Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Is Brown Putting Public Ahead of Politics?

In a fawning LTE, President Beverly Hernandez of the nonpartisan Northampton County League of Women Voters praises Executive John Brown for "putting the public ahead of politics."  If she saw the email exchanges showing that Brown is using his PR consultant for political fundraising and to work against a majority of Council, she might reach a different conclusion.


  1. Is she the same person who works at Gracedale?

  2. Beverly is employed as a social worker at Gracedale. This LTE was submitted as the president of the LWV. I believe it is contrary to the LWV's claim to be a nonpartisan organization, which is a shame.

  3. I think I will PUKE after reading that less than non-partisan letter praising Brown. "Cleaning up the messes he finds???" What an insult to John Stoffa, who was an ardent supporter of the LOWV. This person is a long-time county employee who may be leveraging for a promotion. She should resign from her position as President of the Northampton County LOWV. If not, that organization will never get a dime out of me.

  4. BO. Will you stop talking to yourself. It's getting old and

  5. @6:56 Did you pass out on the keyboard, after begining this profound statement?

  6. I see you deleted all the and's. AH

  7. This is clearly a statement written by a PR firm and handed to this life long count employee. Shame on brown and hi publicity stunt

  8. She should resign immediately from the League. Impartial my ass.

  9. She's a very nice lady, but I believe she may have gone a bit too far.

  10. I'll bet the letter was drafted, at least in part, by Brown's PR firm.

  11. If she wanted to write the LTE she should have done so without adding her title, which gives the impression that she is not only speaking for herself, but for the LWV's.

    Don't local LWVs answer to a National Org?


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