Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Despite Drive-by Shootings, Easton Crime Has Decreased

Monday's driveby shootings in Easton, which occurred in the middle of the afternoon, have people thinking twice about moving somewhere else, especially those with school-age children. Mayor Sal Panto has been catching a lot of heat for being so caught up with beautifying the downtown and prancing around with developer Mark Mulligan, that he's totally forgotten about the gang-iunfested West Ward. But while he should probably consider a substation and bike patrols, you need to know that crime is actually dropping in the City.

The Pennsylvania State Police has an online Uniform Crime Reporting System. During the first six months this year, 1327 total crimes have been reported, of which 369 involved violence. This is a 2% drop over the same period in 2013, and a 11.5% drop in violent crime.

So it does appear that Easton police are doing something right.


  1. Easton cops are awesome...when they're there. As expensive as a trailer substation might be, it would do wonders for those of us in the westward.
    Shootings, like the recent, scare the bejesus out of folks that live here.

  2. Statistics are fun but bullets are real. Sorry. The city is as dangerous as Allentown.

    Take a walk on the west side.

  3. 89.73582% of all statistics are misleading. Of those, 78.94736% are pulled from one's ass. The brazeness of the shootings is far more dangerous than a 2% statistical drop. A woman was shot in her apartment from a movie-like shoot out. There have been several recently. The number may be decreasing, slightly. The type are getting far more dangerous.

  4. How much did Panto pay you for this fluff piece?

  5. yeah folks, some people are afraid to visit blogs too cause they dont want to catch stupid. The threats out their are real. Ebola, gang violence, babies stuffed in toilet tanks, maniacs shooting up theaters, murder/suicides. Just wants to make ya lock your doors and stay indoors.

  6. I don't think Panto would call this a fluff piece. Though crime may be down overall, those who claim he's been ignoring the west ward may be right. Maybe he should spend a little less time justifying conflicts of interest and a little more time keeping the city safe.

  7. Time you went after some political do nothings and start with Bob Freeman in Easton.

    What has he or any other Lehigh Valley representative done for the residents in reducing the crime rates?

  8. Freeman is a state rep, not the Mayor.

  9. Money flows from Harrisburg where the do nothings argue about who farted.

  10. While your assessment of the state legislature certainly seems accurate, I'm not prepared to blame Bob Freeman, nor shackle him with responsibility for Easton daytime drive by shootings that occurred two blocks from where his mother made her home. I do think the Mayor needs to increase the police presence on the west ward.

  11. That said, perhaps Freeman should step up to the plate in Harrisburg and DO SOMETHING about his mother's neighborhood!

    The gangs need to be silenced.

    Real money and $upport from Harrisburg is not too much to ask.

    Does Bob read this blog?

  12. Bob Freeman should step up and sponsor decriminalization or legalization legislation that would end prohibition. Just as alcohol prohibition spawned increased gang crime and more addiction, so too has prohibition on street drugs. Names like Capone have been replaced by names like Rodriguez, but the result is the same. I don't use drugs and don't want others using drugs. But the parallels to Prohibition are startling. We refused to learn the lessons of history and are now forced to repeat them. The so-called war on drugs is a miserable and costly failure. It's been "fought" for 80 years and has increased crime and addiction. It's time to decriminalize and treat the addicted instead of locking them up to reorganize and return to the lucrative markets of the street.

  13. A key statement is "reported crimes". Everyone realizes that all crimes are not reported. One excuse is "what good will it do?" Another is the assumption that certain crimes cannot be solved. Still another is that if it is a gang-related area and they are possibly gang-related criminals involved, the victims and witnesses are fearful about "getting involved".

    The stats are not at all accurate.

    Even though it is not scientific, I prefer just asking citizen whether they feel safe ot not.


  14. Don't know about the overall statistics. But the numbers of Easton's wild west-type shootouts are definitely up. Also, the mayor rushed to the scene; indicating a level of concern he hasn't shown before. He might have arrived quicker if he didn't have to wait for the shuttle. Oh wait, the shuttle is only for a few blocks of downtown. At least he's not blabbering about "outsiders," as if that has anything to do with shootings being committed in his city.

  15. Why proactive approach to information???Take photos remotely with camera if you are capable . Notice photo s in store or bank robberies all look like they were taken underwater,thats because the security vendor was taken the customer for a ride. Almost all banks are behind the curve. Take pictures and hold them of characters in neighborhoods if there on street take photos of cars w. your phone.

  16. Easton police are investigating an armed robbery this afternoon at Hall's Grocery in the first block of North Seventh Street. At 1pm..... safe????????????

  17. It's a freaking CITY!!! You want safe? Move to the suburbs so you can have your house robbed when you are away on vacation. There is no greater myth in America than safe and crime free. If white collar was actually enforced--the freaking suburbs would put Easton to shame with all the friendly non-violent thieves who rest their heads there.

    But all you people see are the violent small time chumps. Also, how many of these guns used in the city's crimes are stolen from houses in the "safe" communities?


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