Local Government TV

Friday, August 08, 2014

Political Payback Even Hits Crossing Guards In Nazareth

Last week, Nazareth Borough Council Police Committee Chair Craig Fischl warned that there's a serious problem - a crossing guard shortage. He sought and eventually got approval to hire four new guards to replace some folks he said had moved. He never bothered pointing out that one of the crossing guards was fired because she's married to the wrong guy.

Karen Herbst is the wife of Jack Herbst, a former Council member who was unsuccessful candidate for Mayor last year. She's also been a crossing guard for the past thousand years, at least since the days of former Chief Ruch.

She was informed on Thursday, by none other than Chief Thomas Trachta, to turn in her sign and vest. her services will no longer be required. She's been canned, at the request of Trachta and Mayor Carl Strye, who beat Herbst in that Mayoral race.

To the victor belongs the spoils, even crossing guard jobs, I guess.

All that training for nothing.


  1. She's over the age of 40, (age discrimination), she's a female, (sexual discrimination), her husband ran against the current Mayor, (retaliation), her husband has been a known vocalist against the current Police Chief Thomas Trachta, (retaliation), she has been employed with the Borough continuously for at least eight years, (Grandfathered), and they fire her without just cause, ( Right to due process) ?

    Sounds about right with this Borough and it's legal counsel. Ladies and gentlemen..............Welcome to the price is right, our next civil rights law suit contestant please come on down.

  2. A lawsuit of that nature won't fly...it's politics...Ask Randy Miller...This woman is no Freddie Lahovski..she won't get a dime. Sad but that is politics.

  3. Come ON Nazareth Borough. WAKE UP. wish I lived in the borough, dont wait for an election. DO SOMETHING. Actually, i take that back I dont wish I lived in the borough.

  4. Maybe its because she sat in her car instead of standing at her intersection corner to be ready to cross the kids.

  5. I would imagine that if that were the case, she'd have been written up for it. But that never happened. From what I know, this decision comes from Trachta and Strye, and the spineless members of the police committee never bothered to question it.

    I will be discussing this matter with someone I know .

  6. Are you kidding me ❓let me ask you..Did deputy dogg troxell hand cuff you.Noooo did chief Yosemite Sam trachta parade you in front of the news media nooooo .Did Uncle mayor dinkle pussy cover up anything about this firing noooo .Just remember all that can change,with out notice.And change all those noooos to yes yes yes.unfortunately chief Yosemite Sam has a,how could I put it.A woody for your husband
    So he is taking it out on you,❗ this all started years ago,when your husband was told to come to the G-- man cave.But told all 3 G-- boys his boat don't float that way.That the being of the end of your career.I personally,want too thank you very much.One of those children where ours.Thank you thank you thank you for doing your job.,

  7. I liked Herbst and Strye and thought either would be a good mayor. Strye's turned turned out to be a punk and firing a crossing guard is the political equivalent of hitting little girls. What a little douchebag he turned out to be. No wonder Nazareth's decline has been accelerated during his time in office. What does the chief have on Strye?

  8. you forgot to mention tattoo on butt that says exist only,gate swing's out, no entrance,stand 500ft.away,hot exhaust gas,danger owner's wife carries gun,.Unlike them there tattoo say's according to deputy dogg troxell entrance to the rear,Gates off c-m on in,ride my bumper,uncock your piece,just make sure you shoot blank's.I will say this I think they are having a revival meeting there,alot of times you hear screaming and alot of OMG OMG OMG Yes Yes Yes thank you god thank you lord🚓

  9. I think tattoo on butt must be Herbst because he doesn't belong to the G--mans cave

  10. Fire Bernie
    Fire Bernie
    Fire Bernie
    Fire Bernie

  11. Fire deputy dogg troxell Fire deputy dogg troxell Fire deputy dogg troxell Fire deputy dogg troxell Fire deputy dogg troxell

  12. anons 9:28 and 10:08, use English much?? don't toke and type.

  13. Fire deputy dogg troxell
    Fire Trachta
    Fire Dinkle pussy strye
    Fire deputy dogg troxell
    Fire Trachta
    Fire Dinkle pussy ssrye
    Fire deputy dogg troxell
    Fire Trachta
    Fire Dinkle pussy strye

  14. OK, we've had enough. Recess is over.

  15. Sorry Bernie your right but he's still wrong .Sorry Sorry Bernie.


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