Local Government TV

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Mezzacappa Up For Adoption

At Nazareth's Martin on Main Street today, some pig rescue group was trying its best to find homes for the little porkers. All were adopted by a pulled pork vendor,  except for the one in the pink shirt. Maybe some day soon. 


  1. Saw her there. She was adopted by a glue factory. They couldn't resist the long face.

  2. It's amazing how much at home she looks in that element. I believe they need a taller fence, however. Hope she is wearing dark pants when law enforcement arrives to collect - she'll poop herself.

  3. She/he does have a large very pronounced Adams apple, can you imagine waking up to that thing?

  4. She's probably seething, because she was planning to damage Bernie's character yet again by alleging he was taking pictures of young people with ill intent, yada, yada, yada. But here she is, letting Bernie do his alleged dirty work, without even paying attention. What kind of concerned citizen is she? Looks ambivalent here. Does she not recognize him - this is the guy who allegedly attacked her! Call the authorities!

    Oh, right, she never was concerned Bernie had a thing for young people. She never was attacked. These were cock and bull stories designed to defame him, and now she owes $67,100 + interest for her deeds. Oops, didn't work! Time for PLAN B. Oops! No plan B. Yikes! Helllllp!

    At about $30 a day interest on her fine, she sure looks relaxed. She should be trying to find a job.

  5. She has taken me to court approximately eight times now, claiming that I repeatedly stalk her, raped her (she changes that story daily), assaulted her pet pig and even tried to poison it. She has accused me several times of burglary. So why would she come to Nazareth, less than a block from my estate and sit there the entire day? She wasn't packin' either.

    The answer is that, in truth, those histrionic statements are all part of an act she puts on when it suits her purpose. If she were really terrified of me, as she pretends. the last place she should be is a block away from where I live.

    She is, quire simply, a liar.

  6. Exactly. Thought the same thing. Why would she be lounging around where her alleged stalker, alleged attacker and alleged abuser lives? Total bull sh&@. It will be interesting to see as her life proceeds to fall apart if she continues the pattern of obsessive behavior in attempting to claim everyone else is doing illegal things, and she is not. A simple review of the record demonstrates this is not the case at all. It's pathetic how she claims she didn't do the things that judges have found she did do.

  7. This poor woman is just trying to do a good deed by helping find homes for orphaned piglets and you have the audacity to come playing paparazzi with your Ipad trying to humiliate her with unflattering photographs.

    It's worse than the Daily Mail or National Enquirer following around Lindsay Lohan on a cocaine binge in West Hollywood, MM should revoke your blogging credentials and send you to the kibbutz for reprogramming.

  8. Are you equating Mezzacappa to Lindsay Lohan on a cocaine binge? And then make an anti-Semitic slur? Mezzawhacko is really lucky to have people like the Blog Mentor in her corner.

  9. Matey, matey, matey. You can't stop talking about this woman. She is your obsession. We all know Bernie is obsessed with her but you are rapidly overtaking him.

    She has the right to go to any town she wants. I doubt eh was defacing property with any signs. You boys are not in charge of other peoples actions. You are just stalking troublemakers.
    Today while some were celebrating on Brazilian pork, others were attending a mourning for the Fox nature center. Many were there all lamenting the loss of a wonderful facility all due to the vindictive nature of one woman hating "man".

    It was a sad day in Bethlehem that even the music could not change. Yet you still find time to go after another woman.

  10. The best thing that could happen to the Mill is getting rid of Dolan. Hope she returned the keys.

  11. Let me say something else, in response to the claim she has the right to go to whatever town she wants. I agree, but that's not the point. The point is that she spent the day less than a block from a person she calls a "dangerous, violent predator who must be stopped." She claims to be in fear of her life, but there she was, unarmed, sitting on a pig sty waiting for someone to adopt her. That is just additional proof that her histrionic claims are all lies.

  12. Her jawline is stronger than Dolph Lundgrens.

  13. What was your role in Perry's sudden passing O'Hare?

  14. "you have the audacity to come playing paparazzi with your Ipad trying to humiliate her with unflattering photographs." If you can find someone to sell this pile of shit to, bully for you.

    Horse hockey. Bernie was all over Nazareth doing human interest stories. He found this animal along the way, and changed up things by including a picture of it. Go look at this "poor woman's" website, where she has unflattering Photoshopped pictures of Bernie and Kelly Gross clearly meant to harass and denigrate.

    Bernie had the good sensibility to post this animal's picture au naturale in its native habitat. Paparazzi runs after celebrities - it doesn't photograph pigs in a pen. This thing is no celebrity - it is a menace to society.

