Local Government TV

Monday, August 18, 2014

Stickergate Will Cost Borough, Should Cost Officers

Under Pennsylvania's Borough Code, any police officer or chief can be suspended, removed or reduced in rank for inefficiency, neglect, intemperance, immorality, disobedience of orders, or conduct unbecoming an officer. Last week's malicious prosecution of the Sticker Gang, in which Nazareth's Police Department failed to establish even as much as a prima facia case provides an ample basis for disciplinary action against arresting Officer Dan Troxell and his supervisor, Chief Thomas "Cupcake"Trachta.


*  Charged Trevor Gehret under the wrong section of the Crimes Code for criminal mischief, alleging that Gehret had damaged property by threat or deception, and never even tried to amend the complaint;

* Called a deaf witness to the stand, without notifying the court in advance so that an interpreter could be obtained:

* Called this deaf witness, the mother of one of the Defendants, to talk about her residency, which has nothing to do with stickers;

* Subpoenaed an elderly woman who consented to a sticker on her walker, which proves nothing;

* Obtained a written statement from a witness, which failed to make clear what admissions had been made by each of the defendants,meaning that none of the admissions could be used;

* Allowed Chief Trachta to gin up an unwitting "victim", well after charges had been filed;

* Brought littering charges without any knowledge about who the actual litterers were;

* Claimed in testimony that people who see their times blocked by a sticker on a meter are in a "hazardous" situation because they could get a ticket;

* Was unable to lay the proper foundation to get photos into evidence


* Refused to shake hands with defense counsel;

* Admonished in open court for attempting to coach a poorly prepared and undertrained officer;

* Rngaged in a childish staring contest with a defense attorney;

* Ginned up a "victim" after charges had already been filed;

* Failed to train Troxell properly, although that task appears to be impossible.

As a result of these rocket scientists, Nazareth now faces a civil rights suit for a staged perp walk, official suppression of free speech, and a Malicious Prosecution. This is above and beyond the numerous problems I've identified in previous stories.

"That'll do pigs, that'll do."

Although Nazareth Borough Council and its Mayor have tried to pretend things are improving, they're getting worse. Today or tomorrow, I believe Nazareth will be notified of yet another claim.


  1. Your litany of silliness shows why you are no attorney. The fact is they were arrested for a crime and found innocent. Nothing else to see here. The police did their jobs and your motely crew is looking for an easy buck at the expense of the Nazareth taxpayers, they should try jobs, they would have a better chance.

    The home owning taxpayers of Nazareth support our police and elected officials.

  2. It will be shocking if there is not a civil rights law suit. Nazareth Borough should do itself a favor and put its insurance carrier on notice now. That so called dream team of lawyers does not work for free, contrary to popular belief. PS: Those charges are the results of throw back policing where someone is charged, the police presume they won't hire an attorney because of costs and the defendant shows up and pleas down to a summary offense and everything is over. In this case, the opposite happened. Too often in this area Police have done this for years. If there was a "contempt of Police" charge, imagine how often that would be used!



  4. "You know what gets me. There are alot of Boroughs and Townships around the state that have contracts with their police chiefs. I combed the 2nd class township code and the borough codes and I have yet to find where the codes give the authority to the municipal governments to have employment contracts with any employees. The only employment contracts they can enter into are collective bargaining agreements. I am not a municipal legal scholar by any means, but I believe if the state doesn't give local governments the authority, then they don't have it. Therefore, the contracts are null and void. In other words, Trachta is an AT WILL employee!"

    This is a fantastic plan! Why isn't our Borough council members aware of this? What bad legal advice are they receiving from their solicitor? Come wake up and smell the stench coming from the cupcake called Chief!

  5. Should the defense lawyer lose his license for getting into "a childish staring contest" with the police chief?

    It would seem that you can't have a contest with only one participant.

  6. The chief's intimidation tactics did not work outside or inside the court room!

    Thankfully there is the Constitution in this country that gives citizens rights. Maybe the chief, mayor, and council should read up?

    The growing majority of people in this country are tired of the oppression of the few.

  7. Attacking people is what makes a disbarred attorney not feel so worthless.

  8. 6:36, The att'y accosted refused to participate.

  9. 4:49, You live in West Easton and have no idea what the home-owning taxpayers of Nazareth support. The police did not do their jobs. That is myh point. That is why the case was tossed. it was so poorly presented that the judge you insult had no choice.

    The only person defending these monsters are the monsters and you, posting comments on the ET site under numerous different names.

