Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Nazareth Boro Council Hires Iraq War Hero as New FT Cop

I missed last night's Nazareth Borough Council meeting because I was covering another meeting in Bethlehem Township. But The Express Times has an encouraging report. Borough Council last night hired Iraq war hero Adam Shimer, a Nazareth resident, as its newest full-time police officer. When Fred Lahovski returns to the force later this month, the Borough will have a complement of five full-time officers, including the Chief.

Shimer is an officer who was blackballed by Chief Thomas Trachta. He wanted to install one of his own journeymen instead. His efforts failed with the Civil Service Commission, and now have failed with Borough Council. It's an indication to me that Borough Council and the Mayor, not Chief Trachta, are in charge in Nazareth.

The Mayor and Council member John Samus also indicated that they take seriously the allegations I brought to their attention last month.

Congrats to Officer Shimer.


  1. Bernie, With no disrespect to Adam Shiner who may be a true hero, as a 100% disabled Vietnam Vet I don't like being called a hero for serving and doing my job. It was 50 years plus before anyone thanked me for my service and that was more than enough. I'm certainly not hero. Just a grunt that did my job and carried on. Luckily I came home. Lots of buddies and REAL hero's didn't.

  2. Other than being a veteran like millions of other guys, what makes him hero? Did he earn citations over and above the standard duty patch? People who have served did a job for duty not some silly Hollywood title.

    A shame people like you use hyperbole to attack others.

  3. Any person who served his country honorably on foreign soil is a hero in my book, Bill, and that includes you.

  4. Hey, so my drunken days in Guam make me a hero. Far out!

  5. "Other than being a veteran like millions of other guys, what makes him hero? Did he earn citations over and above the standard duty patch? People who have served did a job for duty not some silly Hollywood title.

    A shame people like you use hyperbole to attack others."

    What diameter precisely is the pole that is stuck up your ass? Can you not be happy that Nazareth hired a vet? There was no attack until you came along with your poop parade and flung it out like candy.

    Do you have to find something negative in everything? Try to get some sleep tonight. You need it.

  6. Here's a new 4 letter word for deputy dogg troxell BBDD stands for by by deputy dogg ❗๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. lOOKS like chief sold troxell down river . It just shows that being a brown nose.Just doesn't pay off. the lies and shove of that young man.Is coming back to haunt you,let us not forget makings fun of black people,the way you and the chief have been doing.I hope that the NAACP gets involved.And goes after you and chief in court.I will be there watching ❗ and you see me OMG its you ⁉

  8. I am not a Nazareth resident, however I am interested in the goings-on in your neck of the woods. A good friend of mine lives there and "turned me on" to your blog. I must say I am surprised that so many people with comments to post choose to remain anonymous. Are they afraid of blowback? Just asking...

  9. It's a necessary evil. It attracts the trolls, most of whom attack me. But it also gives me information I would never get by other means.

  10. Bernie your such a loser! Why can't you mind your own business? Why everything you post about the Nazareth PD is negative ? How come none of the positive things they do ever make your blog? You say it is not a personal vendetta but I am starting to wonder! You always say you want a good police force in Nazareth but every chance you get you are trashing them to the publics! I just don't get it ! In order to have a successful police force you need community support! Without community support its nothing! As sir Robert Peel stated the police have to be apart of the public and the public has to be part of the police! The consequences you are creating by single handedly trashing them are loss of public confidence, loss of effectiveness of the agency, loss of respect, and loss of community support! Just to name a few ! In the principles of COP it states a key role of the police department is they have to be more approachable to the community! If your trashing them all the time bc of your own personal issues it will make others less interested in forming a relationship! If you want a good police department why don't you take the first step forward?

  11. Since I live in Nazareth and have seen it unfairly prosecute 4 people, have seen a belligerent police chief, and have heard very disturbing reports about what is going on there, it is my business. As you yourself said, the public has to be a part of the police. Otherwise you're left with over-reaching asshole who tell you to mind your own business.

    This was an encouraging report. I noted that an Iraq war hero has been hired as a FT officer, that its complement of FT officers is growing, and that the Council and Mayor seem to be exercising some much needed oversight.

    If you feel threatened by what is essentially a positive post, you must be one of the bad cops.

    There are good officers there and they have my respect and admiration. You, not so much.

  12. Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff just sending out a message to the 1:37

  13. OMG that's funny ❗I don't know how to talk dogg ❗But I could only imagine.It breaks down to you are so screwed troxell.you just went from ass kisser to to to to . Boy if I were you I would stand like a man.though you may have to see a chiropractor,to get the kink out of your back.From bending over so much .Just think no full time no over time , no forcing someone to shoot themselves,no more showing off in front of people. Well we wish you luck at where ever you go .But don't let the squad car door hit you in the ass.We don't want to pay for comp.I'm sure chief will laugh out a good word or two.Ho that's right he will be out of a job to,๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘can't wait till we see you in court for all your wrong doing's.you know it's coming right. Count down has begun ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ❗

  14. Bernie and Bill, I will make sure I meet this man and I will be with another Vietnam Vet when I do so . To assure him that we are watching and if any thing else becomes of this we will know too.I will shack this mans hand.OLD F@!$*n Peter. I don't take prisoners on this issue .

  15. Question if council and mayor hire troxell knowing his racial discrimination.And being a dirty cop can we sue them.

  16. Generally speaking, no. But those who have been directly impacted by it, and who can prove it, can seek relief in court.

  17. Thank you Bernie ,for answering that .you are good friends with one of my kids. Some day will have to sit down with a cup of coffee.my kids tell me. Your a good man. I served in arm forces.I was happy to hear that this vet.was hired.

  18. I'm always up for a cup of coffee, and it would be my honor to share a mug with a vet. Like you, I am delighted that a boy who grew up here and became a man honorably serving his country, will continue that service as a police officer in the town where he grew up.

  19. aPete Cochran, know you have a Persian rug on your chest and am proud to know you. I'm sure Adam Shiner is a fine man and a good officer. I'm also just as sure you are as uncomfortable as I am for being called a hero for just serving and doing our jobs. I'm also as uncomfortable reading about militant chiefs of police trying to apparently rule a nice borough.

  20. Hey, so my drunken days in Guam make me a hero. Far out! ~ 2:20

    Why not? I don't consider the drunks who now serve on Okinawa to be any less the heroes.

    For some reason though, your comment was probably meant to be insulting to vets who happen to be stationed in non-combat zones, but set aside a portion of their lives to serve their country and be ordered to more dangerous areas, if needed.

    Odd that our laws can see our youth kill and be killed as young as 17, but not be allowed to drink or buy cigarettes until they turn 21.

    It is doubtful YOU served your country anywhere, or honorably.

  21. @8:50
    That's a big chip you carry on your shoulder.
    It's unlikely you'll find anyone that will argue that you aren't a hero. We'll save that for those that serve(d) and learned some self-discipline along the way.


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