  15. "others were attending a mourning for the Fox nature center."

    There is only one person to blame for that - Karen Dolan. Don't shoot the messenger.

  16. This story made me hungry. I'm heading out for eggs and extra bacon with a side of still more bacon.

  17. My boy loves wawa subs ham with double order of bacon, Bernie should I send him to stalk her pig¿
    Broad Street Butcher

  18. I think Mezzacappa made it perfectly clear many times, that she prefers not to have anything to do with you at all.

    Your continued obsession with her life and her whereabouts for the last several years speaks volumes, and the DA's silence on this very obvious stalking case is disappointing.

    Your inability to comprehend that you were rejected and scorned , and your wildly obsessive blogs , photos and taunts would cause me to also fear for my safety. Hope she has that sidearm, if and when the ticking time bomb explodes.

  19. Excuse me? If she fears for her safety, why is she in Nazareth, one block from where I live, unarmed? In a courtroom, she tries to have me ejected, claiming I terrify her. She claims to be taking heavy duty narcotics for her fear of me. But there she is, less than a block away, for the entire day. She is a liar.

    I believe that her behavior is actually more akin to a woman scorned, someone who's been dumped and can't get over it. But in this case, I never had a relationship with her to begin with, and my jaw dropped in court the day that she told Judge Zito, under oath, that she and I were "intimate partners." I never knew that three or four exercise walks made me her intimate partner. She is simply insane.

  20. Maybe she actually could care less where the hell you live because you follow and stalk her anyway, no matter where she is......a mere perusal of your blog shows photographs of her anywhere she is in public

    Seems that you cant stand the idea that she has refused to crawl under a rock, pack up and move away....

    and that her mere enjoyment of being a volunteer at a public venue has you so irrate, that you have to post stupid and ridiculous blogs to take away from the efforts of a charity.

    You really have a serious problem. that needs correction from the courts...who really gives a shit what she does, or where she goes....

    no one except for you

  21. Logic follows..maybe she erased the serial number and sold the sidearm above market, then donated the cash to the pigs...the four legged ones, not the uniformed ones surrounding the pen all day.

  22. I thought statements made to judges are protected speech?

    Seems that your $67,000 award is getting reversed, because it reflects statements made to judges, police and lawyers, and had nothing to do with libel on the internet.

    Wasnt it you who posted the police reports on your blog?

  23. Tricia, Tricia, Tricia. What happens when you lie is you have to tell more and more lies and eventually the whole house comes crashing down. That is what has happened to you.

    In Court, you have claimed to be so fearful of me that you must take controlled substances. In eight unsuccessful attempts in court, you claimed to be so fearful that you wanted me ejected from public courtrooms, though they are for the public.

    You lied under oath and called me an "intimate partner." You lied under oath and called Jim Gregory your boyfriend, which I'm sure is news to him.

    You have accused me of everything, from stalking to burglary to rape to animal abuse, and even more. Because you are a liar, I took you to court and have a $67,140 judgment against you. Now you have just provided more evidence that you are a brazen liar. You show up less than a block from my home, unarmed, and spend the day there in a pig pen.

    If ANY of the things you say are true, you would never have been there. But you know it is a lie. And guess what? So does everyone else. You are now an adjudicated liar.

    I notice your massage chair was set up next to the piggies. Did you pay the permit fee as a vendor? What happens when I look into that?

  24. Statements to judges are not protected speech if they are repeated in other venues, as you have done. There is no protection from perjury or unsworn false statements.

    The police reports I posted show Mezzacappa as the loon she is. During the time that she claimed I raped her, she made no complaint to the police. In fact, she sent me an email right after the rape supposedly occurred. The police reports do show that she is a racist who was heard using the "N" word by three people. They show she reported a neighbor for operating an illegal chop shop on his second floor apartment, which is nuts. They show her kicking a police officer off her property. They show her as a common scold intent on making life miserable for everyone around her.

    I feel sorry for her mother. We are going to have to sue her, and will be entitled to collect both attorney fees and punitive damages from her over the fraudulent conveyance. But Mezzacappa has no respect for anyone, not even her own mother.

  25. It is a really such a sad day to see the self proclaimed investigative authority (and self appointed grand jury member) on all matters of ethical misconduct, conflicts of interest, campaign finance fraud, enrichment of oneself on the public till lurking around pig pens and spying on a woman who saw the light and dumped your ass...and then amazingly throws his perpetual obsession into the limelight again, by posting photos and hurling insults, then declaring himself as a non-stalker............

    seems to me that if this woman is so crazy, caused you so much harm, damages your reputation, is a liar, and a menace, that you would just steer clear and keep your distance.....funny though that you continue to slime, badger and malign and follow her all over the place like a lost dog

    anyone have a bridge to sell?