  10. I don't live in Nazareth.But my heart goes out to all of you.Sometimes you have to stand up to your government officials,and when they don't do what is right. Don't just tell them. Your going to vote them out.VOTE THEM OUT.That is how it's done. People who have been in government,as long as they have.Seems to think we owe them,for putting them there. Under stand this.THEY owe you❕ Well I hope that you,get friends,family,fellow workers,church people,and news reporters There. At tonight meeting,and conduct yourselves in a manner.That they know you are voting them out.GOOD LUCK at TONIGHT meeting.I pray you have a wonderful turnout.Bernie let us know how it went.



  12. I'll be in BT but will ask Trevor to tell me. Let me add that Gehret has been to Borough Council before to complain about Trachta. He was accosted and threatened after the meeting by the Chief, while being ignored by Council. So those who say he should have approached Council should know he did.

  13. Officer Koch is the only one who is currently a full-time police officer, with the knowledge and capabilities of not only being a Chief but also running the place as it should be ran!

    I'm joining in KFC = KOCH FOR CHIEF!

  14. If the thugs are pushing this Koch, the homeowners want the current officials who are trying to protect us from these thugs.
    If elected officials are persuaded by the loud and obnoxious minority of law breakers, they have only themselves to blame for the lawlessness they will have spawned.

    People though those silly new KFC things were advertising the favorite restaurant of the thug class.

  15. Tricia, you give yourself away when you call these folks "thugs." You actually have more crimninal convictions than two of the three members of the Sticker Gang. Also, I have no idea who is promoting Officer Koch, nut they are not doing him any favors. Trachta is a vindictive guy who will now see Koch as a threat. Wait until Trachta is gone. Then you can advocate for Kessler.

  16. Anon 2:45

    I'm not a thug but rather a very concerned citizen and a strong voter. I know officer Koch on a personal level. I also lived here when officer Koch was acting police chief for awhile. I feel that he did a wonderful and component job in that capacity. I would love to see my tax dollars to be put towards a department of officers who want to be here. As well as a person who is willing to lead them not hide behind his desk. We first need to get Trachta out of his position. Then hire a new police chief. Hopefully Koch. They could a least give him a second chance at it. Even police officers deserve a second chance. People who live in glass houses should not through any stones. As for the rest of council members and Mayor. 2015 in our 275 anniversary as the Borough of Nazareth. It's also a very strong voting year, as I believe six chairs are up for grabs! If you don't get rid of Chief Trachta by October. Then you out! If you wait until after October then it's all political and we all will know it! Then you will be out!

  17. When one feeds pigeons, he should expect continued visits by pigeons and not be upset with all the vile pigeon shit. Jim Deegan fed the pigeons over the weekend and should expect pigeon shit in the form of several noms-de-comment from the filthiest pigeon in West Easton.

  18. I say we vote Fred L.in as the new chief
    Yosemite Sam fired him.And he back like a man,kick ass , took names.Made mayor and council and chief cry mommy.and they will P A Y him back pay . He must have been a Marine.Because that's the way we roll.Semper Fi my brother.

  19. I hope they dont get pulled over with dope in their car

  20. This is B/S! I wen to go to the Police committee meeting to voice my concerns about the police chief. Here to come and find out that they held it at 4 pm today. They moved it to a time where the press and citizens can't find out what's going on and speak our mind. Why would you do that unless you know what you are doing is either wrong, illegal or both! They all need to get voted OUT! Start with the Chief and then all the council who support him or failed to do anything about him!

  21. Just watch3d Business matters. It was on Affirmative Action. Talk about Civil Rights. Why does Iannelli still have that racist pig Ron Angle on his show. It has to be to get a few pitiful ratings from n the right wing whacko's. Angle is disgusting. It is no wonder he has been condemned by both the NAACP and the JDL

  22. You are unemployed you should have just gone there and smoked until it started.

  23. If you ever need to find Koch, look for him in the woods to the east of the Holy Family Cemetery accessed off of Forest Dr. Just one of the reasons for no arrests. Before he went to, excuse me, got out of going to Gitmo (bad knee I think was his excuse), he held a going away party and you'd be surprised at all the ON DUTY officers that were there boozing it up. Doing shots then using breathalyzers to see what their B.A.L. was like a bunch of drunken frat boys. His wife then criticized the Borough for suspending his insurance even though Uncle Sam provided it for him. Double dipping maybe. You gotta be kidding me that he was named Field Training Officer. As far as I know, you need to be trained and certified, which I doubt he is. He failed the Sergeants exam twice, scoring lower the second time even after being tutored. Remember the picture in the Express Times when the Borough moved into their new offices and "Chief" Koch was pictured being pushed down the hall on a rolling chair like a school kid. Very professional and unsafe, maybe looking for a workman's comp claim like his buddies had before him. He led an anti Sinclair protest and encouraged a mass exodus of officers when Sinclair was hired, yet he stayed. Why? Koch, like Trachta, plays favorites, lies and holds grudges, targeting Townies and the like. He has no leadership abilities and no respect from his peers. Nice guy yes, Chief hopefully never. People need to get involved and start going to meetings, all of them. Most committee meetings are held during work hours to avoid having the public attend. Ever try to go to a Public Property meeting if you work? I believe that they are held at 9 a.m. WTF.

