Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Easton GOP Spurns DelBacco's Bid For Chair

John Van Arman was easily re-elected as Easton's GOP Chair during their reorganization meeting at the YR club last night. It didn't take long to tabulate the results. Only nine committee members voted. Seven went Van Arman's way. The other two went to Ronnie DelBacco, the LV Tea Party Chair who just yesterday demeaned KidsPeace children by staging an anti-immigration rally at the doorsteps of the facility.

At the meeting, DelBacco said that if word of his latest loss were leaked to me, there would be hell to pay at the next County Committee meeting. So don't tell anyone.

I got the word from some illegal Mestizos, working in the kitchen.

I called my fired intern, Ron Angle, to corroborate this story. "Go to Hell, Bernie. I'm not going to embarrass poor Ronnie by telling you he only got two votes and one was his own. You can torture me if you want, but I want talk."

Then he hung up.


  1. Was this an undisguised attempt for the tea party to take over the Republican party? Egads, does that send the wrong message!

  2. Dude? Where's his eye brows???

  3. They probably burned off during a back blast at the firing range.

  4. The tea party is the only reason Republicans win in Northampton County. Stop lying.

  5. The tea party had NOTHING to do with the last Republican victory. hat race was won primarily in the Slate Belt, where the Bulldog lives and barks.

  6. Angle is a buffoon and that is why he was kicked out by the voters. He has been a member of every political party at one time or another. No one trusts him and just try to stay on his good side.

    He may be feared but he is not respected nor has he ever lifted a finger to help anyone but himself.

    Hardly a bulldog but definitely a loud Pomeranian.

  7. Kudos to the NORCO Republican Party for keeping the teabaggers and kooks out of its leadership roles.

  8. Bernie, I guess you didn't get the memo from Craig DeFranco calling for unity. But then again, as a progressive Democrat it is your sworn duty to attack the Republican party, and of course the conservatives within it.

    For those at the meeting last night, I ask that you take it from me a Lehigh Valley new-comer, life-long Republican with no axe to grind. Those who feed Bernie O'Hare knowing full well that he will vilify the conservative faction of the party are primarily responsible for the continued split.

    I don't know Craig DeFranco personally, and I have nothing against him. However, I cannot fall-in under his leadership when the people in power feed Bernie O'Hare in order to protect their positions of power.

    By the way Bernie, we all know that you post to your own dopey blog as 'anonymous'.

  9. I ask that you take it from me a Lehigh Valley new-comer, life-long Republican with no axe to grind. ~ Tom Campione

    If you're a newcomer you need to hitch your wagon to some different horses. Having noticed a couple of friends in your Google Circle, you definitely have an axe to grind.

  10. "They probably burned off during a back blast at the firing range."


  11. Tom Campione evidently hoped to add credibility to his posts by using his name.

    However, this is totally undermined by singing the "you're a disbarred attorney", "you post under anonymous on your own blog", and "I have no axe to grind" songs.

    Credibility = 80 - 100 = -20.

  12. Well, "no balls to identify yourself" - anonymous, I have never posted as anyone other than Tom Campione, and 'no' I have no ax to grind in the NorCo battle. I definitely have an ax to grind with O'Hare so stop trying to distort what I said.

    In my view, O'Hare's a disgusting, vile character and the NorCo GOP people who feed him are preventing this internal conflict from being resolved.

    1. Tom is just posturing to impress the ridge st stunner, have you gotten a mezzage yet Campione?

  13. Bernie's having fun with DelBacco. But the real story is the GOP's continuing pragmatic approach in a county where they have a marked registration disadvantage and still prevailed easily last November. While Bernie helps keep Ds focused on the shiny object (i.e. Tea Party) that has minimal influence on county GOP politics, Rs remain unified and keep winning in a county where the numbers are stacked against them.

  14. He has axes, hatchets, sledge hammers and lots of other things to grind. He's also about three cards short of a full deck. He doses not want me drawing attention to anything that exposes him, DelBacco or the whack job Rats, as they call themselves. The last thing they want is unity. They want to rip the GOP apart. They have failed at every opportunity, but don't like being exposed.

    Campione championed bringing Larry Pratt, identified as a "false patriot" by the SLPC, to a tea party meeting. Pratt is also known for views that are racist and ant-Semitic.

    Campione thinks anyone who disagrees with him has read Sail Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". Naturally, he was one of the persons who added to the misery of KidsPeace children yesterday. He's a member of some goofy militia.

    I f someone like him hates me, I'm doing something right.

  15. If a RAT drinks tea in the forest and nobody is there to observe it, does anybody give a shit? Bernie covers the RATS in hope of embarrassing the opposition party that handed Dems their asses last November, after Bernie surrendered this blog to the Whatisname campaign as an in-kind contribution for the better part of last year. Bernie doesn't have the GOP's best interests in mind. But his work for local Dems has been an abysmal failure and a gift to the GOP. Perhaps that's why GOP committee member Ron likes him.

  16. "as a progressive Democrat it is your sworn duty to attack the Republican party,"

    First of all, I think progressive Dems might dispute your assessment of my ideology. I am a pragmatist, not a conservative or liberal. I go with what works, not some tired ideology.

    Second, I am attacking Ronnie Del Whacko, not the GOP. I do attack the GOP and Democrats, too, but today is not that day.

    Third, as someone pointed out, I do not have the GOP's interests in mind. i also don't have the Democrats' interest in mind. I am interested in what works, not what some party tells me to say.

  17. Anyone who sees DelBacco as the future of NorCo GOP doesn't think much of republicans.

  18. @3:27 Bernie is more than man enough to take any of the spittle people like you dish out.

    Why do you say Bernie is a "cranky old man"? There is nothing here on his blog that supports that accusation. He's old, we all know that and some of us are as well. That sounds like CrAzY talk - she constantly says Bernie is cranky, but then again she says a lot of stuff that isn't true. That's why she and her mother are in trouble over the fine she owes.

    Check your facts. Bernie was a lawyer - he wasn't pretending. But that is totally unrelated to politics today. You're throwing out brittle shit hoping something will leave a skid mark.

    And please, learn how to spell hypocrite if you insist on using it over and over.

  19. It was David Jones who told Bernie about the meeting results


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