Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bulldogs Blitz Bethlehem Tp Comm'rs

The Bulldogs show their game faces. 
Not long ago, Commissioner Michael Hudak said it's time for the Bethlehem Township (BTAA) Bulldogs to "pay to play." They get $40,000 every year from the Township, which also spends $30,000 per year to mow the grass. In addition, $20,140 in field rental fees are provided at no charge. As a matter of fairness, he said it's time that the Bulldogs start paying for field use.

Tom Nolan
As might be expected, this lone Commissioner's comment attracted about 80 Bulldogs to the July 21 Commissioners' meeting. Their President, Jon Nicholas presented a petition signed by 79 residents in opposition to field rental. Nicholas explained that, if forced to pay for field use, the Athletic Ass'n would have to raise enrollment fees, cut programs or simply cease to exist.

Nicholas reminded Commissioners that the BTAA (Bethlehem Township Athletic Ass'n), first formed in 1968, serves over 1,500 children. Mindful  of the "economic diversity"within the Township, their goal is to make room for every child who wants to participate in their various programs, from softball to football. In addition to providing camaraderie and building life experiences, Nicholas argued that the Bulldogs are a "nucleus for the community to get together and get to know one another."

Vincent Spina, a former BTAA President, echoed Nicholas. He reminded Commissioners that, a few years ago, they reduced their annual contribution from $55,000 to $40,000. He said a field use fee "would be devastating for our organization."

Barry Roth
Jim Bailey, a gentle giant from Wagner Farms, confessed he loves to watch the kids play. He sees no bullying, but does see good sportsmanship. "Our money is well invested in support of programs like this," he reasoned noting that the $40,000 annual contribution amounts to just 0.0245% of the Township's $16 million budget.  

Hudak did find support for an increase from Recreation Board member Barry Roth. He said that, over the past 20 years, he's seen the Township provide an office for BTAA records. Commissioners spent $280,000 for athletic fields that were supposed to be a band shell, and then spent $300,000 for lights that are sometimes left on until 6 am. "These are little costs, but add up in the long run," he noted. He pointed to a Boy Scout and Girl Scout troop that lost a meeting place when the Township decided to rent the building to the County for a DUI center. "Start sharing," he recommended.

After everyone had spoken, Hudak stated that he doesn't make decisions to get elected. "I represent the majority of the people," he them declared, and added he's been inundated with calls from people who agree with him. "I don't think it's too much to ask to pay for field rental," he insisted.

But to fellow Commissioner Tom Nolan, it is. Noting that he's been a resident of the Township for 37 years and has been involved with the Bulldogs himself, he stressed that the BTAA "serves the residents and especially the children." He assured the audience this is no "done deal," and that he would oppose any fee increase. "I do not want to dismiss that program based on the dollar sign," he concluded.

Then Hudak backtracked a bit, saying he really just wants to get "an official policy in place for using the fields" but he would oppose any participation in formulating that policy from the BTAA. "That's our job," he asserted.

While Commissioner Phil Barnard never addressed the field use issue, he made a point at the end of the meeting to thank the members of the BTAA who came, praising the organization for its work.


  1. Its a shame that the BTAA gets jerked around by the Township Board of Commissioners. Its actually bipolar in some wierd way. Hudak and his gang go through this every so many years. Time for change. Time to stop the insanity of this discussion. Bethlehem Township needs to find elected people that are consistent and know that support of organized youth sports is just as much a basic service as is snow plowing. Its an investment in the youth of the community and families in the community! Instead of raising the fees and cutting support, the Township needs to drop the fees and increase the support. How about some new restrooms and a modest field house at the football field?

  2. Pay to play like everyone else, fairness. What is wrong with you people !!

  3. Same residents wanting to cut taxes yet want to build a modest field house ($$$$) and a nicer place to take a dump away from home.

  4. 6:13,
    It's not the entire Board of Commissioners. I believe Hudak pretty much stands alone in his opinion.

  5. Amen to 6:13 right on
    While we dont want the BTAA to become political; they may have to get involved heavily in the next township elections to protect their organization.

  6. "I do not want to dismiss that program based on the dollar sign."

    Amen, Nolan. These tax cutters are killing our communities and destroying our infrastructure. Raise taxes - what do we pay? 1%? We live in suburbia for a reason.

