from mentioning her name. He told her he couldn't think of any judge who would issue such an order.

I understand she also failed to file a brief in her case against The Express Times. Judge Craig Dally has that case, and I believe he gave her some time to file one as well.

We have depositions scheduled for Mezzacappa next week. If she fails to appear or cooperate in allowing her assets to be levied, we will ask for a Court Order. The next step after that is contempt.

This is not going away.

Incidentally, I believe this is the first case in which the Decency Communications Act, Section 230, is being tested in Northampton County. That's a federal law that gives bloggers and even news sites like The Express Times immunity for the crap that readers sometimes post. While I can be held responsible for what I say, I what my readers post is their problem, not mine. Judge Baratta wondered whether this would be more appropriate in a motion for summary judgment, but I referred to a federal case pointing out that the whole point of Section 230 is to avoid protracted and costly litigation.


  1. I'm very surprised that the Sheriff's Department has not requested a break and enter order to accomplish the levy. She will never open her door, appointment or otherwise.

  2. The Sheriffs can't do that on their own. We have to seek an order. But we have more far-reaching plans.

  3. Good God O'Hare, when will you leave this poor woman alone. You are one man who can't take a hint.

  4. I'll leave her alone when she pays the money she owes.

  5. Unfortunately, no one was in the hallway when she said it, at least not within hearing range. She really is full of hate.

  6. So she filed an "amended complaint" after you filed motions to dismiss and preliminary objections? That's a waste of time. Probably attached your 1986 opinion as an exhibit like she did in your case against her - also a useless exercise, for different reasons (not relevant at all).

    She bragged in comments on her bog a few months ago that your preliminary objections (she called them PO's - I guess that is pro se amateur hour lingo) were "sitting on the shelf" in her bathroom. Doh! This woman is the last person on Earth who should be representing herself. Does she just ignore everything around her, and assume she is right? She made that error in your case against her, and had her ass handed to her. Some people never learn.

    It's a darned shame she has to look over her shoulder every time she gets into her (your) car. It's wonderful being a free person who has never had a criminal action levied against me, and not a convict several times over like she is. No income, no prospects, mounting debt. How did she fuck up her life so badly?

  7. And unfortunately, when you sexually assaulted her and beat the shit out of her pig, there was no one in the house

  8. Mezzacappa, you are an adjudged liar. On the very evening this supposed assault of you and your pig occurred, you sent an email claiming to have had "a nice time." Women who are sexually assaulted do not say thank you. Another lie is your claim to have contacted the police. But once you learned of my RTK revealing that no such call was made, you told another whopper and claimed the phone fell out of your hand when you slipped on pig piss. You have to cover up lies with more lies, but you are a bad liar and people see through you. Even people who dislike me know you're nuts. And it is going to cost you. It's already costing you, as you have to look over your shoulder no matter where you go.

  9. You two kids are too much. Star crossed love that has gone bad. At some level a judge in a higher court will end this nonsense and send you both packing with a firm lecture on abuse of the legal system.

    Now get out of here you two knuckleheads.

  10. Bernie, is her home safeguarded by transferring it into Joann Mezzacappa's name for a dollar this year (a couple of days after she was ordered to pay you)? Or now do you have to bring Joann into this?

  11. Can I be in the audience when the Sheriff's attach her bank accounts and inheritance? I would love to see her in a frenzy when this all goes down the tubes.

  12. This whole thing is sick. From start to now and yes Bernie you love it. This is as much a reflection of her as it is you. Funny thing is you probably have several more targets like her that you are already cooking up. Such a sad existence berni.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Outstanding? So is a porta-potty.

  15. Does she just ignore everything around her, and assume she is right?

    Yes, this is common among right wing lunatics. She wears a holster, for christs sake. She is the type who walk around oblivious to the fact that the President was elected twice and that most people like the guy. Hard core repubs can't STAND that. They always think they are right when in reality, conservatism is the minority viewpoint when you question people about specific issues.

    BOH is absolutely right in his pursuit of this woman. She believes she can act with impunity and is surrounded by a right wing echo chamber. In her younger days, she most likely had everything handed to her on a silver platter and has now evolved into a "taker" who believes she is owed something. She is owed nothing. Nothing at all.

    Hopefully, she cleans up that house before you take ownership.

  16. Her rebuttal blog is outstanding

    1. I love how she states O'Hare is a liar and making things up when it is apparent t to anyone with a brain that she is a serial liar and mildly insane. And HE'S the "hate blogger". That is rich.

    2. Mezzacryptkeeper - The term "wing nut" is a term used to describe an ultra right wing conservative lunatic, which is what you are, not BOH. At least get the terminology correct. You are a wing nut. BOH is just a nut. (But he's OUR nut.)