  24. "You are unemployed you should have just gone there and smoked until it started."

    Actually, Tricia, the Stickergate Defendants all work, unlike you, and don't spend their Saturdays lying in a pig sty, hoping someone adopts them.

  25. "I hope they dont get pulled over with dope in their car"

    Tricia, any car you are in already has a dope.

  26. " Why does Iannelli still have that racist pig Ron Angle on his show."

    Your anonymous personal attack is OT and a feeble attempt to divert attention from a bad chief and bad cop.

  27. She won't have a car much longer, the way she is libeling people left and right with abandon. Ever have a hankering for a RAV4, Bernie?

    She probably has employment weighing on her mind, since there is nobody who will hire her. What she doesn't realize is you aren't looking for a job. Who need s a job when someone recklessly libels you continuously? If someone, including Uncle Sam, spent $200,000 on my education and I couldn't find a job, well that would be embarrassing and I wouldn't throw stones at others.

  28. Think about it.You have them scared shitless.They can't face anyone.For fear someone is going to approach them With. you are cowards,your out of a job,each and everyone on council,the chief,troxell. But remember,don't lower yourselves to their level,by being unlawful.that's what they want.You need permits,and lawfully picket,where you legally can with the press ,tv news ,and demand answers and firing .That will force them out of their holes,just like spraying for cockroaches. Picket in front of their homes,office's .just make sure you can legally picket there (LEGALLY) Bernie has a good head on his shoulder's he might be able to tell you if you can.GOOD Luck.

  29. "libeling people left and right with abandon"

    What and who are you talking about? There i8s no libel. Hell this entire blog and just about everyone else could be libel. So called defenders of free speech talk of libel.

    On this very blog one officer was called a murderer another was accused of infidelity by name. so much for libel.

    Stop your silliness. You embarrass yourself with your stupidity anonymous from WE.

  30. The above comment is an indication why Mezzacappa has been prosecuted successfully for libel. She is a liar, and repeats the lies over and over. I never called officer Troxell a murderer. Below is a link to my story on the circumstances surrounding the death of Timothy Nixon. What i said and still say is that Troxell is responsible for Nixon's death, and is going to have to account for it soon. Now whether he is criminally responsible is not for me to say. I tend to doubt it. But there is no doubt that Nixon would be alive today if Troxell had acted responsibly. I stand by every word I wrote. It was an unnecessary and senseless death.

  31. Link:


  32. So in essence you claim that Officer Troxell is responsible for the would be murderers life. Yet you don't call him a murderer. Nice parsing there O'Hare. You claim the officer shot the would be murderer unnecessarily, that is murder.

    Your call all others on so called libel but are quick to weasel out of your own horrible claims.

  33. No, I don't. The victim shot himself. It was a suicide. I believe it is an unnecessary death and the officer is civilly culpable. I never called him a murderer, bit mezzacappa has claimed that I have several times because she is a liar.

  34. You do acknowledge the would be murderer threatened to kill a woman and her child. You accept the seriousness of that situation? I cannot believe you do not?

  35. Yes, I acknowledge that he called the person from whom he stole the gun, admitted his theft and said he was going to kill his girlfriend and himself. He also made other bizarre statements. There is no question it was a serious situation. But he was not with his girlfriend. She had a PFA and he was living elsewhere. It was not a hostage situation. Troxell failed to follow procedure for mentally ill defendants, failed to listen to more seasoned officers, made no attempt to talk to this guy. He exposed the public to risk by crashing into the house instead of just picking up the phone and calling the guy. Then he and Trachta prepared a report to make it seem like the guy was dead when police got there, which is evidence that he knows he screwed up, as well as evidence of dishonesty. He is a bad cop, supported by a bad chief. They are an embarrassment to good cops, who are disgusted by these two.

  36. In your most humble and knowledgeable opinion. Morgannelli didn't get involved in the first go around of this stupid affair, he sure as Hell isn't going to join your circus now.

  37. So far as I know, Morganelli only knows what Dan Troxell and Cupcake told him. And civil rights cases do not get presented to him.

  38. If you want them prosecuted for some crazy perceived false case, the DA would indeed have to make the case. Something he has no intention of doing. His reputation means something to him.

  39. I concede that when it comes to a "crazy, perceived false case," you have demonstrated repeatedly that you're an expert. That is the opi nion of numerous police departments, the DA, PJ Barratta and Superior Court jurist Bill Platt


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