Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Shiloh Pastor Plays Race Card

Shiloh Baptist Church Pastor Phillip Davis, whose Express Times moniker incredibly (and dishonestly) appears to be "truth1", has played the race card at an Easton School Board meeting. Let me tell you what's really going on. He's getting revenge.

You see, late last month, the Easton School Board rejected a charter school championed by Davis. He wanted taxpayers to subsidize a South Side school that would be largely made up of black students. It was a brazen attempt at de facto segregation, which would help Davis and his church fill their coffers at the expense of whitie.

Because school directors refused to be bullied, Truth1 is now assailing them for their lack of diversity, etc.

There'd be even less if you got your Charter School, "Truth1."

There's a reason the NAACP opposes Charter schools.


  1. " which would help Davis and his church fill their coffers at the expense of whitie."

    Bernie...seriously? That's over the top.

    Consider an edit.

    1. Bernie Iam white and Spanish and I can tell about this man's heart ,he has invested in my life not only him personally but his family and church .There is no racism at Shiloh Iam member and have been accepted with arms open wide.

  2. Bernie, I agree with you! Where was this pastor before his charter was shot down???? Why wasn't he worried about diversity then??? He is upset that the district didn't allow him and his friends an opportunity to get rich with public monies.

  3. The city of Easton-including the police-and the County of Northampton are not representative of diversity. Why are you not complaining there? The fact that you chose only the school district suggests that this complaint is more about getting even than getting to the truth.

  4. 5:28, it stands. I was at the school board meeting when this was voted down . It was a Shiloh Church Express. And "truth1" was driving. It is all about filling the coffers at Shiloh and at the expense of the white man . Because Davis did not get what he wanted, he now complains about a lack of diversity. ... Kinda like at his church. Phony.

  5. 7:58, actually, that charter school was opposed by the NAACP. It would have led to less diversity at EASD and a completely segregated school run by Shiloh. Also, this school failed to demonstrate that it offered anything you can't already get at EASD. Davis' action here is purely retaliatory.

  6. This should would not accept white students? I believe that would be a violation of the Constitution.

    Catholic schools segregate based on religion even though non-religious people can attend - supposedly.

  7. 8:41, That's not what I said. Of course, the school's doors would be "open" to everyone. But as a practical matter, it would be entirely black. It would be de facto segregated. It would rob EASD of racial diversity. But it would help Davis and his bottom line. His parishioners would have their own private school, but unlike the Catholic schools, we would be paying for it.

    Now let's get to Catholic schools. They are not funded by taxpayers, but are a choice by parents who want their children to have an education that includes religion. Most of them pay heavily for that choice. These schools will open their doors to anyone, but as a practical matter, it's for Catholics. That's a form of religious segregation, I suppose, but is not taxpayer funded.

  8. Here's something I just learned. If you have an exchange student living with you, that exchange student may not attend our public schools but must attend private schools, i.e. Beth. catholic. Does Charter Schools also apply?

  9. I am not sure I understand what you are saying or whether it is even true. But it makes sense that a foreign exchange student of high school age not be permitted to a public school, where it costs $11k per year per student. Obviously, there are numerous private schools that student could attend, and Beca is just one of many choices.

  10. "Catholic schools segregate based on religion even though non-religious people can attend - supposedly."

    There's no segregation. There's no supposedly. I attended Catholic schools with two Jewish friends and several Protestant friends. If your check clears, you're in; regardless of your particular faith; as long as you complete a Catholic theology requirement that is known to all ahead of time. Catholic high school juniors study comparative religions and must complete studies of everything from Judaism and Islam, to Shinto and Buddhism. Thomas Aquinas challenged all the faithful to question everything about their world and its beliefs in order to develop a deeper faith.

  11. The card in the photo is funny. But I believe Al Sharpton now signs his name, "CI#7," signifying his status as a government rat. Given that snitches get stitches, it's a wonder he doesn't look like Boris Karloff in Frankenstein.

  12. What's the difference between a black and a white fairytale?
    White begins, "once upon a time," black begins, "y'all motherfuckers ain't gonna believe dis shit!"