  17. This is quite the lovers spat you two are having. Why don't you two just get married and stop this nonsense. You can have a Little Bernie running around the house or maybe you'll name the baby after your idol from the slate belt, Ron Angle. If its a girl you can name her Ronnie. If the kid is weird looking, fat and ugly, and a boy you have a Junior, If it is a girl name it Bernadette. Either way, passing your gene pool onto another human via messycappa would create a new breed. A hairy ass kid with a passion for lusty ass women with a big pig.

  18. The judge is letting Mezzacrazy hang herself, the same way Koury did. She doesn't abide by the court rules, and as a result will waste more of the court's and your time. The judge should have just said "no, you had months to file a response and you didn't. Present your argument today." Another filing, showing she has no clue about the law though she persists in filing lawsuits.

    Sorry this woman was driven over the edge because you informed the voting public about her true nature, and is now ruthlessly pursuing vengeance. Vengeance is the purview of God.

  19. Jim will be out soon, Tricia has been avoiding county council meetings because golem from Naz lurks like some primeval beast in the corridor waiting to antagonize. Gregory will have none of it and shelter his damsel in distress from the unwanted gazes of monster of main st.

    Bernie will you debate Gregory on business matters ??

  20. "BOH is absolutely right in his pursuit of this woman"

    Except the pursuit does not consist of stalking or following her. It consists of using the legal tools the law gives me to collect the judgment she owes.

  21. Mezzacappa's link to her blog has been deleted.

  22. "Bernie, is her home safeguarded by transferring it into Joann Mezzacappa's name for a dollar this year (a couple of days after she was ordered to pay you)? Or now do you have to bring Joann into this?"

    We have to and will pursue her mother independently.

  23. Mess with Joann and your messing with Merrill, a REAL lawyer.

  24. If you sister is a real lawyer, I doubt she wants anything to do with you. All you have done is hurt your own mother. Maybe you should talk to this real lawyer yourself, although I doubt she can stand you .

  25. What is Gregory's status? After he is released he should stay as far away from the Wicked Witch of West Easton as possible. Unless he enjoyed prison life and wants to return.

  26. The pennsylvania dream...mezzacappa permanently going back to New Jersey with a New Yorker under each arm.

  27. Gregory and TM are stronger than ever, Sparticus will lead a revolution through UNITY PAC and shock the haters like golem and Clinton

  28. Vengeance is the purview of God.

    Time to do the rain dance, Jesus.

  29. Why hasn't MezzaSledFast's sister come to her aid already? She desperately needs a lawyer, any lawyer. Heck, even a beaver would do - oopsie I mean an otter.

    "Joann" has been pulled into this - by her daughter's own hand wittingly or unwittingly. Nice way to put your own mother in legal jeopardy. Every single one of Mezzacappa's issues is self created. She is responsible for the reputation she created that made her unelectable. She has libeled multiple people since that loss. She harassed a government employee and was found guilty. She made her own name mud, instead of waiting for the next election. Now she can't even find a job because of her own publicity. If the self-inflicted wounds were visible on that weather-beaten wrinkled facade, she would look like Swiss cheese.

  30. "Gregory and TM are stronger than ever"

    Only if leading from state prison, bankruptcy and infamy place one in a position of power. lol

  31. Read about the court encounter on WEF. It is clear you are harassing this young woman. Why cross the corridor to get in her way? You are walking a narrow path legally. Ron's money for legal fees won't last forever.

  32. Except it's a complete lie. I certainly am not going to cross a corridor to get in her way. On the other hand, cRaZy eyes did threaten to shoot me. Unfortunately, it was out of earshot. I also never received the amended complaint she filed on Friday. She is purposely refusing to serve these documents, and also, is avoiding the Sheriff's levy while exposing her own mother to liability.

  33. If you extend this vendetta to her mother you will probably find that the courts will finally say enough is enough. You may be in for an angry court if you harass an elderly lady trying for a payday. That goes way beyond an over the top lovers spat.

  34. There is no vendetta. There is a $68,000 plus judgment, and the mother has assisted the daughter in hiding a major asset. Not only will that be set aside, but she will be subjected to attorney fees and punitive damages, diminishing the value of her own estate.

  35. There is no vendetta. There is a $68,000 plus judgment, and the mother has assisted the daughter in hiding a major asset. Not only will that be set aside, but she will be subjected to attorney fees and punitive damages, diminishing the value of her own estate.

  36. Bernie - Quit being nice, levy the real estate. You don't need an appointment for that.

  37. It is clear you are harassing this young woman.
    Anyone who uses "young woman" in reference to Mezzacrappa either doesn't know her, or is her.
    Nobody would call her young.

  38. "poor woman" and "young woman" clearly show someone hasn't even two brain cells to rub together.

    She has been found guilty of harassing a town employee, and has libeled multiple people. She has a conviction against her in the case O'Hare justifiably (obviously) levied against her.

