Local Government TV

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Prez George W Bush Takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


  1. LOL - no ice. What a lightweight!

  2. I like that he nominated Bill Clinton.

  3. Wow, was that a full pint, or only a half? And not a single ice cube..

    Too bad, he didn't have the guts to take the 'serve your Country in Vietnam' challenge.

  4. Well, 6;14 Bill was called up during his ROTC program and never showed,and nobody came look'n for him either.At least he was in the Air Guard during that era.

  5. The ALS Foundation experiments on human embryos. Send checks to the JPII Foundation for an ALS cure that doesn't do this.

  6. Peter, you seem rather uninformed. Clinton had a legitimate deferment.


    As for Dubya, well, Texans for Truth challenged the Bush claims of national Guard service and determined he did not meet his obligation. They offered a substantial reward for anyone who could prove otherwise. The reward was never claimed. From your beloved FOX...


    Facts are your friend, you should try one sometime....

  7. 7;05 I'm not 'misinformed'. He was called and he was privileged,he got out of his obligation.He had friends that made it legitimate after the fact and he was called on the carpet for it later. Former PA. Governor Tom Ridge,Harvard grad, THEN enlisted man in the U.S.Army and deaf to this day, served honorably.I can't defend Dubya's incomplete activity,who is also privileged.Read Bill's 'Draft Letter'.

  8. Hmmm, lets see. First you say "At least he was in the Air Guard during that era" in regards to Bush, and now you say ".I can't defend Dubya's incomplete activity". Maybe you aren't misinformed, but certainly are confused and hypocritical.

    I've read Clinton's draft letter. He opposed the war in Vietnam, and wars in general, avoiding making huge US troop commitments during his Presidency. Bush, on the other hand, was a warmonger during his two terms, actively seeking to start wars and using lies and fabrications to do so. That's the definition of a chickenhawk, one who supports sending others to war, but wouldn't do so themself when they were needed. The Bush administration was rife with chickenhawks, the biggest warmongering coward of all time probably being Cheney.

    Ridge is irrelevant, you are the one who brought up Clinton, try to stay with the topic. It's Bush, see the headline...

  9. Bush is held in high regard by past and present military. Clinton and his wife, who wanted Marines to carry her bags, are despised to this day. They also hate John Kerry who lied about tossing his medals and accused Viet Nam vets of atrocities equivalent to Genghis (pronounced Jen-Jess by the educated Kerry) Khan. The current guy and Chuck Hagel have recently sent lay-off notices to fighters currently risking their lives in combat in Afghanistan. There's a reason most polls show a decided preference among the military for Rs. Bill Clinton spoke for Ds when he said he loathed the military. At least the horny hick was honest about that - not so much about impaling interns with cigars.

  10. Obama is just so cool, he should be allowed to remain President forever.

  11. While you may or may not be right, I don't think you speak for the military and have never heard that Hillary wanted Marines to carry her bags. Unfortunately, there are lots of lies out about both Clinton and Bush. When you make a statement like the one you did, you should link to your source so we can judge whether it is true.

  12. Actually, no. You claimed that the military was forced by Hillary Clinton to carry her bags. There is no evidence of that in the links you provide. I think that I am going to start insisting that factual claims about Presidential candidates from both parties be backed by links so we can judge them. It's too easy to slam someone dishonestly, as you just did.

  13. Sorry I wind up your audience Bernie.I just love the subject of draft dodgers more than drafting Dodges.W-at least lends out his 'ranch' to Wounded Warriors also & the press often fails to print good stuff people do for others.We should all do something for someone else less fortunate than ourselves.It builds character.

  14. John Kerry served in Vietnam.

    Second greatest Secretary of State in U.S. history, after Hillary Clinton, of course.

  15. Bernie, it was not me who made the claim about Hillary. I was just pointing out that contrary to some of the other claims, Obama had a higher level of support from military personnel than Romney. Sorry for the confusion...