  7. Organized youth sports is a vital asset to a community such as Bethlehem Township. Yes, there is a cost. I'd leave it as is. Hey, the same residents pay school taxes, and that benefits the community. It's just another tax, but one that is worthwhile - and I have no kids. But as a child I remember having access to organizations like this.

  8. I like Hudak's idea. I think we should also put toll booths on the outdoor jogging track every 200 yards or so as well. You could make the kids wear an easy-pass like device too that charges them every time they go down a water slide at the pool. That'd raise a ton of money right there. Oooh oooh: how about charging the basketball team for every basket they make. All of those baskets wear down the netting and basketball nets aren't cheap don't you know! The possibilities are endless here!

  9. The BTAA is a "living organization" in that since 1968 thousands of families have come and gone. As a volunteer organization the amount of hours contributed is phenomenal. It is one of the "bonds" that provide community and are one of many things that improve the overall quality of life that the twp government could not provide on its own. No human organization is always perfect, but they are a definite asset.

    The quote that "their goal is to make room for every child who wants to participate" is noteworthy. As public facilities, the Twp should try to accommodate other organizations. However, it should be noted that in the past many of these are often more selective "traveling" teams who are made up of players from beyond the Twp. Thus, BTAA should have priority use.

    Finally, while it is often necessary to self-advocate, I would caution any non-profit AA not to become too overtly political. That runs the risk serious backfire that could take years to undo. Also, as noted, this is only one small part of the overall budget the Twp has to balance for the greater good. Not that there are "sides", but all parties just need to continue to respectfully work together, tongues in check.

  10. Lighthouse, I was waiting for and appreciate your POV.

  11. Is the Township in the business of making money or providing services? The irony is that no, you can't do both if you are government. One sacrifices the other.

    In my opinion, the Township is a partner in helping kids become well-rounded adults by providing the facilities and that's a good use of tax dollars.

    What's pretty pathetic is locally elected officials rarely bat an eye giving handouts and all sorts of perks to business - that's you Allentown and Lower Macungie Township - but kids on a ballfield, for free? Well that's just unacceptable!

    I think it comes down to the fact that a lot of our local elected leaders may be ok politicians but they are crap critical thinkers who shoot from the hip first and never get around to really thinking through a situation.

  12. Hudak brought an important issue to light. Supporting youth programs is a good thing. But money doesn't grow on trees and, after this exercise, BTAA will ultimately start sharing some of the burden of increasing costs of facility upkeep, whether by car wash or candy sale.

  13. "It's not the entire Board of Commissioners. I believe Hudak pretty much stands alone in his opinion. "

    They had an opportunity to clear it up. Except for Nolan, they stayed on the sidelines.

  14. BTAA has offered to do maintenance around the facilities there, and the Township interceded because of objections by the Township's union employees.

    You can't decry an organization for making your costs go up if you prevent them from helping you provide certain savings.

  15. I could see asking them to do some volunteer work with the assent of the union. Maybe litter pick up on a few designated days. I'm sure BTAA would be happy to help. I could understand not wanting anyone hurt on the machinery used for lawn maintenance.

  16. How many other township organizations that teach our children other then sports should we give money to ? Hudak mentioned karate and dance. My neighbors have two young children who participate in both karate and dance. The entire school is composed of Bethlehem township children and or parents. Shouldn't we be financially supporting them based on the same reasons you are all stateing here ? Are you saying that all those other township children are less deserving ?

  17. Northampton County needs to sell Gracedale and Bethlehem Twp needs to sell the Community Center. Both will save the taxpayers untold millions of precious tax dollars $$$$!

  18. Just love the Hitler look Nolan is sporting. Anyone got a spare rideing crop

  19. No comment from Zoid yet... internet must be out down by the river

  20. 1209, My guess is that these more specialized programs are not as inclusive, but that there are classes for them at BTCC that are partially subsidized by the taxpayer. The Tp pays the mortgage at that facility.

  21. 12:10, The Tp pays the mtg at that facility. But operationally, it breaks even.

  22. 12:09,
    Hudak used karate as an example because he teaches a class at the community center. And, I think his wife may teach dance.

  23. Operationally, it does not break even, check your facts as I did. If it did, why the new loan of 1 million plus to upgrade the facility.

  24. I can speak for softball--BTAA does a lot of maintenance on the fields. I see volunteers mowing, lining the fields, raking fields, and taking care of all the equipment. Coaches are always reminding teams to clean up after games and take away their own trash. Their are CONSTANT admonitions to keep the fields neat and respectable. BTAA seems to me, to understand the value of the relationship w/the township by treating the facilities well.