    You are a moron if you can't understand why O'Hare has to pursue collecting the damages owed him - this woman needs to be stopped before she victimizes others, and Bernie has real damages to his reputation through her false claims and lies.

    She isn't young - she's over the hill and spent.

  39. "If you extend this vendetta to her mother..."

    You are either an idiot, a moron, or a Republican who can't accept or understand facts, like how women become pregnant and global warming.

    Bernie won a judgment against her, and she turned around within a few days and tranferred her house to her mother.

    That is fraud and her mother is involved in it. How can there be a "vendetta" when this is simply collecting of a debt she earned and owes? Oh, here's a tip - it isn't. It must be tough having an IQ of 55.

  40. Please leave this poor young woman alone. Now you are even bothering her mother. You attacked Jim Gregory for that and now you are doing the same thing.

    What is your problem. The mouth that roared will soon return and again speak to the truth.

  41. You can't pass property off to your mother and then expect the judgement not to pursue the mother. Stop being melodramatic, Mezzofishface. Surely, you are not stupid enough to think that your property would not be touched simply by transferring ownership at the 11th hour.

  42. How is this attacking her mother? Her mother lives in NJ. It isn't like she cares to even own the West Easton house. I don't know the law on this, but I do think that the transfer after the settlement could be against the law. Merrill may know.

  43. Merrill vs Orclownski is like Ali vs Tony Danza

  44. We'll look forward to seeing your sister next week for depositions. What kind of car are you driving now? Looks like you've hidden the RAV and are driving one that belongs to someone else. Looks like it's time to just drop the boom and execute on your home.

  45. O'Hate the judiciary is wise to your malfeasance , ever wonder why the clerks go silent when you enter a room? They don't want to add fuel to the toxic volcano of deception that is LVR, perhaps you do some step work and make amends to the various parties who have suffered at your hands.

    The counter suit is coming and orclownski doesn't work pro boner so maybe it's time to stop blogging and fill out an application at Walmart

  46. Frankly, I don't know what you're talking about, but then again, I don't take drug cocktails as you have stated you do. People get quiet when you enter a courtroom bc you are nutz. I do give the judges credit for treating you with respect, something I could never do.

    Att'y Orloski is not representing me in your lawsuit against me bc I have put him through enough. There is no need to expose him or any attorney to more of your insults and buffoonery, as you've just demonstrated. I will handle you myself. Incidentally, your countersuit has already been filed. Twice. That's why we were in court on Tuesday, in case you don't know. When you appear for your deposition next week, please provide all contact information for your sister. We would like to contact her and inform her how you are throwing her name around. I question how much she knows about your behavior. I doubt she cares, except that it now appears that it might diminish her mother's estate. I would notify her at the Somerset County Prosecutor's Office, but have no desire to embarrass her for your own misadventures.

    You can hide your car, your computer, your guns, your gold and your bank information. But not for long. You are required by law to make those assets available for levy. Disposing of them after a judgment has been filed is criminal. Should you refuse to cooperate with the Sheriff, as appears to be the case, we know what to do.

  47. "it's time to stop blogging and fill out an application at Walmart"

    Ha! Look who is talking. The woman with the $200,000 education who can't even find work massaging people for 15 minutes for $10.

  48. "I do think that the transfer after the settlement could be against the law."

    Absolutely - look up "badges of fraud" under fraudulent conveyances. One is "Family, or insider relationship among parties" This will be very easy to prove in this case. She conveyed the house within a few days of the verdict. Bummer!

  49. 52 comments?


    Just, wow.

  50. Agreed. The can't let this poor young woman alone. She has been victimized enough by this gang.

  51. She's going to be a lot poorer. And as someone already noted, she's not so young.

  52. "Agreed. The can't let this poor young woman alone. She has been victimized enough by this gang."

    You aren't paying attention to the facts. Tricia Mezzacappa defamed Bernie O'Hare, and was found guilty in a court of law and had a judgment levied against her. In response, she made a fraudulent transfer to her mother to try to protect her assets. If she had consulted a lawyer first, he would have warned against this foolish move. But not being Mensa material, she chose the obvious and wrong course of action.

    It was her choice to libel Bernie, and she gleefully did it and appears proud of her actions to this day. No respect at all for the law, or right and wrong.

    She isn't rich and appears to be unemployable, which makes you wonder why she behaves as she does. Harassing people, defaming them. Maybe she is counting on mom to bail her out. That will likely be necessary now, and in the process mom can get her own ass out of the sling her daughter put it in.

    TM has dug her own grave. She is "poor" by her own hand and mouth, and was "young" decades ago.

    Please knock off the "poor young woman" routine. She portrays herself as a master litigator, and is playing tee ball in the big league park.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.