Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Becahi's Black Fly Bowl

As a former artilleryman in Oklahama, I've been in foxholes full of scorpions. In Louisiana, I've seen jeeps sink all the way to their steering wheels in the mud. In Virginia, in a lonely advance party, I'd listen to the music of coyotes as darkness fell. None of that is as bad as those black flies were yesterday. In addition to making it difficult to see, they crawled right up my legs, biting all the way. They even flew off with the Golden Hawk mascot at one point.

Becahi's Freshman and JV squads hosted the Dieruff Huskies yesterday in a field near the high school. I'm calling it the Black Fly Bowl. It was brutal. I don't know how the kids can play, but play they did. As 8th graders, Becahi was annihilated by Dieuruff. As Freshman, the situation was reversed.

My video is shaky for three reasons - the flies, I was working the chain gang and I suck. But I got three plays. The first is a kickoff return by Becahi's #5, Brandon Clark, for a touchdown. The second is a screen pass to Dat Lambert, #7, and the final play is a punt return by Dat in which he just scoops the ball up and goes.


  1. As a freshman for Easton, we played there. And one time I was called offsides because one of those bastard flies bit the shit out of my leg. I twitched and came out of my stances. That is the only time in all the years of playing youth, high school, and collegiate sports that I have ever felt cheated.

  2. The flies/gnats have been unusually annoying for the last month or so. It's like Maine here.

    Great moves by Dat.

  3. Gnats have been exceptionally bad this year.

  4. I can't recall them ever being that bad. It must be the Monocacy.

  5. They are bad pretty much everywhere. And they swarm which makes it difficult to play outdoor sports.

  6. Must be the Monocacy and Lehigh River. I don't mind the swarming. It's the biting.

  7. The gnats have been particularly awful at the Bethlehem Township rec area and fields. Just swarms of these little buggers.

  8. DEP suspended black fly spraying b/c of budget cuts. Get used to it. If we don't get a cold winter, just wait until spring.

  9. We just had a bitterly cold winter and they're worse than ever, everywhere. Upstate NY and New England are enduring the same infestation. DEP spraying has nothing to do with it.

  10. Great video, great article.

    More, please.

  11. I was at the same location on Sunday, and had a similar experience.

    Becahi could make a fortune by selling Off at the concession stand.


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