Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Yond Munsey has a Lean and Hungry Look

Whether it's Democrats or Republicans, Lehigh or Northampton County, I don't think county parties have much to do with getting anyone elected. At one time, when there were all kinds of patronage jobs to hand out like candy, local parties may have made a difference. But these days, they are a relic of times past. No serious candidate relies on his party, and builds his own organization if he wants to get elected. Though the people on the inside of a local party are really little more than a sewing circle, they think they are Kingmakers. I've told you about the wars going on in Northampton County, where the Ronnie DelWackos want to take over the local GOP. Or in Lehigh County, where Wayne Woodman thought he ruled. The latest rumbles are among Northampton County Dems. Some inside this little clique have managed to delude themselves into thinking that party boss Walt Garvin lost the most recent county elections, and not the candidates who actually ran. So they want to dump him, and they're intent on electing the King of the Easton Democrats, Matt Munsey.

If it's Walt Garvin's fault that Democrats failed to turn out in the county, then it's Matt Musey's fault that Democrats failed to turn out in Easton. But Munsey wants the top spot, and some of Garvin's supporters have abandoned ship.

Munsey is originally from Virginia and came here to work the Obama campaign. Then he just stayed. He does not represent the typical Northampton County Democrat, but is an Obamaphile who is pushing the left side of the Democratic party.

And he's a schemer. He denies this, but some are convinced that he persuaded Joe Capozzolo to run for state senate, knowing that this would guarantee Mark Aurand's victory. You see, Aurand got involved in politics because of Obama, too.

Ever talk to him on the phone? I have, and there are ten second pauses before he answers any question. You can actually hear the wheels spinning.

Yond Munsey has lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.

In his effort to remodel the Northampton County Democratic party in the image of Obama, he has actually taken it upon himself to call Democratic committee candidates and instruct them not to run, even in races where they are unopposed.

We'll have no democracy here.

Don't believe me. Maybe you'll believe the Wilson Borough police (see report here). A Democratic committee candidate was running unopposed,, and Munsey was trying to talk her out of it. He called her repeatedly, after she told him to stop. Then he came without invitation to her home ... on a Sunday night ... at 9 pm. He would later tell police he was merely inviting this woman to different events, but that's not the way she remembers it.

So the Dems have one ego trip running against another. Name your poison.


  1. Matt Munsey is a great guy. He is smart and a hard worker. While others talk and pat themselves on the back, he delivered.

    I don't know who is whispering the hate in your ears but it is sad as well as misleading.

    If you want to rid the Party of the McClure/Barron connections and the Dertinger and Garvin power trips, Matt is the guy.

  2. I'm voting Garvin
    Why would we give the party away to Munsey?

  3. If you want to rid the Party of the McClure/Barron connections and the Dertinger and Garvin power trips, Matt is the guy.

    Your not right in the head. Another Obama for America nut job infiltrating the Lehigh Valley

  4. Matt is a stand up guy hard working and has solid accomplishments. Why would you fall prey to posting this nonsense? iT's obviously whispered from the William Wallace camp.

    Who is responsible for voter turnout in the entire county?

    Who does the state committee hold accountable for turnout in the entire county ?

    That's not Matt's job that's the chairman's job. In addition you of all people, understand that false comments on police reports have no bearing on the truth (in light of the many false statements you point out from the lady you call the wicked witch.

  5. I wonder if it was that fat psycho Missy Chromiac who has done time in 4 mental hospitals for Schizophrenia?...from Leighton to Philly

    She is new to the party and lives in Wilson. BTW, she's way more than 250lbs.

  6. She's Pat Sportelli's relative.

  7. Munsey is in Northampton county to create a job as a political consultantfor himself. He wants the chairmans job so he can run political races and benefit from them as he did by his girlfriend working for Congressman Cartwright and Her best friend another Democratic committee person Anne Lauritzen. Just look at what he has done since he got here from Virginia just a short time ago! Does he still have Virginia license plates on his vehicle? Yeah real grassroots kind of guy from VIRGINIA who plays all sides of candidates. Another carpetbagger looking for a Government job handed to him. Cartwright should take a closer look at his personnel who is suppose to supervise his office. Alot a skeletons from within. Wake up Cartwright!!!!!!