  25. 2:03, Operationally, the expenses do not exceed revenue. It breaks even, as Comm'r Nolan obsderved last night without contradiction from anyone. If you wish to do so, identify yourself and state the basis for your claim.

    Nolan recognized the Tp does pay the mtg, but that is not an operating expense. It is a capaital expense.

  26. In a nutshell, Bernard V. O'Hare III was purposefully further devastating already traumatized and suffering families, by kicking them, real hard, when they were down.

  27. Give it a rest. He didn't kill your daughter. Ventilate your anger elsewhere.

  28. For the record I know there is no karate or martial arts program at the community center. There is no dance schools or programs either. As for teaching I believe hudak left the center over two years ago. Also,he volunteered his time there just like the coaches do. He taught township children and still does as well as deaf students! so this nonsense about not caring is completely off base. And FYI his wife does not teach dance anywhere, never did.
    Yes, Sensei Hudak teaches my child karate. He is a wonderful caring person who has only the taxpayers best interest at heart. Now here's the real kicker which I'm sure will set a lot of you short-sighted people off,I also have two children in the Bulldogs and I agree with and support Hudak 100%. Keep an open mind people.

  29. I can't identify myself, I'm a disgruntled employee and the operating expenses are well hidden in the monthly bills.

  30. No sports association should be given a free ride. Their "fees" should cover all their expenses.

  31. 11:30 Bernie.
    You weren't at the last meeting where any other comment by a board member would cause Hudak to babble for another 5 minutes. Maybe it was best to say nothing at the meeting to keep him quiet. The bulldog president I am sure know who stands where. This is a non issue or should I say an issue that is being stirred by ONE person. What you have to ask is--- what is the real reason?

  32. Over the years, i have often been called an athletic supporter. Though they were referring to something else, my sympathies lie with the Bulldogs. Hudak claims he is motivated by fairness. His move is unpopular, and is opposed by Nolan. What about the others? I think Comm'rs owed it to the 80 people there to say how they felt. Barnard hinted that he was with them, but should say so. What about Marty and Breslin? I have no clue. I could have asked, but think they owed it to the public to say how they felt during the meeting, just as Hudak and Nolan did. You say the BTAA Prez knows, but the public does not. It is a PUBLIC meeting. So for what it's worth, I think all Comm'rs should have told the 80 people there how they felt. Nobody really even countered Hudak's points, except for Nolan. And he's the guy who was deposed.

  33. Pay to play? What a joke. These are public programs for children in the community. Do I need to actually remind people that working citizens pay taxes and should get something for paying the taxes. If people cannot have recreation programs and support their youth then what is the point of paying township tax? What's the point of living and raising a family in an area where it is consumed by greed and has not care about youth and quality of life. Maybe Hudak and others who are this short sighted should step away and worry just about their own lives as that is the message they send here. Wake up people and vote these people out and vote for progressive thinkers and ego care about youth and the direction of the country as a whole. Just not dollars and cents.

  34. "It's not the entire Board of Commissioners. I believe Hudak pretty much stands alone in his opinion. "

    It is about time that Barnard, Zawarski, Bresylin grow a set and censure Hudak! These guys can not have it both ways. By remaining silent they are guilty of perpetuating this mess. By the way, where is the new Manager on this one?

  35. Not her job to formulate policy , but to execute it.

  36. He is a wonderful caring person who has only the taxpayers best interest at heart.

    OK, but I'm a taxpayer and I want to help fund BTAA. Perhaps Hudak should quantify what we are talking about here. An extra dollar or two per taxpayer per year? Please.

  37. I believe Hudak thinks BTAA should pay field usage fees, which amount to about $20k per year. They can't cut the greass bc of union concerns, which are probably justifiable and extend to the use of lawn cutting equipment, which could lead to injury. I'd argue that BTAA should provide some form of community service such as cleaning up litter in the park or towpath or Housenick on a few designated days.

  38. 11:00PM,
    Agreed. By remaining silent, they appear to be complicit, but it's my belief that they are not in favor. If Mr.Hudak continues to run his mouth, he will see the results at the ballot box. The silent three will relish the advent of another Atiyeh backed candidate the next time around.

  39. He was just re-elected, and voters have a very short memory. How many of the Bulldog parents vote? I'll bet no more than 10%.


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