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. @4:34
    Racial jokes only strengthen the argument that the "Pastor" is putting out there.

    Racism shouldn't be tolerated and I hope Bernie will remove such comments when he is able.

  15. The first joke was ok and actually empowering. The second was just bigoted.

  16. Bernie , The Gov't RAT for his self gain is most likely a closet case that did not come out.He was interviewed by New Yorks NBC -years ago when he was fat by Mr. Howell, he could tell you. I stated here earlier that our local NAACP chairwoman should have lunch with me as I was a member for many years. She needs a view that HELPS minorities from people that will help them -not give them, in development.

  17. Peter is referring to Bonita Crowe, who heads up the Easton NAACP and was opposed to the charter school. She is incidentally a very dedicated person who also works at the jail. I am sure that many charter supporters are dedicated, too, but they must see this would just add to the lack of diversity.

  18. Bernie , Ms. Crowe and I would get along just fine. She has some of the same acquaintances as myself and we have some things in common. I would buy her lunch and be civil ,maybe give her my renewal funds for membership. She is a good person .

  19. People ARE absolutely sick and tired of the Racial Bullshit every day, all day long.

    No, the Hope & Change probably did not work out as well as everyone thought it would.

    But, I blame George Bush and Republicans in Congress, and so, now, I feel better.

  20. ANON 7;12 am where did you get your info from ? Pull it from some where special ? Northa
    mpton county does employ at least and maybe more minorities percentage wise as found in the general population. Stop spreading bullshit.

  21. Dont remember that anyone got upset when the Ebonics issue was shot down.

  22. What does Delwackkko have to say about this. Isn't Easton his city???? I'd imagine he's getting the horses and crosses ready

  23. No white man who looks in a mirror can se what a black man sees. The idea that any white man can pretend to "understand" is ridiculous.

    Hundreds of years of slavery and discrimination do not disappear overnight or with words on a paper.

    Until we honestly look into our souls, we will never understand the issue.

  24. When confronted with the question of a lack of minority hiring at the courthouse, John Stoffa remarked that ""I think it's a valid point," he said. "We probably need more diversity than what we have. I'm not sure we're representative of the population of the area." (ET) Stoffa recognized the problem as did many of his predecessors and made efforts to improve communications to diversify the work force. The current complaint is about teacher hiring. It is not about janitors and low paying jobs that are traditionally filled by minorities. The same complaint can be made about the county and city where minority populations are not reflected in higher paying posts. The county's efforts to improve that situation can be seen in enhanced communications to minority groups about job vacancies. Mr. Stoffa should be saluted for that effort.

  25. actually the efforts started long before Mr. Stoffa. If anything he just went with the flow as always.

  26. "No white man can ever look in the mirror and see what a black man sees".


    And, no black man can ever look in the mirror and see what a white man sees, either.

    Now that that is all settled, it must be time to burn and loot another town because then and only then can "justice" be truly done.

    It's about time America was "transformed", anyway.

  27. I'm a little late to the party here, but figured I'd comment regardless.

    The proposed charter school was at the expense of the white man? I guess that's a little like Cecil Rhodes concept of the "white man's burden" as he scrambled for resources in Africa. Don't black folks pay taxes and if that's the case, do we not have the right to seek that they be directed in certain ways? Everyone else does it, so why not us? Yes, you should consider an edit as suggested. Actually, a full retraction would be better.

    Having said that however, there are a number of things that the African-American community might do without effectively asking for "permission" or wasting time engaging in useless debates that folks are bound to be in direct opposition of thinking that the "white man" is funding it. If the lack of diversity is a concern, then perhaps the church along with other folks might want to consider putting together an after school program where they actually bring in a diverse group to tutor and/or teach the sorts of things they'd like to see. To be sure, that's a bit different from a charter school, but it's not something that one has to "debate" with anyone about to do. It can just be done and the time would be more effectively spent. In other words, if diversity is desired, then just set it up. No need to ask anyone's permission.

