Local Government TV

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Do You Like New Mcall.COM Layout?

I have to give it a few days, but right now, I'm thinking No.


  1. I don't like the constant loading of a page that happens when you scroll down too far (or back up).

  2. Hate it!

    They should have an option got the "classic" view.

    Didn't think they'd be the ones to come up with another reason NOT to read the Call, but they proved me wrong again.

    I've already switched to the Expess Times.

  3. No. Don't believe a word of why they've done it either. Bet it's something to do with expense.

  4. Thought they went tits up a couple years ago.

  5. The Call had to do something. The old site never finished loading on my tablet. Because of all the information on the page, it would cause my tablet to freeze and not permit me to view any stories. I am not sure if the new page is an improvement, but they needed to change.

  6. Uggggh. It's no longer a Local News website. Go to the Express Times if you want Local News.

  7. I give it the benefit of a doubt, and say "learning curve" too, but right now? Yuk.

  8. A bit off topic, but I also miss the area Patches since they fired all the regional editors. It's just a quickly thrown-together jumble of State news items with no attempt to maintain the "localness"

  9. Um...no. And John Moser's ginormous mug staring out at me makes it even worse.

  10. I'm sure I'm one of the reasons they're a dying industry, but I stopped visiting that site regularly when they started with the whole "premium" article bit and limited you to X each month.

    I don't begrudge them for doing it, but its simple supply and demand. There is an endless amount of "free news" out there and their content isn't special enough for me to warrant paying for it.

  11. I'll have to wait until Monday. I've used my 10 free clicks for the month.

  12. Would not pay for propaganda owned by national media giants. Also their website is not good either on computer or mobile device.

  13. Forget it. MC is sying on the vine .... and on the web

  14. The new site either takes forever to load on my computer and locks it up during the process. It has too much open space between the headlines. I actually liked the old site, it was more concise. Anyway, the Express Times has become the better source for local news in the last couple of years.

    You can get around the limit on articles each month by using the "In Private" browsing feature in internet explorer.

  15. The new Mourning Call website looks as if it was designed by an inbred orangutan. No reason to buy the paper (even for the penny Sundays which turned into 4 days a week). Traditional newspapers are going the way of the steam locomotive.


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