  26. Nobody is buying your bullshit anymore. Move on.

  27. "This poor woman"? She relishes talking about how Bernie hasn't a pot to piss in and lives in an apartment, while she has a paid off house and car. What kind of monster publicly makes fun of the economic status of others?

    After being found guilty of defamation, harassment, and being disorderly, all in the last few years, she still ruthlessly lashes out at and pursues her enemies.

    "This poor woman" may indeed be poor one day. She can't obtain a job and owes fines to multiple people for her crimes. You would think she'd set her poison pen down, but she flames on. At this pace, she will be the one without a pot to piss in, and may call a pig sty home one day.

  28. This photo is frigging hilarious! It's amazing the crazy sh!t you see in public.

  29. Oh Bernie, won't you please tell these kind people and that crazy lady who is truly responsible for this amazing photo? We all saw the culprit snap a photo of her! *Chuckles* Sucks he didn't introduce himself to her, she really would have shit herself when she realized who it was. ;) Gotta love ditzy blondes!

  30. I will keep the identity of the photographer anonymous and accept full responsibility for it. She gets pretty vicious with anyone who has anything to do with me.

  31. Really? I hadn't noticed. She assumes I am Matt Dees or Bernie O'Hare, so you get her wrath by default. The s#it slides off me and right into your lap. You're welcome.

    On a really good day, I become a member of the vaunted "poison posse" whatever TF that is. Best I can tell, it's the people keeping track of all the convictions she has, and are waiting for her to pay the piper and become a productive member of society. I always wanted to be the member of a posse...

  32. Welcome! Maybe I should have badges made.

  33. Maybe this is because she fears she will lose her house. She needs a place to stay, and realizes that due to her record she will have a hard time finding a benefactor. Therefore, she is willing to stay in a cage. Rather fitting, in my opinion.

  34. We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!

  35. She belongs in a pig pen.

  36. It is really sad that this young woman is victimized by some of these people. O'Hare is obsessed that is evident to any normal person. he hates this woman who spurned him and wants to destroy her just as he destroyed the Bethlehem nature center because he hates Karen Dolan.
    He is joined in his efforts by his poison posse with Deeeelightful, Angle and Stoffa joyously helping their buddy who carried water for them when they were playing their government games.

  37. @11:33 Pull that broken record off the player, break it and toss it away. You're spewing the same tired rhetoric over and over. This woman has been found guilty of criminal behavior several times, including assassinating O'Hare's character.

    Now she owes big time, and all she has to say for herself is the court messed up, the trial was "illegal", blah blah blah.

    Poison posse, Stoffa, water boy, Karen Dolan (what is she doing here?) - you've spewed that nonsense out over and over here. It's a bunch of malarkey. No one's buying your crap, and you shouldn't be trying to sell it.

    And she isn't a "young woman" - have you gotten a close look at her??? Did you have your glasses on, or did the lenses shatter?

  38. so being adopted by a pulled pork vendor wish isn't the same as an exploding heart wish???

    Are you not wishing death on another person with that comment?

  39. No. First, it's a reference to piggies, not persons. Second, it's humor. I would never wish for anyone to be harmed, not even Mezzacappa.

  40. It's all a matter of perspective isn't it?

    From my perspective, I would say you wish her to be turned in to pulled pork.

    Thus, inspiring another post wishing her to be turned in to glue.

    That is two death wishes.

    That is completely childish and irresponsible journalism, if that is what you are trying to call this.

    So how can anyone with any sense take what you write seriously.

  41. I don't think anyone but you would reach that conclusion. It's not even logical. My post stated the pigs, not Tricia, were adopted by a pulled pork vendor. That is an indication that the pigs might very well be turned into pulled pork, but they are pigs, not persons. The glue factory comment was an attempt to compare Mezzacappa to a horse, not wish some evil on her.

    You are using these comments, which don't logically support your conclusions, to justify mezzacappa comments wishing for my heart to explode.

    Nobody is going to buy into that nonsense.

  42. @11:04AM You are twisting things in circles, like usual. There is little reason to try to reason with you, but...

    Bernie never suggested turning anyone into pulled pork - quite the opposite. YOU did it.

    It was a poster, and we can guess who that may be, and not Bernie, who made a glue factory comment.

    So your conclusion about death wishes is completely misplaced, unless you are speaking of yourself.

