Local Government TV

Monday, June 30, 2014

What Pseudonyms Does Mezzacappa Use?

Can you help out?  Tricia Mezzacappa is unable to post at The Express Times under her own name. Her account was suspended after she repeatedly wrote about how "perfect" it would be to put a few hollow point bullets through my skull. She's created a plethora of other names, and injects herself into numerous stories.

Matt Dees is rightfully upset at being defamed by Tricia Mezzacappa at Lehigh Valley Live's Stickergate story.. He and I have both flagged the offensive comment that she posted, posing as Sparticus.

I intend to subpoena the registration information for Sparticus, as well as the other names she has created. That way she can be called on to account for her lies, which are spewed as a form of harassment.

I'm aware that she uses Sparticus, tictactoe, Matteodefault, and blueberries. If you are aware of any others, please list them in a comment below.

Updated 10 AM: The Express Times has thankfully removed the defamatory comment posted by Sparticus.


  1. Wait I thought Blueberries was you, o no wait that's what people call your jewels.

  2. So is Marty "Jeeves" Dees going to retain little Napoleon Dynamite AKA Sick'O-Rick'O for the wild goose chase? Pretty sure Dees can't get much out of a libel suit because his name is synonymous with guano in the little hamlet of West Easton, most of the slams probably come from locals who have had cats "humanely" captured by the short bus driving E-Guru.

    When you waddle around each council meeting carrying water for the local family dynasty it doesn't impress, quite the opposite people know he's a huckster of sorts.

  3. I know 68,177.45 reasons why you should be concerned. Once we serve your mother, maybe she'll get you some help while writing us our check.

  4. These two are her.
    Truth Seeker

  5. You are really obsessed with this woman,are you two married?

  6. She blatantly defames me and another, we both take exception, and she accuses me pf being obsessed. Look in a mirror.

  7. This woman is so far gone there is no return. Hope the judge flushes her juvenile attempt for a "do-over" in the case you won against her.

    It's totally warped how she claims you are obsessed, you are stalking her, you are hypocritical. A woman scorned is one thing. A psychotic woman scorned is 50 levels up.

    She wrote the definition of each of these. She is unbalanced and a danger to you, her list of other targets, and society.

    As someone above wrote, she is Porcine Princess on ET. That means something to do with dead pigs, and something to do with princess, something this deluded person bears no resemblance to whatsoever. A cherished life? Hardly. How many people are seeking to step into her shoes?

    Oh wait, her shoes are gone. They were taken when she sold everything to pay her legal judgments. Snap, crackle, dump, as the CrAzY woman would say.

  8. 12:39 - there's no way you're an adult.

  9. Gary Ridgeway
    Hero of Maxia

  10. uh uh. You can say that as your furniture is removed, including your gold.

  11. Scrotie McBoogerballs?

  12. 1945Bernie, SCORPION 30 fits the mold. on ET about shooting by hoods two days ago .


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