    It's increasingly clear that most of the aspirations of African-Americans are opposed unless approved by or controlled by others. Given that's the case, my thing is why even set up anything contingent on convincing someone else to agree and then not be able to do it because they don't. Self sufficiency demands another approach and that would be my main criticism here. From my vantage point, Davis and Shiloh have good intentions and are certainly not trying to "fill their coffers". They do falter on execution at times----as any organization is guilty of. They should have known that someone would go head hunting and the Ford fiasco was a huge blunder, however, Ford should have taken himself out of contention knowing he had these charges outstanding. As it was he made an uphill battle even steeper and gave ammunition to Davis' and Shiloh's detractors.

    Bottom line is that there are some things that will remain unreconciled between the races where we just don't agree. So should we even continue the debate? Should we continue to position ourselves to make our progress a function of what others decide and put them in the position to effectively "grant permission"? I think not. It's time for a different approach based on our own talents and resources. There will always be detractors and those wishing for failure but we might be surprised at the change in attitude once there are successes independent of the "white man's" money. Actually, that sort of move might illuminate that fact that it's "everyone's money" and it should support effective initiatives but effectiveness must be firmly established--not to "prove" anything, but for our own benefit.

  28. America was founded unjustly and the wealth was not shared equally.

    Until these two fundamental flaws are fixed once and for all, the White Man will deserve everything that comes his way.

    President Obama could have accomplished so much but people just wanted to obstruct and hate on him.

    Just sayin' what needs to be said ... more often.

  29. >>America was founded unjustly and the wealth was not shared equally.<<

    True and built on slave labor, but that will never be fully acknowledged. No matter how you cut it, this truth will never be fully reconciled or acknowledged.

    As I said, the time we spend cajoling and seeking permission woould be better spent actually addressing our issues independently and with our own talents and resources. That is the route to gain the sort of power that's compelling. Yes, we pay taxes and have every right to petition the government for how those dollars are directed, however, when we put on our big boy pants, we have to be ready to rumble. That means not presenting the sorts of targets that detractors can lock onto. We can't have missteps in handling grants or in hiring people. Avoiding that isn't about "proving" anything to anyone else so much as building community confidence by exhibiting the ability to execute. We need to just do stuff the way it should be done and sometimes that needs to be done with one's own resources. Yeah, there's going to be screwups and errors, but that's part of the leaning process and we should make those on our own dime so we're ready for prime time.

    Also, this isn't about hating on whites or even wishing them ill will. Karma will take care the past and those various and sundry racists runnning about right now. There's an urgent need to change the nature of our conversation though. Social justice has been an exclusive focus which shifts the locus of control to other people. We need to be concerned about the future and no people have come up in the world on the basis of anything other than their own efforts and their own resources, no matter how meager those may be. A focus on what we can do on our own, shifts the locus of control to us and makes the detractors inconsequential---it almost makes them background noise rather than the center of attention. So my thing is ending the conversation with those who are detractors and starting one about how we can do for self. If we say we're equal and if we believe that God has evenly distributed genius and ability, then we need to have the faith that He will provide and walk on that. We have enough resources and talent within to create diversity and anything else we need. The problem is that it's not organized.

    But this is not the place to have this conversation. It's clear that this sort of thing is a cure for insomnia for certain folks anyway.

  30. America is an illegitimate country that used its slave labor to build itself into the modern military superpower we all know loves to bomb innocent women & children in far away places such as Vietnam.

    Under the astute guidance of President Obama, America is finally starting to receive its proper comeuppance both domestically and on the world stage.

    The Do-Nothing Republican Congress needs to pass President Obama's comprehensive immigration reforms immediately or get out of the way so that the United States of America can move forward to progress.

  31. I for one am tired of the blacks trying to play the race card. Stand up and be a human being, the color of your skin means nothing unless you want it too!

    I am dealing with it at the office and it's only because he is incompetent and was told he is not performing and is looking for a lawsuit to get him on easy street. Sadly, he chose the wrong person to play the game, I will watch this one play out because he has not chance. Facts will over-ride pathic 'harassment' claims.

    Davis' article had Al Sharpton all over it.


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