  43. "I notice your massage chair was set up next to the piggies. Did you pay the permit fee as a vendor? What happens when I look into that?"

    Bernie, Permit fee as a vendor? What about the fact she has engaged in massage therapy without the required state license?

  44. "I feel sorry for her mother. We are going to have to sue her, and will be entitled to collect both attorney fees and punitive damages from her over the fraudulent conveyance. But Mezzacappa has no respect for anyone, not even her own mother."

    You are correct, Bernie. There is case law on this point. Punitive damages are possible in a fraudulent transfer case. Tricia's intent to evade your $67,000 court verdict could not be more clear.

  45. At her IFP hearing before Judge McFadden, in which she wanted the courts to force taxpayers to subsidize her lawsuits, she claimed that she no longer does massage and expressed concern that her nursing license might not include massage. Looks like yet another Mezzacappa lie, under oath.

  46. "...expressed concern that her nursing license might not include massage."

    Bernie, A few questions for you:

    If two county sheriffs concluded Tricia is not able to hold a concealed carry permit because she presents a danger to the public, why does she still have a nursing license?

    If a county judge decided she defamed you with egregious lies, why does she still have a nursing license?

    If a county judge convicted her of criminally harassing a government clerk, why does she still have a nursing license?

  47. @11:09
    So in saying "maybe some day soon" you were not wishing that she would be adopted by a pulled pork vendor? And then by your own words at 11:09 "might very well be turned into pulled pork" just like the pigs?
    So, She wasn't adopted by the pulled pork vendor but you are hoping that maybe some day soon she will be. How can that be twisting words? Its right there. Nothing is twisted. You called her a porker and wished her to be adopted by a pulled pork vendor and turned in to pulled pork.

    Then someone compared her to a horse and wished her to be adopted by a glue factory where as history tells us, horses went to he turned in to glue.

    If you threaten to send a horse to a glue factory what does that say? That it needs a pedicure? You don't say you are going to send someone to a glue factory just because they "look like" a horse! NO! You say that you are going to put a saddle on them, or hitch them to a plow. Now thats insulting and funny. But a glue factory? c'mon... enough with the double standard. Grow up and smell the manuere.

  48. First the post was written in humor, and suggested Mezzacappa was up for adoption. The suggerstion, "someday soon", is the hope that she is eventually adopted, not turned into pulled pork.

    I can't speak to the glue factory commenter, but interpreted that as a wisecrack suggesting that Mezzacappa looks like a horse, not any real desire to see her turned into glue.

    You would get this if you had anything close to a sense of humor.

    Mezzacappa's copmments, made regularly on her blog, are express desires that other people die, paricularly me. She has wished for my heart to expolde, for me to have an aneurysm, has suggested that I be run over by a truck, be placed in a box until I die, hbe shot with hollow point bullets, etc.

    No humor there. Just pure and very ugly hate.

    I am considered an attack blogger, but I have never and would never wish for the death of another person. I just don't think that way. I think those who do, and do so repeately like Mezzacappa and her Blog Mentor, are mentally ill.

  49. Thankfully for Bernie, his daddy was a NH District Attorney. Jim Gregory is in Prison for something ohare does unabated in collusion with NH county judges. They protect him for now but he'll eventually be prosecuted. You wouldnt last 1day in Gratetford you bitch. KH

  50. More of that pure and very ugly hate.

  51. Just truth. Maybe that drunk Morganelly should send your cases o u t of North Hampton since there appears to be a prejudice.

  52. Now even more of that pure and ugly hate.

  53. The only thing missing from Martin on Main was the good ol' Stickergang. Deputy dog was frothing trying to catch them in action. Sad they couldn't join us, Mezzacappa would really laid into them! Oh well, maybe next Nazo function.

  54. The Sticker gang was there. A few businesses - won't say which - were sporting FT magnets, too.

  55. "Jim Gregory is in Prison for something ohare does unabated in collusion with NH county judges."

    @2:20 pm, You don't know what you're talking about. Jim Gregory is in prison for repeatedly violating protection from abuse orders of the court. I'm not aware of any protection from abuse orders against O'Hare.

  56. I made the glue factory comment as a humorous reference to her freakishly long, horse face. I wish no harm on anyone. I wouldn't use glue that contained her as an ingredient. Like all her nonsense, it wouldn't stick.

  57. "I'm not aware of any protection from abuse orders against O'Hare."

    Only a fraudulent one that helped lead to a defamation conviction against the perpetrator, fabricated by an wench with an obsession and a hatred-filled soul.


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