  8. Munsey is here to make a name for himself and thinks it will be easier with the rubes in Easton than where he's from.

  9. Matt might be a bit on the sneaky side, too. I'm told he likes to show up at Republican events.

  10. " While others talk and pat themselves on the back, he delivered."

    He sure as hell didn't deliver last Fall.

  11. "If you want to rid the Party of the McClure/Barron connections and the Dertinger and Garvin power trips, Matt is the guy."

    Guess who is supporting him? McClure and Dertinger.

  12. "In addition you of all people, understand that false comments on police reports have no bearing on the truth (in light of the many false statements you point out from the lady you call the wicked witch."

    Did you continue calling this lady's home after she asked you to stop? Did you stop by uninvited on a Sunday night at 9 pm?

  13. What is wrong with Obama carpetbaggers? They have every right to stay on in our community and run your local election!

  14. WOW! The way Munsey is attacking this woman for saying NO NO NO is this the leadership Democrats want for their party? Beware ladies and gentlemen the Republicans have Mezzacappa and the Democrats have Munsey!

  15. Funny, I've been researching this issue and found that you were featured center place at the last democratic committee chairman election Bernie.

    Two questions... Did they ever end up kicking you out and is there a Matt Munsey/Mike laws connection? Laws was last to challenge Garvin.

  16. 11:31 Research on and take note that the committee reorganization is open to the PUBLIC. No one is kicked out. The only person who can vote is the elected committee person. Maybe the rules are different in VIRGINIA!

  17. Mstt Munsey is a really dedicated, hard worker. Northampton's loss last fall wasn't because of him as he put a ton of effort into presenting all the candidates and getting out the vote. Matt is not nutty, he is not sneaky and I don't know where you are getting your info.

  18. I think Joe Cap won a county seat. Is he a Garvin or Munsey supporter.

  19. "Mstt Munsey is a really dedicated, hard worker. Northampton's loss last fall wasn't because of him as he put a ton of effort into presenting all the candidates and getting out the vote. Matt is not nutty, he is not sneaky and I don't know where you are getting your info."

    If he was responsible for turning out the vote in Easton, he failed horribly.

  20. "I think Joe Cap won a county seat. Is he a Garvin or Munsey supporter."

    He will support whomever he thinks can do the most for him. In truth, neither can. That's my whole point. Why people get worked up over these matters is hilarious.

  21. "Two questions... Did they ever end up kicking you out and is there a Matt Munsey/Mike laws connection? Laws was last to challenge Garvin."

    I was never formally expelled. Garvin just didn't count my votes. As foir a Laws Muncy connection, I have no idea whether that is still true. These guys shift loyalties more often than Mezzacappa files lawsuits.

  22. "Two questions... Did they ever end up kicking you out and is there a Matt Munsey/Mike laws connection? Laws was last to challenge Garvin."

    I was never formally expelled. Garvin just didn't count my votes. As foir a Laws Muncy connection, I have no idea whether that is still true. These guys shift loyalties more often than Mezzacappa files lawsuits.

  23. Dem's lose because of non entities like Garvin. the fact you endorse him is amazing. he is a Joe Long clone and under his leadership Northampton county has gone to the Republicans. Easton went solid Democrat last year. Bethlehem split between Republican and Democrat, that was the big problem. The rest of the county is now RED, thanks Walt.
    Bernie, the committee is now a group of posers who love titles and debate but don't do a damn thing. At least this guy backs up his talk with work.

    Why you are hating on him is strange. Someone got in your ear as is usually the case. You are being had once again and you should really double check all your information.

    Dem's don't care if the guy is from Alaska if he can produce. That is something that has been lacking from the party for years.

  24. I don't support Garvin and agree that he is a poser. That is my point. One group of posers is trying to replace another. In the end, it means noting. The local party structure is not what gets anyone elected. The only persons who take this seriously are people like Munsey and Garvin.

  25. Cartwright is in trouble with knuckleheads like Munsey! He sure took Cappozollo for a ride and secretly backed Arrand. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid believing he is helping the party. The only one he is helping is himself and his girlfriend.

  26. There is a cadre of party nuts like Wallace, Alteri and some others that care more about the committee and how it helps "them" then they do about the party and how it helps Democratic candidates other then themselves.