  16. Anon 10;02 Mr.Kerry even 'authored' his own Silver Star,marries Heinz 57 -Warren Buffett buys her out this guy can't lose,-your right.

  17. 10:11, It's a given that the military tends to support Rs over Ds with the exception of guys like Kennedy. But if someone starts making claims about strange behavior by a Presidential candidate from either party, I am going to consider deleting it unless there is a link to the source of that information. It's too easy to vilify someone, and people are always willing to believe the worst about others, even if it is untrue.

  18. 10:22 respond appropriately to the mans point Ohare

  19. I like a president who can mourn the shooting of a black teenager or the beheading of a journalist - and get to the first tee 10 minutes later. And he did it with style and grace; not disimilar to Bill the Impaler getting a beej while on the phone with Arafat. We need presidents who can multitask.

  20. Bernie, John Kerry served honorably. He was commended for his service. If anyone can question the actions of the US in VN it was Kerry. His main critic was fats Limbaugh, another chicken hawk. These are the kind of guys who suck up to the military by pissing on your leg and telling you its raining.

    Many who served, particularly draftees fought honorably but hated the war. To this day I still speak regularly with many who are sad so many good kids died in such a misguided war. They also say it is why regardless of political party they cannot believe the US went into Iraq. Ike warned us about the military industrial complex and their desire to make, sell then of course use their equipment, in order to make and sell us more.

    Kerry had and has every right to say what he wanted. In fact what chicken hawks like Cheney did to him with the swiftboater scandal was disgusting. I am ashamed that other veterans would participate just for political reasons.

  21. Kerry should lay off the cosmetic surgery. He looks like a cross between Joan Rivers and Trigger Mezzakookoo. He should also register the Scaramouche properly in Massachusetts and pay his state taxes on his yacht. Theresa can afford it.

  22. anon 4:17, so says another chickenhawk.

  23. John Kerry, who served in Vietnam honorably, did not have sex with that woman.

  24. President Obama deserves nothing but praise for the courageous and heroic manner in which he has handled the Ferguson Crisis mess that he inherited from George Bush.

    It feels so have a real leader representing all of the people in the White House!

  25. I have pledged to make a $200 pledge to ALS if these video challenges finally end. Enough with these self aggrandizing ego game.

    Just send a check anonymously and say, I stood for ALS, without a video of me doing it.

  26. If I donate money to ALS, I won't have any money left to donate to the illegal alien children who are suffering from persecution & racism from the radical right wing loons.

  27. He only did 7% of the water because only 7% of the money from all these donations go to research. Seems as though 'merica has been taken for a ride by ALS folks.

  28. I should delete that, but it shows two first class looney toons.

  29. Yes, you should delete it Bernie. It's like everything else MezzaNoBrains does - off topic and irrelevant. Her specialty is hijacking threads to promote her own senseless agenda.

    But it does show how fucked in the head Jim "I thought I would have made a great council person" and Tricia "I'm crazier than anyone else you'll meet in your life" are.

    Funny how judges always miss the obvious and just course, according to Jim and Tricia. Somehow planets align, and the black hole of justice suddenly makes right wrong and wrong right. Next thing, they'll be telling us everything should fall up, and not down.

  30. Ronnie DelBacca in a letter to the editor gave the tea party position on this clear. He told people to do their research before participating in this stupid stunt.

  31. Del Whacko is a phony who orchestrated a protest outside a facility for kids who have already been abused, just so it would get more attention. Blue Star Mothers, who are related to the Wounded Warrior Project he supposedly cares about, used to have a quarter challenge on Main Street every year in Nazareth. He is both uninformed and a hypocrite.

  32. "Ronnie DelBacca in a letter to the editor gave the tea party position on this clear." He "gave the position clear"? Who is "DelBacca"?Is this tea party English?

    Citing something de Whackjob said is like citing Palin. WTF cares, because yes, they're really that crazy.

  33. It is great to see when public figures show their human side. This liberal democrat thinks it was funny and well done. And I love that he challenged Bill Clinton, too.


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