    I will give Munsey credit, he is smart and works for voter turnout. Garvin likes to host events and make speeches.
    The attacks on the Cartwright workers sounds like some angry people who blame their own failures on others. By the way Cartwright did not convince Capo to run. Give it a rest Barney Rubble you lost to as better candidate.

  27. Joe Cap ran on his own accord, win or lose.
    Nobody from the slate belt listens to people from easton or scranton. Or Nazareth for that matter.

  28. Joe, you are stupid enough to have deluded yourself into thinking you ran of your own accord.

  29. "I will give Munsey credit, he is smart and works for voter turnout. Garvin likes to host events and make speeches.
    The attacks on the Cartwright workers sounds like some angry people who blame their own failures on others. By the way Cartwright did not convince Capo to run. Give it a rest Barney Rubble you lost to as better candidate."

    Nobody said Cartwright conned Capozzolo into running. Some have said Munsey did. He denied this when i asked him.

    Munsey is smart and is smart enough to pull a play like this, knowing that Aurand would win in a 3-way but lose head-to-head against Parsons.

    Also, he did a shitty job -of getting the vote out in Easton in the last election. So if you want to blame Garvin, blame Munsey, too.

    I don't really care who you pick bc these party structures no longer mean anything. Their races are about as meaningful as high school class president.

  30. As a county R, I wholeheartedly support Matt's rise to power and urge all county Ds to do the same. His performance in getting out the Easton vote last November is legendary in R circles. Run Matt. Run.

  31. 6:41. Maybe that is or was his plan, get Garvin to fail, take over. Divide and conquer is his Mackevelian Motto

  32. Could this be Sal Panto's pick? Sal's a crackerjack operative. And he'll get a proper invitation to Pawlowski's gubernatorial swearing in.

  33. Please allow me to share my thoughts. It seems to me that the Norco dems were much better organized and effective when Joe was the party chair and Jack was the city chair. There was more volunteers usually from the rank and file union workers. Walt and other organizers were much more effective when they were further down the food chain. Seemed like the Norco party were solidly moderate democrats. Now with the election of Obama and the exit of Joe the party appears to have shifted left. That in my view dosent sit well with the vast number of moderate Dems we have in this area. Union leadership may tow the national party line but the rank and file are a different story. Presently seems like theirs too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Dems will do well with their coalition in contrast to the extreme right of rep but need all the volunteers they can get to get the base out. The election of Brown was do to the Norco party and the local dem voters overconfidence that callahan was a sure thing. The party get togethers shouldnt all be about drinking and bullshitting. A little more serious about GOTV

  34. Should have stated that the drinking and bullshitting remark was one of the top responses I got from friends when i asked if they helped out with their Dem party organization

  35. You have got to be kidding! Joe Long is the one who created this mess in the Dem Party. he begot all the obnoxious young Dem's like Barron. Dertinger, McClure, Garvin are his step-children. He anointed Garvin as his successor.

    He helped launch J. Casino's political career that took all
    Dem's down in flames.

    Face it the Democrats in the county cannot have flawed candidates like John Callahan head a ticket and win. All the money in the world won't hide bullshiot. Ask Virginia.

  36. Anon 12:51, as much as you would like to tie Callahan and Long together, there just is not much there. Callahan ran independent of the party establishment when he ran for City Council in 1998, and against the party establishment when he first ran for Mayor. Delgrosso was the choice of the party. Long only jumped on board after he won.

    Bernie is correct when he says the majority of candidates run independently of the party. Guys like Morganelli, Donchez, Boscola, Samuelson, Freeman and Reynolds ran without the need for the party support. These guys more or less prop up the party, as opposed to the other way around.

  37. Tonight's the night, you going to report on the action Bernie?

  38. Don't know. They can't keep me out bc the meeting is at the courthouse. on the other hand, I missed two basketball games this week and those are two games i'll never see. If it rains, I'll be there.

  39. Long was out pushing Callahan for Mayor the first time around. He was in the thick of his campaign. In fact he was festooned with Callahan buttons and was bad mouthing Delgrosso and anyone else who didn't agree with him. Stop re-writing history.


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